Originally Posted by Tijger
Maybe its not about the drops but about the challenge?
Go farm griffins all day long and you might earn a lot more but whats the point, doing the same run over and over and over...I like the challenge of the new UW and I've come up without a green as well, I've had 3 over 3 runs and not a single gold but frankly, I dont care, I play the game for fun not to earn fake money which is kinda useless to me anyway, I got weapons and armor and runes anyway.
Mayber its about both or one or the other, its about how a player enjoys the game not how YOU enjoy it.
I like a challenge, but i also like rewards. If i did UW for the challenge then i would never go back after the fist time, as the challenge is no longer in existance.
Why does that matter, well what about people that havnt done it. Do they not benifit from having people in the team that know what to expect, should helping my guildees through it be nothing but a chore with no reward. Dont get me wrong i like helping people through missions, but theres only so many times you can do it before you say "whats in it for me / wheres my fun=reward".
Look at sorrows, prime example.
Its not the 100% reason why, but its a controbuting factor.
The only people who now go to sorrows are farmers, or people yet to do the mission. But the people doing the mission are outnumberd, why is that? Becasue people who are farming for green items will return again and again and again, people who are doing the mission will do it once and then either not return or join the farmers, (this is of course not true for everyone, but a big majority i feel).
I farm rarely at sorrows, because i have been 25+times on farm runs, and so far have gotten 3x useless greens. But i can put up with that because a sorrows run takes about half an hour.
The UW takes 2 or 2.5 hours depending on team, once people have builds and stratigies im sure a run can be knocked down to 1.5 to 2 hours, but thats a long time to spend for a green run to get nothing at the end.
Id like to clarify what i said.
Originally Posted by ME
On both occasions i saw greens go to others and im left wanting, This is a bit of a whinge really but, do you think it needs changing so that everyone gets 1 green, or leave it as it is.
If 4 greens drop and i dont get one, fine.
But its abit of a pizztake when 2 of those go to the same person.