Anyone else just got a perma ban?
Everytime I read this thread I'm scared that I'm banned the next time I'm logging in judging by the number of people that got banned while apparently doing nothing wrong.
Same here. Even though I hardly play anymore I'd be more than pissed if it ended that way for me without doing anything wrong.
Surge goes pre
Welp, this has turned into quite the fiasco. Discovered I was banned the other day, and there's an autoban in place on me, currently doing a test to see if it's HWID or IP based.
Apparently all of the accounts that I logged into in the past month are banned. I have a buddy that gets me accounts for free, so I do kind of have an ungodly amount. (Think 30+, more than I could ever run at once, I only really used them to smurf and /dance * in towns occasionally) But didn't do anything illegitimate, just afked on rings with 6 or 7 accounts. Also I was playing on one account and occasionally saying a message in multiple districts with another.
Pretty odd stuff, but I'd say I look pretty guilty in their eyes regardless. Oh well, I only play for the events now anyway.
Apparently all of the accounts that I logged into in the past month are banned. I have a buddy that gets me accounts for free, so I do kind of have an ungodly amount. (Think 30+, more than I could ever run at once, I only really used them to smurf and /dance * in towns occasionally) But didn't do anything illegitimate, just afked on rings with 6 or 7 accounts. Also I was playing on one account and occasionally saying a message in multiple districts with another.
Pretty odd stuff, but I'd say I look pretty guilty in their eyes regardless. Oh well, I only play for the events now anyway.
Melanie Mckenzie
Even though I'm real happy I was unbanned, I dont feel I can really play anymore. I'm too scared of being flagged for absolutely no reason again. Am I really not allowed to use texmod? Is multilaunch not OK anymore? We need answers here. Since it has been previously stated that both texmod and multilaunch are perfectly fine to use, if their view has changed we need to know about it. Either way, I'm not touching either until we have any idea of their views at the moment. Guess I'll have to walk from room to room if I ever want to trade something from one account to another, because obviously doing that rather than just doing it on one computer is less of a problem, somehow. -.- I dont get that logic. Youd think theyre able to tell the difference between me trading something over or opening the gate in pre and logging off again, and abusing multiple accounts (which is most definitely not something I've ever done).
I'm terrified of even farming now, I'm terrified of being logged in at all. All trust I had in this company has just been shattered.
I'm terrified of even farming now, I'm terrified of being logged in at all. All trust I had in this company has just been shattered.
Lord Asakurra
Even though I'm real happy I was unbanned, I dont feel I can really play anymore. I'm too scared of being flagged for absolutely no reason again. Am I really not allowed to use texmod? Is multilaunch not OK anymore? We need answers here. Since it has been previously stated that both texmod and multilaunch are perfectly fine to use, if their view has changed we need to know about it. Either way, I'm not touching either until we have any idea of their views at the moment. Guess I'll have to walk from room to room if I ever want to trade something from one account to another, because obviously doing that rather than just doing it on one computer is less of a problem, somehow. -.- I dont get that logic. Youd think theyre able to tell the difference between me trading something over or opening the gate in pre and logging off again, and abusing multiple accounts (which is most definitely not something I've ever done).
I'm terrified of even farming now, I'm terrified of being logged in at all. All trust I had in this company has just been shattered. |
As excited as I am to get my accounts back, I'm skeptical as to whether to log on to my storage alts at the same time...
Oh, and check your banks, those who were innocently banned. I'm missing half my darkwing collection as well as ~600 armbraces IIRC...
My bank was okay when I logged in and checked it out. I wasn't sure if there was a roll back so I wanted to see. That sucks you lost a bunch of stuff.
Still haven't checked on the other accounts of mine, I can assume they are free since all my accounts were banned at the same time but who knows. I don't want to check because I don't want to log in too many accounts consecutively.
Still haven't checked on the other accounts of mine, I can assume they are free since all my accounts were banned at the same time but who knows. I don't want to check because I don't want to log in too many accounts consecutively.
Melanie Mckenzie
I checked my banks yesterday, everything is still there.
