Originally Posted by Titan Chrae
In other business models where there are "Expansion Packs", Continued "Chapters", etc... You get NO "extra" character slots. You either start a new character from scratch or you import your old character. This business model is totally different from any other I've ever seen. Does anyone have an example of a business model where you can both import all your old characters and create an equal number of new characters for any game sequal?
That stated...I would love to have had 6 character slots in Prophesies and 8 total linking Factions but I think the slots we have is fair. |
EQ had 8 per server, most other MMORPGs did that
GW mostly fits the D2 model.
They have MMORPG aspects but also a similiar price model if you look deeper too (chapters every 6mo works out to a pretty good subscription model)
If you unlock/for pvp you make many choices for pvp unlocks
Then you need a slot for that unlock
Then you might want particular pve chars.. easy to get tied up quick
No other game AFAIK has worked like that.
Could you imagine no character slots?
Again Titan the biggest problem is you start behind the ball and a lot of us hit the wall a long time ago and really had hoped for the best here. Until CGW I don't think we had a glimmer as to what might happen with character slots.
And until the big discussion regarding it I wouldn't doubt they planned only 1 slot for those linking. Plus GW is making some new ground in the business model arena as it is (and obviously winging it a bit :b) so trying to compare them in that area might be difficult.