Six character slots confirmed



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Cybah
wassup with collectors edition? 7 slots or not? need to know to retract my simple preorder box o_O
No extra slots for CE (just the 2 you get for merging Factions).

You do get Mouse Pad, Art Book, some other crap, and, of yeah, Ninja and Spirit back-up dancers for Assassin's and Ritualist's dances!

Originally Posted by Loviatar
i bought a storage account and a sigil to add another guild hall in Cantha for the added guild storage on top of that.
Nice. Money can buy you happiness!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Remnants of Ascalon, KT alliance


Originally Posted by Mordakai
No extra slots for CE (just the 2 you get for merging Factions).

You do get Mouse Pad, Art Book, some other crap, and, of yeah, Ninja and Spirit back-up dancers for Assassin's and Ritualist's dances!
gonna cry now, because of this I can't make my necro wich I've been waiting so long to get it

if only they would give an extra PvP slot




Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by SilentAssassin
gonna cry now, because of this I can't make my necro wich I've been waiting so long to get it

if only they would give an extra PvP slot

Well, I've heard a good rumor on another thread... Chapter 3 might allow PvP templates. Of course, you probably still need a PvP slot to access, so NM, won't help you. Sorry.

(I haven't given up Anet giving extra bonus slots in the future... hint-hint to anyone from Anet reading this!)

Frankly, I don't see why we need a "slot" to access PvP at all, it should be a separate button that takes you to a PvP screen where you create a character or select a template. I mean, why do we need PvP access to take up a permanent PvE slot?!?



Popcorn Fetish

Join Date: Dec 2005



Originally Posted by Mordakai
(I haven't given up Anet giving extra bonus slots in the future... hint-hint to anyone from Anet reading this!)
Don’t think they even bothered with reading past the first page, if they even did read this thread at all. Heck they might have just for a good laugh.
Opppssss back to topic, umm what CE wont have 50 extra slots now I am just plain mad.
Guild wars Prophecies has 6 professions and I only get 4 slots, NO WAY !!
Guild wars Factions has 8 professions and I only get 4 slots, how come I get penalized with only 4 slots when linking the game get you 6. I should get 6 slots for not linking too. And if I linked them I should get 10 slots.
And now I don’t get my free hamburger



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Zehnchu
Don’t think they even bothered with reading past the first page, if they even did read this thread at all. Heck they might have just for a good laugh.
Meh, I'm sure they at least looked at it. I mean, they come here pretty often.

Who knows, maybe the whole rumor of saving PvP templates came from some of our suggestions... nah, that's just a no-brainer. (my word for the day).

Egg Shen

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Originally Posted by Katari
Yeah, we could always delete characters. Of course, if deleting characters wasn't a problem, then this thread would have no reason to exist. So I'm not exactly sure where you're going with that.
This is actually one of the things I was getting at w/ my first post (page 23 I think) about not understanding the farmer mentality. It's basically what prompted me think in terms of PvE unhappiness vs. PvP unhappiness w/ regard to the number of slots. Somehow I got distracted and didn't fully elaborate.

As noted, there would be no issues if people were willing to delete characters. But why get mad at Anet for knowing a certain kind of gamer's mentality and setting up a situation to make some profit off it? Without a good profit margin, this game dies. Questioning anet's motives is ultimately pointless, as you have nobody to blame but yourself for your 'unhappiness'. It's all about YOUR approach to this game.

If grinding isn't fun, why do it? Is it because the rewards (FoW armor, green drops, gold, etc.) are so amazing? If these things were real, I would understand the desire to hold on to them forever, but they aren't. When this game dies, and it eventually will in some way, shape, or form, all the things you "worked so hard" to get will die w/ it. All the people that were impressed by your black tattoo's won't remember anything about you. Certainly having a hard to attain goal is great. Trying to acheive that goal is fun. And while I understand wanting to revel in the glory of your accomplishment, not being able to let it go and move on seems counterproductive to me. I mean, when the game dies and nobody plays anymore, was it all for naught? Do you cry? You love your character's so much you won't delete them, but you don't love them enough to continue playing the game because Anet is screwing you over? Craziness!

If grinding IS fun, then delete your character and begin the whole process over again. Who cares about the number of slots if what you truly enjoy is endless hours killing the same creature over and over again.

I'm not ranting or judging (okay, maybe judging a little bit, but not harshly), just expressing how it's hard for me to fathom certain aspects of the hardcore gamer's plight. This lack of understanding is what makes me callous to your indignation at what Anet is 'doing to you.'



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



It's not just a 'hardcore' gamer's problem. When you say 'hardcore' I'll assume you mean someone who'll farm all day, or some sillyness like that. That is an unfair generalization, and not really even relevent. I'll agree, I don't know how someone can sit and farm the same area, killing the same mobs for even one hour, let alone all day.

It's not a desire for more grinding that makes people want more character slots. Not at all, infact, it's a desire for less grinding perhaps. Once upon a time, I had a necro, war, ele, monk. So I want to try a mesmer? Ok, delete the nec. Allright, now what if I decide that mesmers suck and that I'd rather have my necro back? Delete the mesmer. Playing that necro to the end of the game (Where a large portion of people to play with are) will be considered grind by many people. The farming/slot machine sort of grind is for the msot part unrelated to the slot issue.

