Official Suggestions Thread -- February BWE
March Hare
Not a problem on being too long there are good number of point that you bring up. Under your:
LIST - it would be nice that if you don't complete a Quest after the searing it should be eliminated from your Quest list. I got a bit annoying.
DIRECTION - There was a problem after you pick up a Quest Item the direction arrow wouldn’t point you to where you had to go next.
LIST - it would be nice that if you don't complete a Quest after the searing it should be eliminated from your Quest list. I got a bit annoying.
DIRECTION - There was a problem after you pick up a Quest Item the direction arrow wouldn’t point you to where you had to go next.
Originally Posted by March Hare
As a suggestion would it be possible to be able to upload an emblem; or does that possibility cause too many legal issues? There are a lot of options but if this game get as big as I would expect (I mean think of just how many people were up for playing these Beta test versions) they may run out before to long.
I'd like to see some ability to create your own emblem, sort of, by mixing and matching different symbols or something, but I doubt they'd ever allow people to upload their own. They probably want to avoid all the racist, vulgar, etc. symbols that would definately pop up all over the place.
The DurF
Some of these may have been said before, but if many people repeat ideas it is all the more reason to add them to the game.
-I think that if you make a trading window where people can post what they are buying/selling, then the chat window would be a lot less swamped. Let this "trade" window show the trading going on between everyone in a city, regardless of what district they are in.
-We don't need to know every time someone jumps or dances or any other sort of action in the chat window, it once again swamps the window and makes it hard to talk.
-If you make it so that when only the guild tab is selected I can only see the conversation between me and my guild, I won't have to talk by looking through the general chat window, which moves to fast. This goes with all of the other chats as well, make only that category of chat appear in the text window when the tab is selected.
-Different characters should be able to be a part of a different guild. I have different groups of friends playing this game, and want to be in a different guild when using different characters.
-I am a ranger and my pet keeps wondering off and getting killed. I'm requesting the ability to toggle that my pet only attacks what I attack, or attacks what attacks me. This will help prevent useless pet deaths.
-There should be more pets, like a fox, or a coyote
-The identify item pack is ridiculously expensive. Why would I identify anything when I can just salvage it? It should cost no more than2 gold for an identify, otherwise it is completely worthless to pretty much everyone I talk to about it.
-There needs to be more features of how to design a character, I want to design the weight, body structure, and have many more hair, and face options, along with the ability to add tattoo's ear rings and other body piercing as well. This will make everyone’s character unique. I would prefer this over having different races. If you do have to do different races, do like elves, dwarves, and human like races. I think Orcs are too far, they are so cliché.
-This is sort of like Diablo 2, but there needs to be some sort of bank, or chest in town to keep extra items in. Like for instance things that I haven’t been able to sell yet, or am waiting to be able to use.
-starter items should be able to be sold or salvaged. When I find a starter item, it is absolutely useless to the game if I cant sell or salvage it.
-I was hoping that it would be possible to have voice communication between guild members, considering that they are the ones that I talk to the most I want that communication simplifier.
Thank you for your time in reading my suggestions, I only intend to improve game play, and hey, I'm willing to pay for these changes in an update, so if they are added it is all the more reason for me to buy them.
-I think that if you make a trading window where people can post what they are buying/selling, then the chat window would be a lot less swamped. Let this "trade" window show the trading going on between everyone in a city, regardless of what district they are in.
-We don't need to know every time someone jumps or dances or any other sort of action in the chat window, it once again swamps the window and makes it hard to talk.
-If you make it so that when only the guild tab is selected I can only see the conversation between me and my guild, I won't have to talk by looking through the general chat window, which moves to fast. This goes with all of the other chats as well, make only that category of chat appear in the text window when the tab is selected.
-Different characters should be able to be a part of a different guild. I have different groups of friends playing this game, and want to be in a different guild when using different characters.
-I am a ranger and my pet keeps wondering off and getting killed. I'm requesting the ability to toggle that my pet only attacks what I attack, or attacks what attacks me. This will help prevent useless pet deaths.
-There should be more pets, like a fox, or a coyote
-The identify item pack is ridiculously expensive. Why would I identify anything when I can just salvage it? It should cost no more than2 gold for an identify, otherwise it is completely worthless to pretty much everyone I talk to about it.
-There needs to be more features of how to design a character, I want to design the weight, body structure, and have many more hair, and face options, along with the ability to add tattoo's ear rings and other body piercing as well. This will make everyone’s character unique. I would prefer this over having different races. If you do have to do different races, do like elves, dwarves, and human like races. I think Orcs are too far, they are so cliché.
