I'm a PvE only player...how come I can't have a chance at winning$100k in real money?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by obastable
...[snip]...In PvE, skill is measured differently. Presently the game only offers two options to measure your skill in a mission, and that is the main objective and the bonus objective. If A-Net wanted to, they could also implement a level of completeness based on mob clearance (89/100 for instance), or how quickly a Guild team completed the mission. Various other aspects could be used as a measure of skill as well...[snip]...
Anal retentiveness regarding the name aside...

They're actually implementing something along those lines in GW:Factions.

Edit: *Shakes fist at LoBo's \/andetta* >:0

Edit2 aka witty comeback: Aha! I said "tend not to have jobs" not "don't have jobs". So, nyah!



Just Plain Fluffy

Join Date: Dec 2004

Berkeley, CA

Idiot Savants

The only way to make "PvE" something rewardable would be to make it competitive, ala a race. Then it'd really be a PvP game that just looks like a PvE game. That might be where they're going in factions.

In any case direct PvP is a much better advertising vehicle for a wide variety of reasons that have been touched on already. People don't want to watch you pwn Charr. They want to see you pwn someone else. Once you realize that cash tournaments are just gigantic advertisements it's pretty obvious how these things are going to go down.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Riddle Of Kings


Originally Posted by castanaveras
I don't care about the $100,000. But i really want Anet to give us PvE'er a special emote like the one in pvp.
this is something I'd like to see, maybe have multiple tiers. For example have pve landmarks: completing all bonuses, completing all SF quests, completing all titan quests, etc. Then give a hierarchy of vanity emotes depending on how many of the goals the plauer has accomplished.

Why is it that pve'ers must contend with elitist pvp'ers demeaning the aspect of the game they enjoy in so many threads?



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

Originally Posted by olydog
LOL..ok..so my theory is getting bashed pretty hard..I don't know too many people with every skill AND elite for both primary AND secondery professions..if you've done that then let me know..cuz that would be an accomplishment!!!!
I have that on mesmer, and no, its not an accomplishment.

PvP requires constantly adapting teamwork. PvE is route memorization. Wonder which one actually takes skill.

Close topic!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

Emu, in PvP it has a purpose. Higher rank emotes show that you have experience in PvP where your actual characters come and go like the wind. It's the equivalent of levels/vanity items in PvE, they show how long you've been playing aka how experienced at PvE you are.

If you consider rank-flashing "showing off" then you're either still playing the game through and/or wearing drok's or you're a hypocrite.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by Ensign
That might be where they're going in factions.
I was thinking the same thing. It's certainly within the realm of possibility that the favor system we're going to see in Factions could introduce painfully dangerous team-based enemies. If one faction has control, for example, then on those huge battlefields we've been hearing about, that faction has some behemoth lumbering toward a group of NPCs. I'm envisioning Factions to be a mix of PvE and PvP, and if we see those types of situations, then surely the PvE players will be able to gain some type of glory if they manage to bring that sucker down.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

San Antonio, TX


I think it could be done. First you have to put aside any pvp-only players (55hp monk comments) as they probably know about as much about PvE as PvE-only players know about PvP (even though both sides think they know more). There are quite a few popular sportds that are competitive against an environment. I used to surf quite a bit in Hawaii. I watch skateboard competitions. There are motorcycle competitions on where a score is kept based on individual performance. Golf (if you'll call it a sport) is not a race or PvP where they are directly going up against each other.

I am not sure how the season would be set up, but the championships aren't too tough. You have pre-designed areas specific to that tournament in which nobody has seen before. Each team (guild) then has to complete certain tasks, getting points for speed, kills, losing for deaths, etc etc etc.. Too many people are thiniing it has to be individual-based. It can be guild based (someone said it's called Guild Wars). Well there are many , many PvE guilds.

Who knows the season could consist of new areas released every week for a week that are only accessible by guilds or what-not. Don't argue the specifics here because they are just brainstorming ideas. In essence, it could all be done. I think someone got it right earlier though in that the PvE side is just a method of getting money into the game. I think from the get-go PvP has been their favorite. I mean c'mon. If people really watch golf then surely someone would watch a PvE team race through a mission or something..

P.S. I do agree with the possibility that Ensign and Siren may have something as far as Factions goes. We'll see.. It could be alliances or something that win over time instead of individual guilds.

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


For PVE to get a prize given to the best player...there has to be a best player. That means you have to beat everyone else in some way. Which means that you are up against other players...making it PVP.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Benecia Renovatio [RenO]


PvE is static.

PvP is dynamic.

