Woman gamers?



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

Originally Posted by eA-Zaku
Girl Gamer (voice chat): Hi guys!
UbEr HyPeR G0D | Cr0nIx ` says: omg its a gurl!!!
Zaku (Counter-Terrorist) says: stfu and get in position
UbEr HyPeR G0D | Cr0nIx ` says: where r u from?!?!?!?!
RiCe Boi S00p3r AzN|G-Un1T says: how old r u??
Lol, so true, so true...

Then again, it is annoying when every girl who joins the server starts in by bringing up their gender or having a name like Girlz Rule.

That said, I know many husband/wife teams in online games, my DoD clan has about 1:7 ratio of women to men, which isn't high, but then again it isn't a genre that women find as appealing I suspect (possibly thanks to conversations like the above). I know the married women in the clan love kicking their husbands' pants


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Uk, England.


Originally Posted by Cymboric Treewalker
BS Meter Reading: Off Scale High

Um... right.

I am a male. I can do many things at once. Sorry to blow your theory out of the wate, but *** BOOOM ***

Are there differences; yes.
Are they hard and fast; no.

Scientists have yet to figure out what is environmental and what is genetic... so in your example perhaps it is more prevalent due to environmental factors that women were able to multi-task, but not due to genetics.
Before you open your gob, learn to read. It's been proven and a lot of people have done studies on the things i have been saying.

It's not BS as you have obviously not even studied these type of things. And as I said in my first post, you need an open mind to these types of things.

With regards to what you can multi task. What are you able to do, breath, eat and drink all at once like most men.

Women are true multitaskers and they can take on most men at doing more than one thing at once. If it's not genetics, then it's biological.

There are ways to determine what men and women are truly capable of doing and in which fields, so before you start flaming your arse around get some facts first.

And WTF has it got to do with the environment??

As it proves from this post, you have very little study in this area and hardly any topics have been read on this by you, or you would have broader answers.

If you read what I have written clearly, there is a cross line between what both men and women can do. So, not even going to go into another topic on different sexual preferences, does it just happen or are we born that way. You have an answer for that, I would love to hear it.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Savannah, GA

Knights of Oasis


The enviroment around you? See, I manage a household with 3 boys.

Multi-tasking and learning how to handle the constant chaos is due to my enviroment of living in a household with 3 boys.

But I wouldnt lump all women together and say they can all multi-task better than men. However enivorment (ie, where you live, the things around you and not just the air you breath) DOES have an impact on you and is what I blame my grey streak on


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

College Station, TX

Kansas City Hotsteppers. Hawt!

And WTF has it got to do with the environment??
Easy. By the old standard a woman was supposed to clean the house and be the home maker.

This included ironing, cleaning, mopping, dusting, making lunch/dinner/breakfast, etc. and so forth.

That kind of environment promotes multi-tasking.

Edit: Baw, I type too slow.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Uk, England.


Originally Posted by Jedsia
The enviroment around you? See, I manage a household with 3 boys.

Multi-tasking and learning how to handle the constant chaos is due to my enviroment of living in a household with 3 boys.

But I wouldnt lump all women together and say they can all multi-task better than men. However enivorment (ie, where you live, the things around you and not just the air you breath) DOES have an impact on you.
I totally understand that, but the point i was getting too.

If a woman is reading, watching TV, doing the ironing, cooking all at the same time, she can still understand what is in the book, while keeping track of what is on the television(Who killed who etc), doesn't burn the clothes she is ironing and the cooking is done as well. Then if someone comes in and starts talking to her, she can still do all the other 4 and keep track. That is Multi tasking.

If a man works in the same environment as you have mentioned above, then yes, he can do those things, but if he tries what I just said above, I guarantee that he has to turn the sound down, turn off the Hob, put down the iron and close the book when someone starts talking to him, as he will have no idea what that person was just talking about if he was asked questions afterwards..

Proof of this is the fact, and this is fact, most women and keep 3 conversations going at once, even while talking to each of the ladies in the group about each conversation and still keep up with the others even though not directly talking to each lady.