Not that theres much to delete, I've never exactly been a rich player. I'm just proud of having 1 set of obbi for myself, and having bought 1 set for hubby. No extra ecto laying around, let alone armbraces =P I'm bad at saving up.
Not that theres much to delete, I've never exactly been a rich player. I'm just proud of having 1 set of obbi for myself, and having bought 1 set for hubby. No extra ecto laying around, let alone armbraces =P I'm bad at saving up.
I only used texmod so no idea if that is a no-no now, I do use 2 separate computers (not multilaunch etc) to play--and they got me in the 2nd and 3rd it may not be could to have 2 computers at the same ip (and they should be able to tell from my specs that my computers are totally different---one is xp sp ONE the other is xp sp THREE) so my ip would be the same.
and did check most of my accounts when I got back in--didnt see anything different that I didnt remember doing (though it had been about a month since I had been on)
and yep, waaay too scared to play, only checked out stuff in an outpost on a few characters.
and now noticed that the 7 day and older thread is back to 3 day--and no they did not respond to my ticket at all either.
and did check most of my accounts when I got back in--didnt see anything different that I didnt remember doing (though it had been about a month since I had been on)
and yep, waaay too scared to play, only checked out stuff in an outpost on a few characters.
and now noticed that the 7 day and older thread is back to 3 day--and no they did not respond to my ticket at all either.
Zahr Dalsk
Even though I'm real happy I was unbanned, I dont feel I can really play anymore. I'm too scared of being flagged for absolutely no reason again. Am I really not allowed to use texmod? Is multilaunch not OK anymore? We need answers here. Since it has been previously stated that both texmod and multilaunch are perfectly fine to use, if their view has changed we need to know about it. Either way, I'm not touching either until we have any idea of their views at the moment. Guess I'll have to walk from room to room if I ever want to trade something from one account to another, because obviously doing that rather than just doing it on one computer is less of a problem, somehow. -.- I dont get that logic. Youd think theyre able to tell the difference between me trading something over or opening the gate in pre and logging off again, and abusing multiple accounts (which is most definitely not something I've ever done).
I'm terrified of even farming now, I'm terrified of being logged in at all. All trust I had in this company has just been shattered. |
If he sticks around then you would have cause to worry.
Lord Asakurra
Welp, too bad the account restoration has been gone since the game was launched... Oh well, I had no use for all that anyway, guess I'll just work on titles...
I logged in yesterdy did 2 BHs and logged in today np.I didn't use GWx2 but I do need to.
Kimmie Kitty
Title Points R Us
Are they banning for cybering now ?
I find it interesting that before the bans, gold sellers was roaming free in GW. Whenever you checked Party Search in American districts, there they were. I even saw them appear in Yak's Bend, of all places. Now, did Chris did anything about this?
Same with all the JQ-bots I heard of, but since I never PvP:ed other than AB years ago, I can't confirm that myself. But it seemed like such easy tasks for him, with all the ingame report against bots and scammers.
Same with all the JQ-bots I heard of, but since I never PvP:ed other than AB years ago, I can't confirm that myself. But it seemed like such easy tasks for him, with all the ingame report against bots and scammers.
Kimmie Kitty
Lord Asakurra
I find it interesting that before the bans, gold sellers was roaming free in GW. Whenever you checked Party Search in American districts, there they were. I even saw them appear in Yak's Bend, of all places. Now, did Chris did anything about this?
Same with all the JQ-bots I heard of, but since I never PvP:ed other than AB years ago, I can't confirm that myself. But it seemed like such easy tasks for him, with all the ingame report against bots and scammers. |
...and no one from the company is saying anything 
we have bunches of people too afraid to log in and more people being banned---
and still I ask: has anyone who belonged to the mass banning/unbanning been rebanned as of yet?

we have bunches of people too afraid to log in and more people being banned---
and still I ask: has anyone who belonged to the mass banning/unbanning been rebanned as of yet?
So far so good, still not banned. I'm still afraid to even step into the HA outpost though. Especially if I go afk and look like a sitting alt account.
Title Points R Us
haven't heard of any rebans yet. Still hoping on 1 more acc of 5 to get unbanned myself.