Even if you introduce new PvE content, give it a week and everyone will know the quickest and easiest way of completing it(toumbs is an example of that). PvE enemies do not adapt.

PvP even if the maps remain the same, the other players you face(equivelent to "monsters") don't always have the exact same skill set, execute skills in an extremely predictable manner, behave the same predictable ways to your skills, or follow the exact same path/stand in the exact same location. Players adapt.

From what I've heard of the elite and challenege missions in factions, it seems PvErs will, however, have their day. But with significantly harder PvE content that may actualy require teamwork and an understanding of the game mechanics(I've lost count of how many w/mos i see running around in full knights armor, refusing to beleive the non-stacking description on every single piece of it).



Join Date: Dec 2005

FMS clan


Good comments....I totally agree...how do they determine the "winner" in pve...as it stands there isn't a way to determine this..so off to PvP land I must go!

For now I'll just stick to my "mindless" PvE playing...waiting patiently for Factions to come out...and my accomplishments have always been helping guildies finish a mission..or get an elite skill..or buy some nice 15k armor. After all it's just a game....


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

practically all gaming competitions is player versus player, nobody wants to watch you fight some stupid npc, let alone pay someone 100k to do it



Join Date: Dec 2005

FMS clan


Again..who watches people play these tournements? Do you?(audioaxes)

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


I watch those...I watched the GWWC a few times actually...especially the ending matches.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by olydog
LOL..ok..so my theory is getting bashed pretty hard..I don't know too many people with every skill AND elite for both primary AND secondery professions..if you've done that then let me know..cuz that would be an accomplishment!!!!
no big feat actually.... for primary and all 2ndries opened - can be but its not so hard as well...

i can understand that its extremely hard to reward pve players somehow - pvp players have their rank system, mb some sort of pve rank can be invented anytime soon not sure how it can be done actually - mb total exp on this account and how many times u finished any mission or smth...
of cos rank system isnt perfect and alot of pvp-only ppl who's making fun of pve players are ignorant rude noobs, not familiar with chars they're playing.

f/ex: team arenas last week:
pvp-player1: what kind of necro are u?
me: tainted and...
pvp1: tainted cant be ne/mes u noob stfu get lost *curses ignorant pve morons*
me: why so?
pvp1: 'cos all tainted in pvp are ne/ele u noob *repeats all regular curses*...

do i have to mention that he was rank 8 or smth like that with this animation or its too obvious lol

but o well not like i care

Sparks Dawnbringer

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Los Angeles



Well, to be honest you are both right. PvP and PvE should both be supported. I don't enjoy PvP, I did it for a while but found it to be just mind less killing. Yes it takes skill and so does PvE, find and kill all 12 bosses in Sorrows Furnace if you think PvE is easy. I like the adventure of seeing what is behind the closed door. And yes I would not mind if they generasted some random mobs sometimes so it was different every time. But I have to say that the first time I assended a character I was disapointed. Experience points after level 20 just don't mean much. If we got a special emote or something it would be nice. And 5 characters through the Ring of Fire and what do I get a few more quests. Great but I think I worked just as hard on my characters as the PvP players. My skills are just different and my interests are just different. And even if the game is called Guild Wars there should be a place for the rest of us who actually paid for the game too. Making one side more important than the other is a mistake. I don't care too much about the money I see that as a publisity stunt. But I am tired of the PvP players getting every thing nerfed for the PvE people. And they do seem to get special treatment and they do seem to cry the loudest. But as far as I know all the special things are for PvP why can't some of them be created for PvE too.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

PvE = money, items and skillpoints, so you can unlock everything for your PvP only character, or make your PvE character good enough for PvP.

If you don't do PvP you're only playing about 5% of the whole game. I didn't pay 45 euros for that. Nobody cares if you beat monsters who don't care if they lose. Everybody is interested in defeating real, thinking people who have feelings.

Duly Thankful

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Guild Wars has been developed carefully enough to hold the interest of many different types of players. From the most elitist of PvP to people like me, purely casual gamers who just want to log in and play for fun. Think of it as a pair of tights - one size fits all! If people on these forums were a little more tolerant of others, we would get more constructive and less destructive criticism. Alas, I don't see that happening within the next thousand years...

I personally do not believe that PvP is 95% of the game. I don't even believe it is the desired end result for the majority of people who play it. But to each his own. I tried PvP in arenas (manic but fun for a short while), and about six months ago I even tried GvG. It was hilarious, but only as a one-off (see http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...ad.php?t=66425 if you don't believe me). I much prefer to just go out and do a bit of gentle farming or get a group of henchies and see how long it takes to kill every npc in Mineral Springs. I may go help a guild mate or take one of my lesser characters through a mission or two, depending on how I feel. For me the attraction is that I have the choice to do these things. After all, if I want to have abuse screamed at me, I can go to a football match rather than try PvP.

