Code=058 for more than 24 hours
Since Saturday evening, whenever I try to login it gives me the message that it can't connect to any login servers. I have no firewall and haven't changed anything since it last was working, just logged out, went to login again and it didn't work. Anyone knows how to solve this?
That doesnt work [email protected], I have had this issue since last Sunday. I have never had any problems with GW until this started. I have been in touch with tech support no go so far, all I get are we are working on this issue. No real replys to my emails back to them on it. I have no router and the firewall in Trend Micro set up so GW can get through, even tried it with Trend Micro turned off.. still no go. I even uninstalled and reinstalled GW and it still does not connect. My only other option is I am contacting my ISP.
Yeah thanks but it doesn't work. I contacted tech support like it says but still no reply. Oh well I'll hope it works by tomorrow.
If it doesn't, you may have to un-install the game and re-install the game.
Lycan? did you try to save the gw.dat file or restore it after it was re-installed?
This happened to me when some of the factions PvP event patches corrupted my gw.dat file. Same situation and error. I had to re-install the game and let everything re-download.
Lycan? did you try to save the gw.dat file or restore it after it was re-installed?
This happened to me when some of the factions PvP event patches corrupted my gw.dat file. Same situation and error. I had to re-install the game and let everything re-download.
Nope, I wiped everything out and no change. Contacted my ISP and they ran tests, it is not on my side. The proper ports are open and it should be working but I stil get the same error. Its been 3 days now since I last heard from tech support.
corrupted bloodline
Hi guys,
(bump) Keep me posted on what you figure out. I have been unable to connect to login servers (but I've managed to download all updates) since 3/4/06. I've contacted the support staff with this Error 58 issue and so far they've had me run the diagnostic program and send them the output file and then over a week later (today 3/14/06) suggested I contact my ISP and ask them to change my IP range. No such luck for me. So I'm still waiting for some kind of resolution. I'd hate to think I can no longer play due to some mystery problem.....
BTW, I too have uninstalled/installed GW something like 10 times, tried deleting the GW.dat file, turning of my firewall, checking firewall exceptions, and no luck.......
(bump) Keep me posted on what you figure out. I have been unable to connect to login servers (but I've managed to download all updates) since 3/4/06. I've contacted the support staff with this Error 58 issue and so far they've had me run the diagnostic program and send them the output file and then over a week later (today 3/14/06) suggested I contact my ISP and ask them to change my IP range. No such luck for me. So I'm still waiting for some kind of resolution. I'd hate to think I can no longer play due to some mystery problem.....
BTW, I too have uninstalled/installed GW something like 10 times, tried deleting the GW.dat file, turning of my firewall, checking firewall exceptions, and no luck.......
Tech Support told me the same thing, change my IP range. My ISP said they can not, so I am still trying to figure this mess out. It worked fine late last night but today GW gives me the same error code.
corrupted bloodline
You know, I had the same thing happen to me regarding a brief period where you could log in. I couldn't log in beginning on 3/4/06, however, on 3/5/06 I was able to log in and play for a few hrs. Thinking everything was ok, I shutdown GW and my comp and went to bed. The next day, and ever since, I have been unable to log on. In hindsight, I should have just left GW and the comp running. (Boy am I addicted to GW).
At the very least, I am encouraged that NCSOFT support staff has been in contact with me on a more regular basis (like once every 2 days) as of late. I asked if perhaps my IP addressed was blocked (thinking perhaps that was the reason they encouraged me to ask my ISP to move me to a different IP range) and the support rep said no, my account wasn't banned and that switching IP ranges worked for other customers with the same problem. However, apparently users like us just are stuck with no GW for the time being, and hopefully not for much longer cuz I need my GW fix. Man, it is hard to restrain myself from playing here at work............
p.s. Noticed there were quite a few views on this thread. Anyone else having this problem? If so post something, so I can feel better knowing that other people are having the same issue and it's not just the three of us.
You know, I had the same thing happen to me regarding a brief period where you could log in. I couldn't log in beginning on 3/4/06, however, on 3/5/06 I was able to log in and play for a few hrs. Thinking everything was ok, I shutdown GW and my comp and went to bed. The next day, and ever since, I have been unable to log on. In hindsight, I should have just left GW and the comp running. (Boy am I addicted to GW).
At the very least, I am encouraged that NCSOFT support staff has been in contact with me on a more regular basis (like once every 2 days) as of late. I asked if perhaps my IP addressed was blocked (thinking perhaps that was the reason they encouraged me to ask my ISP to move me to a different IP range) and the support rep said no, my account wasn't banned and that switching IP ranges worked for other customers with the same problem. However, apparently users like us just are stuck with no GW for the time being, and hopefully not for much longer cuz I need my GW fix. Man, it is hard to restrain myself from playing here at work............
p.s. Noticed there were quite a few views on this thread. Anyone else having this problem? If so post something, so I can feel better knowing that other people are having the same issue and it's not just the three of us.
