Six character slots confirmed


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Titan Chrae
In other business models where there are "Expansion Packs", Continued "Chapters", etc... You get NO "extra" character slots. You either start a new character from scratch or you import your old character. This business model is totally different from any other I've ever seen. Does anyone have an example of a business model where you can both import all your old characters and create an equal number of new characters for any game sequal?

That stated...I would love to have had 6 character slots in Prophesies and 8 total linking Factions but I think the slots we have is fair.
Diablo2 had a ton you could create even on servers
EQ had 8 per server, most other MMORPGs did that

GW mostly fits the D2 model.
They have MMORPG aspects but also a similiar price model if you look deeper too (chapters every 6mo works out to a pretty good subscription model)

If you unlock/for pvp you make many choices for pvp unlocks
Then you need a slot for that unlock
Then you might want particular pve chars.. easy to get tied up quick

No other game AFAIK has worked like that.
Could you imagine no character slots?

Again Titan the biggest problem is you start behind the ball and a lot of us hit the wall a long time ago and really had hoped for the best here. Until CGW I don't think we had a glimmer as to what might happen with character slots.

And until the big discussion regarding it I wouldn't doubt they planned only 1 slot for those linking. Plus GW is making some new ground in the business model arena as it is (and obviously winging it a bit :b) so trying to compare them in that area might be difficult.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Buoyancy
Anet promises you 8 total character slots if you don't link your account. If you do link your account you only get 6 accounts. Thus, by buying Factions, Anet has promised me access to database storage for 8 accounts. When they only provide you with 6 slots for a merged account, they are not giving you everything that you paid for.
Everyone here knows you're getting 6 slots with merging. So, sorry, no "promise" of 8 slots linked in any way, shape or form. You assumed. You are paying for content, not slots alone.

Originally Posted by Buoyancy
I always like it when somebody who's losing an argument starts to lie about what their opponent has stated. Why don't you provide the quotes where I have told anybody to quit posting. Oh that's right, I never made such a post. Why don't you provide the quote where I stated that I don't play GW anymore. Oh that's right, I never said that. Please don't lie about your opponents arguments, and please don't pretend that strawmen are valid arguments.
I took this
Please don't waste everybody's time by playing devil's advocate.
as telling someone to quit posting. I've since re-read all your posts, and realize you were arguing semantics, not telling him to stop.

I apologize.

Originally Posted by Buoyancy
Please explain to me how an account with the original game and four expansions all linked together having a total of 22 character slots uses more memory than the original game and four unmerged expansions with 22 character slots. Actually, why don't you explain to me how the 8 characters with Guild Wars and Factions unlinked uses more memory uses more memory than would be used with the accounts merged. I could use a good laugh.
I don't need to explain that, because I never said it did. What I said was, I expect that most people will link accounts, thus saving Anet money in the long run.

But perhaps you have a better reason why Anet is "cheating" you out of two slots? Oh, yes, because they are evil and want to piss off their customers.

Yes, that makes sense.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


Righteous Apathy [RA]

When you purchase Prophecies you're paying for 4 unmerged accounts. When you purchase Factions you're paying for 4 unmerged accounts. At $50 each, let's say each slot is worth $12.50. So $100 for 8 slots at $12.50 each.

If you merged your Prophecies and Factions accounts, $100 split 6 ways is $16.67. So a merged account is worth $4.17 more than an unmerged. Is getting twice the content for your slots worth $4.17 more per slot? Seems like a great deal to me.

It's not just about the slots. The content is worth something, too. The content ain't free.

Originally Posted by Buoyancy
A merged slot is more valuable, ...I don't care how much extra content you get by mergind your accounts. You are still being ripped off for half of the databse storage that you paid for.
This is the error in your argument. You believe you have bought something that you have not. You're purchasing unmerged slots. You even stated yourself that you believe a merged slot is more valuable. You're contradicting yourself.

Let me give a simpler example:

The local grocery store is selling oranges. You can buy them in bags containing 1 orange and in bags containing 2 oranges. Bags containing 1 orange cost $3. Bags containing 2 oranges cost $4. You can spend $24 to get 8 bags of 1 orange for a total of 8 oranges or 6 bags of 2 oranges for a total of 12 oranges. It's $24 either way. But you get a better deal with 6 bags of 2.

A bag containing 2 oranges (merged account) is more valuable than a bag containing 1 orange (unmerged account).