-This is sort of like Diablo 2, but there needs to be some sort of bank, or chest in town to keep extra items in. Like for instance things that I haven’t been able to sell yet, or am waiting to be able to use.
-starter items should be able to be sold or salvaged. When I find a starter item, it is absolutely useless to the game if I cant sell or salvage it.
-I was hoping that it would be possible to have voice communication between guild members, considering that they are the ones that I talk to the most I want that communication simplifier.
Thank you for your time in reading my suggestions, I only intend to improve game play, and hey, I'm willing to pay for these changes in an update, so if they are added it is all the more reason for me to buy them.
March Hare
There is a problem when you start with your items. Yes starter items should be valued at 0, I mean they are free, and you find enough stuff as you go along, but before the Searing the price to identify an item is ridiculous. You only get 1 or 2 gold max, you get a ton of unidentified items, and are expected to pay 40 gold to identify them?
My suggestion is to either drop the price of the identification tool for that section, or not to have any unidentified items pre-Scorch.
My suggestion is to either drop the price of the identification tool for that section, or not to have any unidentified items pre-Scorch.
Originally Posted by The DurF
-I was hoping that it would be possible to have voice communication between guild members, considering that they are the ones that I talk to the most I want that communication simplifier.
Originally Posted by The DurF
-starter items should be able to be sold or salvaged. When I find a starter item, it is absolutely useless to the game if I cant sell or salvage it.
March Hare
bobert you would know, but I thought you could do that with Xfire running in the background? (I don't know never used it). Stilla good suggestion. Its rather hard to type anything substantial in the heat of battle.
It's easy enough to use third party voice communication software, but I'd really like to see something built in, so that I'll know people in my group can hear what I'm saying without having to bug them to download anything and explain how to get it working if they haven't used it before.
Originally Posted by anacreo
- Character Variety. If you remember history, er. Ultima Online, then you'd remember how popular the non-armor pieces where for looks, make non-armor options available to go over the armor, such as sashes, badges, and jewelery.
*** Also I need to re-emphasize the need for the Quest arrow on the radar post-searing. Now, I found 95% of the quest objectives post-searing just fine, but there are a few that I searched everywhere for the objective and it was nowhere to be found (I think they may have been broken actually). At least the arrow will help in those hard to find objectives that aren't broken.
*** And I must question the decision to make the quests appear for the farthest progressed party member. I think this will be a detriment to team play, not an incentive. If you can't go back and help your friends that may have fallen behind, then they end up playing solo to finish those quests. I did notice that in some cases this isn't true, and all players see some quests regardless of if some party members have completed them or not. This should happen for all quests.
*** I must agree with the multiple objective item drops as well. Granted the example that popped up the most (Counting the Fallen Census) isn't all that difficult to run 4 times to get for everyone in your group, but a few others are (the Apple Basket can be tough, though my wife and I had no problems with doing it 2 times, just drop the basket when you get attacked). The whole issue is that you have to run the quest more than once even though everyone does it the first time, there just isn't enough of the item dropped.
Originally Posted by Tur713
I'm pretty sure the game will have this when it comes out especially since the deluxe edition has a headset that comes with it.
I am now aware that the headset is hosted by AreaNet themselves, but I'm pretty sure the Deluxe edition is still theirs because of some of the other things that come with it (i.e. cloth map, art book, ect.) and that it is also available from Game Stop and EB Games.
Not sure if this has already been posted;
I would like to see a toggle on the menu screen for the 'floating numbers' during combat. Have one to turn on/off your char's (so you can take clean pictures), one to show your pet's, one to show all your teammates', npcs' enemies', etc.
I would like to see a toggle on the menu screen for the 'floating numbers' during combat. Have one to turn on/off your char's (so you can take clean pictures), one to show your pet's, one to show all your teammates', npcs' enemies', etc.
More Text Commands
for inviting people.
I really do not enjoy the system of inviting people right now. You have to have the person selected in order to invite them.
There should be a /invite USERNAME command, so if you already know the name of a friend or person you would like to invite, you can do so without having to find them in a large area.
I also suggest /disband to leave a party, if you wish. Also /search which could search for usernames, jobs, etc.. and it would show what districts/towns a person is in, as well as if they are in a party, are searching for a party, or just mingling around.
Passing Items
If an item drops and is assigned to a party member, he/she should have the option to "PASS" on it (say they don't want it, don't need it, or their inventory is full) so that other party members will be granted access to the item.