In reality I have a War, Ele, Monk, Mes. I'd love to be able to join my guild as a ranger when they need one. but I can't. That's all I want to be able to do. I don't want the ranger so I can grind with it. If I had wanted that I'd have long ago deleted my ele for a ranger, and my mes for a necro, because those two classes have many more mindless-farming options. It's about flexability, and enjoyment of the game. Besides, can you honstly tell me that playing with a Monk, or Warrior is anything like playing a Ranger?

End-game areas matter to me not because there's all the farm/grind options there, but because thats where the challenge is. I enjoy making builds, and I love the ability to effortlessly change atributes, secondary, skills, etc. The end-game is inherently more fun than the pre-asscension areas because I have more options, more potential builds, and the areas are more challenging. The fact that they're 'end-game' means it takes some time to get a character there. Lets say I had no monk, and a guildmate needed a monk to fill out his team. I can't just slap together a monk in five mins and go join him. Guild Wars is a very team-oriented game. It is not a zerg-fest, and you can't throw a party of eight eles into Thunderhead Keep and expect good results. So why are we restricted ascess to charcters? If you bought a chess set, and didn't get knights or rooks, I think you'd be irritated. So why is it seen as perfectly allright if Guild Wars limits the character slots in a 'marketing ploy?'

Of course once GW dies it will all be for naught, but that doesn't matter. No matter the number of slots, some day in the future all of this will be for naught, even my post right now. What is the point of collecting items in a game just to delete them? Do you go collect rare coins, then throw them in the gutter just so you can collect them again?


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

How did farming come into this equation? I must have missed something... I don't want to delete characters for many reasons, and none of them have to do with farming.
As Katari and I have said, it's to fit into what the guild(s) need at that moment in time. We delete a character and now the guild is missing a needed person untill we "grind" it back up.
When I created my last two characters, it was to fit into what the guild needed. So deleting the characters is, once again, not an option. However, if it were an option, I still probably would not delete them. I don't feel I should lose a fun character just to "grind" my way back up to the top just because Anet is being stingy.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Anet is not going to be giving away any more slots anytime soon, so we'll all just have to deal with it.

All this arguing back and forth accomplishes nothing.



Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Mordakai
Show me where Anet promised you 8 slots.
Factions by itself gives you 4 slots. Classic Guild Wars by itself gives you 4 slots. Thus Anet has promised us 8 character slots, and by dropping that number down to 6 for merged accounts they are giving us less than what we actually paid for.

What I don't understand is why they refuse to implement any method for increasing the number of character slots on a given account. Note that buying a second account is not a valid solution, as there is no way to link the skills and items you've unlocked from the first account to the second account. Why shouldn't I be able to just link the two accounts together so that I have 8 total character slots that all share the same unlocks?




Join Date: May 2005



They released the original game with 2 few PC slots now it seems they are keeping that mistake going.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005


awesome 2 more slots for me to use, i'm very happy with their decision in this!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Mordakai
Anet is not going to be giving away any more slots anytime soon, so we'll all just have to deal with it.

All this arguing back and forth accomplishes nothing.
Thats what I plan to do untill something is done about it, or untill the lack of slots fustrates me enough to leave GW. Hopefully A.Net is reading the forums, and sides with the people who need more slots. What else should be done? Start a letter-writing campaign? Bake them some cookies for them? Maybe a pettition?

The only thing that worries me is the amount of naysayers who wouldn't mind more slots anyway (Which seems to be almost everyone). If A.Net is indeed reading these, my hope is the fanboyish devils advocacy dosn't convince them any more than it does me.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

anet wants people to buy 2 copies of the game. they wont give us the same amount of of slots as there are professions.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Canada...... Eh!

I keep yo-yo-ing on my opinion of this store. Last week I was happy with them because they said it'd be no problem for me to switch my pre-order to the CE. I thought to myself, that's great. SO I got home from work yesterday, called them up to ask them if the pre-order package was in and here's what the guy said.

Me: "Is the Factions pre-order box in yet?"

EB: "Uhhh, ya, um, but we're not supposed to release it until the game gets released."

Me: "Then why call it a PRE-order package?"

EB: "Uhhh, erm, uhh"

Me: "There's a Factions preview event on March 24th why would they say to not release it until after that? How am I supposed to enjoy that without the pre-order package? Are you sure?"

EB: "Uhh, durr, k, just come and pick it up then."

So then I go down there, tell them what I'm there for, the guy gets the box, asks me if I have a reciept, I show him, and he just hands me the box. He didn't scan my reciept, he didn't enter anything into the computer, nothing. I could have just walked back in after the clown was off work and got another one! They reall gotta stop putting things in thier hiring ads that say things like "Wanted: Someone who can count. And likes to color. And won't eat too many of the crayons."

Hanok Odbrook

Hanok Odbrook

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Real Millennium Group


Originally Posted by Egg Shen
This is actually one of the things I was getting at w/ my first post (page 23 I think) about not understanding the farmer mentality. It's basically what prompted me think in terms of PvE unhappiness vs. PvP unhappiness w/ regard to the number of slots. Somehow I got distracted and didn't fully elaborate.

As noted, there would be no issues if people were willing to delete characters. But why get mad at Anet for knowing a certain kind of gamer's mentality and setting up a situation to make some profit off it? Without a good profit margin, this game dies. Questioning anet's motives is ultimately pointless, as you have nobody to blame but yourself for your 'unhappiness'. It's all about YOUR approach to this game.

