Six character slots confirmed



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by FrogDevourer
The problem is not the two additional slots for GW:F, it's the static 4 slots of the first chapter you buy . Few slots force you into repetitive PvE playstyle if you want to keep a precious character you have played for hundreds of hours. It's also the continual rerolls each time you change your PvP role.
It only "forces" you into a repetitive PvE playstyle if you want to keep a "precious" character.

I repeat what you say to point out some things:

If you feel "forced" to play a character you don't like, perhaps you should consider deleting it. Perhaps this is what Anet wants - your few slots to be full of active characters, not shelves for Models you no longer have use for... (and yes, I'm playing Devil's advocate here).

As for the continual re-rolls... come on! It takes a few minutes to re-roll a PvP character, even less if you know exactly what you want. That's less time than it takes to find a group... (a bigger complaint in my book).

I was going to comment that in exchange for the lack of slots, Guild Wars has incredible flexibilty in altering existing Characters, but apparently even that flexibility is not enough.

How many slots do you need for PvP? 3? 4? More?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

west yorkshire, Uk

Sisters of Serenity


erwell, it *could* be done, but not in any playable sence of the word :P

(just make a ranger with long hair, stand in towns and type yer singing)

still i understand what they mean by *forcing
like, forcing some players to resort to a wammo so they can get cash/items/invites ect, or get into groups...

as a necro primary in 2 slots, and ranger in one (my ele is staying in pre sear lol, she likes it there) i understand why some folks complain. i just didnt like the warrior or monk bodies/armours/hairs...and liked the ele hair over the mesmer hair...though, had i known mesmers got Velvet...i might have had a me/ele lol

Edit:starsky-sama, i mean that i cant take my chap1 characters to ANY later chapter unless i get them a moot point from my point of view, and for the *possibly* hundreds who stand around all day in elonas reach, thirst river and dunes of despare, begging LFG or run me for free


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Mordakai
Aghhh, that's actually WORSE! If each new expansion has new Professions, you'd constantly be deleting old characters to try out new profs!

I'd much rather get 2 slots and expansion then have a cap of 8!
That's what I meant. 6 for core and 2 more for Factions. What about Chapter 3, 4 and so on? Anet has to draw the line somewhere really, and I think (Yes, me, I do think once in awhile - not often, but...) 8 is a good number for the slots.
Frog's idea of practice slots isn't bad either, but rather too limiting for PvE I feel.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by sdliddo
Why did they give 2 slots instead of 4 for it? The answers the GW people gave was logical and livable.
Please refer me to a logical answer the GW people have given us. I haven't seen or heard one yet. I'm not kidding, I really haven't. I've only seen the 6*100 > 8*50 irrelevancy.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


i held my tounge... but 9 pages of this crap wow, you guys gotta get something better to do with your time then to argue about what you want.

a few points to look at:

1. - Your lucky you can even use your old characters in factions. A-net could have skipped all the mumbo jumbo programming, and left it at that. Bam! a new game and you have to start all over.
2. - Your lucky you dont have to pay monthy to be able to play one of the best games ever made.
3. - Your lucky a-net has been here always for you, to update this game to your liking. If any of you were here at the release of guild wars you would understand how much you actually got for your money with free updates.
4. - Your lucky a-net will even listen to your suggestions. most games wont listen, and even if they do, they wont take the time to make changes.
5. - your lucky this game is only $50. You know you got more out of this game than you have with any other $50 game you've purchased.

The list goes on... but my point is, weigh the pros and the cons. If for some reason you still feel like your loosing out, then dont buy the game. For goodness sake get off the soap box. Your point has been made. You want something for nothing. If it were up to me i wouldnt give it. But leave it up to a-net to decide. They know what's best for the game. If you think they havnt discussed this matter then you got some screws missing up there.

again i'll say: If you dont like it dont buy it. Nobody's gonna force you too.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Mordakai
If you feel "forced" to play a character you don't like, perhaps you should consider deleting it. Perhaps this is what Anet wants - your few slots to be full of active characters, not shelves for Models you no longer have use for... (and yes, I'm playing Devil's advocate here).
Two problems here. Lets say I have my first four chars, and I'd like to try a new class that I haven't played? Do I delete a char that I know I like in hopes that I like the other class better? That's what we have to do now. Secondly, what if the classes are designed well enough that a player likes them all? Roll a die?

Originally Posted by Mordakai
It only "forces" you into a repetitive PvE playstyle if you want to keep a "precious" character.
Ad hominem? Is there something wrong with feeling attached to a char you put so much time into?

There's another (unpopular) way to look at this. Just like Guild Wars forces you to make choices in what skills you take, Runes you equip, etc., they also force you to choose what Character you will play. There could actually be a design behind the "insanity" of limiting slots: Some classes (ie, "support" classes) will be rare in PvE.
There is a fundamental difference between what runes and skills you choose, and the issue of char slots and primary classes. It takes a trivial amount of effort to but another set of armor, which would give me many more options reguarding runes. If I don't like playing an Aeromancer, I can, in a matter of seconds, change my build complety around. If I decide that I want a mesmer and not necro, It will take me many hours to reach the endgame, where my necro was.

Are you saying that the idea behind the insanity is to limit support classes? Is that susposed to be a good thing?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

La La Land



Okay. Enough.

What is going on now, for the majority, is opinion bashing. Yes, I'm guilty as well, but I've had it. The contented gamers are defensive because people like Ensabah and Gli call them blind morons, and the uncontented gamers are defensive because people like me, unfortunately, rise to the occassion and call them greedy buttcracks. So let's calm down and try to get to the bottom of this. I will be speaking mostly to the Glis and FrogDevourers here sincve I already understand the other half of the equation.

