Six character slots confirmed



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Katari
And the same four people whinning about how we have enough, in a thread that apparently dosn't matter to them dosn't prove they are wrong.
i'm not whinning about how we have enough... i'm whinning about the whinners ... wait ... that's a little odd

i think my points been made anyway. /walks out


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

The House of Blackrock


So. Get Factions. Install and load up as a standalone. Create 4 characters of whatever type strikes your fancy. Quit.

Now, load up Prophecies. Use the 'add a key to your account' bit. What happens to 2 of the 4 chars from Factions??

Ah, nevermind. I bet that you can only add a key to your account if it has NO characters on it. What a crock.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

one little detail most of the complainers are missing is that while Anet makes the game NCsoft (the PUBLISHER) will be making the marketing decisions on little things like the number of slots.

Renegade ++RIP++

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

Yeah but it is the same 10 people arguing, it isnt 16 pages of different people, its the same people. Same ones saying they will never play again but hanging around the forum instead of looking for the new game that gives them the "freedom "they want.
in the hopes anet will change its stance by eithe rbumping prophecies up in charslots or by making available a key to expand the number of charslots while waiting for the alternatives to come out.

And kaya, you don't pay for a gift... so you can't look it in the mouth...



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]



Everyone was worried about having only 1 slot more (only thing they would commit too) now they up it to 2... now We don't have 8 slots arugment pop up....

For existing C1 chracters, you can make both new jobs when you add factions to your account.

For C2 only users, you have 4 slots for 8 jobs which is close to the 4 slots for 6 jpbs we have now and an incentive to go out and buy c1 - $40 for two slots if you don't plan to do anything with C1.

I'm sure that Anet decided this between a balance of what players want (I've not seen anyone aruge against more slots) with the fact to keep this game free (no montly cost) they can't give us the world.

I work out of 2 slots (share account with wife) and between the two of us have over 836 hours...

For my 2 cents, I'm happy with two slots, yes I want more but it's NOT going to stop me from getting the CE version of factions.

There releasing a game every 6 months, think if they give you 8 slots with C1 and C2 now, how many slots would you demand when c3 comes out (which started dev in Nov btw). That would be give 4 slots per game that keeps "adding" after a while that going to get expensive on there end.

Renegade ++RIP++

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

There releasing a game every 6 months, think if they give you 8 slots with C1 and C2 now, how many slots would you demand when c3 comes out (which started dev in Nov btw).
as many slots as there are new primary characters compred with the previous chapter and if they are able to do so 1 more as dedicated pvp slot only, but I could manage without it.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by EternalTempest
Everyone was worried about having only 1 slot more (only thing they would commit too) now they up it to 2... now We don't have 8 slots arugment pop up....
That old thread was really mis-titled. As it evolved past page two, the entire debate was almost exactly the same as this thread.

Ensabah Nur

Ensabah Nur

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

State of Confusion

Army Of Apocalypse (AOA)


Originally Posted by EternalTempest
I'm sure that Anet decided this between a balance of what players want (I've not seen anyone aruge against more slots) with the fact to keep this game free (no montly cost) they can't give us the world.
From what I've read the majority of us asking for 8 total slots combined are not asking for "the world" we're just asking to receive what we would be paying for. From what I've read all we are asking for is the ability to play as each primary without deleting any invested character in 100% of the game realm.

Originally Posted by EternalTempest
I work out of 2 slots (share account with wife) and between the two of us have over 836 hours....
Are you aware that by doing that, you are in violation of the EULA? Partly why in my house we have 4 GWP accounts for the 4 people that play.

Originally Posted by EternalTempest
There releasing a game every 6 months, think if they give you 8 slots with C1 and C2 now, how many slots would you demand when c3 comes out (which started dev in Nov btw). That would be give 4 slots per game that keeps "adding" after a while that going to get expensive on there end.
First off, We are not "demanding" we are requesting with enthusiasm and our request is not unreasonable. From what I've read all we are requesting is 1 character slot for each primary offered, no more but no less either. We aren't asking to set a precendence or for 4 character slots with each Chapter(expansion), merely asking for the ability to play 1 of each primary character class through 100% of game content. Far too many of the people posting against 8 total slots combined have stated they are happy with Anets decision, fine that works for you,cool. It doesn't work for us that are asking for 8, why do the "happy" people have a problem with us asking for 8? Also far far too many of the people posting against 8 total slots combined are using straw man arguments that couldn't hold water in the middle of the Pacific. While from what I've read for the most part the arguments for 8 total slots combined are well thought out and backed by logic and/or facts. If you're "happy with Anets decision , hey ,great for you, go be happy. Some of us want to be happy with Guild Wars and Anet too, but for that to happen we want to be able to play 100% of the GW realm with 1 of each primary profession.

Having said all that I'll leave ya'll with these quotes:

"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." - Bill Gates

"It takes years to build loyal customers, only seconds to lose them forever."-Unknown



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Awakened Tempest [aT]

Originally Posted by Ensabah Nur
Are you aware that by doing that, you are in violation of the EULA? Partly why in my house we have 4 GWP accounts for the 4 people that play.
Quote me if I'm wrong, but I don't think sharing is game with a family member is against the EULA, since its private personal use. It'd be different if he were sharing it with 4 people that didn't live with him, but sinces hes sharing it with a family member of the same household, im pretty sure thats ok.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

La La Land



why do the "happy" people have a problem with us asking for 8?
Because the unhappy people seem to have a problem with the happy people being happy.