Sorry for the late reply...kept getting interrupted. Now I have to read all the posts between this one and the one I'm replying to.

Renegade ++RIP++

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Titan Chrae
In other business models where there are "Expansion Packs", Continued "Chapters", etc... You get NO "extra" character slots. You either start a new character from scratch or you import your old character. This business model is totally different from any other I've ever seen. Does anyone have an example of a business model where you can both import all your old characters and create an equal number of new characters for any game sequal?

That stated...I would love to have had 6 character slots in Prophesies and 8 total linking Factions but I think the slots we have is fair.
sacred - sacred underworld (expansion) offers 2 more charslots while 2 nex professions. Ability to play 'hardcore chars' being online saved, which get deleted as soon as you die. Free online play. Offers horseriding and is by many seen as diablo 3 (even though it ain't as great). And guess what still only same price while the expansion got a price reduction in comparison to the official product. On top of that sacred itself received a free contentupdate (nearly same size as SF) also called sacred - plus.

The only difference is that the graphics aren't as shiny, and look more like a polished version of diablo2.

The only difference with the product of GW and sacred is that if GW ever goes broke I won't be able to play on... while I can still fire up sacred. This was mainly one of my biggest beefs since I am kinda hooked to rpgs (In still install and play BG when I am in the mood)



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Renegade ++RIP++
sacred - sacred underworld (expansion) offers 2 more charslots while 2 nex professions.
not familiar with this... is it considered a MMORPG? (uh, wait. I don't want to start Loviatar on his CORPG vs MMORPG argument...)

just kidding, Loviatar...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Thom
Sounds good until you look at the facts. Originally people were asking for 2 slots, which was justified and now people are asking for four. There is a problem with having infinite slots in this game from a business perspective if nothing else. The fact that you ask for 4 slots means you want 4 slots every 6 months with every chapter, which means you want a ton more slots than your "naysayers". The argument isn't as out there as you'd like to make it.
While the other thread was titled as a petition for two slots, past the first page or three the arguments were nearly exactly the same as presented in this thread. There was no drastic change in what people were asking for after they announced the 4+4=6 deal.

Originally Posted by Thom
The argument is really about throwing off in game balance. People don't want to have to grind 4 players to be competitive. Go see my 15 other posts on this. If this didn't effect the entire community we wouldn't care. If I don't view the policy as unfair and I like the balance more, then this point of view isn't totally stupid as you'd make it out to be. If I wanted to grind forever I'd play Silkroad like all the EP guys are doing atm, but the lack of grind is part of what makes the game interesting.
And just how are more options going to cause grind? I won't want to be forced to GRIND to rebuild a ranger. I don't want to GRIND to bring back my mesmer if I decided I don't like that ranger. It's grind because it's repetitive, when you play through with the same character over and over gain because you have no other choice, not because you want to, but because you're forced to, that is grind. How eould people be forced to gind more with more slots? It's not like casual players feel forced to gind to fill their slots currently. You've claimed that limiting character slots reduces grind in the past, and I think your points were firmly refuted in the past as well.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

I was going to say Sacred as well but not sure if anyone outside Europe knew about this game.

The only difference with the product of GW and sacred is that if GW ever goes broke I won't be able to play on... while I can still fire up sacred.
Kind of weird cos last week I found the game in the shelf and try to play it but kept getting kickout of the server. just after 5 minutes or so.

I was never a big fan of the game so never got underworld.

not familiar with this... is it considered a MMORPG?
IS Guild Wars considered a MMORPG?

Back to the topic, I don’t understand if the Anet people say they read the forums why have they made a comment on this thread.

Plus all that I have said before, if they cant gives more slots then gives us a option to but some slots, or lets us merge the accounts that we have.

I have 2 Guild Wars accounts just cos I wanted to try the entire game by playing all; characters as primary and have some slot for PvP. And dint feel like having to delete characters just cos of that.

Renegade ++RIP++

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

strange, you did update your version to the last one right sinc eit received a ton of bugfixes and rebalancing during its life. It was kinda buggy at start. Although the point was that you could still play it as a singleplayerversion so offline.

latest news concerning online play is this though:
Lobby maintenance in the week of 9th February to 15th February.

The International lobby will be experiencing downtime at the 9th, 13th and 14th February.




Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Well, I would be playing Guild Wars right now, but they reset their server...

