Well. I have played this game a while, and have met a lot of nice people. I'll just post the most interesting ones.
While I was attempting to complete the "Heroes quest" (?), anyway the one where you need to get to Destiny's Gorge, Seeker's Passage, and umm. The other one. Anyway, I was looking for a run to Destiny's Gorge, and all of a sudden, this lvl 20 wammo PMs me and says he'll run me. I said I couldn't pay more than 500gp (I had just bought a sigil for my guild), and he said that was fine, he'd do it for free. I talked with him the whole run from Augury, and when we got there, he gave me a Vampiric Long Sword of Swordsmanship (16% chance) 3/1. Stupid me, being a still n00bish person, sold it to a player for 800gp, but it was still cool.
Then, while I was doing Abaddon's mouth, we got into a conversation about money, and the lack (in my case), or abundance (in another's case) of it. One guy was wearing 15k drags armor, and he said he had 15k armor on all his chars, and 320k in storage, and nothing to spend his money on, and I, half jesting, said "well, if you ever want to give ME some of that..."
He opened trade, and gave me 20k. I thanked him profusely and friended him. Unfortunately, he hasn't been on in a while.
Because of these things which have happened to me, I try to be nice to others. Once I ran a guy from Ascalon City to Yaks alone for free, just because I felt generous. I love running new players places for free too. I also help out my guildies a lot. I estimated what this one player owes me, if I were to make him pay me back. I think it was somewhat like 40k
But I enjoy being nice, so no worries.