Petition: More character creation room
But "play again"? what does he mean by play again, play the exact same build again?
Lets say I have 4 characters. To play a 5th one, I have to delete one, then create another one. That's what you say.
That mean you are limited to play 4 different characters at same time. Considering most peoples will have one character as a mule, then you are stuck with 3 characters. Now if you play both pvp and pve, you are very limited.
That mean you are limited to play 4 different characters at same time. Considering most peoples will have one character as a mule, then you are stuck with 3 characters. Now if you play both pvp and pve, you are very limited.
Why would you have four characters in the first place?
I don't use a mule, I either sell items or put them in storage.
I don't play PvP, but don't you only need around one character for that?
and that leaves 3 characters for PvE which is plenty.
I don't use a mule, I either sell items or put them in storage.
I don't play PvP, but don't you only need around one character for that?
and that leaves 3 characters for PvE which is plenty.
say for example you have 4 character that you like to play. a warrior lvl 18, a necro lvl 16, a ele lvl 20, and a monk lvl 14. now you want to play a ranger... so like you suggested just delete it. so, you delete the warrior so you can play the ranger. later on you want to play your warrior again... now what do you do, delete another one and start all over at lvl 1? no, that would be stupid. and so we are forced to stick with 4 main professions only.
EDIT: ya, what he said
EDIT: ya, what he said

If you like playing four characters at once, then you should just buy another copy of the game.
Originally Posted by arnansnow
Why would you have four characters in the first place?
I don't use a mule, I either sell items or put them in storage. I don't play PvP, but don't you only need around one character for that? and that leaves 3 characters for PvE which is plenty. |
unless wanted to play the full game and try all the professions.
Don't waste time with him Kaya. I hope he intentionally don't want to understand because otherwise it means worse...
Then you would just have to wait and finish one before you try another, or get another account.
ya, i've noticed that he's big on creating useless debates in the forums. i'm done here i've stated my opinion.
Right now I have an Me/N and a Mo/E. With one slot taken up for a PvP character, I'll have to make a W/R to finish unlocking skills. This is part of the problem. You CAN unlock all the skills with 3 characters, but the last one is going to be some sort of misfit build.
But from reading through the previous posts in this thread (and I KNOW you all read what you're actually responding to), I can tell that this is yet another shining example of what "intelligent debate" has become in the GW community. One side, rational and logical, the other, rabid and nearly incoherent. I almost wish they would have a monthly fee, to weed out some of the kiddies who don't have credit cards. Maybe then we could have an intelligent discussion.
Right now I have an Me/N and a Mo/E. With one slot taken up for a PvP character, I'll have to make a W/R to finish unlocking skills. This is part of the problem. You CAN unlock all the skills with 3 characters, but the last one is going to be some sort of misfit build.
But from reading through the previous posts in this thread (and I KNOW you all read what you're actually responding to), I can tell that this is yet another shining example of what "intelligent debate" has become in the GW community. One side, rational and logical, the other, rabid and nearly incoherent. I almost wish they would have a monthly fee, to weed out some of the kiddies who don't have credit cards. Maybe then we could have an intelligent discussion.
I'd like exactly 7 slots, please. One so I can play each of the primary professions, and then one more which is only PvP.
Prophet Of Mercy
Prophet Of Mercy
I was thinking 6-8 roleplaying characters and 1, maybe 2 PvP only characters would be a nice upgrade, but anything higher then 4 total is an improvement.
Prophet Of Mercy
I was thinking 6-8 roleplaying characters and 1, maybe 2 PvP only characters would be a nice upgrade, but anything higher then 4 total is an improvement.
Originally Posted by arnansnow
I don't really understand that sentance, are you saying that you have a high level warrior, but you want to play him again from the beginning, so you delete another char?
and Hu? what is Hu? |
What is "sentance"? I don't understand this. What does that mean?
Did you mean sentence?
The fact that we need to baby sit you through a post clearly indicates the intelligence you hardly posses.
I don't think it's a hard concept to understand. People spend ours making characters. Why should they delete them to make new ones? That is just ridiculous. We're not asking for 25+ slots. Six is a good number. Hell, I'd prefer 8 (d2 had 8 which was a perfect amount).