If grinding isn't fun, why do it? Is it because the rewards (FoW armor, green drops, gold, etc.) are so amazing? If these things were real, I would understand the desire to hold on to them forever, but they aren't. When this game dies, and it eventually will in some way, shape, or form, all the things you "worked so hard" to get will die w/ it. All the people that were impressed by your black tattoo's won't remember anything about you. Certainly having a hard to attain goal is great. Trying to acheive that goal is fun. And while I understand wanting to revel in the glory of your accomplishment, not being able to let it go and move on seems counterproductive to me. I mean, when the game dies and nobody plays anymore, was it all for naught? Do you cry? You love your character's so much you won't delete them, but you don't love them enough to continue playing the game because Anet is screwing you over? Craziness!

If grinding IS fun, then delete your character and begin the whole process over again. Who cares about the number of slots if what you truly enjoy is endless hours killing the same creature over and over again.

I'm not ranting or judging (okay, maybe judging a little bit, but not harshly), just expressing how it's hard for me to fathom certain aspects of the hardcore gamer's plight. This lack of understanding is what makes me callous to your indignation at what Anet is 'doing to you.'
Farming has nothing to do with the issue for most players. The issue for us is the replayability of the game, and all future chapters. I feel my time playing this game is far to valuable to delete characters simply to experiment with other primary professions. We have stated repeatedly that it would take a lot more time, and increase the grind to delete a good character to replace it with one that is not as good, then have to go back and rebuild the original from scratch. Anet's current design only increases the amount of play time we have to put in and the amount of grind we need to do in order to play the game - somthing they stated right from the beginning that Guild Wars was designed NOT to do. Farmers will buy multiple copies regardless of how many slots are given per account because it is a business to them - they are not in it for play time, they are in it for the money, therefore will need many accounts to turn a profit.

Originally Posted by Katari
Originally Posted by Mordakai
Anet is not going to be giving away any more slots anytime soon, so we'll all just have to deal with it.

All this arguing back and forth accomplishes nothing.
Thats what I plan to do untill something is done about it, or untill the lack of slots fustrates me enough to leave GW. Hopefully A.Net is reading the forums, and sides with the people who need more slots. What else should be done? Start a letter-writing campaign? Bake them some cookies for them? Maybe a pettition?

The only thing that worries me is the amount of naysayers who wouldn't mind more slots anyway (Which seems to be almost everyone). If A.Net is indeed reading these, my hope is the fanboyish devils advocacy dosn't convince them any more than it does me.
We don't know what will come from this. It is a fact that Anet pays very close attention to the forums in the major fansites, if not all the fansites. Many of the past updates and improvements have been because of players like us posting in these forums (Pre-Searing Armor updates, PvP faction points, better henchie grouping for the Team Trials on the Battle Isles, etc.)

I look at this forum as protecting my investment. Unlike other games, on-line games are an investment not only of our time, but our money. I can still play all the wizardry scenarios despite the fact that Sir-Tech went belly up a decade ago. If Anet were to go out of business, the money we spent on GW chapters is gone for good - we can't continue to play this game without Anet. Therefore, when I see a problem that will affect their profitablility down the road, I will speak up to help get that problem fixed. Those who have no problem with the number of slots per linked account are not looking past the short term. Right now, Anet is the only fish in the pond with a sub free MMO. Therefore the problems arising now aren't really that vital because there's no where else to go without paying a monthly fee.

That, however, will not be the case for long. Sony is currently developing a sub free MMO. You can bet that Blizzard, Microsoft, Mythic, and all the other MMO developers will be doing the same very soon. Within the next two years, the number of free MMOs will be on par with the number of monthly fee MMOs. You can certainly bet that there will be other fantasy based games that offer as good, if not a better playing experience than GW does, and will offer its players the ability to play all professions on a single account without having to delete those characters. If Anet isn't the one who is doing that at the time, then GW will be history, and all the money spent on those chapters to support Anet will be meaningless.

This is a problem. We all need to look past the short term and make sure the problems are fixed before we waste our money on a game that will not be playable three years from now.

Hanok Odbrook
Real Millennium Group Guild
Truth * Knowledge * Peace


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by tripplesix
anet wants people to buy 2 copies of the game. they wont give us the same amount of of slots as there are professions.
Anet needs to think about that a bit more. I would not buy a second account just for slots - I'm not buying Factions for slots for that matter (an issue that has already been covered). An extra account doesn't offer me anything more than more of what I have already paid for. If, however, someone offered me a discounted "used" account for say $20 (ebay) I might consider it, but I'm surely not paying full price for the same thing. I have other things I need to pay for... electricity and water are nice to have around the house.
If Anet really wants more money from me, then they would offer up the option to purchase more character slots linked to one account. I'd be willing to "fix" their slot issues by purchasing two more slots for $10 - $20. I'd rather not though, as I still feel Anet needs to allow more options for it's player base.
Look at the rescent update. All skills trainers sell all unlocked skills. Obviously a player friendly update for those who have already gotten through the game. Now, open up those other slots so I can have a character to actually put that new feature to use.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Confirmation that the CE does -not- include an extra slot.

And isn't it strange that the European standard release of the game includes some of the benefits of the CE version, that the American standard release does not? OK, that's another thread.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Remnants of Ascalon, KT alliance


maybe because europeans are cooler?

now that we know that CE doesn't give an extra slot, I am very sad, no necro for me *cry*

why don't they just give 6 slots + a PvP slot, that would make alot more sense !!


