Update 28-4-2011
You only need to change him once though, to mesmer.
how come the update is still not live
Regina Buenaobra
So, Massively is putting this information out, and still I see nothing about it on the official site or blog.
Fansites shouldn't be beating you to the punch on this, ANet. I'm sure this wasn't a leak, persay, and it's not like it's a surprise that GW is reaching its sixth anniversary around this time, so I see no reason for official notices on the blog, website, or in-game to have been nonexistent up until now. |
Shayne Hawke
Most likely the event will not start until about noon PDT today, which is in about ~35 mins from now.
The issue is that in the past, events like these would muster a response from ANet about a week in advance in the form of a notice on the front page of the official website and in-game. Maybe they wouldn't tell us everything new that was set to be in the update or come out with the festival, but they did inform players that it was happening, and it did make it seem like a big deal.
Now, ANet is relatively silent. The biggest burst of information about today's update came first from fansites instead of official word-of-mouth, and it came today. I am aware that Stéphane and Stumme have both made mentions of the anniversary celebration starting today on this forum in the past week, but why was it done like that (as a response to the question being posed, by the way) instead of having the official site and in-game announcements decked out as was usual? It just seems like a really bad time to be neglecting something like this.
Okay, so put up a cookie-cutter festival announcement on the official page saying, "Hey, it's the Sixth Birthday Celebration, and we're going to bring back all of that fun stuff that we've always had for every other festival like this, plus some special surprises!" Then, you can go off to your media outlets and fansites with the goodies that will be coming out and let them spoil all of those for us when the start of the festival is at the players' heels. In the meantime though, everyone at least knows it's coming, and not just because it happened last year and the year before and the year before, but because you guys have actually come out and said, "Yes, we are still having a birthday celebration in GW, because it's still a big deal."
I couldn't care less for the Galrath quest getting a hard mode version. Or well, if the reward is good enough I'll consider doing it.
So, the first hard mode quest is slated to be Villainy of Galrath. Might I ask then, what was stopping you from toggling hard mode and doing this quest versus a hard-mode-quest? Any bets on whether this will allow you to do both or is it as redundant as it sounds...
I hate to admit it, but the only character I own that has Razah is my paragon. I think I'm going to change Razah to a paragon for more shouting! Now I need to get Hayda to complete the team.
Mesmers Are Bad
This seems like a really cool update to me, even though there aren't going to be sixth year minis. I am hopeful that we'll actually get some people to group up and check out all the new stuff, and the fact that razah is a free merc is pretty awesome.
Now all we need is for somebody to shine the Karate Jesus signal into the sky over texas.
Now all we need is for somebody to shine the Karate Jesus signal into the sky over texas.
Apparently the leak was on purpose, but it's wierd to read it on Guru first. I thought it was a trolling at first.
Looks like no event today and GW2 released in 2017. Anet sure has got punctuality nailed down pat.
Skyy High
So, the first hard mode quest is slated to be Villainy of Galrath. Might I ask then, what was stopping you from toggling hard mode and doing this quest versus a hard-mode-quest? Any bets on whether this will allow you to do both or is it as redundant as it sounds...
2) That's not an option for players who already completed it long ago, in NM.
3) Repeatable? Maybe...
Shayne Hawke
So, the first hard mode quest is slated to be Villainy of Galrath. Might I ask then, what was stopping you from toggling hard mode and doing this quest versus a hard-mode-quest? Any bets on whether this will allow you to do both or is it as redundant as it sounds...
We sometimes coordinate with and work with media outlets such as Massively and Curse on exclusive previews and interviews to help promote an event.
We are still waiting for an update and none have a clue when it actually will come. Normally it would have come 39 minutes ago, if we consider the normal update hours
Order of Nature
Oh golly. Of course they put everything on sale for 50%. Blimey me, just bought a character slot because I was able to finally. Oh the woe is I... Maybe I'll buy another one...
heck I had to read the spanish site info to find out when this even was going to END....
AT LEAST the starting and ending should have been prior knowledge enough to get SOMETHING up ingame, etc.