Now, until you come up with a half way decen argument that has some basis of proof to back it up. Please, do the human race a favor, and shut the hell up. We've all clearly stated our reasoning as to why more slots are needed. Yet, I still don't know why you don't want any new slots added.
Now I'm asking you, why do you not want anymore slots? Do not provide an illegitimate answer to this question. Do not answer this question with a question, because it will further prove my theory that you're an idiot.
Please give factual information as to why you would not want anymore slots.
Cyrus Magnus
Well, instead of firing off insults at anyone, I'm going to simply say why I do, or do not, think we should get more slots in GW.
There's the debate that 4 slots is too little for a full experience of the game. The debate comes from people defining experience differently. Some people see putting time into a character as a reason for keeping that character until the day they stop playing the game, while others see their characters as more disposable; they say, once they've experienced what the game has to offer for that combination, that they feel no remorse deleting that character and making a new one. Both of these are entirely relevant stand points.
The next set of debate arises from the "cost" of the game. We all paid a certain amount to get the game. We don't pay anything monthly to play it. Some would say this means we should "be happy with what we get" while others would disagree and push for improvement, i.e. growth, in the game. What I don't understand is when someone tells me it could possibly bankrupt the games developers, or in some other way devastate the company. Trust me when I say this, they will never do something that is not in their best interests. So the question here is, why are you resisting higher slot suggestions? Mmm?
We all want to experience the game in the best way for us. Would making it possible for people to have more full-fledged, fully explored, fully quested characters be detrimental to your gameplay? Would having more players with more characters, and therefore more experience of how to do that one quest or mission as that class, be such a dangerous thing?
Maybe someone would take advantage of having more slots for less noble purposes than I've suggested. This is where I trust NCSoft and ArenaNet. As they have shown, they will continue to be dedicated to the eradication of mindless farmers and bots, in preventative ways as well as direct. I see this game as getting better and better with every update. I think they are doing themselves a credit, and I know I'll be telling my friends to get this game. That is how they make more money, and they know that.
So, in effect...
There's the debate that 4 slots is too little for a full experience of the game. The debate comes from people defining experience differently. Some people see putting time into a character as a reason for keeping that character until the day they stop playing the game, while others see their characters as more disposable; they say, once they've experienced what the game has to offer for that combination, that they feel no remorse deleting that character and making a new one. Both of these are entirely relevant stand points.
The next set of debate arises from the "cost" of the game. We all paid a certain amount to get the game. We don't pay anything monthly to play it. Some would say this means we should "be happy with what we get" while others would disagree and push for improvement, i.e. growth, in the game. What I don't understand is when someone tells me it could possibly bankrupt the games developers, or in some other way devastate the company. Trust me when I say this, they will never do something that is not in their best interests. So the question here is, why are you resisting higher slot suggestions? Mmm?
We all want to experience the game in the best way for us. Would making it possible for people to have more full-fledged, fully explored, fully quested characters be detrimental to your gameplay? Would having more players with more characters, and therefore more experience of how to do that one quest or mission as that class, be such a dangerous thing?
Maybe someone would take advantage of having more slots for less noble purposes than I've suggested. This is where I trust NCSoft and ArenaNet. As they have shown, they will continue to be dedicated to the eradication of mindless farmers and bots, in preventative ways as well as direct. I see this game as getting better and better with every update. I think they are doing themselves a credit, and I know I'll be telling my friends to get this game. That is how they make more money, and they know that.
So, in effect...
artemis inferno
Artemis Inferno
Artemis Inferno
I already own my second copy of the game for extra slots. I don't think NCSoft is clueless to the fact that people like having as many slots as possible. I think just maybe they'd like to make some cash off folks like me. I don't mind forking over money for a damned good game twice if my attention span isn't wide enough to deal with only 4 characters. Sure, I'd like some more slots, but I rather them suck us for more cash and go crazy with development and expansion of the game.
As it was earlier said that they wouldn't add more slots unless it was in their best interests (i.e - interests of us plus profitable to them to do so.) I feel that the more people push for something unimportant like this, when I am more concerned with additional content coming as fast as it can, the more these things might be put on the backburner to appease current demands.
I am sure they have a budget. If they can afford to add slots, it's probably being diverted from other goals for the game. People aren't going to start getting paid less or anything to meet an improvement.