A man does that, he is like what is everyone talking about. I just lost total focus on that one conversation and now I'm totally lost.

Hence the reason have man to man conversation. each takes his turn to speak.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Savannah, GA

Knights of Oasis


Originally Posted by Caco-Cola
Easy. By the old standard a woman was supposed to clean the house and be the home maker.
Old standard hehe. Well, yes much has changed. And most households are two income now. But giving the alarming rate of divorce and kids going home to an empty house after school....I find it refreshing that more and more mothers like me are able to make the financial sacrifice and stay home.

Of course, it would cost to put my kids in day care, then after school programs, day camps, etc...and be paying someone else to raise my kids. Why do that if I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself and just have to sacrfice dinners out on the town or splurge expenses. and am lucky enough to be in a marriage of ten + years.

Its sad that there are so many families who cant possibly do this, but I applaud heavily the families who can make this commitment and be home for the kids. Not saying two-income families are cheating their kids or not taking care of them as well.

But as personal preference. And I know many mothers who feel the same.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

College Station, TX

Kansas City Hotsteppers. Hawt!

If a man works in the same environment as you have mentioned above, then yes, he can do those things, but if he tries what I just said above, I guarantee that he has to turn the sound down, turn off the Hob, put down the iron and close the book when someone starts talking to him, as he will have no idea what that person was just talking about if he was asked questions afterwards..

I can watch TV, play my guitar, talk, and keep up with what's going on in the game (watching the screen mind you, hard to interact while strumming) all at the same time perfectly fine.

Edit: And potentially read a book too though I've never tried it.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Savannah, GA

Knights of Oasis


Originally Posted by Dirkiess
A man does that, he is like what is everyone talking about. I just lost total focus on that one conversation and now I'm totally lost.
Hehe, men are lost anyway They just never admit it



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

Anyone who is saying that they have "proven" that women do X better or men do Y better doesn't understand the issues.

Dirkiess: Having done my masters in neuroscience and studied sexual differences in neuroanatomy, I'd say I have some insight here, and you are wrong. They haven't been able to disentangle environmental and genetic influences in humans because of the impossibility of assigning people to be male or female randomly - you have at heart a problem with the way inferential statistics is used to measure effects. Detecting differences in the brains of women/men and differences in ability doesn't signify that one causes the other, nor that the differences are due to environment. The fact is that the brain is plastic.

If you have the background to discuss it at the appropriate level we can do so, if you are quoting from a tabloid or newspaper it is probably inaccurate - take for example the much publicised story of the research into the size of the hippocampus in London cab-drivers. The newspapers hyped this and pointed out that driving a cab makes your memory better, but while there are hints that it might be true, people are not being randomly assigned to drive cabs for varying numbers of years; the fact that the drivers with the most time behind the wheel have the most developed hippocampi may be due to the fact that those with large hippocampi have better memory and are better at driving a cab, thus enjoy it more and last longer in the job. The equivalent would be to say that playing basketball must make you taller, as many children play basketball, but the ones who go on to play for years are the taller ones! This type of self-selection ruins many experiments - after all, taller kids are likely to be better at basketball, they'll be pushed into doing it by friends and parents etc... While sex related effects have been measured in many areas, and they are correlated with changes in neuroanatomy etc., it doesn't prove that sex causes the differences. Environment and genetics are difficult to disentangle at the best of times, and to make matters worse they interact. Richard Dawkins said that the nature/nurture question was pointless, it's like asking what makes bread, ingredients or cooking? While I can't object to generalized statements about some abilities and sex, they are not defined by sex but by the enviornment and sexuailty in a linked manner, and anyone who tries to tell you that it is solely genetic or solely environmental probably doesn't know what they are talking about.

Quasi-experimental results at BEST provide correlative data; you need experimentation to get beyond that.

Keep in mind that nearly all papers are based on small subsets of the population, that they don't necessarily represent the whole. Psychology has been called the "psychology of the 1st year psychology student" for good reasons; they're the easiest target audience; this affects the way things generalize to the public - after all, there are many groups that are psychologically quite distinct from the average 1st year student. Papers trying to show sexual effects might well be correct, but even then they are generalities, there are individuals spread out around these means and such, and keep in mind that a "significant difference" is mathematical talk, and doesn't mean a large difference, merely one that is statistically significant, which is a function of the size of sample, the variance within and between conditions, and the size of the differences between means.

