Guilds Looking For Alliance Partners Post Here


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007

Haters Gonna Hate


Name: We Eat Pokemon [WEP]
Style: Nice calm guild with people lookin to just have a good time while playing
Faction: Kurzick
Contact: See IGN (im also on hokin urotashin all the time)
Size: small, 7-8 people.
Type of guild wre looking to ally with: calm people, wether pvp or pve, just some people who like jokin around and havin fun

Captain Jack Harkness

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Hi all.

I am an officer in a Euro-based guild that is searching for a new alliance. I will explain what we are ideally looking for and what we have to offer.

We are a large well-established guild with over 70 members. Most of them are active. In which I mean usually log on for at least several hours every week. We have a core of about 30 members who are on almost daily for several hours a day.

Our guild is split about 75%/25% PvE/PvP. As a guild we try most things, from masters attempts to Underworld. From GvG to Alliance Battles. Although we like to win, we do not forget the main aim of the game. That is to have fun.

The main things we are looking for in an alliance is one we can have fun with. We would like to do PvE missions, high end areas with them as well as HA and Guild Scrimmages. We also enjoy the odd AB. Just to make clear we do it for fun, not to faction farm.

As a guild we take more mature players and would prefer an alliance with a similar outlook.

If you are interested in exploring us joining your alliance please reply pm me via these forums.

Thank you


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Knights of the Oasis


Name: Knights of the Oasis
Style: PvE, adult, mature with real lives, players in all three chapters
Faction: Luxon
Contact: Pharoah Sanders
Size: 20-40
Type of guild wre looking to ally with: PvE-oriented, mature guilds



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006


Honorable Underground Guards [HUG]


Name: Order of the Sacred Phoenix
Style: PvE
Faction: Kurzick
Contact: Great Phoenixeus, Mage Montu, Seylia Dragonstorm
Size: 15-25 (Still Growing)
Guild Created: 30th January 2005 (we had some problems and we're rebuilding the guild again)
site: OTSP
Server: Europe
LAnguage: English is a must. This doesn't mean that it has to be an English guild, we accept from any part of europe as long as you know english.

We are looking for a PvP & Farming oriented Guild to join us for a small (3-4) alliance who also is talkitive in d alliance chat. We are a friendly (with insane talk :/) guild. Whisper me in game for more information ^^



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Home of Dinamo



Croatian best players [CrO] rekrutaju
preko 50 membera kurzick alijansa 7 hrv gildi
vrlo smo komunikativni pomazemo aliance i guild chat nikat mrtav
na prvom redu zajebancija a onda sve ostalo
pa ko zeli nek se javi ingame ili me pm-a tu



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Crimson Claw


Crimson CLaw [IXI]

EDIT:we may be rebuilding/disbanding soon


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006


Hello, I am a Representative of The Eternal Dragon (TED), and we are looking for a PvP-oriented alliance, preferably one that contains a high ranked guild, or PvP oriented guilds that would like to merge with our alliance. We take this game seriously, and everyone in our guild promises to dedicate themselves to be the best team PvPer they can be.

- District: American
- About 35 active members
- Faction: Luxon
- PvP-oriented - our main goal is to be the best GvG guild we can be. We do TA and scrimmaging to prepare for GvG. However, we do AB and PvE as well.
- Teamspeak Channel
- Language: English

Contact: Either Send me a PM or contact *Docta Wong or Ultima Slash ingame. Thanks!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006



Hello Brutus V,

My IGN: Trun Cates Co-Leader of FeAr along with Superior Disciple. Our Guild is almost two months old with 90 plus members we have an Alliance with 4 other guilds FFing not required just fun is. We try and do everything as a Guild/Alliance. Things such as SF, FoW, UW, The Deep, Urgoz Warren, RotGot, DoA, Abing any help that guild or alliance members need. If you would like to talk with us, contact myself or Superior Disciple in game. Thank you for your time.

