Originally Posted by Vincent Evan
"All good things must come to an end.
I feel like I'm the only one here who is at ease with them shifting resources to Guild Wars 2. This game is seven years and truly had an amazing run. In my opinion Guild Wars was an industrial symbol but just because of the praise it deserves, people shouldn't act obsessive. ArenaNet said they would continue to support the game but that was it. I don't know how someone could detract updates or new content from that in the very first place. I can't wait for Guild Wars 2 to come out simply because it is a new game. I'm ready for this new chapter in my gaming history and I really believe that those who still hold to this game are acting foolish. This game has also been my love but there is no point in staying on a sinking ship. Clearly they've made enough profit off of this money and that is what ArenaNet wanted. They are not our next door neighbor or a parent who unconditionally loves us, but rather a company. They are profit motivated and they reaped what they got. They were very courteous and gave us extra content, which in my opinion, was way beyond all the money I spent on this game, but just because they showered us with extra treats does not mean that they pare particularly obligated to. They care about their fan base but as a company, they will set their eyes on our cash. It isn't evil but a way of modern society.
alot act like GW is no longer a part of anet's profit, or act like GW no longer is important
remember: GW2 is a different game, same story(but then years later), but different game
why should they leave GW floating and ignore its playerbase? it can be a nice source of profit if they continue to add stuff (not just gifts and such, but also elona content and such)
2 games is better than 1 game, so if they support both with full (as far as possible after GW2's release) attention, then both games give nice profit
also, why should GW be left alone only cuz its 7 years old?
why should GW be left alone only cuz no other MMO has made it through 7 years like this? (maybe a few did, i dunno)
should they make enough profit out of GW2 they could even make another GW expansion, or just keep smaller but still big updates, depending on how many stay in/come to GW after GW2's release
its not like older games should be left alone cuz there's a new one
* "left alone" means in this case, that its online, but not being made better/bigger (whether its a whole expansion or another ingame content) *
so dont talk GW to its grave, as that would have bad effect on anet's income, like people new in GW would think like: oh its dying.... bye
besides, GW is the only MMO(i know, its named CORPG) which really made me play for this long, its that good
should anet keep going on with GW while also having GW2 released, their income would be enormous, as people can play both without worrying about fees (1 of the few times i compare GW to other MMO's)
and GW has nice ingame store stuff which they can make bigger over time, also nice addition
so whats better?
1. GW being left online without further attention, and people leaving the game
2. GW and GW2 both getting alot of attention (GW2 more, but GW enough for the players) making people who DO like the game stay in GW AND buy/play GW2 PLUS buying ingame store stuff (not all, but alot will) in both games, instead of 1
you say it... i think its nr2
also 1 more thing: there are people who left GW and now wont buy GW2 cuz they either have not much faith in anet as GW is kinda less updated than before, or they found a game (or more games) where updates keep coming
i've seen perfect world games, and PWi is old (the game Perfect World), yet people still play that game AND their newer games
so its possible to keep people joining, playing AND paying for extra stuff in GW
and then PWi is less advanced than GW (except has more .... dungeons(?) )
so GW can survive much longer if they do it right
now they give GW2 more attention, but after GW2 has really started to live effectively, they can just get more out of GW
i for 1 stay in GW, and prolly buy more storage tabs and maybe char slots and merc hero slots
then i may buy future costumes if i like em, and if GW ever gets more expansions, i surely buy em
so GW dying money-wise? nah, just community-wise ATM
i know enough others who'll play both btw, including my reallife sister and friend
(and some GW friends, plus others i heard it from when seeing them)
dont worry, if they do it right (and i have enough faith in em) they can make more than enough profit from GW even after GW2, like giving more stuff (once they got the time and space again)