Just for fun. I've seen other people mention it, and I love the ability to jump in other games (other MMOs, and regular system games).
Neckpieces and other accessories
Also mentioned in previous posts, but I, too, like the idea of more accessories. Perhaps they could be for adding stats/attributes, rather than armor. For example, necklaces/scarves, bracelets, rings.. could add +1 to +3 FIRE for elementalists, or other such stats. There could also be negative effects, for example.. +1 Water, -1 Fire. They could also serve just for looks. As a female gamer, I like the option of customizing and having a variety of accessories to choose from.
for inviting people.
I really do not enjoy the system of inviting people right now. You have to have the person selected in order to invite them.
There should be a /invite USERNAME command, so if you already know the name of a friend or person you would like to invite, you can do so without having to find them in a large area.
I also suggest /disband to leave a party, if you wish. Also /search which could search for usernames, jobs, etc.. and it would show what districts/towns a person is in, as well as if they are in a party, are searching for a party, or just mingling around.
Passing Items
If an item drops and is assigned to a party member, he/she should have the option to "PASS" on it (say they don't want it, don't need it, or their inventory is full) so that other party members will be granted access to the item.
Just for fun. I've seen other people mention it, and I love the ability to jump in other games (other MMOs, and regular system games).
Neckpieces and other accessories
Also mentioned in previous posts, but I, too, like the idea of more accessories. Perhaps they could be for adding stats/attributes, rather than armor. For example, necklaces/scarves, bracelets, rings.. could add +1 to +3 FIRE for elementalists, or other such stats. There could also be negative effects, for example.. +1 Water, -1 Fire. They could also serve just for looks. As a female gamer, I like the option of customizing and having a variety of accessories to choose from.

March Hare
I don't know it has been suggested or if it in the game now, how about 1 or 2 unique skills?
Meaning if you a Mesmer/Warrior you have a unique skill that is not available to any other Mesmer/anything or Warrior/anything.
That would make 30 unique skills (6 Major Classes * 5 possible Subs)
Meaning if you a Mesmer/Warrior you have a unique skill that is not available to any other Mesmer/anything or Warrior/anything.
That would make 30 unique skills (6 Major Classes * 5 possible Subs)
An odd request coming up... but something I'd love to see implemented, nonetheless.
Rather than having music built into the one DAT file, toss it into a seperate folder, so that we may customise it if we please. Alternatively, giving us a .ini file or something we can use to "redirect" what music is played ingame for every area. Something we can use to give every map music we feel more appropriate. Soule's talent is undeniable, but it gets old. Fast.
Customisable content. Such is the joy of hard drives.
Rather than having music built into the one DAT file, toss it into a seperate folder, so that we may customise it if we please. Alternatively, giving us a .ini file or something we can use to "redirect" what music is played ingame for every area. Something we can use to give every map music we feel more appropriate. Soule's talent is undeniable, but it gets old. Fast.
Customisable content. Such is the joy of hard drives.
I want more pets, less confusing ways to use the quest items, less confusing quest more type of fun only things you can do.for example if your could like eat/drink, fart i dunno. Faster downloading time(for all my fellow dial up peoples) It would take me 10-20 minutes downloading someting my friend would download in 2 seconds.
[color=red]double posted to add :[/color]
Yes it is very slow, but i still would like to c voice overs even if it takes longer to wait
[color=red]double posted to add :[/color]
Originally Posted by Lunarhound
I like voice in games when done well, but I wouldn't really want to see it in this one. There are going to end up being a lot of missions, which means a lot of cut scenes, which would mean a heck of a lot of voice to download. Part of the whole point of GW is supposed to be being able to play quickly and easily without constant massive patching. They also want to cater as much as possible to people on dial-up connections. How many people would be willing to wait while the dial-up user in their party spent half an hour downloading voice clips? And even if some would, how many dial-up users would want to have to wait even longer than they already do?
Yes it is very slow, but i still would like to c voice overs even if it takes longer to wait
Have fun sifting through all those pages of suggestions. Lol. Anyway...
Although I *loved* the new Ascalon Area, it is sort of complicated. I was under the impression that this was going to be a sort of newby-tutorial learn your way around the game sort of thing and it actually didn't seem that way. If I hadn't already been playing for my (whoo...) week's worth of experience I would have been down right puzzled by it. It needs to be slightly more newb-friendly considering it's purpose. The other thing about this area is that it looks awesome. I mean... Damn. But I don't necissarily want to do it every time I make a new character - mostly because you don't start out with a skill set... You have to earn it... And you don't start out with a secondary profession either. I think an option to skip the tutorial or at least select a secondary profession would help this. But again... I was aghast the second I stepped into this area.