To the uncontended gamers: do you, or do you not, want to play Guild Wars? To me, the vast majority of your statements and arguments tell me you really do not. I'm sorry, but abandoning the game because of a deficiency of slots is beyond comprehension for me. I honestly didn't think, before all this crap started up, that people could think that way. And being called a mindless corporate lackey because I don't think that way is what pisses me off.

Yes, my arguments tend to focus on abstracts and extremes now, because every logical approach has been tried and we're still just mindless corporate lackeys who, if we had any brains or sense, would be dropping Guild Wars like a gob of molten steel and following everyone else into whatever Oblivion is. My question is, quite simply: why?

The onion rings analogy is perfectly apt. Anet does not sell onion rings. If the lack of onion rings means the meal is no longer palatable, then just go, head to A&W, and please stop trying to convince all the other people in line to follow you. But before you do, try to examine whether you really want to leave or not. Are those onion rings truly that important? And if they are, maybe you should not have purchased Guild Wars in the first place. Personally, I feel that if you can't find two professions you can just live without playing primary, then you're too hardcore for Anet to cater to you over...oh, ninety-five percent of their player base. This is a game for casual gamers, not gamers who feel the urge to Do All There Is To Do. Maybe, as has been said several times and ignored at every count, you're not supposed to Do All There Is To Do, but instead to just play those characters you truly enjoy playing.

Is it really as incomprehensible to you guys that people might be excited over what Anet did do with Factions as it is to us that the lack of two blasted onion rings is enough to break the deal? If you want to buy slots, well gee, Factions is worth a couple of them. Pay your fifty, bolt Factions onto Prophecies, and you can play two more slots. They even gave you a whole new world and two new professions to do it with. If Anet had simply announced the release of a slot key that gave you two slots, and nothing else, for fifty many of those now bitterly complaining about Factions would have jumped on it.

I fail to see where the loss is in purchasing Factions. I can see the loss in choosing to link, but cannot see that loss as anything but minimal, even just collateral, next to the benefits of linking. Please, by God, explain to me where this crippling loss is. Options? You have two more than you did before. Low-level content? Go through it once with a fighter and once with a healer and you've played both ends of the spectrum. And, gee...two new slots. Hell, if playing the low-level content with all the different classes is important, why not play just the low-level content, say to level 15, then delete the character and play the low-level content with another? After you've done that for each character, you can decide which one to play for real with absolute confidence. And you won't have missed any of the content you feel is worth giving up all the content for.

Please. I'm asking as a horribly confused gamer and as a man who loves Guild Wars...where is the deal-breaking loss?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


nicely put LazerLight.

hopefully everyone understands the analogy.

in answer to the question you put out. i honeslty dont think there's any loss. it's all gain. i think people are so into themselves that they just want more for themselves. even to the point that they'll throw out fake threats saying they wont buy the game if they dont get what they want. even if a-net gave more, there will always be something for somebody to want.

i'm not saying it's bad to want more. but it's sad when you overlook all that your already getting.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Katari
Two problems here. Lets say I have my first four chars, and I'd like to try a new class that I haven't played? Do I delete a char that I know I like in hopes that I like the other class better? That's what we have to do now. Secondly, what if the classes are designed well enough that a player likes them all? Roll a die?
Case in point: My first Character was a Necro/Ranger. I did not like the play style, so I changed to Me/Ele. I then added a W/Mo (just for fun). I eventually deleted the Necro to make an Ele primary, then deleted the Ele for a Ranger. Now, I often wonder, "What if I still had that Necro/Ranger? Would I play him?" Maybe... does it suck I had to delete him? Not really. A small price to pay in order to try out some other classes.

Well, as I've said earlier, it's very possible you like all classes equally. But I would guess you are in the minority. Most people prefer certain classes over others. In any case, the real question is, do you have time to play every character you like?

Originally Posted by Katari

Ad hominem? Is there something wrong with feeling attached to a char you put so much time into?
My argument was that such strong feelings were contradictory to the idea that playing such a character was grind. Either the Character is not fun to play, or it is. Keeping a character around that you don't play could be the very thing that Anet is trying to avoid.

Originally Posted by Katari
There is a fundamental difference between what runes and skills you choose, and the issue of char slots and primary classes. It takes a trivial amount of effort to but another set of armor, which would give me many more options reguarding runes. If I don't like playing an Aeromancer, I can, in a matter of seconds, change my build complety around. If I decide that I want a mesmer and not necro, It will take me many hours to reach the endgame, where my necro was.
It's the same principle, taken to an extreme. It was just an idea of why Anet would limit slots. No one knows the real reason, we are all just guessing here.

Originally Posted by Katari
Are you saying that the idea behind the insanity is to limit support classes? Is that susposed to be a good thing?
Well, for the sake of argument, let's say "Yes."

Go to any PUG, and see what is in demand: Monks and Warriors.

There's only so many Mesmers, Necros, Rangers and Eles needed.

Now, I'm not saying everyone needs to make Monks and Warriors, so please don't flame me! My primary is a Mesmer, I know how it feels to be LFG.

But if everyone had every class, I have to wonder, would that be a good thing? (Well, I guess on the plus side, there'd be more Monks!)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



The problem is not Factions dirrectly. The problem regarding char slots has existed since the begining of the game, and has been discussed for months. This is not something new. If it were not already a problem, I doubt as many people would complain about only two aditional slots.

That people threaten to quit over the issue is because they had considered the lack of char slots to be a flaw in the game. I know when I saw only four slots durring the betas I assumed "Oh, it's only a beta, they'll add more in the real game." These people who threaten to quit GW do so because they saw Factions as A.Nets big chance to fix what they consider to be a major issue.