What you people are doing is asking for something you know full well you are not recieving and using Anet's preset disapproval of your request to become angry. And you personally, Ensabah, have called every single individual buying Factions a witless corporate dog with no sense of taste or discernment, if not in so many words, then through your repeated statements that people buying Factions are just mindlessly following Anet's marketing policy.

Ya know what, folks? I ain't buying slots. Anet isn't stealing jack from me. Would I like a slot for each primary profession and a PvP slot? Sure! Would I leave the game if I got more? No! But why is it bad for me to like what is actually being offered? You guys say you want to be happy with Anet and Guild Wars? Then do it. Currently the attitude seems to be that Factions is two extra slots which just so happens to have a game attached to it, but because that primary content isn't what you want it to be, you're done.

Fine. Be done. Be done and please stop posting on how the people who aren't done are stupid. Perhaps there's no hard logic about why we should be grateful to get new content despite slots, but Gates and Unknown aside, there is such a thing as supporting what you think is good. If you people cannot see past the log-in screen and determine whether Anet is doing its job or not based solely/primarily on how many primaries you get, fine.

I don't. Half the people in this thread don't. Why are we mutants for not thinking that way?

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


If you guys got 8 slots, you would want 10...because not combining the accounts would give you 8...after you get 10 you would want 12.... give a mouse a cookie....

Lady Lozza

Lady Lozza

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005


Angel Sharks


I have absolutely no problem people asking for 8 character slots. I just don't understand why they don't realise they can get this by having two accounts.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by FrogDevourer
I've carefully explained why would be a good idea to give more flexibility and why it wouldn't affect the economy, the GW business model, the casual players and the hardcore/chinese farmers. I'm still waiting for consistent counter arguments in favor of the current slot system. So far, I see a lot of bitching, name calling, melodrama, and incredibly hypocritical straw men, but few interesting arguments. That's why this is probably my last post on this topic unless somebody has a new relevant argument. May be someone will be patient enough to (re)read this thread and to explain how account merging, buyable slots or 'trial/experimental' slots would hurt the game or the environment.
First of, thanks for your reasoned arguments. You're quite right of course, I'd be happy with more slots, and now that I understand your PvP template concept better, I'm all for it.

Of course, no one can rationally explain the real reason Anet chose to limit slots on merged accounts, only Anet knows for sure. All we can do is guess.

[shrug] The thing is, I doubt Anet will actually lose many people over this, and I don't think they'll increase the number of "core"
slots until they need to inflate sagging sales at some later date. But by then, I'd guess it'd be too late already.

Oh well, I'm tired and not really adding anything. Good night all!


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005



Originally Posted by Katari
When my W/Mo goes and heals as well as a primary monk, or when my Mo/W out-tanks a warrior, then that argument will make sense.
Ok so you dont get a chance to get every skill then and miss some of the game? Or did I miss something here?

Originally Posted by Katari
Because 8 slots would let you play 100% of the game. It is not an arbitary value.
Actually using your own logic thats wrong. You would need a slot for each primary with each secondary profession. So you would need 5 warriors with each of the secondary professions, 5 monks with each of the secondary professions, 5 rangers etc... you would need 30 slots for each primary to have the secondary skills, then that would be 100%. Cause then if you got 8 , you would only have 26% of the game. To have a true 100%, you would need every primary, with every secondary skill.

Originally Posted by Katari
If you're going to compaire GW to other games, how about this: In D2 you could have as many accounts as you wished.
Yeah and every warrior looked the same, every necro etc....and it only had one profession.

Originally Posted by Katari
Not that I think D2 should be compaired to GW,
Good don't compare them , because I didn't
Originally Posted by Katari
but then neither should SWG, or WoW.
I did these because others were comparing to paying a monthly fee, but if you had bothered to read that then you would have known.
Originally Posted by Katari
And the same four people whinning about how we have enough, in a thread that apparently dosn't matter to them dosn't prove they are wrong.
No, it doesn't, it also does not mean it is a major concern for everyone else as some have stated because of the number of pages this thread went. But I guess you missed that point too. Its the same people over and over claiming they are leaving GW to never to return , but still stay and report they are mad about the 2 slots.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005



Check this out

Lets say I bought a motorcycle. I enjoyed this motorcycle. I rode this cycle every day and enjoyed it. Then the cycle company decided to offer me a sidecar for my bike. Oh joy, Now I can carry my spouse with me. But wait I have 2 children.
I can:
A) accept the side car as is because it would allow me and my spouse to ride it when the children are away at school. or allow a friend to ride with me
B) Ask if the bike company can make a 3 seat side car, when they say they wont, I can pitch a fit and throw the bike away.
C) Purchase an extra bike and side car for my spouse so we both can take a child with us on family outings.
D) ask everyone to throw their bikes away because they did not make a 3 seat sidecar. And call everyone morons who doesnt agree with me. I then sue the bike company because I specifically needed a 3 seat side car, because i am not getting 100% riding satisfaction each time I dont have my whole family with me. After all there is 4 members in my family they all should be able to ride correct? I am paying for 100%, I should get it. Because if each one of us owned our own bike we would get 100%, but with the side car only holding one, they screwed me over. Death to the bike company. Because if you multiply 1/1*23/43+(17-3*2)- 1 = me getting the shaft. See that proves it.