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

what almost everybody in this thread and at other sites as well are missing is that no matter how many polls are taken from every slant one thing has been made chrystal clear to the reps visiting the sites.

a few people will actually not buy any further chapters if they dont get more than the stated number (2) additional slots.

what has been made chryatal clear is that the non buyers are a small enough group (even with telling friends not to get it) that new sales will replace them without a ripple.

they are not the casual target audience being looked for.

no truly casual player will have the time or the mindset that they need(want desperately) to have and excell at every profession with all things unlocked as well in case their guild needs an expert at everything to save them.

no matter how bitter some of the polls are every site with the bitter complaints polls also have a poll asking even so will you buy Factions.

yes ranges from 75% to 90+%

Anet/NCsoft will not change for this small group of whom only a few will actually leave


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by SilentAssassin
why don't they just give 6 slots + a PvP slot, that would make alot more sense !!
That would work for those who play PvP, but I have no intention of playing that side of GW. I find it dull and boring - that's another thread as well. However, 8 total slots would give PvPers that same slot to use as their PvP slot.

Originally Posted by Loviatar
what almost everybody in this thread and at other sites as well are missing is that no matter how many polls are taken from every slant one thing has been made chrystal clear to the reps visiting the sites.

a few people will actually not buy any further chapters if they dont get more than the stated number (2) additional slots.

what has been made chryatal clear is that the non buyers are a small enough group (even with telling friends not to get it) that new sales will replace them without a ripple.

they are not the casual target audience being looked for.

no truly casual player will have the time or the mindset that they need(want desperately) to have and excell at every profession with all things unlocked as well in case their guild needs an expert at everything to save them.

no matter how bitter some of the polls are every site with the bitter complaints polls also have a poll asking even so will you buy Factions.

yes ranges from 75% to 90+%

Anet/NCsoft will not change for this small group of whom only a few will actually leave
And what seems to keep coming about as a side step of the issue, is not whether anyone will purchase Factions or not. It's whether or not ANet is willing to listen to it's customers (minority or not) and improve the game for all it's players. As I have stated, many times now (and the nay sayers have even agreed), more slots would not hurt them nor would the nay sayers not take them if they were given.
Polls are silly in almost any terms. The numbers are twisted by simple wording. Someone saying "poor" will get less of a response than if they used the word "horrid". Words bring out emotional responses and the more intense the emotional response is, the more likely they will speak up.
Polls, also do not alter the perception of the common person, which in this case, is the player. I would like 8 slots, one for each primary. I will not stop asking for it, I will not drop it. When this thread is closed, I will go to the next one and continue to ask for it. I feel GW needs it and no amount of polls, marketing spin or other nonsence will change my mind. If Anet never adds them, then I will continue to ask for them untill they close the GW doors and move on; or simply untill, due to lack of slots, I run out of content to explore and play with. In which case, I will have moved on to another game to explore.
Adding the slots, to repeat myself once more, takes nothing from anyone, it hurts no one... it does however add to the game. And we can all agree, adding more to the game we all enjoy is a good thing.

Hanok Odbrook

Hanok Odbrook

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Real Millennium Group


As Was A Guest says, it is irrelavant what the polls say, and who will or will not buy Factions at this time, nor does it matter who GW is aimed for - it matters who will be paying the money to continue to play the game. In the long run, the middle of the road gamers are the ones who will be the bulk of Anet's player base, and we just happen to be the ones who want and need those extra character slots in order to mtach our play style.

Lovitar, you like many others, are still looking at the short term. Of course Factions will be a big hit and sell very well. I already stated that I will buy at least one copy of the game and merge with one of my current accounts. Whether I buy another copy to upgrade my secondary/sister's account will depend on a lot more than character slots and content of the game.

It is almost inevitable that GW will have to provide enough slots to meet the number of primary professions, especially if they offer content that supports all professions across all past and future chapters of GW. After all, if someone ends up with an Assassin as their primary and favorite character to play with, what the incentive for them to buy all other available chapters of the game if they don't support that profession? If the only multi-chapter support is offered to the six core characters, then what would be the point of creating new professions with each chapter? If I buy chapter 4 and can't play a Brawlymanbrusier prime unless I delete my Mesmer which has completely explored the previous three chapters - you don't think that would cause people to stop playing the game in droves?

It's obvious that we and Anet have to look at the long term implications of their game design - if there will be support in all chapters for all professions, then there must be enough character slots to allow players to take all professions through all chapters. If there is no support, then there is no reason to go to the trouble in creating new professions for each chapter, and there is no reason we should be buying any of these chapters if they are priced above a typical expansion pack's cost.

The best long term solution for Anet is to offer an equal number of character slots as there are professions, and to update each chapter with new content that supports each new profession as an incentive for players to purchase older chapters. It's as simple as that.

Hanok Odbrook
Real Millennium Group Guild
Truth * Knowledge * Peace


A lot of naysayers have used the fact that a casual gamer will not have the time to complete a chapter with all professions. If that's the case, does anyone here think a true casual gamer would be able to complete a chapter every six months? Really, when you think about it in terms like that, GW should offer one and only one slot for PvE play, no matter how many chapters you merge so that you can finish one chapter just in time to buy the next chapter. It seems clear to me, that the middle of the road gamer is the one that will be supporting Anet in the long run, because our play style will be able to get us through each chapter with each profession in time to continue to purchase future chapters and feed Anet their funds. That being the case, there's no reason why we should have enough slots on one account with which to do it.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Hanok Odbrook

here is where you and others lose all credibility on this.