Tuor Son Of Huor

Tuor Son Of Huor

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

The Final Exodus [FX]


Name: The Final Exodus [FX]
Style: Nice Calm PvE guild with a hunger for GvG/HA
Faction: Kurzick
Contact: Wolfgang Phoenix
Size: 35+
Type of guild wre looking to ally with: Mature, Calm PvP/PvE guilds

Website: Yes
Forum: Yes
VoIP: Ventrilo (Alliance and Guild-owned)
Guild Hall: Yes (Imperial Isle)
Cape: Yes
Faction: Kurzick

Alliance Members:

[SC] and [Life]

What we're looking for
So far, our alliance has 3 guilds, including ourselves, in it. We want to add more guilds to this mix. A little bit about our own guild philosophy is below, but we're looking for a guild that can add to the experience of GW. both PvP and HA guilds are welcome, however please note that we do not Faction Farm very often. Our alliance is like an extended Guild - we often do mission runs, FoW/UW/DoA runs together, etc. Join in the fun!

To apply as an Allied Guild:
Read our announcement on our forums, then post a new topic (no registration required.. yet ) with a bit about yourself and your guild. The guild leader, Wolfgang Phoenix, will get in touch with you ASAP both on vent and In-game.

You can contact:

Guild Leader:
Wolfgang Phoenix

Guild Officers:
* Soben Valt <Guild Founder, Senior Officer>
* Morgana Silverwing
* Zoron Stormbringer
* Sargon
* Walren Okbath
* The Best Mighty Man
* The Eradan

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Name: Guild of Eternal Moonlight (GoEM)
Style: Calm, laidback PvE guild, although we may begin to PvP when we get enough interested members
Faction: 100% Luxon, 0% scum
Contact: Marty Silverblade
Size: ~20
Type of guild we are looking to ally with: Guilds similar to us, i.e, PvE based, Luxon, small would be good.
Other: We already have one other guild in our alliance, no faction requirements.

Haldir Quindiniar

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006


Semper Dius


Name: Are You Dead yet [Poke]
Style: Competetive GvG
Faction: Doesn't matter
Size: 15
Type of guild we are looking to ally with: We are looking for an active, preferably European, Alliance with GvG Guilds.

About us:

We were found 21/12/06 by Han Quindiniar. We are a GvG guild thats currently in a not to good Alliance, we would like to move on and join one with better ranked guilds.
We currently are +/- rank 200 and working on a better rank. We are an ambitious guild that plays every day. We have been running different builds with mixed succes, explains our rank varation on the guild ladder.

What are we looking for:

Well like first sentence says we need an active, European Alliance with mainly GvG guilds. What also is a must is that all guilds have members that act mature and don't annoy other people in Alliance chat.


Either contact me, Han Quindiniar, ingame or go to our forums and post something in the Alliance forum.
Posts should contain:
1) Guild name of the Alliance leading guild and ingame name from Officer/Leader.
2) Guild names from other guilds in the Alliance.
3) Where the most guilds are from (Europe/America/...)
4) Feel free to add some information.

[Poke] Forum

Rue The Day

Rue The Day

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Disciples Of Sunset [DusK]


Name Disciples Of Sunset [DusK]
Style Small, but mature and active PvE guild
Faction Currently Luxon, but not really important to us
Size 10 We have been around for about 6 months and are adding to our guild slowly to ensure that we continue to keep the kind of community we have currently.
Type of guild we are looking to ally with We would like to find a like minded guild or possibly more then one to ally with. Mature members, not overly large in size, and no faction farming expected. We are on the American servers.

About Us
We are a small PvE guild with mature and active members. We are adding to our numbers, but we are recruiting slowly because we want to get to know each person as they join us. We've had amazing success so far. Everyone is very helpful and always willing to do missions, quests, FoW, UW or anything else.