Melanie Mckenzie
Not been rebanned so far, but then again, how could they even flag me as I'm too afraid to log on for more than a few minutes. This is giving me absolutely stupid amounts of stress.. I want to keep going for GWAMM, but at the same time I'm just too scared of all my work being flushed away again without reason.
Blue Inferno Master
it is looking like 99% of the ppl that did botting and sync/exploiting are the ones getting accounts back. I do kno this is 100% wrong that ppl that did nothing wrong still don't have accounts accounts back no matter how many it is that were ban. the number of "corrupted" players vs the wrongly ban players is not even 20% I am willing to bet they should do a mass unban and then run back threw this post and the ppl that were guilty of botting should get reban
I am not sure why there are still players banned when as you say many of the botters got their accounts back, I DO know that many of the people who were completely innocent also got unbanned--those that are left? No ideas why they are still banned (or when they will re-ban the botters of which I am NOT one--I do not pvp and have no idea what I would be botting).
We have NO answers and plenty more questions than we did even a day ago. Why are they banning more people when they can obviously see the pvp bots? (as people have pointed out---I will take their word for that as I do not pvp nor plan on setting foot in jq or fa until this is waay over and even then I have no reason to go to either place as the only reason I would would be for carto and I think I really dont need to do that any more, I will just delete the zquests from my quest list for those places). What caused all the folks to be banned in the first place and why were most of them unbanned? Are they even bothering to look into this?
All I know is that there are a lot of unhappy folks, some are too scared to play, others are still angry at being banned erroneously ...and then we have some happy botters (havent heard from them), who are going along as if nothing happened.
So as my husband suggested: lay low until this is over (when that will be? heaven only knows)....guess I am going to play some more alpha centurai this weekend or perhaps watch a dr who marathon...
We have NO answers and plenty more questions than we did even a day ago. Why are they banning more people when they can obviously see the pvp bots? (as people have pointed out---I will take their word for that as I do not pvp nor plan on setting foot in jq or fa until this is waay over and even then I have no reason to go to either place as the only reason I would would be for carto and I think I really dont need to do that any more, I will just delete the zquests from my quest list for those places). What caused all the folks to be banned in the first place and why were most of them unbanned? Are they even bothering to look into this?
All I know is that there are a lot of unhappy folks, some are too scared to play, others are still angry at being banned erroneously ...and then we have some happy botters (havent heard from them), who are going along as if nothing happened.
So as my husband suggested: lay low until this is over (when that will be? heaven only knows)....guess I am going to play some more alpha centurai this weekend or perhaps watch a dr who marathon...
Title Points R Us
it is looking like 99% of the ppl that did botting and sync/exploiting are the ones getting accounts back. I do kno this is 100% wrong that ppl that did nothing wrong still don't have accounts accounts back no matter how many it is that were ban. the number of "corrupted" players vs the wrongly ban players is not even 20% I am willing to bet they should do a mass unban and then run back threw this post and the ppl that were guilty of botting should get reban
it is looking like 99% of the ppl that did botting and sync/exploiting are the ones getting accounts back. I do kno this is 100% wrong that ppl that did nothing wrong still don't have accounts accounts back no matter how many it is that were ban. the number of "corrupted" players vs the wrongly ban players is not even 20% I am willing to bet they should do a mass unban and then run back threw this post and the ppl that were guilty of botting should get reban
Pre surge goes
At the very least an apology from Chris Cleary would be nice. If this guy wants to brag about being a tough guy on the internet and banning bots amongst friends that's one thing, but to be so flippant about it publicly was just salt in the wound. This guy should know his remarks in public reflect on the company that he works for. And that this type of egomaniacal behavior only serves to drive a wedge between the company and the player base. If you're that needy of attention that you need to brag about banning bots, do it offline. I'm not impressed when one does the job he's being paid for and then feels the need to tweet "Hey look, I'm doing my job!" I'm impressed when one does what he's being paid to do and acts in a professional manner. /rant
100% fully agree with this. When I looked up shazbawts twitter after reading here who was banning us, I was utterly shocked and appalled. This is no way for a professional to act. I wonder, does Arenanet know about his behavior on twitter? Acting so smug about doing his job, and doing his job badly, is very disgusting behavior. Lets just say this man is lucky punches dont go through internet cables. I was absolutely LIVID to see him brag like that, althewhile ADMITTING that he enjoys botting himself. He's done more botting than most people hes banned! Since ynow, most people he had banned didnt touch one, at all, ever.