Now back to women and gaming, and less flaming.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Uk, England.


Originally Posted by Epinephrine
Anyone who is saying that they have "proven" that women do X better or men do Y better doesn't understand the issues.

Dirkiess: Having done my masters in neuroscience and studied sexual differences in neuroanatomy, I'd say I have some insight here, and you are wrong. They haven't been able to disentangle environmental and genetic influences in humans because of the impossibility of assigning people to be male or female randomly - you have at heart a problem with the way inferential statistics is used to measure effects.

If you have the background to discuss it at the appropriate level we can do so, if you are quoting from a tabloid or newspaper it is probably inaccurate - take for example the much publicised story of the research into the size of the hippocampus in London cab-drivers. The newspapers hyped this and pointed out that driving a cab makes your memory better, but while there are hints that it might be true, people are not being randomly assigned to drive cabs for varying numbers of years; the fact that the drivers with the most time behind the wheel have the most developed hippocampi may be due to the fact that those with large hippocampi have better memory and are better at driving a cab, thus enjoy it more and last longer in the job. While sex related effects have been measured in many areas, and they are correlated with changes in neuroanatomy etc., it doesn't prove that sex causes the differences. Environment and genetics are difficult to disentangle at the best of times, and to make matters worse they interact. Richard Dawkins said that the nature/nurture question was pointless, it's like asking what makes bread, ingredients or cooking? While I can't object to generlised statements about some abilities and sex, they are not defined by sex but by the enviornment and sexuailty in a linked manner, and anyone who tries to tell you that it is solely genetic or solely environmental probably doesn't know what they are talking about.

Quasi-experimental results at BEST provide correlative data; you need experimentation to get beyond that.

Now back to women and gaming, and less flaming.

I don't read papers or tabloids in general as most of what is in there is drivel and a waste of my time to read. The only thing of interest to me is the financial sections in those papers.

With regards to where my info comes from, it comes from a renowed public speaker who has been doing studies on this for longer than you have probably been educating yourself and he has spoken for many major corporations world wide and probably has more presence than most of the academics out there.
And various different books from all sources out there. I don't tend to believe most of what scientists say, as they change there minds so often, but everything they say is fact and then it gets changed again.

The reason I said people need an open mind.

As to where this is going, I didn't start the flame war. I was putting my info across from what I have learnt and tested out myself and as a basis on what makes male and female enjoy there gaming experience and to understand why they like certain aspects of gaming.

There are closed minded people out there, and if the scientists don't agree with it, it's not true. Do people still think they landed on the Moon because it says they did? There are lots of things that can be discussed but this was something i wanted to put across for people to think about, but as I have found out in my life, there are closed minds out there everywhere.

Try and teach a Pig to play a Piano, you piss of the Pig and Frustrate yourself.

I've said my piece and believe in what I have read and studied on so far.

Cymboric Treewalker

Cymboric Treewalker

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Imperial Palace - Cantha

[SFK] Sacred Forge Knights (founder)


Originally Posted by Dirkiess
Before you open your gob, learn to read. It's been proven and a lot of people have done studies on the things i have been saying.

It's not BS as you have obviously not even studied these type of things. And as I said in my first post, you need an open mind to these types of things.

With regards to what you can multi task. What are you able to do, breath, eat and drink all at once like most men.

Women are true multitaskers and they can take on most men at doing more than one thing at once. If it's not genetics, then it's biological.

There are ways to determine what men and women are truly capable of doing and in which fields, so before you start flaming your arse around get some facts first.

And WTF has it got to do with the environment??

As it proves from this post, you have very little study in this area and hardly any topics have been read on this by you, or you would have broader answers.