Originally Posted by LaserLight
This is a game for casual gamers, not gamers who feel the urge to Do All There Is To Do.
So that means, FoW armor, and the GWWC tournament were for causal players?

Originally Posted by LaserLight
Please. I'm asking as a horribly confused gamer and as a man who loves Guild Wars...where is the deal-breaking loss?
Is it really as incomprehensible to you that people do not like deleting characters? That maybe they like flexability, that they don't want it to be a jigsaw-puzzle when thier guild forms any group? Have you ever played a char in a group not because you wanted to, but because a friend needed help? Can you help everone in all situations with a single character? With two? No, certainly not. The deal-breaking loss was a failure on A.Net's part to fix what has been seen as a fundamental flaw in the game.

I can see the logic in two classes=two slots, however, I still want A.Net to fix thier initial mistake, and that means two more slots, just once, even if I have to pay for them. (A seperate account is not an option)

Originally Posted by Mordakai
My argument was that such strong feelings were contradictory to the idea that playing such a character was grind. Either the Character is not fun to play, or it is. Keeping a character around that you don't play could be the very thing that Anet is trying to avoid.
Right, so what if someone likes only three classes? There would be that extra, useless slot. If I had some urge to go play a ranger, I would start to see that as grind, why? Because I've played a ranger to Hell's Precipace three times now. Either the char is fun to play, or it isn't, or you have no better options, and want to try another class.

You don't even need to like all classes equally, you just need to like them on some level. If I could have a Mesmer, would I play it as much as other classes? Proabably not, since I like other classes a little more. Would I still play it? Certainly.

Originally Posted by Mordakai
It's the same principle, taken to an extreme. It was just an idea of why Anet would limit slots. No one knows the real reason, we are all just guessing here.
Yeah, maybe. Kinda like if you could only change skills in your bar using skill points. Or if you glued runes to your flesh, and not armor, so if you wanted to ever use another rune, you'd have to replace it with a minor. Almost like having to do each assecension mission each time you change secondary. Only not. Only much worse. The game is amazingly flexable in so many ways, I just don't a good reason for character slots to be limited in such a way.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Katari
I can see the logic in two classes=two slots, however, I still want A.Net to fix thier initial mistake, and that means two more slots, just once, even if I have to pay for them. (A seperate account is not an option)
The only answer I have is it's not a mistake. It was placed there by design.

What design that possibly was, we can only guess, but in Anet's view, there is apparently nothing to "fix."

Katari, you obviously love GW, or you would have left this argument a long time ago. Can I ask what classes you play now, and if you have a favorite?

If you were to buy Factions, would you make an Assassin and Ritualist character, or would you make one of the Core classes you missed?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Katari
If it were not already a problem, I doubt as many people would complain about only two aditional slots.
nobody's gonna complain about more... but is it needed? did you not get enough?

Originally Posted by Katari
These people who threaten to quit GW do so because they saw Factions as A.Nets big chance to fix what they consider to be a major issue.
then, let them quit... they're the ones missing out. your not gonna get more game than this for your money anywhere else.

Originally Posted by Katari
The deal-breaking loss was a failure on A.Net's part to fix what has been seen as a fundamental flaw in the game.
there is not flaw in this. if they wont do everything you want.. does that make it a flaw?

Originally Posted by Katari
I can see the logic in two classes=two slots, however, I still want A.Net to fix thier initial mistake, and that means two more slots, just once, even if I have to pay for them. (A seperate account is not an option)
what was that? you WANT then to fix what you thought was a mistake???

again i'll say... if this game isnt good enough for you, then dont buy it. find your onion rings somewhere else.

if you want a game to be so specific to your desires then start programming.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by LaserLight
Okay. Enough.

What is going on now, for the majority, is opinion bashing. Yes, I'm guilty as well, but I've had it. The contented gamers are defensive because people like Ensabah and Gli call them blind morons, and the uncontented gamers are defensive because people like me, unfortunately, rise to the occassion and call them greedy buttcracks.
Outright lie. I never called anyone a blind moron, nor anything approximating that.

Originally Posted by LaserLight
So let's calm down and try to get to the bottom of this. I will be speaking mostly to the Glis and FrogDevourers here sincve I already understand the other half of the equation.
You're the one who needs to calm down. First you're defaming me by putting abusive words into my mouth, proceed to call me a greedy buttcrack, and then you tell people to calm down? I'm... [speechless].

Originally Posted by LaserLight
To the uncontended gamers: do you, or do you not, want to play Guild Wars? To me, the vast majority of your statements and arguments tell me you really do not. I'm sorry, but abandoning the game because of a deficiency of slots is beyond comprehension for me.
I can only blame the confusion on either your reading skills or your lack of empathy for another person's position. The issue that confuses you has been explained ad nauseam. You'll have to beat this dead horse without me.

Originally Posted by LaserLight
I honestly didn't think, before all this crap started up, that people could think that way. And being called a mindless corporate lackey because I don't think that way is what pisses me off.
I honestly didn't think people who'd imagine me calling them names on internet forum, yet look what just happened.

Yes, my arguments tend to focus on abstracts and extremes now, because every logical approach has been tried and we're still just mindless corporate lackeys who, if we had any brains or sense, would be dropping Guild Wars like a gob of molten steel and following everyone else into whatever Oblivion is. My question is, quite simply: why?
I really feel uncomfortable being made a part of a scenario that only happened in your head.

Originally Posted by LaserLight
The onion rings analogy is perfectly apt. Anet does not sell onion rings. If the lack of onion rings means the meal is no longer palatable, then just go, head to A&W, and please stop trying to convince all the other people in line to follow you.
I will be going, and one thing I really won't miss is inane debates like this one.