It looks completely unprofessional, and really makes me wonder if anet looked at who they were hiring at all. He makes himself come off as a child by bragging over something he shouldnt have done (ban innocent accounts), which isnt a good look for someone that's supposed to be a team lead. Hell, I know plenty children with better judgement. |
As luck would have it, I still managed to screenshot part of one of his Twitter posts while it was still in another tab. Let's take a look

This guy is a our game security lead at ArenaNet. We're all fuct.** TRANSLATION **
Player: "How are you planning to deal with all the innocent accounts you falsely banned?"
Shazbawt: "In order to catch the bots and hackers I'll have to ban a few legitimate accounts as well."
Player: "It bugs me that you've banned innocent accounts."
Shazbawt: "I can ban innocent accounts. Because EULA."
Even though I'm real happy I was unbanned, I dont feel I can really play anymore. I'm too scared of being flagged for absolutely no reason again. Am I really not allowed to use texmod? Is multilaunch not OK anymore? We need answers here. Since it has been previously stated that both texmod and multilaunch are perfectly fine to use, if their view has changed we need to know about it. Either way, I'm not touching either until we have any idea of their views at the moment. Guess I'll have to walk from room to room if I ever want to trade something from one account to another, because obviously doing that rather than just doing it on one computer is less of a problem, somehow. -.- I dont get that logic. Youd think theyre able to tell the difference between me trading something over or opening the gate in pre and logging off again, and abusing multiple accounts (which is most definitely not something I've ever done).
I'm terrified of even farming now, I'm terrified of being logged in at all. All trust I had in this company has just been shattered. |
Chris Cleary is also very distraught about what he's done this week. So much so that he'll be flying down to Santa Clara, California to watch the game, in order to punish himself.
...and no one from the company is saying anything
![]() we have bunches of people too afraid to log in and more people being banned--- and still I ask: has anyone who belonged to the mass banning/unbanning been rebanned as of yet? |
I'm going to try playing again. I shouldn't have to wait around for their security lead to lose his job before I can play Guild Wars safely. Two accounts here, no bots, no 3rd party programs. I'll let you guys know if I get re-banned.
Blue Inferno Master
Because they they were actually reported. Everyone complained about them but didn't take the time to take screens & report them manually. Or they'd be banned still. So since that wasn't the case they just look like innocents & get unban. They'll probably unban more once they have time.
I took screens and many of them to prove my point , ppl selling in game items for rl cash and nothing was done several times...
you are a botter. all of this crap is bc of ppl like you. and the EULA states that if someone that owns an account is breaking the rules ALL OF THE PERSONS ACCOUNTS ARE ALSO GUILTY bc the person themselves are guilty. myself and my wife, my uncle,my aunt and my cuz never once broke the rules and now bc of botters like "Wildstar" all of us innocent players have to suffer while the botters get to keep playing the game. no that's wrong. the innocent players should b back on enjoying the game and not the botters
You should consider calming down and taking a break to smell the fresh air. At this point you're not adding anything to this ongoing conversation but hostility. Relax bud, be patient, and your accounts will be un-banned eventually.
Also to touch on something you said
That is your opinion while many would say it's actually people who cried, bitched, and moaned about the botters who brought this "crap" upon the community.
Also to touch on something you said
That is your opinion while many would say it's actually people who cried, bitched, and moaned about the botters who brought this "crap" upon the community.
Blue Inferno Master
You should consider calming down and taking a break to smell the fresh air. At this point you're not adding anything to this ongoing conversation but hostility. Relax bud, be patient, and your accounts will be un-banned eventually.
