Originally Posted by Zeru
I'm confused.
How is hoping that your continuous soc spam will net you your elite stance while you frantically beg your pug to not kill the boss fun? I mean honestly...
You sound like someone who doesn't like putting effort into things. Seriously, the reason I don't like this patch is because it takes the effort out of doing things. Skill requires effort to improve. The whiners are just getting everything handed to them on a silver platter now.
I don't endorse or practice farming, in fact, I don't care about it. But the reason people farm is not so much of trying to be uber in pvp or getting 50 billion gold for it, it's to get the reward of fulfillment.
I can think of nothing more enjoyable then going through all the exaughstion and effort to keep the boss alive while trying to stay alive as a team while one of you captures the skill and once they've got it to finish the boss off. It's like a huge payoff, a great reward for the effort you put into things.
The game is advertised as player rewarded for skill, not time played. This is a bit of an oxymoron as skill is developed with effort, effort into practicing, practicing requires time.
As I was saying in another post yesterday completely unrelated to this topic, the payoff in games is not having the best items/weapons/stats, it's getting them. It seems to me a lot of people have forgotton that. Or maybe the definition of gamers have changed, maybe I'm holding on to the past. Gamers these days don't seem to want to play for fun, they seem to want to play to have everything.
This patch doesn't ruin the game entirely, but if each patch keeps heading in this direction, I'm afraid it's going to be put away somewhere never to be laid eyes apon again. This is the last thing I want to do as it is such a great game and still has so much more potential. I fear that Anet is taking it in the wrong direction, away from this potential.