If you read what I have written clearly, there is a cross line between what both men and women can do. So, not even going to go into another topic on different sexual preferences, does it just happen or are we born that way. You have an answer for that, I would love to hear it.
What you clearly wrote is false.
Your dismisall of environment clearly shows that your studies of human behavior only went as far as what you wanted to believe.

Men and women are different - I grant that. I just believe the blanket statement you made is trash as most blanket statements are.

As for what I can do...

I can code, discuss politics on with someone in the room and dispense desktop support on the phone. I can also code while getting blasted with what/why questions from my four year old and still pay attention to my wife asking for computer advice while she is surfing the net.

Those examples good enough for you?


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Uk, England.


Originally Posted by Caco-Cola

I can watch TV, play my guitar, talk, and keep up with what's going on in the game (watching the screen mind you, hard to interact while strumming) all at the same time perfectly fine.

Edit: And potentially read a book too though I've never tried it.
You just proved my point. If you could do all those fine, then you wouldn't have a problem watching the TV while you are strumming.

The idea i'm putting across is that all those things can be done and you don't lose track of any of them, no matter the distraction.

Cymboric Treewalker

Cymboric Treewalker

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Imperial Palace - Cantha

[SFK] Sacred Forge Knights (founder)


Originally Posted by Jedsia
The enviroment around you? See, I manage a household with 3 boys.

Multi-tasking and learning how to handle the constant chaos is due to my enviroment of living in a household with 3 boys.

But I wouldnt lump all women together and say they can all multi-task better than men. However enivorment (ie, where you live, the things around you and not just the air you breath) DOES have an impact on you and is what I blame my grey streak on
There ya go... a women who understood what I meant. The historically typical women had her focus split more often than the historically typical man.

Please NOTE the use of historically typical. There are ALWAYS exceptions.

Cymboric Treewalker

Cymboric Treewalker

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Imperial Palace - Cantha

[SFK] Sacred Forge Knights (founder)


Originally Posted by Dirkiess
I totally understand that, but the point i was getting too.

If a woman is reading, watching TV, doing the ironing, cooking all at the same time, she can still understand what is in the book, while keeping track of what is on the television(Who killed who etc), doesn't burn the clothes she is ironing and the cooking is done as well. Then if someone comes in and starts talking to her, she can still do all the other 4 and keep track. That is Multi tasking.

If a man works in the same environment as you have mentioned above, then yes, he can do those things, but if he tries what I just said above, I guarantee that he has to turn the sound down, turn off the Hob, put down the iron and close the book when someone starts talking to him, as he will have no idea what that person was just talking about if he was asked questions afterwards..

Proof of this is the fact, and this is fact, most women and keep 3 conversations going at once, even while talking to each of the ladies in the group about each conversation and still keep up with the others even though not directly talking to each lady.

A man does that, he is like what is everyone talking about. I just lost total focus on that one conversation and now I'm totally lost.

Hence the reason have man to man conversation. each takes his turn to speak.
Generalizations suck you shouldn't use them. I can do what you just said with ease - sorry.

Cymboric Treewalker

Cymboric Treewalker

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Imperial Palace - Cantha

[SFK] Sacred Forge Knights (founder)


Originally Posted by Jedsia
Old standard hehe. Well, yes much has changed. And most households are two income now. But giving the alarming rate of divorce and kids going home to an empty house after school....I find it refreshing that more and more mothers like me are able to make the financial sacrifice and stay home.

Of course, it would cost to put my kids in day care, then after school programs, day camps, etc...and be paying someone else to raise my kids. Why do that if I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself and just have to sacrfice dinners out on the town or splurge expenses. and am lucky enough to be in a marriage of ten + years.

Its sad that there are so many families who cant possibly do this, but I applaud heavily the families who can make this commitment and be home for the kids. Not saying two-income families are cheating their kids or not taking care of them as well.

But as personal preference. And I know many mothers who feel the same.

My wife stays home as well - though if she had been making more money after my daughter turned two I would have.