Contact myself either here on in game. My IGN is Rue Shadowsworn and I'm the guild leader of DusK



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

I hate ppl who put stupid locations here

Jelly Toasts [jT], Team Love [kisu]


Hey everyone, we are currently looking for members for our Kurzick Alliance. Our alliance is currently composed of several guilds with highly talented, mature, and active players. We are creating an alliance that can enjoy all aspects of the game and provide a strong environment for our members. Interested guilds should be active and not on the verge of collapse. We are exclusively oriented towards GvG but are up for anything PvP. The guilds should have an appropriate number of members depending on what type of guild they are and we'd prefer they have a website or at least a forum of some sort. Currently, the alliance leans more towards being GvG-centric, being that the majority of the guilds are heavy into GvG.

Interested in joining? Head on over to our site and tell us about you and your guild. How long have you been around? What is your rank? Focus in the game, etc, etc. The only thing that we require you post is your Roster, that way we can see how active your guild is and how many members there are without being lied to (As we have been lied to previously on multiple ocassions). A couple screenshots is all it takes.

TSH Website

And if you want more information, look here

If you are interested in joining, register on the forums and let us know about you and your guild in The Embassy!

See you soon.


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006


My Guild: Crystal Guard[CryG]
Alliance: Kurzick
People: Me! (What? That's right, only one account in the guild)
GH: uncharted island
Style: Pve but can try pvp
Ign: Alex Eleniel

I have already tried to get people in my guild but they always leave. I guess I have to remain lonely for eternity.

savage vapor 33

savage vapor 33

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2006

Regems Basement

The Malevolent Wolfpack [tMw]

My Guild: Giggity Giggity [GOO]
Alliance: Kurzick
People: 60+
GH: Isle of Worms
Style: PVE+PVP
IGN: Death By Rangers

Lead Guild in Alliance: Halfway To Hell [HTH]
Leader IGN: Illust Pyrus, Illust Corpsus
Style: PVE+PVP
People: 60+

We are a 2 Guild Alliance and looking to expand to a bigger alliance. Many of us are PVE related, but looking to get more into PVP. We have a Shared Vent and both guilds have Website/Forums. We are friendly and looking to add any guild that has 30+ members.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006

Norway, Oslo

Glob of Ectospasm

My Guild: Glob of Ectospasm [GoE]
Alliance: Kurzick
Members: always 90-100
Based: Europe
GH: Tormented place
Type: PvE Farming
My IGN: Duncan Summer

i am the leader of a farming alliance, we are looking for some other farming guilds that might want to join our alliance. Guilds have to be 40+ members and must have active and serious farmers / pve players. We do got some rules like: Respecting your fellow members and officers. No cursing, spamming, loans, caps lock etc.



Join Date: Jan 2007

You blow


Name At The Top [Apex]
Style Competitive GvG
Faction We are kurzick, but it don't matter
Size 15 active, core members

About Us
Apex is a medium sized, Competitive GvG team. We are rank 600.

What We Are Looking For
An alliance that is mainly on GvG and HA. We don't want a FF alliance, we don't want a PvE alliance, we want a GvG and HA alliance.


IGN: J E S U S R U N Z / Toner Ownz



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

Barbie's Motorhome

The Biggyverse [PLEB]


Alliance seeking PvP guild.

Name Ice Cold Empire [ICE]

Style Competitive GvG

Faction Luxon

Size 12 active members.

About Us

Ice Cold Empire began as an offshoot of the Ice Cold Elements PvE guild as a place were people interested in PvP could go and have fun. It has grown from a primarily HA only guild to a guild that lives for GvG. We are a mature, easy going guild that don't take ourselves too seriously - the game has to be fun or whats the point?? We currently rank 940 but have been as high as 480 and as low as 5,000 but recently we have been hovering between 700 - 800.

What We Are Looking For

We would like another mature PvP guild to join our alliance so we can share ideas, resources and a team to practice against. We currently have two pve guilds in the alliance and we need some pvp love

This is the important bit - we need a guild that can play the same time as us. We start our pvp around 9pm GMT til around 1am.


A Touch of Healing is the guild leader of Ice Cold Empire but you can contact me ( Elrodien Heals ) our visit our forum:



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2005

East Coast, US

A Tale Of Peril [Tale]


Solo Survivor Allies Wanted...