Look you knew what the slots where when you purchased the game, if you didnt know then Anet pwned you. Because you did not bother to research and since they are such dirty crooks, they probably hid it from you. When the hype leading up to the games release they said the game would have 4 slots, 20 level cap, and multiple expansions it was all over the net. They said they would add accordingly to what they percieve as the true GW experiance. Just because someone buys the game and decides you need 6 slots right off the bat might be your interpetation, but they made the game.

They interpet the proper guild wars experiance is prophecies is a 4 slot core game. Hell they made it, thats the way it is. Factions is a 4 slot game, merged is 6 slots but with more spells, then so be it. I would love for unlimited slots, why cant I have every character combo known to man with each armor set, each secondary profession, each PVP character with each secondary etc. Why cant I have a hammer warrior with each secondary, a axe warrior with each secondary? How about one of each of the sword types warrior with each secondary. I really want to specialize and I aint getting 100% man.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by Gli
Please refer me to a logical answer the GW people have given us. I haven't seen or heard one yet. I'm not kidding, I really haven't. I've only seen the 6*100 > 8*50 irrelevancy.
I'm still waiting.

And meanwhile, I arrived at an amazing new conclusion. Using classic calculus paired with cutting edge contemporary mathematics, suffering through many a sleepless night, often tearing up my notes in impotent frustration, I finally arrived at the following:

8*100% > 6*100%

QED. Eight slots are better than 6.

Seriously, here's a link I've been meaning to share with some of you people for a while.

Click it, read it from top to bottom, and then try to make your points again. It'll be refreshing to read some counterargument posts by people who can string 2 sentences together without veering off into the nonsensical.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006




Originally Posted by rollntider
Check this out

Lets say I bought a motorcycle. I enjoyed this motorcycle. I rode this cycle every day and enjoyed it. Then the cycle company decided to offer me a sidecar for my bike. Oh joy, Now I can carry my spouse with me. But wait I have 2 children.
I can:
A) accept the side car as is because it would allow me and my spouse to ride it when the children are away at school. or allow a friend to ride with me
B) Ask if the bike company can make a 3 seat side car, when they say they wont, I can pitch a fit and throw the bike away.
C) Purchase an extra bike and side car for my spouse so we both can take a child with us on family outings.
D) ask everyone to throw their bikes away because they did not make a 3 seat sidecar. And call everyone morons who doesnt agree with me. I then sue the bike company because I specifically needed a 3 seat side car, because i am not getting 100% riding satisfaction each time I dont have my whole family with me. After all there is 4 members in my family they all should be able to ride correct? I am paying for 100%, I should get it. Because if each one of us owned our own bike we would get 100%, but with the side car only holding one, they screwed me over. Death to the bike company. Because if you multiply 1/1*23/43+(17-3*2)- 1 = me getting the shaft. See that proves it.

Look you knew what the slots where when you purchased the game, if you didnt know then Anet pwned you. Because you did not bother to research and since they are such dirty crooks, they probably hid it from you. When the hype leading up to the games release they said the game would have 4 slots, 20 level cap, and multiple expansions it was all over the net. They said they would add accordingly to what they percieve as the true GW experiance. Just because someone buys the game and decides you need 6 slots right off the bat might be your interpetation, but they made the game.

They interpet the proper guild wars experiance is prophecies is a 4 slot core game. Hell they made it, thats the way it is. Factions is a 4 slot game, merged is 6 slots but with more spells, then so be it. I would love for unlimited slots, why cant I have every character combo known to man with each armor set, each secondary profession, each PVP character with each secondary etc. Why cant I have a hammer warrior with each secondary, a axe warrior with each secondary? How about one of each of the sword types warrior with each secondary. I really want to specialize and I aint getting 100% man.
I liked the comparison, good explanation.

Renegade ++RIP++

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

roll that ain't a correct comparison

its more like:

A) buy 1 motorcycle with 2 sitplaces
B) buy another motorcycle with 2 sitplaces since you can't use a sidecar stand alone...
c) Now you can chose to either ride them seperately and have 4 sitplaces or link them together and get 3 sitplaces.
D) we are requesting in stead of making that linking cost our sitplaces to actually at least give us the number of seats you take away or make the linkingprocess not cost us the seats on the back of the motor by adding either a little sidecar in the middle or easier shaping the linking so that it doesn't obstruct the 2 links. That would be smart design and appreciative of customer satisfaction.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

Limburgse Jagers [LJ]