I often take care of my daugher while my wife gets time with adults in and experience the true need to multi-task with a child pulling on your attention strings. We have another on the way so that need will grow :-)

Cymboric Treewalker

Cymboric Treewalker

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Imperial Palace - Cantha

[SFK] Sacred Forge Knights (founder)


Originally Posted by Epinephrine
Anyone who is saying that they have "proven" that women do X better or men do Y better doesn't understand the issues.
Your experience in this certainly out-trumps mine; but I am glad the time I did study the subject in college was well remembered.



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

Originally Posted by Cymboric Treewalker

My wife stays home as well - though if she had been making more money after my daughter turned two I would have.

I often take care of my daugher while my wife gets time with adults in and experience the true need to multi-task with a child pulling on your attention strings. We have another on the way so that need will grow :-)
Same here; I actually stayed home with my daughter for a while when my daughter was a year old or so, I was finishing up my thesis and my wife was more able to find work than I was. Once everything was done I got a job as my earning potential is currently higher. We both prioritize having a role in our children's lives and want to provide them a life rich in experiences and family, and while it means that we too skip a few luxuries it isn't a bad life.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by northernlights

I'm whats considered a 'hardcore' (level capped, MC/Onyx) WoW player thats moved over to GuildWars due to the Drama in WoW.

Blizzard intentionally creates situations (via item drops or otherwise) that force players into different kinds of interactions with each other (for example an item thats great for 3 builds of Class A but 1 build of Class B). There are many other aspects of WoW that generate Drama, and I'm afraid to say there are players that are drawn to that aspect of the game. They feel they are 'contributing to the community' spending their time posting in forums, and generally contributing to esclating drama all over the game.

In my experience most of these 'drama seekers' have been women. Dont get me wrong, some of the most skilled and wise players have been female but it does seem that the 'Drama' aspect of some MMORPGs is the draw for some of them.

Guildwars has far less drama than World of Warcraft, as anyone who has been serious with both games can attest. I welcome and encourage female presence in any game, but please ladies and affeminite men - play the game. You contribute far more to the online community by playing than trolling boards for drama to comment on.

My 2c.

OMIGOD lol. You have got to be joking. You think it is WOMEN who create drama around a game or message board?

It has been my experience that women create drama around a game less than men. It is little boys who act up and play the troll to get attention...little boys from 14 to 44, but little boys nonetheless. I think of them as the "look at ME" crew.

If you don't believe me read through this ONE thread on female gamers on this board and tally up the posts designed to get a rise out of people -- by far most of them are from guys. The women are saying they are here and making thoughtful comments, and many of the guys are making thoughtful contributions, but quite a few little boys are screaming "look at ME!!!" by trying to say something they know will offend or hope will shock.

Too funny that you would write this. It is such a myth that women like drama and men do not. Can't believe you actually belive that lie.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005


The Wizard Ninjas [TWN]

I've met a few actual females gamers in GW, and a few guys who trading items from me "for they're wives" to use when they login. Its a family game My wife is a Warrior/Elementalist and loves the game. She works part time and while my daughters napping she tries to login and get a few missions done.

So for those women who play video games, hats off to you. I really don't care about the mental reasons why people do what they do, nor the social. Based on what I can see with my own eyes (which may be a narrow view of course) like 90% of my colleges CS majors were male. We had a few girls, most of which were in CS because they're parents told them to take it because you can make a lot of money (this was around '99 - 00 when there were easy jobs in CS). Many didn't like it, but a select few actually had choosen the major on they're own, some even tutored CS classes for others (including other MALES ).

I did take a childrens lit. class in college and I was the only guy in there. Coincidence? I don't think so. However I bet if I took a pole of how many of those women played video games from that class I'd find 1% or so, but if I asked how many have read Greeen Eggs and Ham about 99% would have said yes. Skewed study I know, but funny just the same.

PS: I plan to teach my daughter the ways of video games (probably because she'll see me playing and want to be like Daddy). So in 13 years or so she'll be kicking your rumps in PvP.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

College Station, TX

Kansas City Hotsteppers. Hawt!

You just proved my point. If you could do all those fine, then you wouldn't have a problem watching the TV while you are strumming.

I don't have a problem watching the TV while strumming. I have a problem playing the game while strumming because I don't have four hands.