Looking For: Small or solo guild to alliance with primarily interested in co-op playing multiple characters through the campaigns to achieve Legendary Survivor on several characters.

My Personal Long-term Goal: To have all nine slots of my account populated by Level 3 Survivors. So far I have an Ele at (3) and a Ranger just a few days away.

Style: The majority is just tactically playing through the three campaigns doing all the quests and bonuses usually in a set pattern. Then for the last few hundred K, just doing jade arena and occasionally capping.

About Me: I’ve been playing since December 2005. I decided to start my own solo guild in the summer of ‘06 after seeing most guilds lacked coordination and any type of real friendship. Coming from D2 Hardcore, I’ve always felt the penalties of dying in Guild Wars to be much too insignificant and was immediately drawn to the challenges of going for max survivor when titles came out.

Conclusion: I play on weekdays from 5:30-9:30pm EST and significantly more on the weekends. If interested, PM me here or in-game. Cya

IGN: Rooms Of Ruin
Guild: [TALE]


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Hi there,

I'm leader of Ora Destar, a guild based on AB, PvE and PvP. The number 1 on our list is to have fun, no more, no less. We're allready in an alliance, but we want to quit it because it's getting a bit inactive there.

Looking for:
Fun making luxon guild with active players and the guild must be raising in Luxon Faction (100k+)

Ora Destar?
Ora Destar is, like I said, a fun making guild. We're all friendly guys and help alot. Our guild has 200k faction at the moment, but it's still raising everyday. We have a TS server (allies can use it to). We have every moment of the day around 10 players online and our member count at the moment is 65, but alot of those are pretty inactive.

Give "Far Wardor" a whisper or visit our site

Ty for putting time in reading

Kind regards,

Lord Mip

Lord Mip

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006

Somewhere in a distant land..

Reign of Judgement [RoJ]


Our guild found an alliance, so this post is closed.

Cherng Butter

Cherng Butter

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006


The Mirror Of Reason [SNOW]


Eyes of God looking for GvG/PvP Guild Alliance

I am an officer of Eyes of God [EoG], which is currently looking for GvG Guild(s) to allign with to test builds with to improve. General PvP activities are welcomed as well.

We usually hover around 600-700 rank-wise, and are looking for guilds to work with in the 500-800 range (higher would be nice too, if anyone is willing ). We have around 15 core members, play sometimes on weeknights (8-11 pm EST), and almost always play during weekends afternoons and nights. We have a Ventrillo server and our own forums,

Feel free to contact us if you are interested in an addition to your alliance or would like to start one with us. Our members are fun, literate, and are mostly around high school juniors-seniors. Contact me at IGN: Cherng Butter or our guild leader, Matt Matt, or you can post on our forums. Thanks!

Name: Eyes of God [EoG]
Style: Competative GvG
Faction: Luxon (though we have no preference)
Size: 15~ish core members


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

night Fall Infidels


Night Fall Infidels
I am the guild leader of this small Euro Based Luxon guild.
we are mainly PvE based but we have done a fair amount of AB in the past.
we have 12 members of which half play very regularly. Most of us are mature <25 and very helpful and friendly. We are currently looking far an Australian alliance to increase our player base etc. There are a few of us who have been playing for 18 months so we know the ropes.
PM me in game
IGN: Grammoton Cleric

Lord Mip

Lord Mip

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006

Somewhere in a distant land..

Reign of Judgement [RoJ]


Who are we?

We are part of an alliance led by the guild "the Little Team" that is still looking for more guilds. Our motto is: Having fun. That's why we seek guilds who've got friendly members and the will to do things cooperatively.

You can contact me on my IGN Bad Connection or send a message to the alliance leader, Beowulf the Ninja.

Silly Warrior

Silly Warrior

Hold it!

Join Date: Jul 2006

In your local courthouse.

The Arctic Marauders [TAM] (elite PvE, PM)

What is TAM?

Good question, you could say TAM is a mix of both aspects of the game. TAM is PvP, TAM is PvE.