Originally Posted by rollntider

Actually using your own logic thats wrong. You would need a slot for each primary with each secondary profession. So you would need 5 warriors with each of the secondary professions, 5 monks with each of the secondary professions, 5 rangers etc... you would need 30 slots for each primary to have the secondary skills, then that would be 100%. Cause then if you got 8 , you would only have 26% of the game. To have a true 100%, you would need every primary, with every secondary skill.
What about changing your secondary after you've ascended? You only need one Warrior to unlock all skills from the other 5 professions, instead of 5 Warriors Of course, you won't be able to play the part before the desert with the other secondaries, although some new quests will come available, but you can surely obtain their skills.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

London, England

I Uprising I [RAGE]


Originally Posted by seut
4slots chapter1 stand alone + 4slots chapter2 stand alone = 6slots combined install

full price chapter1 + full price chapter2 = 6/8 benefit
wasn't the first law of marketing: keep your EXISTING customers happy?
Wasnt the Law of MMOs make players pay thro the nose?

I think its a good idea. I am primarily a pvp player, but i have 3 pve characters, and 1 slot for pvp. I dont actually need another 4 slots, 2 will just be fine. Essentially, older players are getting 2 slots, and 2 professions. New players are getting 4 slots and 8 new proffesions. Which one is going to have a hard time deciding what proffesion to make?

ANET are practically forcing older players to link the packages, therefore cutting the amount of slots they get. Doesnt reall bother me, and at least they give you the choice. Either you get 2 accounts, in GW, and another in GWF, or you get 1 account, in both areas, but with less slots. I know which i will take.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

Well some of you dont need that many slots...but i sure do. I like playing pve with different characters. I always try to get them best armor, best weapons, yadayada.

Ok i had 4 pve chars so to make a pvp char i had to delete one. Hard choice but i had to say bye to elemental to make a free slot for pvp. I said..its ok when chapter 2 comes out ill make elemental again and it will be back to where it was. But now i see i am screwed couse you really dont give me much choice ti make new pve characters exept the 2 new ones (which i sure want to try).

So now im just cursed to never try necro and ranger primary as i planed exept if i delete my other characters wich i sure dont want to. To me pvp is a nice addon to the game but i like pveing more -wit as many different characters possible.



on a GW break until C4

Join Date: Feb 2005

In your shadow

Servants of Fortuna

Originally Posted by Gli
Quoted for reference. Thank you so much for providing this reference link I've been looking for months. Don't worry, I won't go over this thread and quote each fallacy. I just don't have enough time for that. However it might be handy in a more serious discussion. Sorry for this off topic interlude but the last couple of pages are a comedy anyway.



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006



simply put i feel adding only 2 more slots after linking is more tandamount to having an expansion game at expansion costs rather than a stand alone game at full game price. I dont see 2 slots justifying that.
and yes linking is the only option for me otherwise i dont see myself being truly competitive.
would have been happy with 3 but 2 is downright mean

Ensabah Nur

Ensabah Nur

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

State of Confusion

Army Of Apocalypse (AOA)


Originally Posted by drowningfish999
Quote me if I'm wrong, but I don't think sharing is game with a family member is against the EULA, since its private personal use. It'd be different if he were sharing it with 4 people that didn't live with him, but sinces hes sharing it with a family member of the same household, im pretty sure thats ok.
Directly from

Several people in my family (or guild) intend to play Guild Wars. Do we each need to purchase a copy?

Like every other online game, anyone who wants to have a Guild Wars Game Account needs to have his/her own copy of the game. There is never a monthly fee to play Guild Wars, so you will have tremendous savings over most online games. Spawning multiple copies from a single purchase is disallowed and account sharing is a breach of the Rules of Conduct.

Which is why in my house we've paid Anet $200+ taxes for 4 accounts for the 4 people that play GWP. And would gladly have paid another $200+ taxes to expand/upgrade to GWF if they had decided to give us what we would have been paying for with no penalties (ie loss of 2 character slots for linking).

Now onto this subject;

Originally Posted by LaserLight
Because the unhappy people seem to have a problem with the happy people being happy.
From what I've read, no we don't, I myself have said a few times, "by all means be happy".
To be honest the "happy people" shouldn't be wasting their time posting in a thread about character slots that they admitedly say they are happy with. I know if I was "happy" about the slot decision I wouldn't be here.

Originally Posted by LaserLight
What you people are doing is asking for something you know full well you are not recieving and using Anet's preset disapproval of your request to become angry. And you personally, Ensabah, have called every single individual buying Factions a witless corporate dog with no sense of taste or discernment, if not in so many words, then through your repeated statements that people buying Factions are just mindlessly following Anet's marketing policy.
Well,when most of us started asking Anet for 8 total combined, was before the announcement, and we were trying to show Anet what we as previous clients/potential repeat clients would like in the new product along with what they already officially stated was going to be in new product(New Area etc).

I have never said those words to anyone, nor called any individuals anything.(If I had I'm sure the wonderful moderating team here would have called me on it), please stop trying to make your strawman arguments have bearing by attempting to make me look bad it casts you in a darker light.

Again, you're happy, great with me, be happy, I'm happy that you're happy. Please stop trying to wreck our potential happiness/enjoyment, I haven't tried to do that to you. Unless of course you feel that my asking for 8 total slots combined(1 for each primary) is trying to wreck your happiness?