Originally Posted by LaserLight
Please. I'm asking as a horribly confused gamer and as a man who loves Guild Wars...where is the deal-breaking loss?
There's no loss. There's just me not wanting to buy what ANet is offering. No need to go all melodramatic over it. I've played countless games in my life and stopped playing them for a variety of reasons. I'm moving on from Guild Wars because I'm tired of laboring under a senseless restriction that doesn't appear like it'll be resolved anytime soon. Yes, I'll be missing out on everything that's good in Factions. What do you want me to do? Break down in tears? I'll be immersing myself in another good thing as soon as I find it. The world's a big place.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Gli
I'm moving on from Guild Wars because I'm tired of laboring under a senseless restriction that doesn't appear like it'll be resolved anytime soon. Yes, I'll be missing out on everything that's good in Factions. What do you want me to do? Break down in tears? I'll be immersing myself in another good thing as soon as I find it. The world's a big place.
Speaking of melodramatic: "Laboring under a senseless restriction?"

And you wonder why people call you on rhetoric like that?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Gli
There's no loss. There's just me not wanting to buy what ANet is offering. No need to go all melodramatic over it. I've played countless games in my life and stopped playing them for a variety of reasons. I'm moving on from Guild Wars because I'm tired of laboring under a senseless restriction that doesn't appear like it'll be resolved anytime soon. Yes, I'll be missing out on everything that's good in Factions. What do you want me to do? Break down in tears? I'll be immersing myself in another good thing as soon as I find it. The world's a big place.

Finally somebody stands up and walks out. Really though... if you dont like it, then dont play. It's as simple as that. There's no need to rant about it here. Thanks Gli for being a good example. Although i do believe you will be missing out, i still wish you the best of luck searching for something better. Peace bro.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Whoa, what a load. I'm just awed by the amount of bullshit fighting going on. Time for an uncharacteristically long post:

People listening to an argument don't actually change their minds based on the arguments made. A claims X and B claims Y, and they're both convinced and dedicated to their own arguments - they're not changing their minds anytime soon. The audience forms their own opinions based on what they think of A and B.

Since you ALL came off as jerks it's not surprising nobody changed my mind. At least, not really. I still want a shitload of character slots because I'm a little crazy, and I want the opportunity to play as any class I want at any time. To me that makes plenty of sense. Of course, I do in fact accept that I'm not going to get my onion rings anytime soon. With only a pair of new slots looming, I'm not completely satisfied. But then, with a pair of new slots looming, I'm overjoyed at the possibility of more characters to play with. I'm sure I'll find a way to fill them quickly. I've always wanted a monk, but both the ritualist and assassin are quite tempting.

I'm far too much the GW addict to consider not buying Factions. It'd be real bad - I can already see the jitters and shivers that would overwhelm me whenever I checked into GWGuru... Of course, I would definately spring at the chance to buy character slots seperately. For a premium, too. Although, what with the Canadian dollar on the rise, it's not quite the deal it would have been five years ago... But that's another story...

In the meantime, however, I shall be rethinking my characters. Yes, I enjoy them all. But I certainly don't play them equally. I love my Elementalist, I adore my Ranger, I am quite fond of my Warrior, and I like my Necromancer. But that troublesome necromancer of mine... I've had to drag her through the game. I've barely gotten her out of Ascalon - she's simply not as interesting to play as the others. I think I might just delete her. Only 30 hours on her, after all. The way I see it, as long as I spend longer on her replacement, it will be worth it in the long run.

2 slots is a mixed blessing. I curse the fact that it won't be enough for character of each primary profession. I'm positively orgasmic as to the possibility of having ANY additional content, though. And in the end, that wins out.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

La La Land



Hm hm...yeah, I suppose I have been an ass. For that, I apologize. I'm usually better about staying calm. And at least I'm not alone in being ready to spawn kittens over what Factions does bring to the game.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



-If I may contine to beat the dead horse.

Originally Posted by kaya
nobody's gonna complain about more... but is it needed? did you not get enough?
If six slots were enough this thread wouldn't be so long. If four slots were enough, there wouldn't have been such lenghty discussions on the topic in the past. Clearly we didn't get enough, and only two additional slots (In addition to two from factions) will fix that.

then, let them quit... they're the ones missing out. your not gonna get more game than this for your money anywhere else.
They're missing out on nothing. If they are not happy with what A.Net is offering, then they don't pay for it. Simple as that.

-there is not flaw in this. if they wont do everything you want.. does that make it a flaw?
Nothing does everything anyone wants. We still lack an aution house, a way to rejoin mid-game, still no option to save PvP-only templates, etc. But those threads don't go on as long. I think I'm justified in saying that is indeed a problem, and that I'm not alone in thinking so.


what was that? you WANT then to fix what you thought was a mistake???
Yeah, as I said I don't consider myself to be alone in this. Maybe I should say we want them to fix something we have considered a problem since day one. It's really simple, if enough people consider something to be enough of a problem, at the very least they'll be dissasitified, at the worst they simply won't buy it.

again i'll say... if this game isnt good enough for you, then dont buy it. find your onion rings somewhere else.
Onion rings eh? Well, to be sure if I want to play an elven bard, I will go somewhere else.

Onion Ring anology:
Person orders A.
A includes a b and c.
Person asks to replace b with q
The store does not sell q, could not make q if it wanted to.
Person goes somewhere else to buy q.