TAM consists of a very large 90+ PvE Guild, named The Arctic Maraunders. The community is very fun, active and friendly, and all enjoy PvE aspects of the game, as well as a bit of PvP. We have our own paid Vent service, as well as TS for both guilds.

Now a few months back, I, the leader of TAM decided to open up a new guild, named You Wish You Were Cool like [TAM], a very organized group of all of our best PvP players. Within the last few months, we have drawn many great HA and GvG players, leading to upper level GvG. This guild is ran by my former officer.

Together, both guilds share a Forum, and consider one another 1 entire guild, not 2. TAM is very well organized We are looking for a large PvE/PvP alliance, something of a mix, and very active! Kurzick!

We are not at all interested in farming faction, sorry.

So basically we are looking for a well to do very active Kurzick alliance, that will accept both guilds, not one or the other. Its a two for one bargin, but all or nothing.

You'll find the TAM community very fun, and a great addition to your alliance!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


If anyone is out looking for new guilds to join the alliance, here's what I require for them to be considered:

Name: Funloving Gamers [FLG]
Style: PvE/AB focus, would like to do PvP/GvG
Faction: Kurzick
Contact: Holy Hottie (see full list below)
Size: 60+ (FLG only, over 110 in alliance)
Type of guild we are looking to ally with: We are the leaders of an alliance that is looking for new additions. The guilds we would like to add should have the following qualities:


- 20+ Members active (We want to have folks to play with)
- Community base (We like to chat a lot)
- Maturity
- The desire to have fun at any aspect of the game
- Willingness to meet with Officers and/or Leaders of existing guilds before being invited to the alliance


- Kurzick alignment (will accept Luxon guilds willing to switch to Kurzick)
- Helpfulness to guild and alliance members (you help us, we help you)
- Ventrilo (We have paid-for servers in the alliance)
- Faction donation (no required amount, although every bit helps)

Does this sound like you? Great! So who do you contact (and how) then?

Me (Holy Hottie, leader of FLG) or any of the following representatives who will in turn contact me:

Mica Morrier [REAP]
Risky Ranger [FLG]

You may also send me a PM here, or post a message in the Guestbook on FLG's forums. Please give me your in-game name, a good time to reach you, and feel free to tell me a little about your guild.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

Barbie's Motorhome

The Biggyverse [PLEB]


Ice Cold Empire [ICE] are looking for a PvP alliance to join.

We are a Euro based guild who love to gvg every night if possible, but we would like another pvp guild or guilds that can guest with us or needs us to guest for them for GvG.

We are active from around 8pm GMT til around midnight - 1am GMT most weekdays and weekends. We hover around the 1000 - 1006 rating on the ladder but could easily go much higher if we got playing more regularly.

Anyone interested in having us in their PvP alliance should contact:

A Touch of Healing
Elrodien Heals


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006

Helping Hand of Ascalon



My Guild, of which I am an officer, is the HELPING HAND OF ASCALON (HAND). We are a predominatly PVE guild with over 60 members, formed with the intention of helping new players thru the game. Our members are mature and most of the officers have completed the game with numerous character types. Of late, many of our players have ventured into PVP, including AB, RA and HA. We have harly any experience in GVG, and most of us are very keen to dabble in this.

What we are looking for, is a guild alliance which supports and participates actively in PVE and PVP. What we want is a good balance of both. We are looking to for a mature and understanding alliance, with no emphasis on how many faction points one must contribute daily. We want an alliance who is keen to do things together and more importantly, friendly and cooperative. We want also an alliance which can take the lead in organising GVG battles and also organising PVE events, like Urgoz, DOA etc.

We have members from all round the globe, but we are an American server based guild. So we normally have people on some time or other, 24/7.

Our current guild was that, but has since decided to focus most of their attention on another MMORPG, Vanguard, hence our decision to move on.

We are Kurzick-biased, and have members who are Steward/Allies of the Kurzicks.

Availability of Vent/TS is very welcome.

Please feel free to contact me ingame or email me @ [email protected]. My IGN is Daddy Bear Shaman. Add me to friends and you can see my IGN and the other derivatives.