The main problem that irked me all weekend was lag and of course the wretched error 7 which I only recieved a couple times. But the lag was nearly unbearable which is completely opposite to the weekend before where things ran surprisingly smoothly on my highest settings in the most lag-inducing battles (hmm... 7 elementalists on a team? yep...). I hope this was more of a fluke than an ongoing trend which I'm certain its not... I also hope it's not my computer
Although I *loved* the new Ascalon Area, it is sort of complicated. I was under the impression that this was going to be a sort of newby-tutorial learn your way around the game sort of thing and it actually didn't seem that way. If I hadn't already been playing for my (whoo...) week's worth of experience I would have been down right puzzled by it. It needs to be slightly more newb-friendly considering it's purpose. The other thing about this area is that it looks awesome. I mean... Damn. But I don't necissarily want to do it every time I make a new character - mostly because you don't start out with a skill set... You have to earn it... And you don't start out with a secondary profession either. I think an option to skip the tutorial or at least select a secondary profession would help this. But again... I was aghast the second I stepped into this area.
The main problem that irked me all weekend was lag and of course the wretched error 7 which I only recieved a couple times. But the lag was nearly unbearable which is completely opposite to the weekend before where things ran surprisingly smoothly on my highest settings in the most lag-inducing battles (hmm... 7 elementalists on a team? yep...). I hope this was more of a fluke than an ongoing trend which I'm certain its not... I also hope it's not my computer

hmm now that i think of it there are some weird quest things... like that girl in the begining of the game named gwen she would only follow u around and when u give her a flower she says thank you then when u give her another flute she gives u some stupid thing that i couldnt even figure out what to do with it....Id like to know what u even do with gwen and what the quest items she gives u does.
Originally Posted by MoldyRiceFrenzy
hmm now that i think of it there are some weird quest things... like that girl in the begining of the game named gwen she would only follow u around and when u give her a flower she says thank you then when u give her another flute she gives u some stupid thing that i couldnt even figure out what to do with it....Id like to know what u even do with gwen and what the quest items she gives u does.
On that note... Key Items. Lots of RPGs have 'em. Basically a second inventory of items that shouldn't clog up your main inventory. Stuff like Gwen's gift, which I'd never want to toss for roleplay reasons, but is such a burden because of inventory space.
Originally Posted by The DurF
Some of these may have been said before, but if many people repeat ideas it is all the more reason to add them to the game.
-I think that if you make a trading window where people can post what they are buying/selling, then the chat window would be a lot less swamped. Let this "trade" window show the trading going on between everyone in a city, regardless of what district they are in. -We don't need to know every time someone jumps or dances or any other sort of action in the chat window, it once again swamps the window and makes it hard to talk. -If you make it so that when only the guild tab is selected I can only see the conversation between me and my guild, I won't have to talk by looking through the general chat window, which moves to fast. This goes with all of the other chats as well, make only that category of chat appear in the text window when the tab is selected. -Different characters should be able to be a part of a different guild. I have different groups of friends playing this game, and want to be in a different guild when using different characters. -I am a ranger and my pet keeps wondering off and getting killed. I'm requesting the ability to toggle that my pet only attacks what I attack, or attacks what attacks me. This will help prevent useless pet deaths. -There should be more pets, like a fox, or a coyote -The identify item pack is ridiculously expensive. Why would I identify anything when I can just salvage it? It should cost no more than2 gold for an identify, otherwise it is completely worthless to pretty much everyone I talk to about it. -There needs to be more features of how to design a character, I want to design the weight, body structure, and have many more hair, and face options, along with the ability to add tattoo's ear rings and other body piercing as well. This will make everyone’s character unique. I would prefer this over having different races. If you do have to do different races, do like elves, dwarves, and human like races. I think Orcs are too far, they are so cliché. -This is sort of like Diablo 2, but there needs to be some sort of bank, or chest in town to keep extra items in. Like for instance things that I haven’t been able to sell yet, or am waiting to be able to use. -starter items should be able to be sold or salvaged. When I find a starter item, it is absolutely useless to the game if I cant sell or salvage it. -I was hoping that it would be possible to have voice communication between guild members, considering that they are the ones that I talk to the most I want that communication simplifier. Thank you for your time in reading my suggestions, I only intend to improve game play, and hey, I'm willing to pay for these changes in an update, so if they are added it is all the more reason for me to buy them. |
Yes following the part about costimazation i would want more customization abilities the only thing you can do is make a few diff face options and stuff but theres really not much maybe being able to costimzize like hands/leg size/ stuff like that would make it fun, maybe not useful but fun just to do
Also maybe some new races could be added ,the dwarf maybe since ther eare dwarves in this world.maybe stuff like zombies and orcs might be to wild because...well arnt zombies suppose to be brainless and dumb and only live to eat people and well orcs... orcs what i hear just want to kill stuff...they wouldnt care a =) about the humans
[color=red]doubled posted to add :[/color]
Originally Posted by stumpy
Not only guild storage but bartering system or auction house ... I saw a post earlier on a great idea. A good trade system, auction house and guild storage will make all of the beta users extremely happy.