First time this has happened to my knowledge. Very bad timing.



Popcorn Fetish

Join Date: Dec 2005



Originally Posted by Mordakai
Well, I would be playing Guild Wars right now, but they reset their server...

First time this has happened to my knowledge. Very bad timing.
Come to think about it this roll back is taking a lot of time, do you think it might have something do with the “little database” everyone keeps talking about? I mean how hard should it be to roll back four hours of everyone who played today on that “little database” of information.

Gargle Blaster

Gargle Blaster

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by Zehnchu
Come to think about it this roll back is taking a lot of time, do you think it might have something do with the “little database” everyone keeps talking about? I mean how hard should it be to roll back four hours of everyone who played today on that “little database” of information.
- a blind guess about the current issue -thanks for your ignorant generalization this thread could use a few more.

Note: if you are not from Anet dont talk for Anet --thanks in advance



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006



and again this argument on both sides continues with a lack of response from anyone at Anet. I would love to see a response from said Weekes or Gaile about the lack of slot offering.
As a forum member pointed out earlier, since Anet are about making money how did they miss such an opportunity by not offering an extra slot in CE. Hell, I woulda shelled out extra for that. Not for a piece of cloth - the irl verison of gwens tapestry shred, it just takes up inventory space!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005


Yeah wish someone from Anet would say something too. It's a little disappointing because if you reserve one slot for PvP (or I don't know, let's say Supertank) and play the two new classes.. that leaves 3 primaries still not played if you link your accounts!

For me I have 3 level 20s: warrior, mesmer, monk. All with very good equipment and skills etc. which I don't want to lose.

1 slot used up for PvP/other stuff

So 2 new slots I'll probably fill with the Ritualist and Assassin.

3 classes still unplayed - Ele, Necro and Ranger. The only way around it is to delete existing chars which had a lot of time/effort put into them, or buy a 2nd account (and then buy another copy/copies of Factions...) Why they couldn't just let you buy some extra slots for a low price I don't know...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

The slots thing is a piss off for a lot of fans and players. Why would they limit you of being able to completely finish the game off character & content wise. Only explaination is they want you to waste money. I was already surprised that there was a 4 slots limit with the first GW. I can't believe they are doing this combine/reduce slot thing with the second GW. It's just so stupid, they know everyone will merge. Who would want to waste all the time, money and items you have on ur first GW character and not be able to play it when you buy the next game? Who as ever heard of an addon (althought they say Factions is a game in itself for all the players that own Prophecies i'm sure they all consider it an expansion, like don't take us as idiots please. My whole guild is waiting on their decision on the slots thing to decide wether to buy the Factions part or not. Considering the gaming world is so big i'm sure sooner or later someone will create a game with features much like GW and will probably try to beat out GW by making a better deal etc. I mean look at WoW i know it has a monthly fee, but it costs $90 for 6 months which is like GW upgrades which go for $50 each upgrade. By paying monthly for WoW people play it non-stop so they can get that feeling they are using the max of their money. With Guildwars if you consider having to pay per month for Guildwars you would probably finish the game with all 4 characters all done with quests, bonuses, missions, elite caps, skills etc within 3 months if you play as much as the Wow players do. If you can understand what i'm getting at the contect of GW isn't as much as of WoW and if you lay it all out side by side the value for WoW is similar to GW... only difference is you have to play it 24/7 or has much as possible while with GW you can just sit back and play whenever you want. Maybe i'm going on too much but really it's bad enough GW has little content it's even worse they are taking away from our flexibility to utilize GW to it's full extent. Overall, a bad move on the creators.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by ngoducthang
Overall, a bad move on the creators.
That remains to be seen. If they make more money (by people buying multiple accounts), then it was a very smart move.

It all depends on how many people don't buy Factions because of this versus how many buy more copies...

For the record, I'm only buying one collector's edition. But, then, I only have two real characters on my account, so slots aren't that important to me.



Popcorn Fetish

Join Date: Dec 2005



Originally Posted by Gargle Blaster
ignorant generalization
Well you know what they say, takes one to know one.

So by your terms that would apply to everyone who posted about database, file size and all that.

Gargle Blaster

Gargle Blaster

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

It is not my intention to insult you or anyone else on a personal level. The comments about what were causing the issues on monday are completly with out any evidence or merit.