Hope to hear from someone soon..



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2007



Hi there We R All [Leet] Alliance is looking for more guilds

currently we have 3 guilds [Trob] [Trhb] and [Leet]

Our alliance at this point is not interested in faction farming ~ However we do do some

We are looking to active PVE Guilds to join us


Ivonwe the Wanderer

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2007

Dark Tower Eagle Hawks


Our Guild, Dark Tower Eagle Hawks (DTEH) is looking for an alliance. (Kurzick)

Edit: We Are a British based guild playing on European Servers. (though we have non british members)

Not looking for Faction farming, or specific PvP or PvE, just a place where it is fun to be and we can help each other out without having demands put on us. We like ABs, FoW/UW at times, as well as scrimming, but nothing much specific. We are presently about 30 members strong, including some long time players.

We also have a maxed out Guild Hall (Warrior's Isle)

If possible Teamspeak would be good, as we have used it before and find it makes things more interesting as well as being helpful.

If you have a space for us, contact Janos at [email protected]


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006

Too Cool For Morale [flag]

Too Cool For Morale [flag] was formed March 13, 2007, with members joining from a variety of guilds. Most of us were unhappy with the pvp or social status of our current guild, and we wanted a guild to be competitive in GvG and HA with absolutely no guild drama. All of us come from GvG/HA backgrounds, a few of us have had top 200 experience, and all of us have a solid GvG foundation.

We have established a core and are currently working on GvG times and availabilities. As of yet, we have GvG'd once when we had enough, but have had daily HA since creation. Each of us is at least r3 (not requirement, just how it turned out).

Any alliances interested can contact me in game, IGN Amalek Cleric.

Doggie Dog

Doggie Dog

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

Euro servers

The Monstrous Fangs [fang]



We’re The Monstrous Fangs [fang]

We’re a chilled out guild where the emphasis is on friendly, relaxed gameplay. We’re leaders of a Kurzick alliance with 9 other guilds (some of which are now a little quiet/dead - this post hopes to address this issue).

The guild has been around since May 2006, but many players have been around since the start of the game - we’re stable and established. We’ll still be around for a long time in the future.

Most of the guild and alliance are on the Euro servers. It’s not a requirement to be based in Europe though, as we have members from Australia and North America.

What we’re looking for now:
1. 10 new active members who think they’ll fit into the guild well - then we’ll close membership again as we like to grow in a controlled manner.
2. 3-4 new active Kurzick guilds with a similar personality to us to keep the alliance vibrant and active.

Here's some info about us:

We do PvE:
* Elite missions, FoW, UW, DoA.
* Help each other do missions/quests in the 3 continents of Tyria, Cantha and Elona.
* A little bit of farming (though this is not a focus)

We do PvP:
* TA, HA (Sync RA too where new members need help ).
* Very little GvG at the moment, but if we get the right mix of people keen to do it, properly, we’ll do it.
* The [fang] alliance has owned many different Kurzick towns/outposts at different times in 2006, but we retired from faction donating last December - so not too much team AB anymore.

What we’re about:
* an organized, friendly guild with about 65 members total - ages range from 15-45, all our members are mature and this is important to us.
* very popular forum (over 25,000 posts) which all guild members must register on, and are encouraged to post on - become part of our community!
* chatting in the GH, having fun, friendship, teamwork.

What we’re not about:
* hardcore PvP, elitism.
* quitting, raging, flaming.
* ordering guildies to do things.

If you’re interested or want some more info, please contact me in-game (ign: Monkfish Cat), e-mail me here or send an e-mail to our guild mailbox: [email protected]



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Great White North

The Fishers Of Men


My name is “Kais Blade”; I’m the leader of “The Fishers of Men [KING]”. We are a Christian Guild that is Kurzick Faction. We currently have 40 members in total, but because most of us are college students – we currently only have around 7 members that are on regularly.

As you can see that, we are a Christian guild but it does not mean that we only recruit Christian only players. Non Christians are MORE than welcome. We only have few simple rules…and that is to be nice to each other and other players keep swearing and perversity to the minimum, and of course Have Fun!