What is happening:
-Players have four slots.
-Players can choose six classes.
-The players have no way of knowing which classes they like the most.
-To try a new class players have to delete a current class.
-Many players feel attached to thier character, and don't like the idea of deleting them.
-They may decide to go back to the old class
-They would have to re-make that class from scrach.
-A friend, guildmate, PvP team may ask for a certain class.
If that player lacks that certain class they're out of luck.
-Two classes will be unused, so cookiecutter-accounts will exist, with the most common classes seen more frequently. Maybe this might even be desirable.
-Players may like every class to some extent. (Dosn't have tobe equaly)
-This is not something you can change in a matter of clicks like runes or secondary. Changing primary class takes many hours.
-Playing through the game just to remake a character can been seen as grind if it occurs frequently enough.
-When something is seen as grind it is avoided. (Hello runners)
-Playing a class gives you an understanding of it (People who have played a monk are more likiely to respect the monk)
-Lastly (I missed a few things here) this has existed since there were character slots. This was a problem in the WPE, but people didn't have enough time to worry about it.
-People who feel the above statements apply to them, are considering not buying factions. And/Or they are very unhappy.
-The people who feel the above statements dont apply to them have been (In this thread) asserting that they should not apply to anyone. Or they have been simply indefferent, or saying something irrelevent, and claiming it to be prof that we have enough slots.

Make a fast food anology about that if you'd like.

if you want a game to be so specific to your desires then start programming.
Oh? did I ever say I expected to conform to every one of my desires?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006


Ye Old


In my opinion i can tell that id really love to have a PvE main character for each profession it is quite cool but even now you dont get to do that you only have 4 slots 6 professions now you get 8 profession and get the chance to biuld 6 of them you need to decide wich one you like.

The second thing is i have been reading the faqs of factions and i dont see where they anounce the 2 extra slots they just say youll get more and they just dont mention the idea of expanding the storge wich s necesary to do it.

the bare thruth is that you wont know of this issue until the release date.

in mi case im kind of a collector id like rare stuff


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005



one of these days I will figure out why people get so worked up when a game doesnt do what they want.
I have for years wanted a NCAA football game on PC, but that doesnt stop me from enjoying it on the Xbox. Thats the sole reason for it. If i want to play it, I buy it. Simple. I would prefer not to have the xbox but, regardless. Guild wars was the best 50 bucks I spent. I liked it so much I bought another account to get my extra slots.

If an extra account is not an option, so be it, to me it has extra benefiet I get 2 extra slots and can run one of my lower accounts if I need to. Arenanet sells slots 4 at a time, always have always will. They are your for the taking. So buy them, or quit complaining they arent available because they are. Dont let the door knob hit ya on the way out.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by Mordakai
Speaking of melodramatic: "Laboring under a senseless restriction?"

And you wonder why people call you on rhetoric like that?
That's not melodrama, it's just a figure of speech.

And frankly, I hadn't been wondering why people call me on any kind of rhetoric. To the best of my knowledge no one has. I'm starting to feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone here, or having some kind of freaky fever dream. What's gonna happen next? Someone's going to tell me he's my lovechild?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by sigried
The second thing is i have been reading the faqs of factions and i dont see where they anounce the 2 extra slots they just say youll get more and they just dont mention the idea of expanding the storge wich s necesary to do it.
Check the first page of this thread for that. It's always a good place to start if you don't know what's going on.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Cjlr
2 slots is a mixed blessing. I curse the fact that it won't be enough for character of each primary profession. I'm positively orgasmic as to the possibility of having ANY additional content, though. And in the end, that wins out.
Quoted for truth. I guess the reason I'm still arguing is that I understand the frustration of not being able to play every Profession, but it obviously does not break the deal for me.

I've been deleting and making new characters for some time now, I've dealt with it, and as I've said, for me it's a small price to pay for no monthly fee.

I've joined trials of City of Heroes where you can practically have unlimited chracters with all the different servers. Thing is, I only ended up playing about 2 or 3 characters... I just didn't like all the other ones I made.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006


Ye Old


read every single post that is a guy talkin to who knows not like a game creator or confirmin it

Can someone tell me who is gaily gray to know this kind of stuff



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

La La Land



Um...Sigried? Gaile Grey is ArenaNet's public relations manager. She talks directly to Anet, what she says goes. Thus, two slots is confirmed.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Gli
That's not melodrama, it's just a figure of speech.

And frankly, I hadn't been wondering why people call me on any kind of rhetoric. To the best of my knowledge no one has. I'm starting to feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone here, or having some kind of freaky fever dream. What's gonna happen next? Someone's going to tell me he's my lovechild?

I'm 32. Is that even possible?

Sorry about the whole melodrama thing, I guess I took your "Laboring" comment too literally.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006


Ye Old


Well ok thanks for the clarification. even thou ill only recive 2 extra slots im a happy camper it will make no diference to the core game you still wont be able to create all profs.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Katari
If six slots were enough this thread wouldn't be so long. If four slots were enough, there wouldn't have been such lenghty discussions on the topic in the past. Clearly we didn't get enough, and only two additional slots (In addition to two from factions) will fix that.
your absolutly right. this thread is long. but you gotta remember what makes a discussion a long one is strong points from both side. its as equally long with people for this as it is with people against it. i'm not against it, i'd like to have more too. but i am against voicing it like has been done. gratitude for what there already is needs to be considerd too. when people start looking at the good points the bad point will in time fade. i'm a "my cup is half full" person.

Originally Posted by Katari
They're missing out on nothing. If they are not happy with what A.Net is offering, then they don't pay for it. Simple as that.
your correct

Originally Posted by Katari
Nothing does everything anyone wants. We still lack an aution house, a way to rejoin mid-game, still no option to save PvP-only templates, etc. But those threads don't go on as long. I think I'm justified in saying that is indeed a problem, and that I'm not alone in thinking so.
again... those threads die off faster cause one side or the other is weak. like an arm wrestle

Originally Posted by Katari
Oh? did I ever say I expected to conform to every one of my desires?
no you didnt, i should have specified this one desire. my bad.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by Mordakai
I'm 32. Is that even possible?
Maybe if we had been a different species. I don't think I was able to conceive when I was 3.