I don't see how my physical restraint (that is shared with the female of our species, mind you) disqualifies me from not being able to multi-task.

If I could strum and play the game at the same time I would, unfortunately I have yet to learn to type with my toes. Some day though, some day.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Pink Fluffy Bunniez


Diplo, you crack me up.

Mistress E, you owe nobody any explanation. My God, if everyone here was strictly the sum of his or her organic substance, we'd be a sorry lot.

I am firmly in the "nurture" group in the age-old argument between nature and nurture when it comes to women and their ability to excel at sports and games--and same for men. I was encouraged to enjoy table top gaming as a child, and long into my very socially busy adolescence, I continued to game every other Saturday night. My boyfriends knew and accepted this (some with better grace than others, and correlative data indicates longevity of said boyfriend was directly related to grace displayed. ).

I've been in guilds where women were rare (I call myself the token chick of the Bunniez ) and yet, in the 80-person guild I co-led in WoW, a good ten-fifteen percent of us were female... on a highly competitive PvP server, and in a highly PvP-oriented guild. We had women on each of our special teams and they absolutely wrecked shop (still do). Most of them are college students with busy social lives, but they loooove gaming (and beating up boys).

In SWG as a guildleader on a PvP server leading a PvP guild, several of my peers were also women who successfully led or co-led PvP guilds. In server wars, our guilds were some of the fiercest. These women were a variety of ages and professions but they all had social lives outside of gaming, and behaved as if they were very much at ease in their personal environments as well as in their gaming ones.

I don't think that being an active gamer has anything more to do with social aptitude than it does a predetermined predilection toward gaming.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by Dirkiess
I don't read papers or tabloids in general as most of what is in there is drivel and a waste of my time to read. The only thing of interest to me is the financial sections in those papers.

With regards to where my info comes from, it comes from a renowed public speaker who has been doing studies on this for longer than you have probably been educating yourself and he has spoken for many major corporations world wide and probably has more presence than most of the academics out there.
And various different books from all sources out there. I don't tend to believe most of what scientists say, as they change there minds so often, but everything they say is fact and then it gets changed again.

The reason I said people need an open mind.

As to where this is going, I didn't start the flame war. I was putting my info across from what I have learnt and tested out myself and as a basis on what makes male and female enjoy there gaming experience and to understand why they like certain aspects of gaming.

There are closed minded people out there, and if the scientists don't agree with it, it's not true. Do people still think they landed on the Moon because it says they did? There are lots of things that can be discussed but this was something i wanted to put across for people to think about, but as I have found out in my life, there are closed minds out there everywhere.

Try and teach a Pig to play a Piano, you piss of the Pig and Frustrate yourself.

I've said my piece and believe in what I have read and studied on so far.
Dude...there are close-minded people out there? Pot calling the kettle black!! Read your own post. Sounds incredibly close-minded to me.




Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

Not Where I Was, Not Yet Where I Will Be.


Gaming girl here.
As a kid, my little sister would kick my butt on Nintendo games.
My boyfriend bought me Diablo to play on my hand-me-down weak computer. That was ok. Then he got me involved in CoH. I am fully involved there. And now we share a GW account. There is no going back. Muahahahahaaa.

PS: I almost always play female chars.

Cymboric Treewalker

Cymboric Treewalker

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Imperial Palace - Cantha

[SFK] Sacred Forge Knights (founder)


Originally Posted by Nokomis
Dude...there are close-minded people out there? Pot calling the kettle black!! Read your own post. Sounds incredibly close-minded to me.

I think the weight of your point and the momentum of the attack will not be enough to pierce the person's skull and enter the brain pan.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005


The Wizard Ninjas [TWN]

Originally Posted by Tsarmina
Gaming girl here.
As a kid, my little sister would kick my butt on Nintendo games.
My boyfriend bought me Diablo to play on my hand-me-down weak computer. That was ok. Then he got me involved in CoH. I am fully involved there. And now we share a GW account. There is no going back. Muahahahahaaa.

PS: I almost always play female chars.
I almost always play female characters too, but I'm male I get better prices in trades that way And people seem to treat you better, go figure.




Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

Not Where I Was, Not Yet Where I Will Be.


Heh. Not to mention that female chars are easier on the eyes. And if I do play a male char... I have to remember not to respond to funny remarks with a giggle.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

College Station, TX

Kansas City Hotsteppers. Hawt!

Pfft, real men giggle.

I agree, female characters are easier on the eyes.

Rather stare at sexy pixels than ugly ones.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Pink Fluffy Bunniez


Originally Posted by Cymboric Treewalker
I think the weight of your point and the momentum of the attack will not be enough to pierce the person's skull and enter the brain pan.

Old Dood

Old Dood


Join Date: May 2005

Lansing, Mi


Originally Posted by Cymboric Treewalker
The real question is how old is old warrior dude...

Yesterday in game I had some young "punk" laugh at me for being 38 and playing games... needless to say he quickly got pimped slaped by multiple 30 somethings.
I'm 50 years old. 50 is the New 40. I do not look at myself as a Hardcore Gamer. I have played allot of computer games over the last 25 years. Now a days I simply do not have the time. You don't stay married for over 22 years by ignoring your spouse. She has things I want and need from time to time.

EDIT: Now that all know my age does that mean I will be shuned from the forum?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

1) As of right now Women ARE the MAJORITY in America
More women for me

Oh yeah on another forum the guys spazzed out when they were told 40% and up of the current gaming population was female. They're like, "omg like for tetris? WTFBBQ"

I think if all the guy gamers had a girlfriend, life partner, whatever, then there be less harassment, stress, discrimination, etc. towards the female gamers.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2005

Santa Rosa, CA

Confusion in The Ranks[tArD]


very intersting conversation...yep women are living the life of the couch potatoes as well


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Melbourne, Australia


Originally Posted by Xenogyst
*cough*women gamers*cough*
My guild consists largely of m/f couples... Myself excluded...

I might note that the female characters in Guild Wars resemble something akin to sexed up barbie dolls. Funny how even some of the armor has cleavage showing just for women (contradictory to the point of armor). Though, this is usually the case for most games.

An interesting question to ponder is whether or not this actually does anything to deter women from playing games.

I would be quick to say yes, but then I looked at some magazine targeted to women...
As a guy who likes playing dress up on his female characters :P I'm interested in whether any girls can come up with suggestions on how to address these "sexism" or "body image" sort of things, without actually taking my candy away Obviously making male characters ultra-perfect and giving them skimpy armour isn't the solution, because we already have that (warriors in gladiators?) And although a male elem wears non-skimpy clothes, they're pretty tight-fitting tho. But girls can still complain. (or maybe they dont? I dunno)

Hmmm.. t seems to be under-implemented in most of the recent MMORPGs I've played (apparently Star Wars:Galaxies is quite good for this) but I'd really like more choices in clothing and appearance that are independent of gameplay statistics. Or they can just throw in a maid uniform for elems and I'll shut up :P


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

I forget. Really. I don't know.


I'm a guy, but don't like the way the female characters are dressed at all. I'm not interested in barely clothed characters.

I mean come on if we were in a real fight how many ould survive based on the way their armor looks. I mean female warriors and Ele wouldn't last at all.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Awaiting GW2


Originally Posted by Old Warrior Dood
EDIT: Now that all know my age does that mean I will be shuned from the forum?
Uh, no. I personally don't care how old anyone is. ANd I have a feeling many others do not either.

Anybody who makes fun of someone for something they cannot help (age, race, etc.) is a sad person who is insecure about their own <insert insecurity here>. And I know I wouldn't want anyone making fun of my age


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Melbourne, Australia


Originally Posted by Old Warrior Dood
I'm 50 years old. 50 is the New 40. I do not look at myself as a Hardcore Gamer. I have played allot of computer games over the last 25 years. Now a days I simply do not have the time. You don't stay married for over 22 years by ignoring your spouse. She has things I want and need from time to time.