I have the same problem since yesterday. I'm unable to connect with the "connecting" windows staying for hours then an error=058.
BTW, is it possible to access the same GW account from different computers ?
BTW, is it possible to access the same GW account from different computers ?
Originally Posted by Polo_Lapin
BTW, is it possible to access the same GW account from different computers ?
Arr me too!
It always do that crappy Error=058 that it seems i got some routing issues but i'm sure i'm not because it happen to everyone here and it seems to be working normally but it is just now...
It always do that crappy Error=058 that it seems i got some routing issues but i'm sure i'm not because it happen to everyone here and it seems to be working normally but it is just now...
Its not on my side I know for a fact now. I got Dungeons and Dragons Online today and it runs flawlessly as does every other game I play on the internet. It definatly something in GW.
I couldnt login right after the factions thing and then sunday I could with no real problems. Then monday, I could not and still can't. It could be regional. I'm from spartanburg, SC and use charter. I THINK they changed my ip from to I ran the test prog. from anet but it didnt give me a text file. I'll try it again I guess.
Im from Greenville SC and it isnt Charters problem. I have been in contact with them for the past week now on this and they ran tests and they have determined it is on Anets networking side.
Heh! Many people are reading i see...
Ah yeah I'm somewhere around Montreal QC in Canada and um... what's that test prog. from ANet?
I desinstalled/reinstalled the whole thing and now it works...
The test program from arenanet could be found here :
BTW, I'm also somewhere near Montreal, QC
The test program from arenanet could be found here :
BTW, I'm also somewhere near Montreal, QC
I have deinstalled/ reinstalled 5 times now and ran their program and everything they said to try, nothing works.
no firewall.... no wonder you got problems
in this day and age ur crazy not to have a firewall.
in this day and age ur crazy not to have a firewall.
I have a firewall and its set up with GW as an exception, it has worked this way for months and I made sure since this issue has been happening that it is still set to an exception and it is. Thats not the issue either.
no firewall.... no wonder you got problems in this day and age ur crazy not to have a firewall. |
Originally Posted by Lycan
I have deinstalled/ reinstalled 5 times now and ran their program and everything they said to try, nothing works.
Well, i tried too to deinstall and reinstall but it's such a pain... With a 56 kb/s internet speed and 5 kb/s download, i cannot download all that 200 MB of data arr... So... Damned internet speed ! But at least it is only 4,95$/month...
Anyways, i'll still try... It'll only take around 1035 hours arr...
Anyways, i'll still try... It'll only take around 1035 hours arr...
Maybe it is a east coast problem don't know... Geographical problems connections from ISP or something similar...
Originally Posted by Polo_Lapin
Have you cleaned the registry before reinstallation ?
Originally Posted by Maedhros
Maybe it is a east coast problem don't know... Geographical problems connections from ISP or something similar...
~Maedhros |
Wulfgar Warheart
I'm form Poland and we have the same problem here.
Poison Ivy
I'm surprised you havn't gone crazy...
24 hours without GW for me would be considered a murder.
24 hours without GW for me would be considered a murder.
Originally Posted by Poison Ivy
I'm surprised you havn't gone crazy...
24 hours without GW for me would be considered a murder. |
I play 1 hour per weekend day.
I got the same problem .... what can we do ? grrrr
I ran that prog today and afterwards was able to login. It took abt 10-15 min to run.
I ran that prog today and afterwards was able to login. It took abt 10-15 min to run.
corrupted bloodline
I doubt the two events were related. I've run that program 10+ times. I believe all it does is perform tests and provide info for the support team, not fix/change stuff.
BTW - Still no GW for me...well, except for at work.......but not from my home comp.............what, like YOU don't play GW at work?!
I doubt the two events were related. I've run that program 10+ times. I believe all it does is perform tests and provide info for the support team, not fix/change stuff.
BTW - Still no GW for me...well, except for at work.......but not from my home comp.............what, like YOU don't play GW at work?!
Same here, it had no effect for me either.
corrupted bloodline
Out of curiosity, when did you begin experiencing the Error 58? Are you still able to connect to GW authorization servers?
Out of curiosity, when did you begin experiencing the Error 58? Are you still able to connect to GW authorization servers?
Slice n Two Dice
I'm not sure of this code=58 error, but I am also unable to connect and it stays on this connecting screens for hours on end. It's really starting to annoy me and I know it's not a problem with my computer because I can play all my other games and the internet runs fine. Got Excellent connection speed and runs at max mpbs.
**sorry for edit** also that FTP router diagnostic thing doesn't seem to load on my comp, I'm going to leave it running hopefully it will load up and I can do it.
**sorry for edit** also that FTP router diagnostic thing doesn't seem to load on my comp, I'm going to leave it running hopefully it will load up and I can do it.
I'm having the same problem as the OP. I haven't changed anything recently but when i try to log in i get error 58 after a while spent 'connecting...'
It started last week after the factions thing. I got on sunday afternoon after I ran the test w/ no probs, the merchant thing happened along w/ patches- couldn't login. Ran the test last night, played w/out problems. I did send the test results in and did get a reply saying (of course) ask yer isp.