AT LEAST the starting and ending should have been prior knowledge enough to get SOMETHING up ingame, etc.
Ghull Ka
Shayne Hawke
About time, I was going to be one sad panda if I had to get home today and not be able to race.
On an unrelated note, I just read the lore behind the Flux. I laughed. Nice to see how these unresloved plot elements always seem to show up in the most unexpeted places.
I will be especially intrigued if the Flux ends up in DA and RBR, somehow. Nevermind, that won't happen. I forgot, ANet doesn't think Gamer arenas are PvP.
On an unrelated note, I just read the lore behind the Flux. I laughed. Nice to see how these unresloved plot elements always seem to show up in the most unexpeted places.
I will be especially intrigued if the Flux ends up in DA and RBR, somehow. Nevermind, that won't happen. I forgot, ANet doesn't think Gamer arenas are PvP.
Kc Quipor Ultra
just asked stephane if the build will come soon ... he said to wait a bit more
No new build yet though.
Sir Cusfreak
My feelings about Stumme-era GW are definitely better today...challenging content finally? glad to hear it. Hell, non-solo content finally? great!
Fixing the in-store advantage mercs provided is a big one. THIS is definitely the right direction. Theres an awful lot of terrible decisions this live team has made that I *hate*. But, this does at least ease that some.
I can't say I really like the no-mini decision; not what I would have chosen, cause it kinda screws the poeple still working on HoMs, and is just a tradition that a lot of people looked forward to - but its not one of the things I would say is awful. It's ok.
Good job (mostly), and Happy Birthday.
(Now remove the damn Kath Hammer BS and the approval scale could move all the way over to the favorable side...mostly)
Fixing the in-store advantage mercs provided is a big one. THIS is definitely the right direction. Theres an awful lot of terrible decisions this live team has made that I *hate*. But, this does at least ease that some.
I can't say I really like the no-mini decision; not what I would have chosen, cause it kinda screws the poeple still working on HoMs, and is just a tradition that a lot of people looked forward to - but its not one of the things I would say is awful. It's ok.
Good job (mostly), and Happy Birthday.
(Now remove the damn Kath Hammer BS and the approval scale could move all the way over to the favorable side...mostly)
Kc Quipor Ultra
so why dont they post here instead of us hearing from someone else?
Malchior Devenholm
not sure what that new build did, maybe just birthday presents?
Kc Quipor Ultra
Deviant Angel
The cupcakes are a lie!
Kc Quipor Ultra
Again, what advantage? I've yet to hear of any team build that REQUIRES Mercenary Heroes to succeed (ie, that would go *splat* if you replaced primaries with secondaries to get to the amount of a profession that was desired), nor of any farming speed gains, nor even getting through regular content faster than is already possible (beyond levels 2-9 in Nightfall, where you'd have to do without leveling Koss, Melonni, Dunkoro and/or Talkhora - which would be bad since they're required to progress the story).
Don't rehash that argument here.
Skyy High
Guess you must not know that the whole reason people hold secondaries in their logs is farmability, not rewards.
Come on, already. "People" do, in fact, complete quests. "People" do, in fact, do content for reasons other than farming. "People" do, in fact, do content in NM, and then go back and play in HM, and it is for those "people" that HM quests would actually be appealing.
9:01 and still nothing , some areas it will soon be the 29th
Who are "people"? Are you under the impression that most players don't actually complete quests, just in case they want to farm them at some point in the future? Do you also believe that most players didn't do one of the most famous quests in the game, just so they could redo it in a harder difficulty mode that was released years after said quest?
Come on, already. "People" do, in fact, complete quests. "People" do, in fact, do content for reasons other than farming. "People" do, in fact, do content in NM, and then go back and play in HM, and it is for those "people" that HM quests would actually be appealing. |
9:01 and still nothing , some areas it will soon be the 29th
Edit: But that was probably obvious to you haha
Professor K
Well, at least Razah basically becoming a free "Mercenary" (from a gameplay point of view) will be one less thing for the boo hoo in-game store advantage people to whine about.
You'll need to have completed the quest in normal mode first, after which you can talk to Firstwatch Sergio while in hard mode. |