Then again, maybe I am wrong. Everything we got here is all theoretical unless we knew hard numbers on how many repeat buyers they have and how they work their budget, which we aren't about to find out anytime soon.
/NOT signed (Keep working on additional content! Forget additional char slots! Thanks.
As it was earlier said that they wouldn't add more slots unless it was in their best interests (i.e - interests of us plus profitable to them to do so.) I feel that the more people push for something unimportant like this, when I am more concerned with additional content coming as fast as it can, the more these things might be put on the backburner to appease current demands.
I am sure they have a budget. If they can afford to add slots, it's probably being diverted from other goals for the game. People aren't going to start getting paid less or anything to meet an improvement.
Then again, maybe I am wrong. Everything we got here is all theoretical unless we knew hard numbers on how many repeat buyers they have and how they work their budget, which we aren't about to find out anytime soon.
/NOT signed (Keep working on additional content! Forget additional char slots! Thanks.

Anno Domini
Luna Thirteen
Nononono...for being a free online RPG, it's a wonder that we get 4 character slots as it is. 8 character slots? That's just plain greedy...if you really honestly can't live without having 4 more characters, either delete one or two of your old characters or buy another copy of the game. But honestly, I can't see how it would be worth ANet's time and money to up the character slots just because people always want more.
Nononono...for being a free online RPG, it's a wonder that we get 4 character slots as it is. 8 character slots? That's just plain greedy...if you really honestly can't live without having 4 more characters, either delete one or two of your old characters or buy another copy of the game. But honestly, I can't see how it would be worth ANet's time and money to up the character slots just because people always want more. |
I say those basterts should give me their first born child for their precious slots!
Ytrill The Swift
Ytrill The Swift
6/7 slots would be fine by me.
I don't mind paying for the extra slots (e.g: buy another box and use the key to add 4 slots to my current account).
Alternately, I would like to be able to switch my primary/secondary professions, so as to be able to have OPTIONS in the character I'm going to use for the next mission. If someone has completed the game 2 or three times, there is no point in hampering his PvE playstyle options to 4 characters.
I don't mind paying for the extra slots (e.g: buy another box and use the key to add 4 slots to my current account).
Alternately, I would like to be able to switch my primary/secondary professions, so as to be able to have OPTIONS in the character I'm going to use for the next mission. If someone has completed the game 2 or three times, there is no point in hampering his PvE playstyle options to 4 characters.
If this change happens right away, and the state of PvP is returned to that of the Betas (UAS, Rings/Charms, 6 Player Maps, The Crag) the game will have a chance to survive for a year or so. Otherwise the core audience, the original intended audience will and is leaving.
If this change happens right away, and the state of PvP is returned to that of the Betas (UAS, Rings/Charms, 6 Player Maps, The Crag) the game will have a chance to survive for a year or so. Otherwise the core audience, the original intended audience will and is leaving.
4 is fine for now, maybe with expansions and new professions more would be needed, but i guess its the price for paying a 1 time fee for the game/account
Originally Posted by Luna Thirteen
Nononono...for being a free online RPG, it's a wonder that we get 4 character slots as it is. 8 character slots? That's just plain greedy...if you really honestly can't live without having 4 more characters, either delete one or two of your old characters or buy another copy of the game. But honestly, I can't see how it would be worth ANet's time and money to up the character slots just because people always want more.
As I stated before... I want to see factual evidence that adding more slots is BAD. Not because "it's greedy" or "I don't want anymore because i said so".
Seriously, provide some proof. Maybe if adding more slots made the game highly unstable, then I could fully see why there would be no need for slots
lol anyone here play Star Wars Galaxies (Sony), uh yeah that is one of the most undertested buggy games ever. and its been out for 2 years now and its still buggy as hell. Be happy that this game is so sound, 4 toons is fine, it's not like u pay a monthly fee. these ppl can't provide an infinite amount of toons to you without getting compensation back to them

Originally Posted by rwt2006
lol anyone here play Star Wars Galaxies (Sony), uh yeah that is one of the most undertested buggy games ever. and its been out for 2 years now and its still buggy as hell. Be happy that this game is so sound, 4 toons is fine, it's not like u pay a monthly fee. these ppl can't provide an infinite amount of toons to you without getting compensation back to them
![]() |
And the rest of your statement lacks about anything ... We aren't asking for infinite amounts of characters. There is at least one Online RPG where you can have unlimited accounts and characters, without a monthly fee. I switched from Diablo 2 to GW.