more slots would not hurt them

if that were true they would have given the slots out long ago instead of digging in not to

none of you have the slightest idea of A NET/NCsoft loss of sales due to

*8 slots? 4 for each of you and share or else*

you get only 4 slots for chapter 1 separately ....GOLLY THAT IS HALF OF THE 8 YOU WANT.....a full games worth of slots to share

you only get 4 slots for Factions separately ....GOLLY THAT IS HALF THE 8 YOU WANT........another full games worth of slots to share

added cost on their proprietary setup which you dont know, you cant accurately guess, and for business reasons they are not telling

they had 5 years to calculate what they are doing.

another year for the release of Factions to change things.

this is not NCsofts first online game by far


those slots cost and we dont know how much

Hanok Odbrook

Hanok Odbrook

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Real Millennium Group


I never said that giving addition slots wouldn't affect their bottom line. It's quite obvious that there would be a core group of players who would not buy another copy of the game if they saw no reason to. That doesn't change the fact that at some point down the road, another dev will figure out how to do it, and that will affect Anet's bottom line a lot more in the long run.

And for one more trip down the road, I am not opposed to buying a key code that would add extra slots to a merged account, nor are many other people here. Sure, it would be great if we could get enough slots to match the primes for free, but that's neither here or there. The fact that Anet remains silent on such matters (this ain't the only topic) only exacerbates the problem. I certainly know there are things that they can't reveal due to the competators, but they can offer a lot more information on these topics than they have thus far.

No one playing the game will get all bent out of shape if they come out and say that they won't offer more slots for merged accounts because of the cost. And regardless of cost, I have yet to see a valid reason why we can't at least be given the option to buy additional slots up a max that matches the current number of primary professions. I'm certainly not quite as tech savy as a typical computer designer or programmer, but have had the opportunity to befriend some who are over the years. While I can't speak on Anet directly, I have learned enough to know that after GW, they're not doing too shabby.

Without repeating the entirity of my last post. The general casual gamer will not be able to keep GW afloat in the long term. I would like to still be playing this game 5-10 years down the road - and that's gonna be a lot of moola on all those chapters. I want to make sure it's going to be worth something. After all, it players such as myself that will be giving the bulk of their business to Anet.

Hanok Odbrook
Real Millennium Group Guild
Truth * Knowledge * Peace


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Hanok Odbrook

Without repeating the entirity of my last post. The general casual gamer will not be able to keep GW afloat in the long term. Peace
to be honest the general casual gamer will be their bread and butter that keeps them going.

reasoning follows.

i am a reasonably casual gamer by my own definition with other people calling me anything from hardcore to a wannabe weekend warrior.

i play sometimes up to 4/5 hours a day except when i do less or none.

if a book i am waiting for comes from barnes&noble guess what i do?

if the cat wants petting in the middle of a mission i pet the cat (henchies dont mind starting over)

i can play at my own pace and leave for a few days and not worry that others will have gained 5 levels while i was gone

i leave a level 20 world and come back to a level 20 world.

casual means you play it hit or miss as you want not feel driven or forced to be this level by this time.

each chapter is standalone .

i am not really excited by the assassin or the ritualist but i am buying chapter 2 to show support for the fun chapter 1 has given me.

i may/may not play chapter 2 much or i may play a lot.

on chapter 3 they may have something that really says get it to me

5 years from now i may have bought half of the chapters or all of them but it is my choice.

casual will keep this game going with all the wow types looking for a grind break.

they also said that they may not add new professions each chapter.

note that they did not rule out a slot (or 2) being given with chapter 3 new professions or not.

there may be 1 (or 2 or none) new professions in chapter 3 as the latest article said


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Loviatar
Hanok Odbrook

here is where you and others lose all credibility on this.

lol - this entire post just reiterated the problem. But, as Hanok has stated many times, you are only looking short term. Perhaps now, you are grabbing and seeing the issue at hand.

They want sales, we want content and the slots to enjoy them. Short term, yea, 4 was nice. It wasn't enough as I have still not been able to try out two primaries. Factions: 2 more slots is great, still can't try out or stick with 2 primaries. Chapter 3: Still not enough slots? I haven't enjoyed chapter 2 to it's fullest yet, why am I going to go get Chapter 3? Chapter 4: I haven't gotten to play Chapter 3 yet as I am still waiting to play primaries from the first two chapters till I'm bored with them.

Long term: More slots means longer term play (for me and others) and more purchases from me and like minded people. Fewer slots means faster burn out and I'll move on. Boredom breeds discontent and lack of slots to play with breeds boredom. Don't agree?, cool. That's how I feel about it.

As for sharing being an issue? Sorry to hear that. Don't see how Anet can stop people from doing that. Whether you have 4 to 8 slots, people sharing accounts will do just that, share. I'm also guessing they are sharing more likely from fincial reasons (unable to afford multiple accounts) or they are siblings/family members who find the idea of $50 for one person to play rather silly.
Companies will look after their bottom line best, by listening to and keeping customers happy - ALL of them. Any educated person in business knows that even whispered discontent spreads like wild fire and can destroy morale within the company and within it's customer base. And right now, we are not whispering, we are saying aloud what we would like to see, one slot per primary class.

However, my favorite post so far has been your "credibility" remark, Loviatar. You claim we lose credibility, yet we have never asked for you to credit us with anything. And in IMO, I have yet to see a post against all players having 8 (which gives choices and flexability to all players) have any credibility beyond that of grasping at straws for a reason to argue. - I am starting to wonder if having 8 slots would have been the nay sayers idea, if they would be for it, rather than against it.

Lastly, once more we have seen numbers thrown up, marketing gimicks and silly nonsence in an attempt to pull away from the true issue at hand. I (and others - minority or not, I could care less) feel we need at least one slot per primary.