We do everything, which included HA, RA, TA, AB, and etc. we currently focusing on PvE aspect of the game, some of us (myself included) do RA and HA almost regularly.

We currently only have one Christian guild that is a part of our alliance, but we are actively seeking for other Christian Guilds or Guilds that have similar rules as us to be part of our alliance.

If you are interested in being part of the guild, or part of our alliance and have question please send me a private message or whisper me in game.

Have a good day.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007

Ladies Rhythm and Movement Club [MOVE]

The Ladies Rhythm and Movement Club [MOVE] is a luxon pve guild of 90 members looking for a pvp alliance that can offer gvg and ha opportunities for our members and officers. We are willing to assist all allies in pve. We are willing to serve as a smurf guild. We are willing to share our own site, ventrilo server, and monthly events. We are looking for an alliance that is strong in pvp and willing to extend occasional pvp courtesies to us. If you are interested in picking up [MOVE] please add Frei Veriza to your friends list and msg me ingame.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Jeresy


Hello I am a rep from Among the Stars [Star]
Were curently looking for a fun Luxon based aligance, that is in to Aligance battles, helping out in PvE, Doing DoA,UW,Fow,Ect. also a aligance that dosenot mind curseing (and no were not a bunch of kids)

We do a little PvP though some of us would like to get in to more HA, so a guild helping people learn the ropes to proper HA play would be a plus.

We have a vent server, we are working to fiind a new host to our forums and website.

Intrested or have more questions feal free to pm me in game or leave me a pm on guru.
IGN St Prefectus Assisi


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2007

The Lords Wrath


The Lords Wrath needs an Alliance

We're looking for an Active Kurzick alliance that at least has 4-5 guilds.
We have 50+ members.
Our guild is a balance between pve and pvp.
We Gvg and HA often.
We do a bit of Ab have almost 300k faction.
We're a guild that likes to have fun.
We're all pretty mature.

Pm me in game "Obelix Mon"-play on this guy the most
OR send me an E-mail @ [email protected]
Or you can post on our forums(its pretty new so not much on there yet)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Netherlands


LF Kurzicks Alliance....

Name: The Art Of Solo [SOLO]
Style: PvE and PvP guild (mostly high end area's in PvE)
Faction: Kurzick
Server: European
Contact: Mr Jorgen
Size: Just started, now 4
Type of guild were looking to ally with: A guild that's doing PvE and PvP


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006

Lords of Myth


The Lords of Myth are looking for fun-loving, mature, Luxon guilds to join our continually growing alliance!

I suppose I should tell you all a bit about ourselves. As aforementioned, we are a Luxon alliance looking to expand. We are mainly a PvE-oriented guild, with activities ranging from elite missions to helping our newer members through each of the three campaigns. We are also beginning to delve into the PvP side of things, such as GvG and HA.

What we have now:

6 Luxon guilds, eager to meet new people and to have more guilds in our alliance.

What we are looking for:

3 or 4 medium/large-sized, established guilds with similar focuses, preferrably with mature member bases.

If you feel that your guild would fit right in with the rest of our alliance, be sure to either PM me on the forums or in-game (IGN: Eso Aiku)! Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Rurik Jangeer

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

[FINE] Fat Insecure Neurotic Emotional


The Myrmidon Elite is looking for an alliance! We are a small but growing Luxon guild that was remade from an older one.

We are looking for guilds similar to our current status that aspire to become a PvE and PvP guild in the future. Our PvP will be done in a well coordinated and thought out matter, not in guild PuG GvGs. Primarily, PvE will be our driving force.

We are not interested in any hardcore ABing whatsoever, we will not force anyone to do anything.

If there are any Luxon guilds out there who sound like they want to be like this, then give me a PM at Rurik Jangeer. I look forward to speaking with you.



Doctor of Philosophy

Join Date: May 2005

Pacific Northwest

Team Love [kiSu]

Closed - if you are looking for allies post that in the guild recruiting section.