But as i said, no one really want's unlimited characters, we only want enough to test every profession. But I want to do that without losing my chars i already have, and I have already 1 PvP + 3 RPG chars on lvl 20 one through the game the rest on the last 1/3 missions. I'm still playing all of them and i plan to continue playing them all, but i'd like to play at least 2 of the other classes too. This is impossible for me at the moment.
And if they say we get more space with expansion i imagine this: New Expansion comes, with 2 new classes and 1 more space, so I'm at 3 classes I'd love to play then ...
Another thing is, no one demands this for free. I'm willing to buy another game to get another 4 spaces. But I can't do this now, because the 2 accounts wouldn't be linked, so I won't be able to unlock all items and skills properly etc..
For me a really big misery, cause I'm really desperate to try a primary Nec ...
There's a way to overcome the 4 character slot limit (partially). I currently play as a Mo/Me, and have completed all the quest to change secondary class. Now I can change secondary classes on the fly, I've been putting on the W when I'm by myself trying to unlock as much as I can soloing, and then when I want to go on missions I put on the Me secondary class and I have access to all my previous skills.
The only downside to this is you need to have LOTS of skill points to unlock all of the warrior skills, but if you know what skills you want from the warrior you could probably just buy those select few from the skill trainer.
So in effect, my Mo/Me could also be a Mo/W, Mo/R, Mo/N, Mo/E, and it's all in one character slot. Just takes alot of work, but it's yet another thing to do once you complete the RP game.
And if you think about it, if you take the work to unlock all those skills from the different classes on one character, how much more potential configurations could you get with your character? I know I'm doing it. I'm gonna build on my already existing monk, and I'm gonna make a warrior primary and ranger or mesmer primary, and keep that last slot open for bidness!
Hell, if you really had ALL the time in the world, I guess you could have...20 different characters in your 4 slots? Just a thought. That would take ALOT of time, though...
There's a way to overcome the 4 character slot limit (partially). I currently play as a Mo/Me, and have completed all the quest to change secondary class. Now I can change secondary classes on the fly, I've been putting on the W when I'm by myself trying to unlock as much as I can soloing, and then when I want to go on missions I put on the Me secondary class and I have access to all my previous skills.
The only downside to this is you need to have LOTS of skill points to unlock all of the warrior skills, but if you know what skills you want from the warrior you could probably just buy those select few from the skill trainer.
So in effect, my Mo/Me could also be a Mo/W, Mo/R, Mo/N, Mo/E, and it's all in one character slot. Just takes alot of work, but it's yet another thing to do once you complete the RP game.
And if you think about it, if you take the work to unlock all those skills from the different classes on one character, how much more potential configurations could you get with your character? I know I'm doing it. I'm gonna build on my already existing monk, and I'm gonna make a warrior primary and ranger or mesmer primary, and keep that last slot open for bidness!
Hell, if you really had ALL the time in the world, I guess you could have...20 different characters in your 4 slots? Just a thought. That would take ALOT of time, though...
Wrong thread :S
Originally Posted by psychogears
There's a way to overcome the 4 character slot limit (partially). I currently play as a Mo/Me, and have completed all the quest to change secondary class. Now I can change secondary classes on the fly, I've been putting on the W when I'm by myself trying to unlock as much as I can soloing, and then when I want to go on missions I put on the Me secondary class and I have access to all my previous skills. The only downside to this is you need to have LOTS of skill points to unlock all of the warrior skills, but if you know what skills you want from the warrior you could probably just buy those select few from the skill trainer. So in effect, my Mo/Me could also be a Mo/W, Mo/R, Mo/N, Mo/E, and it's all in one character slot. Just takes alot of work, but it's yet another thing to do once you complete the RP game. And if you think about it, if you take the work to unlock all those skills from the different classes on one character, how much more potential configurations could you get with your character? I know I'm doing it. I'm gonna build on my already existing monk, and I'm gonna make a warrior primary and ranger or mesmer primary, and keep that last slot open for bidness! Hell, if you really had ALL the time in the world, I guess you could have...20 different characters in your 4 slots? Just a thought. That would take ALOT of time, though... -TJ |
Try reading. You're still playing as a monk PRIMARY. Which means you can't take full advantage of your secondary profession.
