Originally Posted by Barkam
I am sorry virago, you are wrong. Quintis is correct, the devs agrees with him and they said it on one of the interviews. I wish I can find a link to show you.
Er, you do realize that marketing position is not the same as genre catagorization, right? In other words, they can call this whatever they like, but if it is online, offers play to more than one person, and has more than one location in which to play, it is a
Online Game.
It doesn't matter what they say, it matters what they are. If you don't get this, I doubt there is any help or hope for you to understand the rest.
Originally Posted by Barkam
Does that mean you are a part of a real pvp guild to know this?
I am a member of three of the four guilds I mentioned in this thread. So yes, I a part of a 'real pvp guild'... moreso than you, I would wager. Of course, you may actually have been PvPing for more than oh... eight years through every PvP game to hit the shelf, but you know what? I seriously doubt it.
Originally Posted by Barkam
We are all complaining about it, but at the same time we go through the grind just to try to make the best out of it. But that doesn't mean that we just take it and not offer suggestions as to how to make the game better.
No, 'we' are not all complaining about it. I don't care how many people you THINK support you or agree with you, you cannot and do not speak for everyone who PvPs. Deal with the reality, m'kay, because part of my own irritation and persistence here is due to the insistance of you and others that somehow you're the 'Great Spokesman' for everyone playing PvP and you... just... are... not.
If you can't understand the difference between making suggestions and complaining, chances are there's a huge dissonance that is insuring you're going to be frustrated more often than not. There are about oh... five threads out of close to eighty that have actually been SUGGESTIONS. Guess what? This thread is not one of them.
Originally Posted by Barkam
I, like most serious pvp'ers out there, want to keep supporting A.net. But the way the game stands right now we aren't going to buy the expansions. And I don't want that to happen.
Most 'serious PvPers' aren't wasting time whining here. They make a quick, concise, polite thread in the area requested by the mods/admins and then, go back to the game safe in the knowledge that they have done as much as can be done to make their voice heard.
You see, serious PvPers don't demand the world (or a game) conform to their mindset, they just figure out how it works and then beat it anyway.
Gee, that's about the tenth time I've said that and it seems no one who is yelping 'NOW NOW NOW' is
getting it.
Guess it really is a waste of time.
Ok. I'm done. Good luck with getting what you think you want, and if you actually do manage to get it, trust me when I say I'll be around to remind you that you just KNEW getting this would make your life perfect.
Because I know already that you'll have something else lined up to whine about... that's how 'you folks' operate. Not PvP players, because you're not, really. You're actually worse than the rabid carebear, because you run around telling anyone who will listen that you're 'The Average PvP Player' and you are so far from it that it isn't funny.
So like, um, thanks for making all PvP Players look bad, mate. Good job. No, really, I mean it.