No, i dont think everyone here has posted ignorant generalizations, as some have given facts to support their comments and an examples of how databases work.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Numurian Vanguard


I'm glad I need more characters

Titan Chrae

Titan Chrae

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Frozen Lake

Illustrious Chromatic Enigmas (ICE)


Originally Posted by Renegade ++RIP++
sacred - sacred underworld (expansion) offers 2 more charslots while 2 nex professions. Ability to play 'hardcore chars' being online saved, which get deleted as soon as you die. Free online play. Offers horseriding and is by many seen as diablo 3 (even though it ain't as great). And guess what still only same price while the expansion got a price reduction in comparison to the official product. On top of that sacred itself received a free contentupdate (nearly same size as SF) also called sacred - plus.

The only difference is that the graphics aren't as shiny, and look more like a polished version of diablo2.

The only difference with the product of GW and sacred is that if GW ever goes broke I won't be able to play on... while I can still fire up sacred. This was mainly one of my biggest beefs since I am kinda hooked to rpgs (In still install and play BG when I am in the mood)
While I am only vaguely familiar with sacred (My mom picked up for $10 at Walmart), from what I see it is vastly inferior to Guildwars. I could barely stand to watch her play it because it so bored me.

So it has a business model similar to Guildwars (Which is what I asked) Is there a simlar value in the Sacred Business model? Doubling two slots to 4 provides you with the same number of slots as the original Guildwars: Prophecies. Can your new characters also play the content of the original sacred game?

In guild wars you are basically able to play 6 characters through two entire games (Barring the tutorial content). Not only that, you can move freely from game to game with these characters and what takes place in one game affects the other game. You basically have two games with 6 slots each if you link your accounts.

As to the online only content: When I first purchased GW I thought...if the there is a server crash or something I'm dead in the water...True... but how many times has that happened in the last year. And I'm never going to play another solo RPG game. It is just not as much fun without human interaction. (The old ULTIMA Series rocked when I was a kid though -- before I knew better)

Renegade ++RIP++

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Titan Chrae
While I am only vaguely familiar with sacred (My mom picked up for $10 at Walmart), from what I see it is vastly inferior to Guildwars. I could barely stand to watch her play it because it so bored me.

So it has a business model similar to Guildwars (Which is what I asked) Is there a simlar value in the Sacred Business model? Doubling two slots to 4 provides you with the same number of slots as the original Guildwars: Prophecies. Can your new characters also play the content of the original sacred game?

In guild wars you are basically able to play 6 characters through two entire games (Barring the tutorial content). Not only that, you can move freely from game to game with these characters and what takes place in one game affects the other game. You basically have two games with 6 slots each if you link your accounts.

As to the online only content: When I first purchased GW I thought...if the there is a server crash or something I'm dead in the water...True... but how many times has that happened in the last year. And I'm never going to play another solo RPG game. It is just not as much fun without human interaction. (The old ULTIMA Series rocked when I was a kid though -- before I knew better)
Like I said, it is less 3d like and more diablolike but with 'better' graphics. And in the end you can't debate taste. I got tired of sacred after playing it through 2 times with different chars, but I know people that can play it again and again and again. But heck I got tired of dungeonsiege 2 after like 30 hours... and still some people would consider dungeonesiege to be way better then sacred. And yes your newly created chars can play the other content, just export and import and your playing with all the items you played in hte other campaign. With sacred you can play 6 different chars (battlemage, gladiator, dark elf, seraphim, wood elf, vampiress). Then by tacking on underworld you expand your game with 2 other chars (dwarf and Daemon) which you can play in the underworld campaign (or chapter) and in the sacred chapter. It has even got 5 different difficulties ranging from bronze to platinum making the level of the enemies always x higher then your level. Comparing this with GW would for instance if you started your char in platinum then every mob you encountered in ascalon would be x levels higher then you even if you came back at level 20.

It is also logical that a game like GW will not just have problems with their servers at launch or at least not ones uninvolved with serverload. But what would happen in 6 years or more... at least I know that I could still play sacred, but what with GW... if it goes ballyup its over, while if sacred goes bellyup i still have the singleplayer campaign, and can contineou to use my chars if I ever wanted to.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Renegade ++RIP++
but what with GW... if it goes ballyup its over, while if sacred goes bellyup i still have the singleplayer campaign, and can contineou to use my chars if I ever wanted to.
This has been bumming me out as well... Like what happened to the Original Everquest (not Everquest II). Is it still up? Did all those charcters just "die." ?