Factions should be interesting for both PvE and PvP. How interesting we won't know until it comes out, but you can count me in - I will definately be there, ambling along at my own pace and enjoying myself thoroughly!

Sagius Truthbarron

Sagius Truthbarron

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Animal Factory [ZoO]


People shouldn't get special benefits for not playing certain parts of the game. All PvP players do PvE - if you want 12,500 dollars that badly (yes, its 8 people getting 100,000 dollars, not 1 person) I think you can compete with other people for it.

There is no difference between PvE and PvP but strategy and advancement. If you aren't good enough to compete against other people (That is, to PvP) then you don't deserve a chance to win 100,000 dollars, do you?

PvE and PvP are the same games. Stop adding something to it that its not.

I have never seen so much jealousy, strife, and demands comming from any gaming community other than those who come from hardcore, classic MMORPGs who come to a game that doesn't cater to their every demand.


I'm the king

Join Date: Nov 2005

Aussie Trolling Crew: Grand Phallus and Chairman Pro Tempore

Originally Posted by CyberNigma
I think it could be done. First you have to put aside any pvp-only players (55hp monk comments) as they probably know about as much about PvE as PvE-only players know about PvP (even though both sides think they know more).
People dont jump into PvP the first time they play the game. Every accomplished PvP player has spent a long time in the PvE gameworld whether it was for the experience (first time) or for subsequent unlocking of skills. We haven't had faction forever either, before that everyone was forced to play though the campaign for unlocks.

While its safe to say that someone who only plays PvE knows next to nothing about PvP, the opposite is not true.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

[cFo] Crusaders from Orr


How bout something like a PVE ladder where groups or guilds can be sent to a map and then have to defend vs waves of ai... it gets harder and different groups showup so no farming n stuff like that. There would be hex removal , enchantment removal with these ai that come in waves. This is also shows a teams true skill to adapt to any situation. Teams or guilds that get past the most waves are ranked on the ladder.. i think this was introduced already or mayb i read it somewhere(factions?). Then again players are competing against eachother on the ladder... but doing it by killing ai lol



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...

Dark Alley [dR]

Ok people are missing the point here i believe. PVE wasnt ment to be a competitive thing. It was ment as a way to learn the story behind the game, unlock items and upgrades, and collect skills to use in your adventures. NEVER was PVE ever ment to be a competitive thing pitting guild against guild... and when you pit Guild against Guild what do you have.... A GUILD WAR!!! guild vs guild... hmm we have that ... gvg...


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

i always laugh when pvpers say this is a skill based game, no it is not, it is a seriously flawed game where the overbearing balancing completely voids and unique build and everyone just copies everyone else.
want to do well in pvp, look on the net for a build and go do what everyone else is doing.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Grind is subjective

learn this please

Originally Posted by led-zep
i always laugh when pvpers say this is a skill based game, no it is not, it is a seriously flawed game where the overbearing balancing completely voids and unique build and everyone just copies everyone else.
want to do well in pvp, look on the net for a build and go do what everyone else is doing.
Build is only half of it, if even that.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

San Antonio, TX


Originally Posted by MistressYichi
Ok people are missing the point here i believe. PVE wasnt ment to be a competitive thing. It was ment as a way to learn the story behind the game, unlock items and upgrades, and collect skills to use in your adventures. NEVER was PVE ever ment to be a competitive thing pitting guild against guild... and when you pit Guild against Guild what do you have.... A GUILD WAR!!! guild vs guild... hmm we have that ... gvg...
I think factions handles the Guild War aspect of pve (or will handle it) in the case of competitive missions. however, I will point out that, according to ANet's FAQ for GW, Guild Wars is a CORPG (Competitive Online Role-Playing Game). That could mean whatever you think it could mean. For instance, if it does only mean the PvP part is competitive then PvE would just be the money maker for the other part of the game that they actually wanted. Otherwise, it could mean that both aspects (PvE/PvP) are meant to be competitive in some way.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...

Dark Alley [dR]

And just how is PVE competitive? OMG lets have a race to see who can finish nolani academy first. first grp gets an extra bonus 100 exp. everyone go one 1... sorry but thats gay

Everyone and their brother can do the missions at any time, get their skills at any time, go find/buy weapons at any time, go buy armor at any time (except fissure)... so how is PVE competitive again?