Join Date: Nov 2005

Asian in Lousiana

The Endbringers


Thing is, the people who say 6 is enough just say that because they haven't filled up their slots. Having 8 slots wouldn't hurt them at all yet they continue to kiss anet's ass and call us whiners. Like mentioned before, look at the size of the damn thread, you'd think that any topic this long would show that the issue (6vs8) is indeed a problem. 6 slots would be just enough to play every primary profession in PROPHECIES. We get 6 slots, essentially punishing us for buying GW and Factions instead of 8 like a newcomer to factions. I don't care about the abstract percentages or whatever else you can come up with, the simple truth is that 6 slots just IS NOT ENOUGH! Lets say you're the average GW player. 2-3 PvE characters, maybe one is a dedicated farmer. One free/PvP slot. You used all your slots, and you're pretty happy. Here comes factions, SAME SIZE AS TYRIA, but only 2 SLOTS! How do they expect you to play Factions to the fullest WITHOUT BUYING ANOTHER COPY? Lets say your old characters were: W/R, E/Me, Mo/W (or some other farming build). Factions will open up more options that 2 slots will allow. Just a question to Anet, why punish your loyal customers with some cheap ass marketing strategy that works against them. If you really were sqeezing for profits why not make new factions plauyers have only 3 slots but if they link get 4? It would encourge them to buy Prophecies and that means more $$$. Otherwise I don't know what you're trying to do if its not the money you're after.



on a GW break until C4

Join Date: Feb 2005

In your shadow

Servants of Fortuna

First of all let's ditch the opinions I won't bother adressing further. I mean the typical selfish and/or fanboyish opinions without solid backup:
"You don't need more slots because *I* don't need it"
"Just delete your characters like I did"
"ANet is wise, it's their decision, shut up already"

Then a few more words because Mordakai's constructive posts deserve a decent reply.
Originally Posted by Mordakai
A person buying a future chapter will only have access to the Core classes, plus any released with that Chapter.
And? Newcomers will still be stuck with 8 professions and four slots (3 pve + 1 pvp). Wanna guess which professions will be popular in new players? Again, more slots encourages diversity, few slots encourages optimization and redundancy (bye bye original builds). My point remains valid: no the problem won't disappear with chapter 3+ because newcomers will be as screwed those who own two accounts today.

Originally Posted by Mordakai
Just like Guild Wars forces you to make choices in what skills you take, Runes you equip, etc., they also force you to choose what Character you will play.
As far as I know you don't lose anything when you select your skills and runes. A fair comparison between character slots and runes/skills would be: "as of now, to change your PvE skillset or equipment, you must delete them to make room for the new one. Skills and equipment you have deleted are lost and you must buy/capture them again to re-use them."

Deleting skills and equipment isn't that important since you can't play them all at the same time, right? I'm sure a lot of players would be excited to capture the same skills over and over each time they alter their skillsets. Deleting a character is bowing to such an unfair system with sacrifices tenfold harder.

Originally Posted by Mordakai
It only "forces" you into a repetitive PvE playstyle if you want to keep a "precious" character.
That's the point. It can be precious because you invested a lot of time and efforts in skill unlocking, equipment or just because you want a tank/trapper/whatever for special occasions. I don't judge your choice to delete a character you would like to play again (your necro), so please understand many players consider their characters as precious, even if they won't play each and every chapter with these precious dolls.

Originally Posted by Mordakai
As for the continual re-rolls... come on! It takes a few minutes to re-roll a PvP character, even less if you know exactly what you want.
If this is such a minor change, why arguing against this option? At least I'll have a small catalogue of PvP templates instead of creating them so fast I make mistakes: wrong armor/rune/upgrade, or worse, deleting PvE items equipped on my PvP slot (yes I'm stupid, and I know I'm not the only one). One popular request in the Sardelac Sanitarium is the ability to store your build (attributes/skills) and to toggle your favourite builds instead of rebuilding them from scratch.More PvP slots would give the same ability, but with equipment included. I'm pressed for time and lazy, plain and simple. As long as it doesn't hurt you, why defend the old system when you could benefit from more options?

Originally Posted by Mordakai
I was going to comment that in exchange for the lack of slots, Guild Wars has incredible flexibilty in altering existing Characters, but apparently even that flexibility is not enough.
Of course not. Your primary profession isn't called primary for nothing. Without superior runes and armors you're at least 33% more efficient. Many templates are simply unplayable as a secondary. Try to play a decent minion master with a primary monk and let me know how efficient you are. Don't take me wrong, being able to switch your secondary and to respecc for free (no more 24 realloc points) is incredibly user-friendly compared to the beta system. I just want to go further, even if I have to give something in exchange (no xp/loot on trial toons, bucks for more slots, or even an insane amount of ingame gold/ecots to swap primary and secondary).

Originally Posted by Mordakai
Most people prefer certain classes over others. In any case, the real question is, do you have time to play every character you like?
It's totally irrelevant. What happens if you realize you don't like tanking once you've already deleted the PvE necromancer you loved? You have scratched hundreds of hours spent on this character for something you don't like. Flawless defeat. GG.

Originally Posted by Mordakai
Well, as I've said earlier, it's very possible you like all classes equally. But I would guess you are in the minority.
So what? This is neither a petition nor a democratic vote. Being in a minority does not mean I'm wrong. As far as I understand the problem, most people arguing in favor of the 4+2 system are either trolling at the expense of (false) ragequitters, or honestly believing in unfounded nightmarish scenarios, or playing the devil's advocate on a subject they hardly care about because they're happy with one/two slots.