Yes, i really believe aution houses would work well sometimes, because after trying to advetise ur porduct for some gold u get tired. an aution house would really help.
[color=red]triple posted to add : [/color]
Originally Posted by Mumblyfish
Nothing. Not everything needs to have stat boosts, gold value, or anything at all. The reward for helping Gwen was satisfaction. And that's worth more than 10 Gold any day.
On that note... Key Items. Lots of RPGs have 'em. Basically a second inventory of items that shouldn't clog up your main inventory. Stuff like Gwen's gift, which I'd never want to toss for roleplay reasons, but is such a burden because of inventory space. |
lol... well for me, screw the satiffactory i want the reward of some sort, or at least a nice little pet puppy
Originally Posted by MoldyRiceFrenzy
I want more pets, less confusing ways to use the quest items, less confusing quest more type of fun only things you can do.for example if your could like eat/drink, fart i dunno. Faster downloading time(for all my fellow dial up peoples) It would take me 10-20 minutes downloading someting my friend would download in 2 seconds.
Please, for the love of the marshmellow guy from ghostbusters, a "bank" system or at least a system that allows sharing between characters on a single account, and for that matter not logging all the way out just to switch characters.
i really think it would be nice if you could pick up useless items and throw them at stuff. especially monsters just to make them mad. like a rock it would be fun to throw a rock at something like a monster or maybe one of ur team mates just for fun.i dunno i just wanna be able to to touch the surroundings and do stuff with em 
[color=red]double posted to add :[/color]
ur qoute is sorta confusing well i guess i think but my connection was going pretty slow ... i guess im interpretting from whatever u said that urs was way slower than 2kb/sec?
[color=red]triple posted to add[/color]
Hmm well gore i like gore but sometimes for example in d2 to much gore is not neccessary especially when stuff like skeletons explode and spill out alot of blood.maybe some blood would be nice for certain things but not too much...
but well in guild wars the cover really doesnt help younger audiences help to buy the game anyways.
[color=red]quadruple posted to add[/color]
Hmm i dont care much about naming pets, but it would be really cool if you could custimize it alittle like give it a hair cut or use a dye or color its skin or wool or whatever.
Huh well hmm intersting well ive wroten alot of replies heh.
[color=red]double posted to add :[/color]
Originally Posted by I_Hate_You
-Irrelevant- From my experience with dial-up, that IS fast, unless it was like a 300kb file, in that case, talk to your ISP.
-Suggestion- Please, for the love of the marshmellow guy from ghostbusters, a "bank" system or at least a system that allows sharing between characters on a single account, and for that matter not logging all the way out just to switch characters. |
ur qoute is sorta confusing well i guess i think but my connection was going pretty slow ... i guess im interpretting from whatever u said that urs was way slower than 2kb/sec?

[color=red]triple posted to add[/color]
Originally Posted by DWD-Jack Daniels
What did they now change the the name of the game to Guild Buddies? ![]() I think the title (GUILD WARS) clearly states that it has gore in it. But, I do understand that you where trying to prove a point that they may not have blood in the game. ____________________________ Gore - to pierce or wound with something pointed (as a horn or knife) Definied by Webster Dictionary |
Hmm well gore i like gore but sometimes for example in d2 to much gore is not neccessary especially when stuff like skeletons explode and spill out alot of blood.maybe some blood would be nice for certain things but not too much...
but well in guild wars the cover really doesnt help younger audiences help to buy the game anyways.