Originally Posted by LaserLight
Ya know what, folks? I ain't buying slots. Anet isn't stealing jack from me. Would I like a slot for each primary profession and a PvP slot? Sure! Would I leave the game if I got more? No! But why is it bad for me to like what is actually being offered? You guys say you want to be happy with Anet and Guild Wars? Then do it. Currently the attitude seems to be that Factions is two extra slots which just so happens to have a game attached to it, but because that primary content isn't what you want it to be, you're done.
Again, you're happy, great with me, be happy, I'm happy that you're happy. Please stop trying to wreck our potential happiness/enjoyment, I haven't tried to do that to you.

Originally Posted by LaserLight
but because that primary content isn't what you want it to be, you're done.
Yes, Laserlight, that is what unhappy consumers do when they don't feel a product/service is worth their hard earned money they spend it elsewhere. Again we're not asking for something unreasonable, or an unreasonable amount of character slots. We're only asking for the 8 total character slots that we paid $100 for (GWP + GWF @ $50 each). We're only asking for 1 character slot per primary profession offered. Is that really something so terrible for you and some others to get so upset about that you keep coming back and try to keep us from that goal?

Originally Posted by LaserLight
Fine. Be done. Be done and please stop posting on how the people who aren't done are stupid. Perhaps there's no hard logic about why we should be grateful to get new content despite slots, but Gates and Unknown aside, there is such a thing as supporting what you think is good. If you people cannot see past the log-in screen and determine whether Anet is doing its job or not based solely/primarily on how many primaries you get, fine.

I don't. Half the people in this thread don't. Why are we mutants for not thinking that way?
The problem is LL, that those of us asking for 1 slot for each primary do want to see past the login screen, we just want to be able to do it with 1 of each primary profession ie 8 total combine character slots ie what we would be paying for in 100% of the playable area that we would be paying for. Remember, (this word some of you like to toss around) Content = The whole product (in this case playable area, skills, NPC's etc...and OMG! Character slots.)



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

...deep within the sylvan splendor...

Order of the Migrating Coconuts [ALBA]

(I'm one of those weird people who have created characters with background stories and have developed them accordingly, not just slapped them up with a pre-set 'build' found in a forum.)

While I want my girls to be able to explore Cantha and wreck havok on the Evil that resides there, they are also Ascended and finished with the game (well, Cait will be by the time Factions is released). Already, GW has reiterated that the level cap of 20 remains in place. Will Factions offer *anything* to challenge high level PvE characters? I have yet to see a definite aye or nay on this. If not, then why would I link accounts?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Grind is subjective

learn this please

Originally Posted by FalconDance
(I'm one of those weird people who have created characters with background stories and have developed them accordingly, not just slapped them up with a pre-set 'build' found in a forum.)

While I want my girls to be able to explore Cantha and wreck havok on the Evil that resides there, they are also Ascended and finished with the game (well, Cait will be by the time Factions is released). Already, GW has reiterated that the level cap of 20 remains in place. Will Factions offer *anything* to challenge high level PvE characters? I have yet to see a definite aye or nay on this. If not, then why would I link accounts?
It was said somewhere that 20% of Prophecies was geared toward level 20 characters, whereas 80% of Factions will be geared toward the same.

More endgame content? I sure hope that's true.

And this slot argument is over and done with. I'm 99% sure Anet is going to stick with their decision, at least for the foreseeable future, and no amount of complaining--whether by the people who are unhappy about the number, or by the people who are unhappy about the people who are unhappy about the number--is going to change that. In addition, those arguing simply aren't going to change one another's minds. I've seen maybe two or three intelligent people here, and they realize all of the above. This is how it is, it's not going to change. Enjoy it, buy Factions, or don't. It's up to you and you alone.

This thread serves no purpose anymore. Let it go.

Hanok Odbrook

Hanok Odbrook

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Real Millennium Group


Originally Posted by Mandy Memory
If you guys got 8 slots, you would want 10...because not combining the accounts would give you 8...after you get 10 you would want 12.... give a mouse a cookie....
Actually, yes. I want 8 slots now so I can play each of the primes without having to delete a current character, especially since I too as FalconDance, have created backstories and a fansite for my guild with these current characters. If Chapter 3 comes along with two more new professions, then I will indeed want 10 total character slots on my linked account for each of these ten professions. That is not unreasonable to ask in a game.

Originally Posted by Lady Lozza
I have absolutely no problem people asking for 8 character slots. I just don't understand why they don't realise they can get this by having two accounts.
Actually I did buy a second account just for that reason, and to also allow my sister to play on occassion with those characters (I just can't yet break her of the WOW addiction). And to be honest, had we been given a slot for each prime right from the beginning, I still would have bought two accounts anyway, and would continue to upgrade both accounts with new chapters so long as each chapter offered a new slot for each prime. As it is now, I will only upgrade one account, and decide from there whether the second is worth upgrading.

