-If I may contine to beat the dead horse.
Originally Posted by kaya
nobody's gonna complain about more... but is it needed? did you not get enough?
If six slots were enough this thread wouldn't be so long. If four slots were enough, there wouldn't have been such lenghty discussions on the topic in the past. Clearly we didn't get enough, and only two additional slots (In addition to two from factions) will fix that.
then, let them quit... they're the ones missing out. your not gonna get more game than this for your money anywhere else.
They're missing out on nothing. If they are not happy with what A.Net is offering, then they don't pay for it. Simple as that.
-there is not flaw in this. if they wont do everything you want.. does that make it a flaw?
Nothing does everything anyone wants. We still lack an aution house, a way to rejoin mid-game, still no option to save PvP-only templates, etc. But those threads don't go on as long. I think I'm justified in saying that is indeed a problem, and that I'm not alone in thinking so.
what was that? you WANT then to fix what you thought was a mistake???
Yeah, as I said I don't consider myself to be alone in this. Maybe I should say we want them to fix something we have considered a problem since day one. It's really simple, if enough people consider something to be enough of a problem, at the very least they'll be dissasitified, at the worst they simply won't buy it.
again i'll say... if this game isnt good enough for you, then dont buy it. find your onion rings somewhere else.
Onion rings eh? Well, to be sure if I want to play an elven bard, I will go somewhere else.
Onion Ring anology:
Person orders A.
A includes a b and c.
Person asks to replace b with q
The store does not sell q, could not make q if it wanted to.
Person goes somewhere else to buy q.
What is happening:
-Players have four slots.
-Players can choose six classes.
-The players have no way of knowing which classes they like the most.
-To try a new class players have to delete a current class.
-Many players feel attached to thier character, and don't like the idea of deleting them.
-They may decide to go back to the old class
-They would have to re-make that class from scrach.
-A friend, guildmate, PvP team may ask for a certain class.
If that player lacks that certain class they're out of luck.
-Two classes will be unused, so cookiecutter-accounts will exist, with the most common classes seen more frequently. Maybe this might even be desirable.
-Players may like every class to some extent. (Dosn't have tobe equaly)
-This is not something you can change in a matter of clicks like runes or secondary. Changing primary class takes many hours.
-Playing through the game just to remake a character can been seen as grind if it occurs frequently enough.
-When something is seen as grind it is avoided. (Hello runners)
-Playing a class gives you an understanding of it (People who have played a monk are more likiely to respect the monk)
-Lastly (I missed a few things here) this has existed since there were character slots. This was a problem in the WPE, but people didn't have enough time to worry about it.
-People who feel the above statements apply to them, are considering not buying factions. And/Or they are very unhappy.
-The people who feel the above statements dont apply to them have been (In this thread) asserting that they should not apply to anyone. Or they have been simply indefferent, or saying something irrelevent, and claiming it to be prof that we have enough slots.
Make a fast food anology about that if you'd like.
if you want a game to be so specific to your desires then start programming.
Oh? did I ever say I expected A.net to conform to every one of my desires?