Also to touch on something you said That is your opinion while many would say it's actually people who cried, bitched, and moaned about the botters who brought this "crap" upon the community. |
yes maybe I do need to calm down. I have a lot of money into the game along with some family and friends. this game is one of the many ways we stay connected from across the country and now its gone for us. due to the EULA. and ppl that broke it . or as you said " many would say it's actually people who cried, bitched, and moaned about the botters who brought this "crap" upon the community" and when someone that said "I am a botter" gets an account back that's a kick in the face to everyone that did nothing wrong. do u not agree?
K A O S Theory
It was the fact everyone and their mother was using a bot, under the impression that arenanet didnt care anymore.
Honestly they probably wouldn't have for the most part if the PvP / some of the SC community didn't go full retard over epeen titles and other insignificant rewards, trying not to point any fingers...
There is not much you can do other than give it time at this point..
Honestly they probably wouldn't have for the most part if the PvP / some of the SC community didn't go full retard over epeen titles and other insignificant rewards, trying not to point any fingers...
There is not much you can do other than give it time at this point..
The way they are handling this whole thing is making the WHOLE company look bad--even if the kid deleted his twits (and yes I mean twit the OLD meaning), they were still read and as we can see, copied for the rest of the world to continue seeing. The company needs to do something about what has been done, they need to tell the community what they plan to do about it and APOLOGIZE to the folks that got nuked due to the ignorance and arrogance of ONE individual. As a mod and now admin here, I understand that things I say will reflect on the company that I am representing (and that would be curse), I usually keep my hostility restrained (yes I have been unable to at times and have been scolded accordingly). ANY one who works for a company and uses any form of media to communicate about that company with said media should also follow those guidelines....Chris clearly did not, and due to his poor choices of posts, well, he pissed a lot of folks off. If you have been watching the us news recently--you will see that others who have used their authority for the wrong purposes RESIGNED ....rather than allow the company/office they represent get bad press. Perhaps he should.
Blue Inferno Master
K A O S Theory I agree and I am sry for being so rude to everyone. I am just rly upset that Players/owners of creditcards that accounts are linked to did nothing wrong and all still got perma ban. so I am going to bed to relax and I guess wait for a mail from GW customer support
Hello everyone,
I decided to join this forum today as a member as I have been following this thread since I got banned on the 17th. Me and my wife are both 55 yrs. old and on disability and this game is pretty much our lively hood like so many others. We were introduced to it through our nephew a few years ago and became addicted to it immediately and loved it so much that we got others in our family involved who couldn't afford it. so we bought them accounts and add-ons over the years through our credit card. At present, all total, 12 accounts are involved. and between buying through ebay, and gw store, well over 2000 dollars invested not to mention time. Like most people we never really read the EULA agreement just clicked the button and moved on, and took for granted all was good, like any other thing or game we downloaded, as we were conditioned, never even giving it a thought that anything like this would ever come about. One of the members made a mistake and accepted goods, from a botter, and got perma banned, and lost their account for muleing 2 years ago. Since then all of us have become aware, this is no joking matter, and kept our acts clean. We have used Tex mod and multi launch on a regular basis for the common things but never any bots. We had learned respect However I myself, after all I have leard from this thread, am pretty sure that the recent ban on the 17th was associated with that incident. Hence forth, according to EULA, we are all guilty. What I have learned through this thread is, it is really easy to become biased, and upset when losing so much. But, for most of us, its not just a game, its a comfort and a satisfaction we have invested a piece of our lives in. Some might say, "well good for you, that's what you deserve". And some will say, "no that isn't fair". We have all become aware, that this is a serious problem, and its obvious that no one knows how it will end. I can't help but think that ANET is having a hard time with sorting this out as well. I would hope that they can find a way to separate the serious problem of committed botters (death penalty)from total innocents (acquitted), and also come up with a way to help us, who have slightly tainted accounts repair our damage(probation) so we can still go on enjoying this game. Bottom line is, no matter what the out come, I know myself, I will probably never have again the love and enjoyment that I've experienced in this game. I've got to meet people, and help people from all over the world. And maybe it's just a game for some but for me it was, and still is, and always will be, a life changing experience for me and my family, including Blue Inferno Master (my nephew) who feels the same way, as I'm sure most of you do as well.