EDIT: Now that all know my age does that mean I will be shuned from the forum?
You're much more likely to be shunned if you said (or demonstrated) that you're 13 years old, rather than 50

Double post content:

Originally Posted by funbun
I'm a guy, but don't like the way the female characters are dressed at all. I'm not interested in barely clothed characters.

I mean come on if we were in a real fight how many ould survive based on the way their armor looks. I mean female warriors and Ele wouldn't last at all.
So think of a way that can address your dislike, without taking away my candy :P I guess I shouldn't have implied that only women might have a problem with the clothing in this game. (But you didn't mention Warrior's Gladiator set for men. Or the various "Tattoo" armours - they dont do much either in a real fight

On the topic of realism, I wish Meteor would affect enemies more like in real life - a giant rock from space smashing them into pink goo. Not knocking them over comically :P (j/k)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Or the various "Tattoo" armours - they dont do much either in a real fight
Which is the reason you take much more damage if you wore Ascetic's chest design instead of Censor's Raiment.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

South Carolina, USA

Order of the Silver Dragon [OSD]


Originally Posted by Keesa

I mentioned the ghost thing to someone the other night and then had to tell them about the bisexual love triangle. My pal managed to create a San Francisco couple, if ya know what I mean, and apparently one of the guys managed to set the kitchen on fire because his cooking skill was so low (I think). So this fire starts in the kitchen and he's panicking and screaming and waving his arms, funny stuff. Well, the other Sim was helping put the fire out, when his car pool arrived and honked the horn... so he stops helping with the fire and runs out to his car pool. The first Sim died in the fire and the house burned down.

I had no idea it could be so entertaining.

Hahahahahaha! That's classic. Sounds like their relationship was on the rocks already, if he'd run out and leave his loved one to die in a horrible fire. Oh, well... now he gets to play the grieving widower. I'm telling you, it's all in how you play it.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005


Fight Under No King


There's one thing that bugs me about a certain few female gamers I know, particularly on here (and just a reminder that I'm a female too) is that when guys compliment their characters for being hot they think they actually mean them. They seriously take it as a compliment to them and get so damn big headed about it.

One went so far as to shout in all caps that she was right about an arguement we were having because people thought her character was better...and that was one guy...who couldn't even type "good-looking" properly.

So much as I hate the rubbish about guys hitting on girls in games, some of the girls just make the whole situation worse for us all.

Double post content:

Originally Posted by funbun
I'm a guy, but don't like the way the female characters are dressed at all. I'm not interested in barely clothed characters.

I mean come on if we were in a real fight how many ould survive based on the way their armor looks. I mean female warriors and Ele wouldn't last at all.
If we wanted realism we wouldn't play games now would we? I love most of the outfits, and will probably end up making a couple for cosplay purposes. Besides, there's the same amount of barely clothed male characters in the game as females.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by Lalii
If we wanted realism we wouldn't play games now would we? I love most of the outfits, and will probably end up making a couple for cosplay purposes. Besides, there's the same amount of barely clothed male characters in the game as females.
I love the outfits in GW as well (longtime female gamer here, btw). Oddly, in other games similar outfits make me roll my eyes and mutter about putting obvious drool material in for the guys. I'm not sure what it is about GW outfits that are ok. Maybe it's that the characters look sexy but also kick-ass at the same time. For some reason, for example, skimpy outfits in WoW left me totally cold. Something about the combination of costume and character design left the characters looking more decorative than dangerous. I have a feeling that this varies dramatically from gamer to gamer, but I have no problem with a sexy costume in theory--if I'm willing to imagine a world where spells actually work, I'm willing to assume that chainmail bikinis somehow have protective spells in them. It all depends on whether the character design can pull off the look and make it seem like a real character in sexy clothes, not a blank plastic doll in lingerie.

Old Dood

Old Dood


Join Date: May 2005

Lansing, Mi


Originally Posted by ManadartheHealer
Uh, no. I personally don't care how old anyone is. ANd I have a feeling many others do not either.

Anybody who makes fun of someone for something they cannot help (age, race, etc.) is a sad person who is insecure about their own <insert insecurity here>. And I know I wouldn't want anyone making fun of my age
I know...thanks. I was just kidding....