My hope is that Guild Wars lasts a long, long, time, but if it ever dies, somehow we could still play "solo."



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

west yorkshire, Uk

Sisters of Serenity


well, in theory, since the areas other than town are instanced, your pc might be able to handle the load if it drew/data it.
your might not have towns full of people, and then only the henches, critters and NPCs in the game, but hey, if they gave out a patch that let you play the data offline like that cause there was no more servers, at least you could still have *some* fun....
(though what the PvP peeps would do, other than bugger off to another PvP or part PvP game, i do not know....)

far as i know, evverquest1 is stilll there, just not so popular....i know someone that used to play eq2, then went back to eq1 for a while..and is now a rabid GW fanatic ^^ hehe


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Even if Guild Wars "goes belly-up" you could probably still run it off your hard drive. No PvP () but you'd be able to run around with henchies everywhere. It'd get lonely, though.

And my god, is this thread not dead yet? People are barely even talking slots anymore.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by Cjlr
Even if Guild Wars "goes belly-up" you could probably still run it off your hard drive. No PvP () but you'd be able to run around with henchies everywhere. It'd get lonely, though.

And my god, is this thread not dead yet? People are barely even talking slots anymore.
No you probably wouldn't be able to play it at all. All your character info is stored serverside, and unless they change the codebase to remove the serverside requirements if it does go down, you're stuffed

Also, need more slot dagnabit!


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005 is quite surprising that this thread is still alive.
I had a chance to read lots of post from where I left off.
It may be off-topic, but I found this one post especially interesting.

Originally Posted by Eugaet
Consider: If (big IF) ANet sells add-on slots in the future (which I support), who thinks it would be worth it to have a tiered price structure? Example:

Add-On Slot for Prophecies: $5
Add-On Merged Slot for Prophecies and Factions: $10
Add-On Merged Slot for Chapter A + Chapter B + Chapter C: 15$

(I just made those prices up. It could be $5, $8, $11, whatever.)

Because in my mind, a merged slot is worth twice as much as a unmerged slot. You are able to access twice as much content with a merged slot as opposed to an unmerged. Therefore, a merged slot is more valuable than an unmerged. Simple, logical, elegant.

This is why I'm on the 'fanboy' side of this issue. Merged accounts are logically more valuable.
Will I buy add-on slots if they become available? Yes.
I'm pretty sure that most of people considers combined character more valuable(according to previous posts)...hence causing to lose 2 characters when combine in order to adjust the value. So just like Eugaet has theorized/suggested, it is logical that merged add-on character slot will cost more, if you ever decided to buy merged add-on slot in the future. Assuming there is going to be infinite amount of expansions, it can be theorized that someday, one *multiple* merged character slot will reach upto triple digit dollars and more

(Following solutions are example purpose only)

==Cost of merged slot==
Prophesies + Expansion1+Expansion2+Expansion3+..... = $$$......

Using Eugaet's base price and price structure(as example only):
Add-On Slot for Prophecies: $5
Add-On Merged Slot for Prophecies and Factions: $10
Add-On Merged Slot for Chapter A + Chapter B + Chapter C: 15$

x=number of expansion, z=base price(in this case $5)
Price of x merged character slot =$ z(x+1)

So If I want to purchase a character slot who will have access to prophesies and 10 expansions, with base price of $5, it would cost me $55.

I found this little interesting...that's all

*Edited(added "multiple")

Agild Greenfinger

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Kirbie is quite surprising that this thread is still alive.
I had a chance to read lots of post from where I left off.
It may be off-topic, but I found this one post especially interesting.

I'm pretty sure that most of people considers combined character more valuable(according to previous posts)...hence causing to lose 2 characters when combine in order to adjust the value. So just like Eugaet has theorized/suggested, it is logical that merged add-on character slot will cost more, if you ever decided to buy merged add-on slot in the future. Assuming there is going to be infinite amount of expansions, it can be theorized that someday, one *multiple* merged character slot will reach upto triple digit dollars and more

that reasoning is faulty.

transfering characters was from day one touted as a feature.
this feature is already included in the price of Prophecies and whatever chapter you choose to merge with.

value adjustment is the fact that return buyers pays full price for what is essentially an expansion. and therefore it does NOT need to be taxed further via a reduction in the character slots.

it was never ever mentioned when Prophecies was released that transfering characters would come with any other cost other than the full price for expansions for return customers.

taking away two character slots in adition to this, is in fact adding that hidden cost that Anet has said they'd never introduce into the game.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

Originally Posted by Agild Greenfinger

that reasoning is faulty.
Some people suggested that the reason you only get 6 character slot when merged is that merged characters are more I built my solution base on that reasoning.
Therefore, if $55*+/-* seems not reasonable for a character slot who has access to 10*+/-* expansions(according to "example solution" only), the question of character slot value is little questionable...or perhaps faulty as you commented.

