Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
Since you keep going back to FoW armor in your posts for some reason, which has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
I'm using FoW armor as an illustration for my argument. You could replace it with any rare, high cost item and my argument would still work, FoW armor just happens to be the most commonly sought after. But whatever rare item you're looking for, ArenaNet put it in the game to be found/bought, and the only way they made to do that is farming. And because they made that the only way, they must have meant for people to farm in order to get such items.
Seriously, how many times do I have to say this before people see that the logic behind it is solid? Every counter argument I've seen hasn't even tried to directly refute it, but rather, tries to attack the illustration.
Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
You at least need to understand that FoW armor is only 60k plus materials. You are giving misinformation when you keep posting its a million gold . Before SF was introduced. FoW/UW was the only repeatable content in the game, put there as a time killer between chapters for people who actually completed the storyline.You only need to play the game as designed and you will get the materials for FoW armor as they are free and only require the time required to do the quests. I do the 11 quests in FoW about 2-3 times a week and UW about once a month there is even a quest down there I have been unable to beat still and provides challange eight months of owning this game. In playing the game as designed I have had the materials for FoW armor pass though my hands more than a couple of times. Never had to come up with a million gold.
Um . . . no. I'm sorry, but you're flat out wrong about the cost.
You're right in saying FoW armor costs 60k plus materials, but guess what -- those materials make up the other 940k. (And before someone goes off about how FoW armor isn't exactly 1 million gold, I realize this; it's an approximation used for the ease of the illustration.) Whether you find or buy them doesn't change their worth because, instead of using all those ectos/shards you find to craft FoW armor, you can sell them and get that 940k instead of the armor. So, whether you find or buy the materials you use to craft FoW armor, you've still spent a million gold on it.
Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
The probelm is when you go to make a PUG to clear the quests for these areas. You have people with 170 attribute points instead of 200(causing them to be weaker than a level 20 should be), no skills to choose from (because the only reason they made the toon was to farm and only brought skills for some farming build, leading them to lie about their skill bar to keep from being booted), and a map full of Fog. All because they got ran though the game in record time. All this leads to disaster when attempting the missions for the average player. I have taken many people though the FoW and done all 11 quests giving lots of players the knowledge to do it themselves and take the knowledge back to their guilds. Yet weeks or months later people who have grouped with me are unable to duplicate the runs. I ask them why and they tell me stories of 20,30, 40 failed attempts to organise PUGS and how they all crumble.
I agree, this is a problem. I also dislike people getting run places on their first character, then ruining parties in high level areas because they have no clue how to actually play the game. In fact, this is a very personal problem for me, as I have still not found a single group to clear either the UW or FoW with. (Which is something I would really like to do.) Either the PUG dies after a couple quests or people leave/get disconnected, and it's led me to just not bother very often unless I'm grouping with people I know.
So I'd love to be able to clear the UW and FoW in real parties, finding all the materials I need, but that just doesn't seem possible anymore unless you know a lot of other good players who are willing to group with you. Not when you sit down to play for a good three-plus hours and find two of those being wasted by incompetent PUGs who can't get past the first quest. After being frustrated by that many times, I've turned to a different way of amassing the gold necessary for FoW armor. I play other high level areas such as SF and Tombs, which seem to be a little more manageable for the standard PUG, and I do some griffon/troll farming as well.
But here's my point, and I'll even put it in bold so you can't miss it:
Even if I were clearing the UW/FoW with full eight man parties and "play[ing] the game as designed," looking for those ectos/shards myself, I'd still be farming. I would be playing the same areas over and over, looking for the items/gold necessary for FoW armor or whatever else I want to buy, which is the most commonly used definition of the word "
farming" when used in the context of a video game. And since that is the
only way to get FoW armor or other super-rare items, ArenaNet had to expect people to do it, yet took no steps to stop it except in the most extreme cases. Thus, farming is an intentional part of the game, and one of the reasons why UW/FoW/SF quests are repeatable.
The only time farming is not a valid part of the game is when it's abused through bots or commercial gold farmers who sell gold on eBay and such. And guess what -- that's the only type of farming ArenaNet has attempted to stop. When a normal player is doing it, they obviously must get some form of fun out of it, or else they wouldn't be spending their free time on it. And if people have fun farming, and the point of the game is to have fun, why is farming wrong? It isn't, plain and simple.
Now, if you play the UW/FoW just for the fun of it and don't care about getting FoW armor or a ton of gold or whatever -- good for you. When I can find a decent group, that's the primary reason I play those areas as well; ecto/shard drops are just a bonus. If I played only to farm, I would have a 55HP monk and do UW farming that way, but that just doesn't seem fun to me. I value entertainment first, FoW armor second. This, however, is a personal opinion and does not hold any weight in an argument over whether farming is right or wrong.
Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
My only conclusion is in the rush to farm people lose the regular skills used to play the game or never pick them up at all. Especially the newer generation of players post runners. They must realize at some point that they are unable to complete the quests because they have no foundation which you get from playing the game though with your class as designed, and give up trying in frustration, thus become permanent farmers who could care less about skills, quests and XP, which are the root of PVE.
I don't think that's the main reason there are so many bad players out there. At least for new players, I think the main thing is just impatience. They don't want to bother with the starting "noob" areas, so they get run to higher level areas. Then they find out they suck -- whether they admit it to themselves or not -- because they didn't bother learning how to play properly. Whether they then turn to farming or whatever, I don't know, but I doubt many people pick up Guild Wars for the first time and think, "Ooh, another game to mindlessly farm!"
Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
I am not against farming and and love a simple UW trapping run myself on occassion. But something has been lost in this game because many people cannot complete a quest if they wanted to yet they can solo 500 griffins or whatever. This is neither good or bad , its just the way it is.
Agreed. But that's entirely the fault of the people playing, not the game's. If people do nothing but farm, that's their choice. They payed the same $50 for the game we did, so I figure, let them. I doubt they'd be doing it if they didn't get some sort of satisfaction out of it, and since ArenaNet hasn't taken any drastic steps to stop them, I can't see that they have much of a problem with it.