Sagius Truthbarron

Sagius Truthbarron

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Animal Factory [ZoO]


Originally Posted by Cyber Nigma
I think it could be done. First you have to put aside any pvp-only players (55hp monk comments) as they probably know about as much about PvE as PvE-only players know about PvP (even though both sides think they know more).
There is no such thing as a PvP only player. That's becuase PvE (as in any MMORPG) comes first, then PvP. You have to play PvE through atleast to Thunderhead Keep to be compitent in PvP.

Most all high ranking GvG teams use their PvE characters. Some durring the GWWC and other occasions were wearing their Fissure of Woe armor. I doubt you 'know enough about PvE' to have that.

Sergio Leone

Sergio Leone

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Dallas, TX

The International Terrorists [USA]


As others have said, this is a PvP oriented game. Hence the name, Guild Wars, meaning your Guild has a war with another (GvG). Plus there isn't anything you can do really to compete. PERHAPS a running competition but then those who hate runners would have a fit and those who just farm wouldn't be happy. So as much as I wish I could tell ya something there isn't much to be done.

Sagius Truthbarron

Sagius Truthbarron

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Animal Factory [ZoO]


Originally Posted by Sergio Leone
As others have said, this is a PvP oriented game. Hence the name, Guild Wars, meaning your Guild has a war with another (GvG).

No, the game isn't all about GvG. The name actually refers to PvE 'lore'.

Count to Potato

Count to Potato

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006

Imagination Land

I Swear She Was Eighteen [Gwen]


Too many people finish the pve campaingn in missions and quests, after that they farm adn try geting as good as possible. In PvP you can't beat the game but you can beat other Guilds, and the winning guild get 100k distributed around to the members, 12.5k each is eight people...


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

San Antonio, TX


Originally Posted by Sagius Truthbarron
There is no such thing as a PvP only player. That's becuase PvE (as in any MMORPG) comes first, then PvP. You have to play PvE through atleast to Thunderhead Keep to be compitent in PvP.

Most all high ranking GvG teams use their PvE characters. Some durring the GWWC and other occasions were wearing their Fissure of Woe armor. I doubt you 'know enough about PvE' to have that.
I guess the fact that someone from IQ admitted they were riding on warriors wearing HoD Helms passed by you entirely. There's an entirely different reason for having a PvE character play PvP, which has been rectified now that the HoD Helm is available to PvP characters. Don't bite your foot as it leaves your mouth, as it could get messy.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

San Antonio, TX


Originally Posted by MistressYichi
And just how is PVE competitive? OMG lets have a race to see who can finish nolani academy first. first grp gets an extra bonus 100 exp. everyone go one 1... sorry but thats gay

Everyone and their brother can do the missions at any time, get their skills at any time, go find/buy weapons at any time, go buy armor at any time (except fissure)... so how is PVE competitive again?
I don't know if you're asking me that or ArenaNet. They're the ones that said it, not me (in case you are asking me)..

Sagius Truthbarron

Sagius Truthbarron

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Animal Factory [ZoO]


Originally Posted by CyberNigma
I guess the fact that someone from IQ admitted they were riding on warriors wearing HoD Helms passed by you entirely. There's an entirely different reason for having a PvE character play PvP, which has been rectified now that the HoD Helm is available to PvP characters. Don't bite your foot as it leaves your mouth, as it could get messy.
Fissure of Woe HoD helm? Right...

iQ (a guild that lost easily in Taiwan) had nothing to do with what I was talking about.

Also, you might try pressing the 'Edit' button on your post whenever you think of a new idea, instead of making large groups of your own posts

Sergio Leone

Sergio Leone

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Dallas, TX

The International Terrorists [USA]


Originally Posted by Sagius Truthbarron

No, the game isn't all about GvG. The name actually refers to PvE 'lore'.
Well I stand corrected, kind of. I still think this is a PvP oriented game. The PvE is just leading up to and getting everyone ready to PvP.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

San Antonio, TX


Originally Posted by Sagius Truthbarron
Fissure of Woe HoD helm? Right... iQ (a guild that lost easily in Taiwan) had nothing to do with what I was talking about. Also, you might try pressing the 'Edit' button on your post whenever you think of a new idea, instead of making large groups of your own posts :)
Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm the first to admit it when I make a mistake. IQ lost in the championship. I should've listened to 'Leaders of the World Unite [UN]' instead. They never lost in the championship so my apologies. Anyhow, I think the useful thoughts have already been poured into this thread.