Do I think $55*+/-* for a character slot who has access to 10*+/-* expansion is reasonable(according to "example solution" only)?
I have no comment on that question.
It's upto GuildWars community to judge...not I.

*Edit: added "+/-" after $55...because according to example solution...the price is depends on the number of expansions. I used 10 expansion as an example hence giving you $55.

Agild Greenfinger

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

yeah and I just explained why the value shouldn't be reflected in character slots aviable.

I didn't really comment on your whole buying slots thing for a gazzillion $ or whatever.... just that the tax for transfering characters is already present in the full price for what is essentially an expansion to return customers.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Flying Gophers


AGILD said: "Anyone with the slightest sense of reason: again, good for you I’m happy for ya. However it’s irrelevant, YOUR perception of the matter won’t change the FACT that you get less for more.

Story time:

Tim and Bob both bought 2 two boxes of the exact same chocolate each costing 50$ for a total of 100$ pr. Person.

Tim got a total of 6 pieces of chocolate and Bob got a total of 8.

It doesn’t matter that Tim really really likes the packaging or the company making the chocolate, the FACT is that he did a worse deal than Bob who might like the company and packaging just as much.

Enter Charles…Charles also bought 2 boxes of the same chocolate, but like Tim he only got 6 pieces of chocolate for his 100$ unlike Tim though, Charles isn’t exactly thrilled with this deal.
Now for Tim to deny that he made a worse deal than Bob or tell Charles that complaining is unjustified or whining, he would have to be delusional ."

Now, am I the only one who sees serious flaws in this thinking?
Tim got 6, and Bob got 8. What they don't mention is that Tim's chocolates are far bigger than Bob's. Who wins now?

Please, whe using examples, think them out a little more ^_~
*I guess some people kust like saying they get 8 in a box, but I prefer the total weight over the amount*

Agild Greenfinger

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

his chocolates aren't bigger... if anything he's simply allowed to swap around the chocolates...he's still getting ripped off.

before trying to knock something down on semantics which in reality amounts to you not being able to grasp the analogy...think it out a little more kthxb...


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Xenrath
No you probably wouldn't be able to play it at all. All your character info is stored serverside, and unless they change the codebase to remove the serverside requirements if it does go down, you're stuffed
My assumption (which I should probably have included) was that the "last patch" as it were, would let you store you own character data, if you were so inclined. I mean, what would they have to lose by it?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


Originally Posted by Cjlr
My assumption (which I should probably have included) was that the "last patch" as it were, would let you store you own character data, if you were so inclined. I mean, what would they have to lose by it?
Depends, if GW collapsed that mean NCSoft would kill it before it drags down the company but NCSoft may own GW even though ANet created the game. It depends on how much rights the publisher has over the product. If Anet owns the game, if they had the staff to make one final "patch" to make it stand alone I could see. Sometimes they show up for work and find chains on the door and there IP is sold off to pay for dept.

So say Anet folds, assume NCSoft ownes it, does a re-work then relaunch as P2P w/ Anet out of the picture. I hope this does not happen for a long time or at all but you never know. I miss you Crossgen Comics ><



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Agild, did you ever answer my question?

Would you buy and expansion that had no new professions, but 4 slots?