It's Saturday afternoon, it's raining outside and I'm sitting here not playing GW cause I am wanting to play a monk (so I'm bored... and what does boredom breed?). I can't cause I don't have the slots for it. Deleting come to mind? Re-read my posts again till it's burned in, besides, tonight I have two guild missions I'll be needing two other characters for, and tomorrow, the other two are needed.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by WasAGuest
However, my favorite post so far has been your "credibility" remark, Loviatar. You claim we lose credibility, yet we have never asked for you to credit us with anything. .
actually i made no mention of your credibility with me i simply made the observation that when you make a flat statement like

more slots would not hurt them
when you have no idea of the cost of a slot to Anet/NCsoft what-so-ever it does deminish your credibility

also the character/slot ratio may be addressed in future chapters as the latest article said not all new chapters would have additional professions which would allow them to slip in a slot (or 2) as an incentive.

i also like this quote because of people already posting saying i dont care what they say i deserve 4 slots

No one playing the game will get all bent out of shape if they come out and say that they won't offer more slots for merged accounts because of the cost.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

Why are people defending ANet?
There is no benefit to you. Do you guys get a free slot if you defend ANet?

There is NO logic in limiting the slots.
They have been very proud of their server technology. If they can't handle more than 6 slots - its a flawed technology.

Bottom line is, they want money. Either because the technology needs more capital to handle the load or they just want more profit.

Either way... 6 slots is just pathetic.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Zehnchu
Based on what fact? More slots just mean you are going to spend the same amount of time on a different character that’s all.

Hanok Odbrook & WasAGuest
You long term doesn’t seem to meet the reality version of long term. Each game is going to cost twice if not more then that last game made that’s a long term FACT.

Welcome to a thing called real life it isn't fair, so deal with it!!
lol - nice twist. The facts: No one claimed anyones opinion is based on facts, and I have clearly stated over and over it is my opinion and the opinion of others... which also means, any credibility issues are null and void... much like the posts of those defending Anet choice in limiting the playability of the game (for me and others needed/wanting more slots).

Long term to me is the ability to sit and play the game while having fun doing so. Meaning, when furture chapters comes out I can play them as I want too and have fun doing so. This requires more slots. This means I will purchase them. Meaning, Anet gets the revenue from me (and like minded people).

More slots in future chapters? Great. If I'm not done enjoying the last ones, why am I purchasing the next one? If I am limited in enjoying the first two, there's a really good chance I will have moved on to another game by then. Not a threat, not a rage quit, just a fact of game playing. One gets bored, ones plays something else.

Real Life? lol - we are talking about a game. We are also talking about keeping (at least I am) ALL customers of Anet happy. Not just those who are happy with 4 or 6 slots. I'm trying to work at getting ALL customer happy(ier). Since it's impossible to make everyone happy, this would go a long way to helping everyone.

Crimsonfilms just made me wonder this: Are the ones defending Anet employees of Anet? Is there some bonus to you? If not, why defend a bad business choice (Yes, that is my opinion and many others)? Why continue to fight against an improvement to a great game? Are your negative posts an attempt at having Anet see it's not a needed addition? And if this is true, why would you do your hardest to make the game less fun for others? I mean, come on... we don't even know each other, yet you continuously attempt to lessen the progress of a good and much needed addition for those who want it and feel it is needed.

I grow tired of this conversation. It hasn't changed in pages. I have done my best to show that the addition of more slots would be better for all, whether they are used or not. There is simply no reason to open up more slots or allow them to be purchased into an already active account. Every so called reason is speculative and rather far fetched... most even sound as if they come from possible Anet employees trying to test ones resolve... though as to why they would do that is beyond me.

8 slots equals more (key word there: MORE) happy customers. More happy customers means more repeat buyers. If more slots means you would be less happy with the game, I would find you one strange person.

The reason more slots means more happy people; read through the posts prior. If you still don't get it... I apologise in advance. I tried my best to make it simple to understand.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by crimsonfilms
They have been very proud of their server technology. If they can't handle more than 6 slots - its a flawed technology.

Bottom line is, they want money. Either because the technology needs more capital to handle the load or they just want more profit.

Either way... 6 slots is just pathetic.
since they are doing this without a monthly fee yes they should be proud.

as for the bottom line statement you cant have it both ways.

if saving 2 slots will make a significant profit increase for them you are admitting the slots have a significant cost to them as well

giving those 2 additional EXPENSIVE slots hits them TWICE AS HARD

1 they LOSE the saving of expence by not giving them

2 they have to ADD the real cost of the additional slots

that might mean a real bottom line difference they will not accept and are not required to provide you and the competitors with



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Zehnchu
Based on what fact? More slots just mean you are going to spend the same amount of time on a different character that’s all.

Hanok Odbrook & WasAGuest
You long term doesn’t seem to meet the reality version of long term. Each game is going to cost twice if not more then that last game made that’s a long term FACT.

Welcome to a thing called real life it isn't fair, so deal with it!!
A FACT, that each game is going to cost twice as much? Um, what? It seems each game will cost about, well, the same as the game that came before it. I'm not really sure where you're going with this.

Yeah, real life isn't fair. In real life, if you feel someone is ripping you off, you don't just sit there and take it. If you feel something can be improved, you make suggestions. If someone tries to refute your points, you defend them. We think something can be done to make GW a better game, we feel slightly ripped off, people try and refute our logic, so we defend our opnions. This is real life, deal with it.