[color=red]quadruple posted to add[/color]
Originally Posted by Barky
My suggestions might not be that important and I don't know if they've been brought up earlier but I'll list them anyway... It's only two:
1. Necro hairstyle: Long hair and/or bald... I want my necro as long-haired as me or maybe bald, just because that's the way I have always played my necro and I bet there are other people out there who would love that as well. (My necro ain't a Punk! He's a metalhead goddamnit! ![]() 2. Naming your pet: I wasn't there in the february event because I didn't have time, but if this isn't possible yet: just do it cause it's easier to see your pet if it's named and I think many people would like to see this happen (or maybe make the looks customizable?) |
Hmm i dont care much about naming pets, but it would be really cool if you could custimize it alittle like give it a hair cut or use a dye or color its skin or wool or whatever.
Huh well hmm intersting well ive wroten alot of replies heh.
Oh God, please don't ruin another game by adding unnecessary violence. If I have to perservere with blood and amputations, and loads of 12 year olds screaming "OMFG BLUD TEH KEWL!!AOL", I will cry. Hey, why not add prositute-beating and carjacking, have a vampire with huge tits, and make the Prince of Persia say "YOU BITCH". Go the full childish gamut! Nothing saps the fun out of fantasy swordfights, or anything for that matter, quite as much as gore. I'd much rather have flashy effects than screaming and dark red fluid spraying out everywhere.
Some of the things I would like to see focused on in the game since it is called "Guild" wars is some extra perks to having a guild, rather than just a guild cape.
maybe allowing guilds to purchase guild meeting halls like I heard was mentioned earlier. And since I heard and hopefully understand correctly that guilds are able to take control over specific territory, to maybe be able to gather materials, build these meeting halls, maybe have ranches where you can raise animals, and ride around efficiently and more quickly around maps. Not so much directed towards quests for this, but it would kind of give people something to work towards and would be cool. Also animal avatar, for example if you could ranch horses and raise them, give them different type of saddles, guild emblems for horses on not so much of a cape but can't find the right word for it. Anyway i'm sure other people would be able to expand upon this idea, and make these great. I just think that since you're able to take over territory, it'd be nice to have extra features you can expand as a guild. Also maybe have the ability to hire mercenaries or something to guard your territory, maybe have guild missions or some type of way to have guild allies and guild enemies, where with your enemies you could have a mission attempting to take over their land, or something along those lines, where if both opposing guilds were on they would be aware of some type of system where the opposing guild is attempting to take over the land and you could set up traps, or maybe buy guild weaponry such as catapults or something along those lines to protect your land. Anyway i'm sure what i'm saying right now might sound a little stupid along the lines of taking over land, but if anyone else could expand upon these thoughts, or the developers in general, i'm sure this group of people as a whole could make something great out of it. Also maybe even expanding as far as to having guild skills, like example this game I played called tales of symphonia, where you could combine your characters skill into one and do an immense amount of damage. Although this idea might not be so good for PvP, or GvG simply because I understand that the whole point between the level cap being level 20 is simply so you dont gain an advantage over others not based on skill, but maybe something for parties in quests or something along those lines. Either way the game is great hopefully someone could expand on my thoughts.
maybe allowing guilds to purchase guild meeting halls like I heard was mentioned earlier. And since I heard and hopefully understand correctly that guilds are able to take control over specific territory, to maybe be able to gather materials, build these meeting halls, maybe have ranches where you can raise animals, and ride around efficiently and more quickly around maps. Not so much directed towards quests for this, but it would kind of give people something to work towards and would be cool. Also animal avatar, for example if you could ranch horses and raise them, give them different type of saddles, guild emblems for horses on not so much of a cape but can't find the right word for it. Anyway i'm sure other people would be able to expand upon this idea, and make these great. I just think that since you're able to take over territory, it'd be nice to have extra features you can expand as a guild. Also maybe have the ability to hire mercenaries or something to guard your territory, maybe have guild missions or some type of way to have guild allies and guild enemies, where with your enemies you could have a mission attempting to take over their land, or something along those lines, where if both opposing guilds were on they would be aware of some type of system where the opposing guild is attempting to take over the land and you could set up traps, or maybe buy guild weaponry such as catapults or something along those lines to protect your land. Anyway i'm sure what i'm saying right now might sound a little stupid along the lines of taking over land, but if anyone else could expand upon these thoughts, or the developers in general, i'm sure this group of people as a whole could make something great out of it. Also maybe even expanding as far as to having guild skills, like example this game I played called tales of symphonia, where you could combine your characters skill into one and do an immense amount of damage. Although this idea might not be so good for PvP, or GvG simply because I understand that the whole point between the level cap being level 20 is simply so you dont gain an advantage over others not based on skill, but maybe something for parties in quests or something along those lines. Either way the game is great hopefully someone could expand on my thoughts.