I've carefully explained why would be a good idea to give more flexibility and why it wouldn't affect the economy, the GW business model, the casual players and the hardcore/chinese farmers. I'm still waiting for consistent counter arguments in favor of the current slot system. So far, I see a lot of bitching, name calling, melodrama, and incredibly hypocritical straw men, but few interesting arguments. That's why this is probably my last post on this topic unless somebody has a new relevant argument. May be someone will be patient enough to (re)read this thread and to explain how account merging, buyable slots or 'trial/experimental' slots would hurt the game or the environment.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Protectors of Awesome[AWE]


No, thing is that it's more than enough for me, while 15 slots wouldn't be enough to satisfy some people.

Hanok Odbrook

Hanok Odbrook

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Real Millennium Group


First off, I don't think any of us here (the serious ones at any rate) have any argument with spending $100 a year on GW (roughly an $8.33 monthly fee if you look at it that way) - or a little more if you buy the CE version of each chapter. Even owning two accounts still puts GW slightly ahead in the affordability factor over other MMO's. I think much of what the problem here is what is REASONABLE to expect when playing this game.

Am I satisfied with two more slots for Factions - yes. It's exactly what I expected them to do when Factions was originally announced. Am I happy about it - no. I firmly believe it is reasonable to expect to be able to play each primary profession in an RPG without having to buy multiple copies. Do I think there should be enough slots to cover every prime/second combo - absolutely not - that is not reasonable. It is reasonable to expect enough slots for each prime on a single account.

Perhaps this reasoning dates back to my introduction of the CRPG with the Wizardry series, where I could play each race/profession combination without having to delete any characters or puchase multiple copies of the game. Maybe I'm just too old school for the new games, but I still don't see being able to log on and feel like playing my Mesmer today, my Warrior tomorrow, my Ranger on Saturday, etc., etc., as unreasonable.

Anets 6*100% nonsense is just that. It's flawed mathematics from the very beginning as many of us point out - we were short two slots with the original game; and I have a distinct recollection of Anet stating that an increase in slots for Prophecies was a possibility - that's why many of us who were with the game from the beginning tolerated the shortage - because Anet themselves opened the possibility that a future update would give us more options if the game went well. But back to that math.

We all know that each prime has different quests involved, and even having it as a secondary doesn't permit us to attempt those quests. Naturally, there are attributes, armor, and skills unique to those primes. More stuff we miss out on (aside from the skills as with a secondary, we can purchase them). To me, that means with only one account, I can play only 66% of the content in Prophecies. With only two more slots available in Factions, that number rises to 75% - but we must remember, that 75% is spread across two games now, with only one out of the two Tutorial worlds available to new characters. So in reality with 6 characters, I get to play less than three quarters of a $100 game with one account. Not quite reasonable in my mind - as someone else posted in another thread, it's like buying an NHL hockey game that has all the teams available, but only but only being allowed to play half of them.

If Anet's business model was to give us one slot for each prime they create, then I would have no problem buying a copy of each and every chapter for each of my two accounts - at least one of each being the CE. As it stands now. I will buy only one copy of Factions (debating whether it will be CE or not), and wait for the next subscription free based MMO/COOP RPG to be developed that will allow me to play each primary on one account, and not look back.

Right now, GW is the only fish in this pond. I assure you, that will not be the case for long. I like GW, I am glad its success will revolutionize the future of the MMORPG, but I will not continue to support Anet if my reasonable enjoyment of the game continues to be hampered. There will be someone else along in the near future who will give us what we want - and create an awsome gaming experience to boot. Anet had better get there first if they want to survive in the gaming future they have created.

Hanok Odbrook
Real Millennium Group Guild
Truth * Knowledge * Peace

Here's a PS I just thought of in relation to Anet's math - many of us have bought multiple copies of Prophecies, so in reality there aren't 1,000,000+ players, simply that many accounts that have been created - the actual number of GW gamers is less than that!!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

San Francisco, UC Berkeley

International District [id多], In Soviet Russia Altar Caps You [CCCP], LOL at [eF]


Sweet now i can keep one of my pvp chars alive and not needa delete so much! Laziness FTW!


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005



Originally Posted by Inureface
Thing is, the people who say 6 is enough just say that because they haven't filled up their slots. Having 8 slots wouldn't hurt them at all yet they continue to kiss anet's ass and call us whiners.
I never called anyone a whiner. I kiss no ass and would I like 8 slots on one account? You betcha, but I chose to purchase 4 additional and very happy I did.
Originally Posted by Inureface
Like mentioned before, look at the size of the damn thread, you'd think that any topic this long would show that the issue (6vs8) is indeed a problem.
Yeah but it is the same 10 people arguing, it isnt 16 pages of different people, its the same people. Same ones saying they will never play again but hanging around the forum instead of looking for the new game that gives them the "freedom "they want.
Originally Posted by Inureface
6 slots would be just enough to play every primary profession in PROPHECIES.
Yes you are correct if they were primary but with 4 slots you could have a build of every character once and have your choice of 2 duplicated professions. Because each toon can do 2 professions. Thus you can play every profession with 4 slots.
Originally Posted by Inureface
We get 6 slots, essentially punishing us for buying GW and Factions instead of 8 like a newcomer to factions.
Whoa dude hold it. Newcomer to factions will only have 4 slots, get your facts straight before you start mistating facts. thank you
Originally Posted by Inureface
I don't care about the abstract percentages or whatever else you can come up with, the simple truth is that 6 slots just IS NOT ENOUGH!
Per your opinion. I happen to agree that I would like more than 4 per pack, but who is to say 14 or 32 is enough?
Originally Posted by Inureface
Lets say you're the average GW player. 2-3 PvE characters, maybe one is a dedicated farmer. One free/PvP slot. You used all your slots, and you're pretty happy. Here comes factions, SAME SIZE AS TYRIA, but only 2 SLOTS! How do they expect you to play Factions to the fullest WITHOUT BUYING ANOTHER COPY? Lets say your old characters were: W/R, E/Me, Mo/W (or some other farming build). Factions will open up more options that 2 slots will allow. Just a question to Anet, why punish your loyal customers with some cheap ass marketing strategy that works against them. If you really were sqeezing for profits why not make new factions plauyers have only 3 slots but if they link get 4? It would encourge them to buy Prophecies and that means more $$$. Otherwise I don't know what you're trying to do if its not the money you're after.
Lets just say you want to be mad at Anet, and while I am sure the rest of the people that dont agree with the complainers, would not mind if we did get 8 slots. But to say newcomers get 8 slots is just a lie. GO play a game like wow where when you pay a monthly fee you have a 30 minute wait in que time to play your game. You can have 10 characters per server if they arent full and you can play only one class per character. You also cant swap items between servers. You can play one of every class per race but it would take at least 2 servers to do that there. Or Galaxies where they only have one character per server (unless they changed that) and they nerfed 32 professions down to 8. And all of those Jedis that spent months to get the force, now find n00bs building a jedi from the start. <sarcasm>Yeah arenanet screwed us pal.</sarcasm> How about if Anet refunds every penny you spent for a monthly fee and you guys can call it even and split paths.