I can't make a warrior or an elementalist due to all my slots being filled up.
I have lvl 20 Me/N, 20 R/Me, and 18 N/Mo. I have no intentions on deleting either of these characters.
Cnegurozka made some good points. We shouldn't be thankful this game isn't buggy. We paid $50 for this game, so we should automatically assume it's going to be bug free for the most part. When one buys a car, they expect not to have any problems, etc.
Also, buying another account does not help a thing. They can't be "linked" up as previously stated. If I get a new account, I have to start RPing all over again to make a decent PvP character. I for one have no intentions of doing this.
More character slots please. Even one would be nice.
Acheus Lokine
I disagree completely. I don't even see why we need more than 2, honestly: 1 for PvE and one for PvP; I could live with that just fine. With 4, you can have 3 primaries and 3 secondaries on PvE--plus with changable secondaries there are plenty of combinations--and still have a slot left for PvP. Get bored and want to try another primary? Delete one of your slots and start a new character! Stop complaining about a lack of slots and instead try using the 4 you already have in a different way.
Play more than 1 month and come back please!
There are big differences in primary professions, to make it worth play a Mo/* for example instead of a W/Mo or E/Mo. What if you think of some nice tactic combining W and N skill and you don't have any of both primary?
And for the deletion thing: No.
No reason to delete something i put that much time and gold in. If you say you'll delete them that fast i guess you're very PvP oriented (i don't care deleting my PvP Chars, i only need 1 PvP slot) and rush them high, get all elites and skills then delete them. This is where you are right about the secondary change option, getting all skills (including elites) is not hard with 3 chars for 6 professions. But not for the play experience.
There are big differences in primary professions, to make it worth play a Mo/* for example instead of a W/Mo or E/Mo. What if you think of some nice tactic combining W and N skill and you don't have any of both primary?
And for the deletion thing: No.
No reason to delete something i put that much time and gold in. If you say you'll delete them that fast i guess you're very PvP oriented (i don't care deleting my PvP Chars, i only need 1 PvP slot) and rush them high, get all elites and skills then delete them. This is where you are right about the secondary change option, getting all skills (including elites) is not hard with 3 chars for 6 professions. But not for the play experience.
aphex twin
being able to have another account or few more character slots would be nice...i mean D2 allows seemingly unlimited accounts
being able to have another account or few more character slots would be nice...i mean D2 allows seemingly unlimited accounts

Originally Posted by Acheus Lokine
I disagree completely. I don't even see why we need more than 2, honestly: 1 for PvE and one for PvP; I could live with that just fine. With 4, you can have 3 primaries and 3 secondaries on PvE--plus with changable secondaries there are plenty of combinations--and still have a slot left for PvP. Get bored and want to try another primary? Delete one of your slots and start a new character! Stop complaining about a lack of slots and instead try using the 4 you already have in a different way.
Read other posts.
Wow you don't get it, do you? Even if it were 1 extra slot, the cost would be tremendous. I don't know exactly how much, since I don't manage the servers, but both of us know damn well that it would cost a LOT. You don't need proof.

be happy they didnt give you only 1 of each (pve and pvp)
Luna Thirteen
ok ok, if new jobs classes become available them maybe they should allow another slot or two...but come on, coming from Final Fantasy XI to this, it's just amazing. I mean Icould have 4 character slots in FFXI...if I payed an extra $3.00 a month that is. Guild Wars STARTS you with 4 slots, free of cost of course. And no, I would not just throw away a character I spent hours upon hours of work on, but I'm also not that starved for more characters. I have 3 PvE characters and toy around with different PvP builds for my 4th...if I really wanted I could play just about every combination I want. So while you feel like my arguement of "you're just greedy" isn't valid, I don't see why you're arguement of "I want to try ALL the jobs as my primary and never want to have to delete my characters to do so." is all that valid. I mean, after a few expansions, people's select character screens would be like playing Where's Waldo each time they log on. Finally, I think people should learn to play with the characters they already HAVE before they assume they can go create 8 super-star characters. Ok, let's summarize so I seem "Valid" and not an over-zelous member of the fun police:
We have 4 character spots...for free...that allow you to make ( if you choose to handle it this way) 3 PvE characters to grow close to and 1 PvP character to let you try out all the builds you were thinking of making at max lvl and max armor, with a max weapon (assuming you did stuff with your PvE stuff already). So...if you want more still, then why do you feel it's the responsibilty of ANet to do so? And why stop at 8 characters? Why not make every character, gender, and hairstyle combination so you'll know what it's like to play with a necro with and without a mohawk? Anyways, feel free to tell me how invalid my arguement.