I am throwing in my two cents too. Ever since one of the new "build" updates a week ago, we have been having trouble on both of our accounts. When we go into a new area, it would say "connecting" and then download a whole crapload of files. It got worse and worse and then, yesterday, we got bumped off and when we tried to log on, just got "connecting" then the 058 error.
We have dialup...yeah, I know, but we live on a street that dsl hasn't found yet, and have no router and I have checked the exceptions in the firewall and then just turned it off but to no avail. GW tech support has not responded with anything other than the standard reply about routers and firewalls.
This is very frustrating as I can see from all the other posts. I also looked on the internet and found that people were experiencing this same issue in April 2005 and September 2005 so it is nothing new to GW. Hope they get it together soon...I was looking forward to Factions but am having serious second thoughts now.
We have dialup...yeah, I know, but we live on a street that dsl hasn't found yet, and have no router and I have checked the exceptions in the firewall and then just turned it off but to no avail. GW tech support has not responded with anything other than the standard reply about routers and firewalls.
This is very frustrating as I can see from all the other posts. I also looked on the internet and found that people were experiencing this same issue in April 2005 and September 2005 so it is nothing new to GW. Hope they get it together soon...I was looking forward to Factions but am having serious second thoughts now.
Should you get the GW client running at the login screen? and Hey dubruoy i got dial-up too! Seems we are getting the same problem... Can you see like... um... You know, normally when you go to the login screen, there is a thing on the left that says the big news in Guild Wars. Seems it doesn't appear now anymore. The little Lightning bolt who says it download but arr thats crappy and long...
I heard back from the GW tech who asked me to download hijackthis from and then send him the log file along with a screenshot of the error. My error says:
"Guild Wars was unable to connect to any login servers. This is very likely caused by an internet routing issue."
Then the usual error 058.
I found two other threads on this post from April 2005 and September 2005 where the same issue was discussed. Unfortunately, I don't believe that the problem was really ever solved.
Still waiting to hear from the tech as to what he thinks I should do next. With dialup, no router and turning off the firewall, I believe that the whole problem must be on their end. I have reset the tcp/ip stack, flushed the dns and reconfigured my dialup and everything works the same. I guess we are at their mercy but I know for sure that I won't be buying Factions if this is the best we can expect.
"Guild Wars was unable to connect to any login servers. This is very likely caused by an internet routing issue."
Then the usual error 058.
I found two other threads on this post from April 2005 and September 2005 where the same issue was discussed. Unfortunately, I don't believe that the problem was really ever solved.
Still waiting to hear from the tech as to what he thinks I should do next. With dialup, no router and turning off the firewall, I believe that the whole problem must be on their end. I have reset the tcp/ip stack, flushed the dns and reconfigured my dialup and everything works the same. I guess we are at their mercy but I know for sure that I won't be buying Factions if this is the best we can expect.
Ok, i ran the diagnostics test myself as i have been experiencing the same problem, after almost a year of playing the game flawlessly.
I would say i am an advanced pc user, i know a hell of alot about computers, and networks so i have checked everything, and found no problem my side.
My problem started today, and after running the diagnostic program i have the following results:
Check: 6112 ( --> problem connecting to "", port 80: Unknown error
Check: 6112 ( --> problem connecting to "", port 80: Unknown error
Check: 6112 ( --> problem connecting to "", port 80: Unknown error
Check: 6112 ( --> problem connecting to "", port 80: Unknown error
Check: 6112 ( --> problem connecting to "", port 80: Unknown error
Check: 6112 ( --> problem connecting to "", port 80: Unknown error
As im sure some of you are aware, port 80 is the browsing port....and i am currently posting on this website...using port 80...
This issue has only occurred for me after opening the new guild wars website for the first time, this may be co-incidental, however it is just an observation i have made.
I suggest this issue is either the auth servers blocking our ip for some obsurd reason or a recent release is causing some kind of software conflict.
Any knowledgeable feedback please
I would say i am an advanced pc user, i know a hell of alot about computers, and networks so i have checked everything, and found no problem my side.
My problem started today, and after running the diagnostic program i have the following results:
Check: 6112 ( --> problem connecting to "", port 80: Unknown error
Check: 6112 ( --> problem connecting to "", port 80: Unknown error
Check: 6112 ( --> problem connecting to "", port 80: Unknown error
Check: 6112 ( --> problem connecting to "", port 80: Unknown error
Check: 6112 ( --> problem connecting to "", port 80: Unknown error
Check: 6112 ( --> problem connecting to "", port 80: Unknown error
As im sure some of you are aware, port 80 is the browsing port....and i am currently posting on this website...using port 80...
This issue has only occurred for me after opening the new guild wars website for the first time, this may be co-incidental, however it is just an observation i have made.
I suggest this issue is either the auth servers blocking our ip for some obsurd reason or a recent release is causing some kind of software conflict.
Any knowledgeable feedback please