Geez it aint perfect, but there are worse models out there. Yes I would love 8 , 10 , 100 characters per account, but it aint gonna happen.

The same 4 people crying for 14 thread pages saying, they are leaving GW if they dont get 8 slots, does not constitute a public outrage.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Inureface
Thing is, the people who say 6 is enough just say that because they haven't filled up their slots. Having 8 slots wouldn't hurt them at all yet they continue to kiss anet's ass and call us whiners. Like mentioned before, look at the size of the damn thread, you'd think that any topic this long would show that the issue (6vs8) is indeed a problem. 6 slots would be just enough to play every primary profession in PROPHECIES. We get 6 slots, essentially punishing us for buying GW and Factions instead of 8 like a newcomer to factions. I don't care about the abstract percentages or whatever else you can come up with, the simple truth is that 6 slots just IS NOT ENOUGH! Lets say you're the average GW player. 2-3 PvE characters, maybe one is a dedicated farmer. One free/PvP slot. You used all your slots, and you're pretty happy. Here comes factions, SAME SIZE AS TYRIA, but only 2 SLOTS! How do they expect you to play Factions to the fullest WITHOUT BUYING ANOTHER COPY? Lets say your old characters were: W/R, E/Me, Mo/W (or some other farming build). Factions will open up more options that 2 slots will allow. Just a question to Anet, why punish your loyal customers with some cheap ass marketing strategy that works against them. If you really were sqeezing for profits why not make new factions plauyers have only 3 slots but if they link get 4? It would encourge them to buy Prophecies and that means more $$$. Otherwise I don't know what you're trying to do if its not the money you're after.

well i for 1 think that 6 is enough. as you can tell by my posts. yes, i would like 8, but I know whinning about it isnt the answer, and 8 is definately not needed And for your information my 4 characters slots have allowed me to play through the game with every single profession more than once (yes, i deleted some to allow this), and also leave open 1 spot for my pvp characters. I will say I didnt enjoy deleting my characters, but at the same time it was my decision. Just like it was my decision to buy the game, and it's my decision to buy factions. It was a nice assumption, but assuming junk like that doesnt show for much at all. If you are the loyal customer you say you are, then you'll trust a-net's decision whatever it may be.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by rollntider
The same 4 people crying for 14 thread pages saying, they are leaving GW if they dont get 8 slots, does not constitute a public outrage.
<sarcasm> Didnt you know that the more you whine and yell the more you get? Did you not get that memo? Ya, i sit at work and whine and moan and yell... And you wouldn't believe it... my boss stands behind me and rubs my sholders, and feeds me dollars. </sarcasm>

does everybody know the expression "looking a gift horse in the mouth"




Join Date: Nov 2005

Asian in Lousiana

The Endbringers


If "whining" isn't the answer, then what is?? How else do we get the message across that for most of the dedicated gamers, 6 won't be enough?? BTW roll, I meant the newcomers get 4 but I mistyped, so that was my mistake, GW is different from WoW for a reason, look at the sales, 1 million users and growing. If GW wanted to be like all the negative things about WoW then fine, no one would buy it. 8 slots is not unreasonable at all, I'm not asking for 64 slots to try out every single possible combination, but there is nothing unreasonable about 8. Sure it's my opinion, but unless you're an ass kisser, there really is no reason, unless you can give me one, why 6 IS ENOUGH and asking for 8 makes you a overzealous fanboy or spoiled whiner.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Yes you are correct if they were primary but with 4 slots you could have a build of every character once and have your choice of 2 duplicated professions. Because each toon can do 2 professions. Thus you can play every profession with 4 slots.
When my W/Mo goes and heals as well as a primary monk, or when my Mo/W out-tanks a warrior, then that argument will make sense.

Per your opinion. I happen to agree that I would like more than 4 per pack, but who is to say 14 or 32 is enough?
Because 8 slots would let you play 100% of the game. It is not an arbitary value.

If you're going to compaire GW to other games, how about this: In D2 you could have as many accounts as you wished. Not that I think D2 should be compaired to GW, but then neither should SWG, or WoW.
The same 4 people crying for 14 thread pages saying, they are leaving GW if they dont get 8 slots, does not constitute a public outrage.
And the same four people whinning about how we have enough, in a thread that apparently dosn't matter to them dosn't prove they are wrong.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


mention it, and leave it to rest. i'm pretty sure a-net knows your concerns. they're way good at picking up on the desires of their gamers. at least they have been. and i'm betting they'll continue to be.