Are slots the most valuable thing to you?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


Righteous Apathy [RA]

Originally Posted by Cjlr
My assumption (which I should probably have included) was that the "last patch" as it were, would let you store you own character data, if you were so inclined. I mean, what would they have to lose by it?
I think that could introduce a lot of cheating. I know that in some of the offline games I've played, it's possible to modify the, so I've give yourself more gold, xp, etc. I think it's much safer to have the data stored on a central server where no one can (theoretically) modify their data for personal...well, virtual...gain.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

west yorkshire, Uk

Sisters of Serenity


slots are valuable, but its subjective, Mordakai...

to somone that only uses one slot for a permanent char, and 3 slots (on a single account right now) for mix and match or changeable pvp, no, slots arent as valuuable to them as they would be to another person...

say, a player that wants to have enough slots to have one of each of the Core6 as a primary, and a spare left over to PvP changeabout with..

but, asking someone to pay for a slot that is more each time it joins another add on..(the 55 dollar cost for a 10 add on linked *single* additional slot)
not a good idea....
good idea to charge a small extra fee if you want to link a slot to expansions, but...
to charge a fee for allowing that one single slot to be linked to multiple expansions and charge a fee for each of them in one lump summ...
gona scare off folks....

so i would sugest that the fee for a single slot that is linked to *multiple* add ons....(chapters 1 thru however many) be slightly more...but not charged per add on ....(so none of this....'i want to be able to link this slot to the future 5 expansions, that means i have to pay an extra 5 dollars per expansion for this slot, so to have a slot that will be futureproof against 5 next add ons, i have to pay 25 dollars more for this slot that the guy that pays for just a one off stand alone game slot')


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by EternalTempest

So say Anet folds, assume NCSoft ownes it, does a re-work then relaunch as P2P w/ Anet out of the picture. I hope this does not happen for a long time or at all but you never know. I miss you Crossgen Comics ><
here is exactly how much of Anet NCsoft owns

ArenaNet is a wholly owned subsidiary of NCsoft Corporation, and was founded in March 2000 by some of the key members of the creative teams behind Blizzards game series Warcraft, StarCraft, and Diablo, as well as the gaming network. You can find a lot of good information about the company at our website:


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

Regarding added on slot costs...

omg... if they kept hitting you on slots as you link that'd defeat the purpose of getting them in the first place - dont give the sick ANet market people any ideas lol.

one time fee - $5/$10 a slot, hope to gawd not more but who knows eh
limit the # perhaps, maybe you can add 2 or 4 to your account tops

there's no way linked slots cost more to ANet then unlinked
they just like suggesting how much more valuable these can be because of that

they created an initial disparity lets fix that and move on for the love of all

at least allow purchase of 2 more, 3 could make sense (+a pvp), 4 tops (all pve+2pvp)
Why 2 pvp? Because different kinds of pvp and may not want to remake constantly.
Maybe even build a name. Plus chp2 (maybe beyond too) that much more PvP.

They're already reconsidering to make more money. If they go too far once again a lot of their competitors will be that much more attractive. Ones who don't hamstring # of characters you create/how you play/omg you want to take your current characters through all the chapters/expansions/whatever - even more $? No.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



I think the PvP slot problem will be solved by adding custom templates in Chapter 3 (as rumored).

I still don't see why we need a PvP slot at all, there should be a separate log in for PvP only play, where you can load templates (but not save actual characters). If you want a PvP character with equipment from PvE, then you'd have to take a PvE slot, but normally, all "slots" would be free for PvE use.

That's my idea, anyway.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

Bleah I'd love that now, that'd save me an axeing :b

Yeah I was for just 1-2 slots being just PvP, should be much less taxing on their end. If it's just a customizable spot on that interface so be it. Mighta avoided a lot of this chatter lol.

Shame it might wait till chapter 3, hadnt heard about that tho admitably I'm still concentrating on chp2...



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by CKaz
Bleah I'd love that now, that'd save me an axeing :b

Yeah I was for just 1-2 slots being just PvP, should be much less taxing on their end. If it's just a customizable spot on that interface so be it. Mighta avoided a lot of this chatter lol.

Shame it might wait till chapter 3, hadnt heard about that tho admitably I'm still concentrating on chp2...
To be fair, it's just a rumor. (Though it makes perfect sense). It's in the thread about the Seattle preview event, someone heard a designer talking about it... so, take it with a grain of salt. But by mentioning it, I hope to keep it out there at least (frankly, I think it's such a good idea it shouldn't wait for an expansion, and should just be patched. Period.)

Found the post:

Originally Posted by Mimi Miyagi
Some MORE notes:

Was relayed by Izzy (Isaiah Cartwright) that:

Guild Storage would be a REWARD to guilds in chapter 2.

In chapter 3 they are planning on allowing players to have custom preset "builds" saved for quick PvP configuring of a character.

This is second hand info, Dion Star is passing this along to me from conversations he had with Izzy at the party.
It's still on the bottom of page one, good thread.