What if they were to sell slots? I don't see many people here oposed to that.

Would it cost A.Net something to just give us slots. It sure as hell would. Would it keep some people playing longer? Yes. Would it scare people away? No. What would the effect of selling slots be? Would people ragequit because a new option was opened up? Can you argue that if A.Net sold slots at a price of $25/two slots they would loose money?

Btw Lovitar, is it a FACT that Sell/Adding two slots would destroy A.Net's profit margin? Is it a FACT that a slot takes up that much space? Gee, I think you just a lot of credibility by saying it would. Oh and by the way, the "more slots would not hurt them" was first stated in reference to the naysayers, not to A.Net. Poor reading ftl.

Keep in mind, adding the option to buy slots has another benifit. They don't have to give everyone the slots. That right there solves a huge amount of your false delimas.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Katari

Btw Lovitar, is it a FACT that Sell/Adding two slots would destroy A.Net's profit margin? Is it a FACT that a slot takes up that much space? Gee, I think you just a lot of credibility by saying it would. Oh and by the way, the "more slots would not hurt them" was first stated in reference to the naysayers, not to A.Net. Poor reading ftl.
this is amusing as i never expressed an opinion of the sale of slots or stated the size of the impact of going from a savings of 2 slots to an expence of 2 slots more.

i stated it would make a difference but never stated how much it would be because i (like everybody else here) does not have those figures.

also i find it even more amusing that you give an opinion of what he said after he edited out that embarrassing little comment.

however here is another one that he can edit and then you can interpret for him

Adding the slots, to repeat myself once more, takes nothing from anyone, it hurts no one...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


Righteous Apathy [RA]

ANet could profit mightily off this by offering the add-on slots for extra cash. If it was all about profit, they could be charging us a monthly fee, too. Nobody knows what ANet is going (or if they're going) to do about this.

Personally, I support whatever option will make everyone happy and bury this thread for all eternity. For whatever reason, I can't stop myself from reading it and I'm already cranky today as it is.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Katari
I give an opinion of what who said after editing out what comment?
this little gem of yours

Oh and by the way, the "more slots would not hurt them" was first stated in reference to the naysayers, not to A.Net. Poor reading ftl.
And you know this how? Funny, don't business reasons revolve around profit?
we agree ablolutely here.

Anet/NCsoft feel they would lose more by adding extra slots than by not adding them.

if they thought more slots equaled more profit they would be stuffing slots all over.

possibly the same account security feature that made it impossible to change a character name at first and is still a hassel even now to change works for adding slots as well.


i think this thread needs a rest so have at it without me (for a while)


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Loviatar
also i find it even more amusing that you give an opinion of what he said after he edited out that embarrassing little comment.

however here is another one that he can edit and then you can interpret for him

This is called "baiting", don't bite. lol - it's also an offensive dodge to pull away from the issue at hand. Many people go this route when they are out of ideas or out of reasons to do or say something.

After re-reading many of the posts here, not a single nay sayer has ever really given a good or valid reason for why Anet should not give or provide (via purchase) extra slots. Evertthing stated has always been speculative and pretty far fetched.

Further, as the posts continue to grow those of us that want the extra slots and are working towards improving a wonderful game are unwilling to change our opinions on the matter. That is how we should be on the issue, as it is for the betterment of all players. So I suspect, the further and larger this thread grows, the more flamitory it will get.

Katari's post pretty much shot down any and all reasons we should not get more slots. I also expect several more "bait and switch" posts in regards to that soon... though as too why... that still puzzles me.

I stand towards more slots for everyone or for the purchase of new slots via discounted keys for single accounts.

Hanok Odbrook

Hanok Odbrook

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Real Millennium Group


Originally Posted by Zehnchu
Based on what fact? More slots just mean you are going to spend the same amount of time on a different character that’s all.

Hanok Odbrook & WasAGuest
You long term doesn’t seem to meet the reality version of long term. Each game is going to cost twice if not more then that last game made that’s a long term FACT.
Nice job responding to this post Katari, but I just have to add: So Factions is going to cost $100, and Chapter Three $200, and so on because Anets cost to produce them will double with each chapter? Now that's a REALLY BAD business model - Anet deserves to go out of business if this is true!

To Lovitar - it appears that we are both casual gamers then - I usually can only play 3-4 days a week, a max of 5 hours a day, pretty much the same as you. This is one reason why I have stayed away from MMOs in the past and have jumped at the chance to play GW. A subscription MMO will just not be worth it for me in the long term.

But what you said in one of your previous posts is why I believe casual gamers will not be able to support GW in the long term. Since their income is solely dependant on people buying chapters, they need to sell enough to make sure their ongoing costs will be covered with each new release. You said yourself you probably won't buy every chapter - right there money lost. And Anet can't count on new players picking up future chapters to make up the lost of current players forever. The player base will eventually level out in another year or two, and Anet's income will depend on maintaining its current customer base. I've seen this happen in the real world too many times - businesses that have too much customer turnover are doomed to failure. A businesses best friend is the loyal long term customer. Those are the ones Anet needs to cater to in order to remain successful with GW, as those are the players who will go out and buy every chapter they produce. I may be wrong, but I think those of us who want those slots are the ones who will be doing that in the future.

And finally, as has been repeatedly repeated in recent posts. Naysayers have yet to offer any substantial reason why we should be denied slots, whether they be free or a paid for option. I challenge anyone who disagrees with giving us more slots to come up with a valid reason for doing so before wasting more space on this thread.