P.S. I'm sorry Ensign, but he's right. Your guild lost and his guild didn't. :-)

EDIT: (at the request of Sagius) I didn't want to be too obvious Chase so I'd spare feelings, but thanks for driving in the point...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


Forsaken Wanderers [FW]


People don't get payed millions because they can play basketball, they get paid millions because they can play it better than anyone else. Same with Guild Wars, players won't get paid because they can play the game (hell, anyone with a computer can), players get the prizes because they've reached a level of gameplay and experience that most will never achive in their gaming lifetime.

That being said Factions looks to offer much more in terms of PvE rewards. The rewards including, having access to towns and outposts as well as more power to whatever side you choose. So I wouldn't fret too much, because it looks like Factions will be rewarding PvE players as well.

I would also like to make the point that the top guilds aren't simply full of good PvPers but good players in general.

Sagius Truthbarron

Sagius Truthbarron

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Animal Factory [ZoO]


Originally Posted by CyberNigma
Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm the first to admit it when I make a mistake. IQ lost in the championship. I should've listened to 'Leaders of the World Unite [UN]' instead. They never lost in the championship so my apologies. Anyhow, I think the useful thoughts have already been poured into this thread.

P.S. I'm sorry Ensign, but he's right. Your guild lost and his guild didn't. :-)

EDIT: (at the request of Sagius) I didn't want to be too obvious Chase so I'd spare feelings, but thanks for driving in the point...
I don't see what my guild with 2 people in it not going to the GWWC has anything to do with this conversation. Nice jumping on the band wagon with the person above you, though.

Let's start flinging personal insults because we can't find faults with each others arguments, shall we?

The point of my comment was, you mention iQ using HoD helms as if they were "T3h g0dly". It is obvious that their ploy to take advantage of their PvE characters did not work. Thus, your comment about them wearing the HoD helms is irrelevant.

You are currently tripple off topic. Perhaps you can shift to a relevant disscussion?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

It's not even 100k for the winning guild, it's $50k ($6250 per player). And the second guild gets $25k ($3125). So you're not going to make big bucks by playing. Getting a job is easier. :P


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Carolina


I'll tell you why...because PvP needs some sort of palpable reward otherwise what's the point? The reason I don't like PvP is because you do all that work and what do you get for it? A little fame? A little more recognition? Big hairy deal. I want something tangible and I think that's what went on with the monetary prize. I used to PvP and GvG a lot and did well at it but it's just too much work for not enough reward. PvE is its own reward. You do something you get a prize in experience or items.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006



Problem is: the pve to pvp players ratios is like 100:1, and that's an optimistic ratio.

So basicly they paid the 100k cash from the income that was generated by the pve players buying the game. One way to reward pve players would be some lottery type thing.

Make monsters drop some collectible stuff, but extreamly rarely all over Tyria. First 25 players to collect 5 rotten chicken heads get 2k each, or something similar.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

San Antonio, TX


Originally Posted by Sagius Truthbarron
The point of my comment was, you mention iQ using HoD helms as if they were "T3h g0dly". It is obvious that their ploy to take advantage of their PvE characters did not work. Thus, your comment about them wearing the HoD helms is irrelevant.
Actually, it did work. It got them to Taiwan and earned 10k (I believe that was the price for the first round). That's still quite an accomplishment. Saying otherwise would be like saying a football team sucked because they made it to the SuperBowl and didn't win.

There used to be video game tournaments way before PvP video games were common place. They just came up with other ways to score them. Again, in Golf people do not race or compete directly with each other. They play the game and whoever plays the game best (in single-player mode so to speak) wins. When 8 guilds get to the championship, they are all given access to a unique mission with certain goals that nobody has seen before. They get to choose which of their characters to party up and how they are going to overcome the mission. Some teams may make mistakes, others may not. Do we attack the front gate and try an all out assault or do we go around the back way? Which team had more deaths/kills. Which team accomplished the most bonus points (multiple bonus objectives within the mission). Did all the teams even complete the mission? Which team completed it in the least amount of time?

Again, there are all kinds of things that could be done. As far as the comments about 'who wants to watch this': Well, it still surprises me to this day that there is an actual channel on cable tv called the Golf Channel. I mean who really gets off watching golf? I then recognize that there are people out there that enjoy things I think are totally stupid. There are things that I enjoy that other people think are totally wastes of time. I recognize my way isn't everyone's way and that the popular way isn't always my way. I know at least one person, and I suspect more, may enjoy watching that kind of championship. Even moreso, I'm sure many people would love to try and compete for it.