Thank You all at ANET, and all the devoted players for making this possible for us............WISH
I decided to join this forum today as a member as I have been following this thread since I got banned on the 17th. Me and my wife are both 55 yrs. old and on disability and this game is pretty much our lively hood like so many others. We were introduced to it through our nephew a few years ago and became addicted to it immediately and loved it so much that we got others in our family involved who couldn't afford it. so we bought them accounts and add-ons over the years through our credit card. At present, all total, 12 accounts are involved. and between buying through ebay, and gw store, well over 2000 dollars invested not to mention time. Like most people we never really read the EULA agreement just clicked the button and moved on, and took for granted all was good, like any other thing or game we downloaded, as we were conditioned, never even giving it a thought that anything like this would ever come about. One of the members made a mistake and accepted goods, from a botter, and got perma banned, and lost their account for muleing 2 years ago. Since then all of us have become aware, this is no joking matter, and kept our acts clean. We have used Tex mod and multi launch on a regular basis for the common things but never any bots. We had learned respect However I myself, after all I have leard from this thread, am pretty sure that the recent ban on the 17th was associated with that incident. Hence forth, according to EULA, we are all guilty. What I have learned through this thread is, it is really easy to become biased, and upset when losing so much. But, for most of us, its not just a game, its a comfort and a satisfaction we have invested a piece of our lives in. Some might say, "well good for you, that's what you deserve". And some will say, "no that isn't fair". We have all become aware, that this is a serious problem, and its obvious that no one knows how it will end. I can't help but think that ANET is having a hard time with sorting this out as well. I would hope that they can find a way to separate the serious problem of committed botters (death penalty)from total innocents (acquitted), and also come up with a way to help us, who have slightly tainted accounts repair our damage(probation) so we can still go on enjoying this game. Bottom line is, no matter what the out come, I know myself, I will probably never have again the love and enjoyment that I've experienced in this game. I've got to meet people, and help people from all over the world. And maybe it's just a game for some but for me it was, and still is, and always will be, a life changing experience for me and my family, including Blue Inferno Master (my nephew) who feels the same way, as I'm sure most of you do as well.
Thank You all at ANET, and all the devoted players for making this possible for us............WISH
Totally agree with you. Very similar to our "destiny". I am 57 years old, playing with the whole family since 2006. on 19th february all 6 accounts have been banned for 045 (third party program use) reason. Anet states that one account which was thoroughly analysed used a bot program therefor all were closed. By the EULA this kin liability might be correct, but in my opinion eminently unfair. No one related to a master acoount or playing on different pc's with independent accounts with one IP can ever be safe to be accused and punished for merely nothing.
I dont even have the knowledge for botting in any way, nor does my wife has
, just want to have fun out of the game. But we all know the law of Anet - we do what we want, and we are in the right!
At least I have to apologise a little bit, Anet considered the case and reopened 5 accounts. Thanks for that!! Unfortunately old daddy's (mine) remains terminated.
Can't figure out why this account should have used a third party program....
I will express my hope that will uban your accounts too.
Totally agree with you. Very similar to our "destiny". I am 57 years old, playing with the whole family since 2006. on 19th february all 6 accounts have been banned for 045 (third party program use) reason. Anet states that one account which was thoroughly analysed used a bot program therefor all were closed. By the EULA this kin liability might be correct, but in my opinion eminently unfair. No one related to a master acoount or playing on different pc's with independent accounts with one IP can ever be safe to be accused and punished for merely nothing.
I dont even have the knowledge for botting in any way, nor does my wife has

At least I have to apologise a little bit, Anet considered the case and reopened 5 accounts. Thanks for that!! Unfortunately old daddy's (mine) remains terminated.

I will express my hope that will uban your accounts too.
I feel sorry to those wrongly banned, but to seriously even consider that this could be the fault of those who say "hey you know what, these bots are ruining the game.". What an utterly idiotic opinion to even think. If anyone here actually have such an opinion I hope that they are grown up enough to place their anger where they should, with those who ruin the game for the legitimate players who actually enjoy logging in and having fun.