As for the rest of us, we will continue to post our desires and concerns here because as I have said before, this is what the fansite forums are for, and this is where Anet goes to learn what we want and then updates the game.

Thanks to you all!!!
Hanok Odbrook
Real Millennium Group Guild
Truth * Knowledge * Peace



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Loviatar
also i find it even more amusing that you give an opinion of what he said after he edited out that embarrassing little comment.
Originally Posted by Loviatar
this little gem of yours
Originally Posted by Katari
Oh and by the way, the "more slots would not hurt them" was first stated in reference to the naysayers, not to A.Net. Poor reading ftl.
Originally Posted by WasAGuest; Bold highliting added by Katari
And what seems to keep coming about as a side step of the issue, is not whether anyone will purchase Factions or not. It's whether or not ANet is willing to listen to it's customers (minority or not) and improve the game for all it's players. As I have stated, many times now (and the nay sayers have even agreed), more slots would not hurt them nor would the nay sayers not take them if they were given.
From that you said:
Originally Posted by Loviatar
here is where you and others lose all credibility on this.

if that were true they would have given the slots out long ago instead of digging in not to
You then attacked them for something that WasAGuest didn't even say. Claiming they said adding more slots wouldn't hurt A.Net, when what WasAGuest said is that slots wouldn't hurt the naysayers. As you can see, the boldfaced text was in reference to the naysayers, not to A.Net. WasAGuest did edit his post, but he did so before the next person replied. My observation still stands. What a gem.



Popcorn Fetish

Join Date: Dec 2005



Katari Hanok Odbrook
CouncillorA FACT, that each game is going to cost twice as much? Um, what? It seems each game will cost about, well, the same as the game that came before it. I'm not really sure where you're going with this.
Let me put it this way since you can’t grasp it, Factions cost more to make then Prophecies. I know it’s hard for you to believe, guess I should have been clearer. If you have done your reading you would have found out two things, one Factions IS NOT AN EXPACION, two it took TWICE AS MANY PEOPLE TO MAKE, I am sure you know what that means right? Or did you forget to include this in your business model. So looks like Anet is thinking about the long term here. You talk a good game but forget everything in-between.

lol - nice twist
lol – nice way to side step.

What you think and what can be done are two different things. Just because you keep beating a dead horse doesn’t mean you are going to bring it back to life.

Hanok Odbrook

Hanok Odbrook

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Real Millennium Group


Originally Posted by Zehnchu
Let me put it this way since you can’t grasp it, Factions cost more to make then Prophecies. I know it’s hard for you to believe, guess I should have been clearer. If you have done your reading you would have found out two things, one Factions IS NOT AN EXPACION, two it took TWICE AS MANY PEOPLE TO MAKE, I am sure you know what that means right? Or did you forget to include this in your business model. So looks like Anet is thinking about the long term here. You talk a good game but forget everything in-between.

lol – nice way to side step.

What you think and what can be done are two different things. Just because you keep beating a dead horse doesn’t mean you are going to bring it back to life.
Actually, I did factor that in quite well. Obviously there will be added costs as technology increases, but by your reasoning, we all should be paying the amounts I mentioned at some point, right?

Regardless, your point isn't valid as we are more than willing to pay for additional slots - do you actually have anything that can contribute to this discussion?

Hanok Odbrook
Real Millennium Group Guild
Truth * Knowledge * Peace



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Buoyancy
Factions by itself gives you 4 slots. Classic Guild Wars by itself gives you 4 slots. Thus Anet has promised us 8 character slots, and by dropping that number down to 6 for merged accounts they are giving us less than what we actually paid for.
WRONG. Never has Anet said (from anything I have read), that they would give linked versions 8 slots.

In fact, the first article I read on the subject (CGW), said only ONE slot would come with a linked Factions. That created a firestorm, and started the previous thread (now closed) "Petition for 2 slots."

That thread evolved into a unamed Petition for 4 slots, and the argument continues to this day on this thread.

Originally Posted by Buoyancy
What I don't understand is why they refuse to implement any method for increasing the number of character slots on a given account. Note that buying a second account is not a valid solution, as there is no way to link the skills and items you've unlocked from the first account to the second account.
Agreed, and I for one am optimistic this will somehow be implemented in the future.

Originally Posted by Buoyancy
Why shouldn't I be able to just link the two accounts together so that I have 8 total character slots that all share the same unlocks?
Well, as I've tried to expain, Anet has already established the 4 new slots in beginning (no matter what Chapter is that beginning), and less afterwords if merged.

They cannot give 4 linked slots (for 8 total) with Factions, because then they'd have to do it with every Chapter after that (b/c not everyone is going to start with Factions... some might join with a later Chapter). People here say "think long term". Well, practice what you preach. If Anet is giving away 4 slots for each Chapter, by Chapter 10, the five million (or whatever number) of people playing Guild Wars will have 40 slots.

Since it's unfair to add the "bonus" slots with Factions, Anet will have to think of another way to satisfy customers like you. Some have suggested bonus slots with CEs, other have suggested "buying" slots directly from Anet.

Also, as to the comment that the "naysayers" are somehow "employed" by Anet... Please. Alex and Gaile come here all the time and comment on issues. Why would they employ piss-poor representatives like me who probably piss more people off than convince them?

I wish I was employed by Anet, but the truth is, I'm just a fanboy defending the product I love. I would love to have more slots, but saying crap like "8 slots were promised to us" and "we deserve 8 slots", is not going be allowed without some kind of comment from the "fanboys."