The DurF
Once I joined the academy I realized that I couldn't go back. The original area was amazing work. It is no doubt that it was the work of artist's. I don't however like how I can't get back once I join the academy. I would stay in old Ascalon, but it isn't fair that the map is so much smaller. I know by going into the academy that the world you have created is bigger. I want the ability to go throughout the whole world while still being in old Ascalon. I want to forever enjoy old Ascalon along with a map as big as in new Ascalon. If it were up to me you wouldn't have destroyed Ascalon for the academy in the first place, then I would like being in the academy much more. You can't expect me to fall in love with old Ascalon, then tell me that it is just the starter area, and I have to move on to a schorhed sucky ascalon, its just not fair.
well im not sure if its a glitch or not but on one of the cut scenes where prince rurik sends some tranporting thing to take u to some academy or somthing my mao bird pet was trapped outside the gate because in the cut scene they closed the door to stop the charr from killing the. well most of the noise in the back ground was bird noise killing the charr .poor ostrich thing he got stuck outside the building and was fighting the charr all alone during the cut scene. 
[color=red]Double posted to add : [/color]
probably me too... i think... 
[color=red]Triple posted to add : [/color]
im not sure if i really cared much that old ascalon was gone 4ever but well..maybe it still would help to get back there to finish some quest or someting

[color=red]Double posted to add : [/color]
Originally Posted by Mumblyfish
Oh God, please don't ruin another game by adding unnecessary violence. If I have to perservere with blood and amputations, and loads of 12 year olds screaming "OMFG BLUD TEH KEWL!!AOL", I will cry. Hey, why not add prositute-beating and carjacking, have a vampire with huge tits, and make the Prince of Persia say "YOU BITCH". Go the full childish gamut! Nothing saps the fun out of fantasy swordfights, or anything for that matter, quite as much as gore. I'd much rather have flashy effects than screaming and dark red fluid spraying out everywhere.

[color=red]Triple posted to add : [/color]
Originally Posted by The DurF
Once I joined the academy I realized that I couldn't go back. The original area was amazing work. It is no doubt that it was the work of artist's. I don't however like how I can't get back once I join the academy. I would stay in old Ascalon, but it isn't fair that the map is so much smaller. I know by going into the academy that the world you have created is bigger. I want the ability to go throughout the whole world while still being in old Ascalon. I want to forever enjoy old Ascalon along with a map as big as in new Ascalon. If it were up to me you wouldn't have destroyed Ascalon for the academy in the first place, then I would like being in the academy much more. You can't expect me to fall in love with old Ascalon, then tell me that it is just the starter area, and I have to move on to a schorhed sucky ascalon, its just not fair.
im not sure if i really cared much that old ascalon was gone 4ever but well..maybe it still would help to get back there to finish some quest or someting
Iain ap Cuilleain
I'm getting into this thread at a rather late date, but this should be something that is easy to implement.
When creating a character, I notice that the naming convention doesn't seem to allow for lower case usage, as in my name. This would, of course, also limit those who wish to name their characters with the use of articles (eg. Colin the Verbose) or with any of a number of patronymics, such as 'mac', 'de', 'le' or 'van'. I'm not certain if this is merely a minor bug or not, but it would be really appreciated if my character could have his proper name.
Thanks for listening, and also for a [insert lengthy string of superlatives here] most amazing game.
When creating a character, I notice that the naming convention doesn't seem to allow for lower case usage, as in my name. This would, of course, also limit those who wish to name their characters with the use of articles (eg. Colin the Verbose) or with any of a number of patronymics, such as 'mac', 'de', 'le' or 'van'. I'm not certain if this is merely a minor bug or not, but it would be really appreciated if my character could have his proper name.
Thanks for listening, and also for a [insert lengthy string of superlatives here] most amazing game.
I hate to relate such a good game to something mediocre let alone make it known that I used to play neopets... however neopets is a web based type of game where you make an account and play stupid flash games and raise a pet. Anyway, in Neopets they have an auction system, where you can easily update items for auction, have it timed, and I really only found that game suitable because of the auction feature. where people could easily post stuff up for auction and someone would see a rare item going in 1 minute, so you would try your hardest to get the rare at a cheap price. Either way this is a fun way in my opinion to let you know what kind of items there are in the game, give players a better sense of how they might want to build a character by showing what other players have available, and is just plain fun in attempting to win. Not trying to say that the Guild Wars Dev's should adopt this system, but possibly to look into it and maybe get some idea's and make an awesome auction system. Anyway I saw others suggesting it so I figured I would expand upon it and further let it be known that an auction system would be great.
