Originally Posted by Loviatar
Hanok Odbrook
here is where you and others lose all credibility on this.
lol - this entire post just reiterated the problem. But, as Hanok has stated many times, you are only looking short term. Perhaps now, you are grabbing and seeing the issue at hand.
They want sales, we want content and the slots to enjoy them. Short term, yea, 4 was nice. It wasn't enough as I have still not been able to try out two primaries. Factions: 2 more slots is great, still can't try out or stick with 2 primaries. Chapter 3: Still not enough slots? I haven't enjoyed chapter 2 to it's fullest yet, why am I going to go get Chapter 3? Chapter 4: I haven't gotten to play Chapter 3 yet as I am still waiting to play primaries from the first two chapters till I'm bored with them.
Long term: More slots means longer term play (for me and others) and more purchases from me and like minded people. Fewer slots means faster burn out and I'll move on. Boredom breeds discontent and lack of slots to play with breeds boredom. Don't agree?, cool. That's how I feel about it.
As for sharing being an issue? Sorry to hear that. Don't see how Anet can stop people from doing that. Whether you have 4 to 8 slots, people sharing accounts will do just that, share. I'm also guessing they are sharing more likely from fincial reasons (unable to afford multiple accounts) or they are siblings/family members who find the idea of $50 for one person to play rather silly.
Companies will look after their bottom line best, by listening to and keeping customers happy - ALL of them. Any educated person in business knows that even whispered discontent spreads like wild fire and can destroy morale within the company and within it's customer base. And right now, we are not whispering, we are saying aloud what we would like to see, one slot per primary class.
However, my favorite post so far has been your "credibility" remark, Loviatar. You claim we lose credibility, yet we have never asked for you to credit us with anything. And in IMO, I have yet to see a post against all players having 8 (which gives choices and flexability to all players) have any credibility beyond that of grasping at straws for a reason to argue. - I am starting to wonder if having 8 slots would have been the nay sayers idea, if they would be for it, rather than against it.
Lastly, once more we have seen numbers thrown up, marketing gimicks and silly nonsence in an attempt to pull away from the true issue at hand. I (and others - minority or not, I could care less) feel we need at least one slot per primary.
It's Saturday afternoon, it's raining outside and I'm sitting here not playing GW cause I am wanting to play a monk (so I'm bored... and what does boredom breed?). I can't cause I don't have the slots for it. Deleting come to mind? Re-read my posts again till it's burned in, besides, tonight I have two guild missions I'll be needing two other characters for, and tomorrow, the other two are needed.