We have 4 character spots...for free...that allow you to make ( if you choose to handle it this way) 3 PvE characters to grow close to and 1 PvP character to let you try out all the builds you were thinking of making at max lvl and max armor, with a max weapon (assuming you did stuff with your PvE stuff already). So...if you want more still, then why do you feel it's the responsibilty of ANet to do so? And why stop at 8 characters? Why not make every character, gender, and hairstyle combination so you'll know what it's like to play with a necro with and without a mohawk? Anyways, feel free to tell me how invalid my arguement.
Originally Posted by eA-Zaku
Wow you don't get it, do you? Even if it were 1 extra slot, the cost would be tremendous. I don't know exactly how much, since I don't manage the servers, but both of us know damn well that it would cost a LOT. You don't need proof.
It would not cost that much money (relative to overall expenses, etc.) to add 1 more character slot.
Originally Posted by Luna Thirteen
ok ok, if new jobs classes become available them maybe they should allow another slot or two...but come on, coming from Final Fantasy XI to this, it's just amazing. I mean Icould have 4 character slots in FFXI...if I payed an extra $3.00 a month that is. Guild Wars STARTS you with 4 slots, free of cost of course. And no, I would not just throw away a character I spent hours upon hours of work on, but I'm also not that starved for more characters. I have 3 PvE characters and toy around with different PvP builds for my 4th...if I really wanted I could play just about every combination I want. So while you feel like my arguement of "you're just greedy" isn't valid, I don't see why you're arguement of "I want to try ALL the jobs as my primary and never want to have to delete my characters to do so." is all that valid. I mean, after a few expansions, people's select character screens would be like playing Where's Waldo each time they log on. Finally, I think people should learn to play with the characters they already HAVE before they assume they can go create 8 super-star characters. Ok, let's summarize so I seem "Valid" and not an over-zelous member of the fun police:
We have 4 character spots...for free...that allow you to make ( if you choose to handle it this way) 3 PvE characters to grow close to and 1 PvP character to let you try out all the builds you were thinking of making at max lvl and max armor, with a max weapon (assuming you did stuff with your PvE stuff already). So...if you want more still, then why do you feel it's the responsibilty of ANet to do so? And why stop at 8 characters? Why not make every character, gender, and hairstyle combination so you'll know what it's like to play with a necro with and without a mohawk? Anyways, feel free to tell me how invalid my arguement. |
4 character spots... not for free. I paid $50 for the 4 character slots.
I have 3 level 20 characters that I play pretty regularly. I have no intention of deleting either of these to experience a warrior or an elementalists.
As stated before, we are not asking for 25+ characters. Six or eight is fine.
I don't see how you can compare this game to other MMOs or RPGs in the sense that we should be "lucky" to have 4 char. slots.
Also, the storage system in this game is bitter sweet. It's good in the sense that any thing i put in my stash is accessable for any of my other RP characters, but at the same time it limits the amount of storage space and/or potential space.
You people suggest deleting characters like they're mutt puppies you just give away. It defeats the purpose of spending hours and gold building a character.
Originally Posted by OneArmedScissor
4 character spots... not for free. I paid $50 for the 4 character slots.
I have 3 level 20 characters that I play pretty regularly. I have no intention of deleting either of these to experience a warrior or an elementalists. As stated before, we are not asking for 25+ characters. Six or eight is fine. . |
you paid for the right to play the game as provided under their conditions.
limiting the slots to 4 is a business decision between giving as many as possible without driving the costs up as those will be ongoing costs and not simply a 1 time charge
if it made no difference finincially between 4 and six or seven (1 each primary plus 1 pvp) they would have done it to avoid complaints
since they didnt obviously they figured the extra cost was to much