Originally Posted by kaya
<sarcasm> Didnt you know that the more you whine and yell the more you get? Did you not get that memo? Ya, i sit at work and whine and moan and yell... And you wouldn't believe it... my boss stands behind me and rubs my sholders, and feeds me dollars. </sarcasm>

does everybody know the expression "looking a gift horse in the mouth"
Where's the gift in all of this? I spent $70 on a CE and $40 on a StE, and will spend that min. $40 on the StE of Factions. There's nothing gifty about this. I am simply stating what I would like to see for my money (my right as a consumer). I applaud Anet for what they have done, between making a sub-free MMO and a great RPG to boot. I want them to succeed, but that doesn't mean that if another dev down the line offers more than Anet is willing to offer, I'm going to stick with GW just because I applaud them. GW will be history for me when (not if) that next game comes along. I would prefer Anet to still be developing GW at that point, but the long-term business model won't support it once the competition starts rolling in.

Originally Posted by Loviatar

one little detail most of the complainers are missing is that while Anet makes the game NCsoft (the PUBLISHER) will be making the marketing decisions on little things like the number of slots.
I don't believe this is correct. Anet makes the decisions on the game play - the number of character slots would fall under their control. NCsoft simply decides how that product will be marketed, and what will be included with the phyical product, including bonuses such as Pre-order items.

Originally Posted by rollntider
Ok so you dont get a chance to get every skill then and miss some of the game? Or did I miss something here?

Actually using your own logic thats wrong. You would need a slot for each primary with each secondary profession. So you would need 5 warriors with each of the secondary professions, 5 monks with each of the secondary professions, 5 rangers etc... you would need 30 slots for each primary to have the secondary skills, then that would be 100%. Cause then if you got 8 , you would only have 26% of the game. To have a true 100%, you would need every primary, with every secondary skill.
Actually your logic is off. We only need one slot for each prime in order to complete every quest, gain every skill, and use the prime specific armor for those characters. The secondary prof becomes irrelavent except for one's individual game play and strategy. There are certain quests in the game that can only be completed by a prime of each profession, so yes, when we don't have enough character slots for each prime, we are not being allowed to play 100% of the game (see my previous post for more details on the %'s).

Again, this gets back to what we believe to be reasonable game play. Asking for a slot for each prime in an MMO is not unreasonable. Technically, would it be right to have enough slots to play every prime/2nd combo? - yes, but that would be an unreasonable request for an MMO. Anyone who makes statements like Mandy's above is missing the point entirely. NONE of us who want enough slots to play each prime without having to delete characters wants anything more than that now, and with future chapters. Your slippery slope "arguments" are irrelevent and have absolutely no bearing on the matter because not one single request here is for more than the reasonable one slot for each prime.

Hanok Odbrook
Real Millennium Group Guild
Truth * Knowledge * Peace



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Shinigami Keys [SHIN]


I will be buying factions, and I will be linking. I don't really mind getting a limited number of slots. I like to play. I have 3 pve characters, a ranger/monk, a warrior/necro and a mesmer elementalist. And I have an open slot for helping my guild with PVP/GVG, and since i have unlocked skills from every profession I can fill a variety of roles. I would like to try a necro primary, or a monk primary, which i might try with my 2 new slots...but what about assassin, ritualist? i dont know...
What I would really like to see is the skills that I have already unlocked, to be unlocked for all my characters, then it wouldnt be so hard for me to delete a character, Say i wanted to try making a necro primary with a secondary caster, in pve, I would have to learn all those skills again, however if I made a necro for pvp, those skills are available, I think that is unfair.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Hanok Odbrook
Actually your logic is off. We only need one slot for each prime in order to complete every quest, gain every skill, and use the prime specific armor for those characters. The secondary prof becomes irrelavent except for one's individual game play and strategy. There are certain quests in the game that can only be completed by a prime of each profession, so yes, when we don't have enough character slots for each prime, we are not being allowed to play 100% of the game (see my previous post for more details on the %'s).
Which quests can only be completed by Primary? I thought all quests were doable if you had the primary or secondary needed to activate it...

Originally Posted by Hanok Odbrook
NONE of us who want enough slots to play each prime without having to delete characters wants anything more than that now, and with future chapters. Your slippery slope "arguments" are irrelevent and have absolutely no bearing on the matter because not one single request here is for more than the reasonable one slot for each prime.
Well, I've seen some posts that want the equally reasonable one slot for each primary, plus one for PvP. Frankly, if we could access PvP without wasting a slot, I'd be happy with that too. (PvP characters you want to keep could be saved as Templates, like those Premade builds you can choose from the the beginning of PvP creation).


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005



Originally Posted by Arduinna
What about changing your secondary after you've ascended? You only need one Warrior to unlock all skills from the other 5 professions, instead of 5 Warriors Of course, you won't be able to play the part before the desert with the other secondaries, although some new quests will come available, but you can surely obtain their skills.

good points, but I was being absurd that having 8 wasnt going to be enough.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Hanok Odbrook

Asking for a slot for each prime in an MMO is not unreasonable.
i agree

but since this is NOT an MMORPG (and was never advertised by Anet as) an MMORPG how does this fit in?



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Loviatar
i agree

but since this is NOT an MMORPG (and was never advertised by Anet as) an MMORPG how does this fit in?
Loviatar, let's not start that again. I know your point, but realistically, when PC Gamer has Guild Wars lumped in with every other of the SIXTY-SEVEN (67!) MMORPGS they reviewed in their April Issue, you're on the losing side!

BTW, PC Gamer praised Guild Wars and gave Factions a side-bar! That might not sound like a lot, but with 67 MMORPGs to list, some poor sods got one sentence treatments like: "Choose the Dark or the Light side in a fantasy universe that has endured 8,000 years of strife." (That was for Dark and Light. Makes you just want to run out and buy it, no?)

Hanok Odbrook

Hanok Odbrook

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Real Millennium Group


Originally Posted by Mordakai
Which quests can only be completed by Primary? I thought all quests were doable if you had the primary or secondary needed to activate it...
If I recall correctly, There are about 2-3 quests per prime in Pre-Searing that cannot be completed even with that profession as a secondary, so even by covering all professions with the original four slots, there are 4-6 quests that cannot be unlocked and completed in Pre-Searing. Also, "Recruits for Hollis" appears to be a Monk Prime only quest. I have thus far only been able to unlock and complete it with Hanok. None of my other characters have yet been able to get this quest, even the ones with a Monk secondary. I can only presume this pattern of prime only quests will carry over into Factions, but until the game is released (or info comes from Anet), that is only speculation.

Originally Posted by Mordakai
Well, I've seen some posts that want the equally reasonable one slot for each primary, plus one for PvP. Frankly, if we could access PvP without wasting a slot, I'd be happy with that too. (PvP characters you want to keep could be saved as Templates, like those Premade builds you can choose from the the beginning of PvP creation).
I'm not much of a PvP player, but did have one slot used for PvP only purposes briefly. I made the decision to delete that character in favor of making it a PvE character. Since all PvE characters can access all the PvP arenas, that option worked for me rather than using a slot for PvP only purposes.

The question of a PvP only slot is a little more complicated, since any PvE character can eventually be used for PvP purposes. There are those who focus solely on PvP and don't even need the four slots for that. The ones that are really affected, are those who spend equal amounts of time with PvE and PvP. They are the ones who would prefer to have one more slot dedicated to PvP in addition to the PvE slots. Personally, I would rather have any slots available open for PvE since that is my main playstyle, but I can see their point of view in wanting that PvP only slot. And I do think its a great idea to be able to save templetes of those characters - if there are already Pre-builds for PvP only, why shouldn't we be able to save our custom templates for our account? I think this would even be better for the PvE characters - with the addition of being able to save their XP, Attributes, and inventory, that way there would be less worry about having to delete a 1000 hour played character just to experiment for a new build that you may not like. It would be a simple matter to delete that new undesirable character and bring back the old one, just the way he/she was prior to deletion.

For those people here who use the terms "whiners" and "complainers", just remember it was the PvP only players requests for changes to the unlocking of skills that brought about Faction in the arenas, and the so-called UAS debacle. If they did not "whine" and "complain" the PvP portion of the game would not have been improved in this way. I never really saw why UAS was such a "debacle." Even though GW was intended to be a PvE game with elements of PvP to be experienced in between chapter releases, I didn't think having PvP only characters with access to all skills and mods was a bad idea, Regardless, that core of players saw a problem with that portion of the game and it was fixed.

I don't think us old school RPGers are asking for anything less reasonable than to be able to improve our play style and replayability in the game.

Hanok Odbrook
Real Millennium Group Guild
Truth * Knowlege * Peace

Originally Posted by Loviatar
i agree

but since this is NOT an MMORPG (and was never advertised by Anet as) an MMORPG how does this fit in?
That's just a question of semantics. As Anet said it's more of a COORPG, but I think of GW as an new and improved MMO. The point being that regardless of how we classify it, one slot per prime doesn't seem an unreasonable request. Refering to my above mention of the PvP element, this game was intended to be played through with PvE characters who would then be used for PvP purposes. Anet made improvements to PvP that are even taken further with Factions. Again, no reason not to improve PvE for the core of players who RPG the PvE portion of the game.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

also to cheer up the people like me who want to take my old characters and take them on new adventures the various site polls say you are not simply not alone............*drumroll* you are a majority and not a small one.

Will you be buying Guild Wars Factions?
Yes, definitely!....................................... ..807
Most likely............................................ ..232
If there are cookies in the box, I'm there!...69

Undecided......................................... ..........65
Probably not............................................... 33
No way............................................... .......19
# votes 1225


View Poll Results: Will you buy GW:F, now that the character slot issue has been settled?

Yes, I was going to buy it anyway..........................387 56.41%
Yes, two slots is enough for me.............................118 17.20%
Yes, I just will not link the accounts............................8 1.17%

No, two slots does not justify the purchase price..........117 17.06%
No, I wasn't going to buy it anyway.................................9 1.31%
undecided as yet............................................... ............47 6.85%



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Just thought of something:

If the biggest complaint about Guild Wars is there is just not enough slots to enjoy the game more, then they must be doing something right!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Hanok Odbrook
Where's the gift in all of this? I spent $70 on a CE and $40 on a StE, and will spend that min. $40 on the StE of Factions. There's nothing gifty about this. I am simply stating what I would like to see for my money (my right as a consumer). I applaud Anet for what they have done, between making a sub-free MMO and a great RPG to boot. I want them to succeed, but that doesn't mean that if another dev down the line offers more than Anet is willing to offer, I'm going to stick with GW just because I applaud them. GW will be history for me when (not if) that next game comes along. I would prefer Anet to still be developing GW at that point, but the long-term business model won't support it once the competition starts rolling in.
If you didnt see enough for your money with GW-P then why you buying the next chapter? The gift as most people see it is the 15 bucks you dont have to pay monthy for this game. As i see it, that alone as already saved me $150 +, that i would have paid if they had charged it. And that $150 is well over the ammount i spent on my copy of guildwars. The gift is also the free updates and fixes you've recieved for the past year (no gaming company is entitled to do this, and most dont... not only that most that try dont even come close to doing as well as the dev's at a-net do), not to mention all the new content added in sorrows furnace, the incredible holiday events. They have been there for you this whole time, and you still cant see this as a gift?

yes, the initial game was your buy (not a gift), but everything else they've done you take for nothing. Too bad they cant take it back, then we'll really see you cry.

i'll direct your attention to this

Hanok Odbrook

Hanok Odbrook

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Real Millennium Group


Originally Posted by Mordakai
Just thought of something:

If the biggest complaint about Guild Wars is there is just not enough slots to enjoy the game more, then they must be doing something right!
Exactly. I never said GW was a bad game - it one of the best I've played in a long time. It is perfect? certainly not, there are many things I think that can be improved, some big, some small, and of course not the least of which is the character slot issue. As the above poll indicates, this issue has not been the sole deciding factor in purchasing Factions. It is a biggie for me, but there are still other issues involved that I'm basing my decision on - two of which have been mentioned by others: the amount of account storage we'll be getting, and how the PvE portion of the game will be handled for low level and high level characters alike.

I don't like the fact that I can't bring a new, low level from Tyria to Cantha right from the start - that means I'm missing a whole tutorial and post-toot of quests that can only be completed based on where you choose to have your character born. I am also intrigued by the expanded PvP elements added to Factions. However, again I am primarily a PvE only player, so might not enjoy, or might miss out on some of the new content entirely. These factors are also weighing in on my decision to buy future chapters of GW, in addition to the number of slots. I think the same could be said of many others out there.

Hanok Odbrook
Real Millennium Group Guild
Truth * Knowledge * Peace


Originally Posted by kaya
If you didnt see enough for your money with GW-P then why you buying the next chapter? The gift as most people see it is the 15 bucks you dont have to pay monthy for this game. As i see it, that alone as already saved me $150 +, that i would have paid if they had charged it. And that $150 is well over the ammount i spent on my copy of guildwars. The gift is also the free updates and fixes you've recieved for the past year (no gaming company is entitled to do this, and most dont... not only that most that try dont even come close to doing as well as the dev's at a-net do), not to mention all the new content added in sorrows furnace, the incredible holiday events. They have been there for you this whole time, and you still cant see this as a gift?

yes, the initial game was your buy (not a gift), but everything else they've done you take for nothing. Too bad they cant take it back, then we'll really see you cry.

i'll direct your attention to this
Actually no, I do not see this as a gift. I see this as everything that is included in the purchase price. All that makes GW is an absolutely better bargain for the money than any of the other MMOs out there. That's THE reason I bought the game. This is the first MMO/COORPG I have played. The only thing I consider fortunate is that they made a great playing experience. I have spent money on some real duds out there. Anet has done a phenomenal job, and that's why I am buying Factions - I am pleased enough to spend that money on the next chapter. However, all the other additions you mention were all promised when the game was initially released. They are not gifts - they are part of that money charged to buy the game.

Using my favorite example - Temple of Elemental Evil is arguably one of the best RPG's ever made. Too bad its so d***ed buggy as to make it unplayable. Now if the dev ever made a patch to fix the game should the people who spent money on it see that as a gift? To me, I would expect the game to work from day one for the money I paid for it. The extra content, updates, and fixes for GW are things that should (and are) rightly be built into the buying price.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


ok, so call it what you want :
Originally Posted by Hanok Odbrook
All that makes GW is an absolutely better bargain for the money than any of the other MMOs out there.
If it's a better bargain, then why do you still want more?

Your grandpa gives you a "better bargain: for his horse then any other horse on the market, and you still complain that your not getting his saddle also?

Hence i say "looking a gift horse in the mouth"



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by kaya
ok, so call it what you want :

If it's a better bargain, then why do you still want more?

Your grandpa gives you a "better bargain: for his horse then any other horse on the market, and you still complain that your not getting his saddle also?

Hence i say "looking a gift horse in the mouth"

So, since Guild Wars has no monthly fee, we have no right to compain about anything whatsoever?

We still bought the game. Most of us are buying factions. All I see is Odbrook wanting some more slots so he can enjoy a game he likes even more.

How is that a bad thing?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


its not a bad thing. i've also mentioned that i wouldnt mind more slots. But, cant we just be greatful for what we're already getting? instead of always bickering about wanting more?