Originally Posted by Galatea
Passing Items
If an item drops and is assigned to a party member, he/she should have the option to "PASS" on it (say they don't want it, don't need it, or their inventory is full) so that other party members will be granted access to the item. |
Anyway, about the whole Gore Debate *insert appropriate music here...*. The gore would probably have to be implemented everywhere and I don't know about you, but I don't want my character known as "Sapa Ari the Limpy, One-eyed, One-Armed, Elementalist from Ascalon." I mean really, where would the the gore help? Some bosses maybe when they die, but all in all, it's not needed.
The DurF
True, if an item sits for long enough you can pick it up. While you are waiting though, your party is getting far ahead of you, or annoyed that you are waiting. The "pass" ability should be allowed. Perhaps when an item is droped you should be able to click one of two text options floating above the item, "pick up" or "Pass" this makes it much easier.
Originally Posted by Mumblyfish
Nothing saps the fun out of fantasy swordfights, or anything for that matter, quite as much as gore.
[color=red]Double posted to add : [/color]
I did not see this posted anywhere (or maybe I skiped over it from all the rants) so I going to post it now. What I think should be implemented is more control over your pet. I find it doesn't help you on the stealth mission when it goes off and attacks whatever it wants. Maybe something more of the line like EQ with a pet control GUI menu or even line commands and be able to bind a key to it.
Originally Posted by Tur713
I noticed that if a party member left an item sitting there long enough that the item would eventually be up for grabs so just wait it out a bit.
Originally Posted by MoldyRiceFrenzy
hmm now that i think of it there are some weird quest things... like that girl in the begining of the game named gwen she would only follow u around and when u give her a flower she says thank you then when u give her another flute she gives u some stupid thing that i couldnt even figure out what to do with it....Id like to know what u even do with gwen and what the quest items she gives u does.
Something they should add is more reaction to attacks; like if you get hit really hard your character should stumble or step back a bit, but not to the point where it's impossible to do anything afterwards.
Originally Posted by March Hare
Not a problem on being too long there are good number of point that you bring up. Under your:
LIST - it would be nice that if you don't complete a Quest after the searing it should be eliminated from your Quest list. I got a bit annoying. DIRECTION - There was a problem after you pick up a Quest Item the direction arrow wouldn’t point you to where you had to go next. |
LIST-I agree. Those are good points. Maybe they let you delete any quests that you want. I mean if you don't want to do a quest why shouldn't you be able to just drop it.
DIRECTION-Yeah, thank you for bringing that up. If they do implement the direction arrow, hopefully they would fix that as well.
[color=red]Double posted to add : [/color]
Originally Posted by MoldyRiceFrenzy
Yes, i really believe aution houses would work well sometimes, because after trying to advetise ur porduct for some gold u get tired. an aution house would really help.
Definetly agree with the auction house, or something like the bazzar in star wars galaxies where you can just put something up for any price people can buy it and the money is given to you automatiaclly, you know what i'm talking about if you've ever played.
also needs some kind of mass storage in the guild hall.
hopefull if we say it enough they will put it in just to make us shut up about it
also needs some kind of mass storage in the guild hall.

Originally Posted by Tur713
Something they should add is more reaction to attacks; like if you get hit really hard your character should stumble or step back a bit, but not to the point where it's impossible to do anything afterwards.
ya same i think they should add more reaction to attacks too. its sorta weird when u get hit by some giant ax or somthing from something 3x bigger than u and ur character just receives the blow like nothing happends

[color=red]double posted to add : [/color]
I think i want some bosses not the champian class boses that are duplicates of original but stronger, but like unique bosses sort. i dunno maybe there are , cause then again i only got to well lvl 7 to somewhere where the prince wants to go to kytan
[color=red]triple posted to add : [/color]
It might be sorta cool if there was a animal fighting arena where u can place ur bet then watch to see which animal wins and if the animal u get wins u get money but if he doesnt ur money go poofy. like u can submit ur animal into the fight to do like ffa fights and stuff
[color=red]quadruple posted to add : [/color]
it could be cool if there wre class mixture skill sorta like if u had a memser/worrior there could be somthing like everytime ur attack hits u get slow target down or something or maybe if u were a range/necro skill that was like if u have a pet u can turn ur pet into a undead pet for fun or bonuses or somting or whatever

[color=red]quintiple posted to add : [/color]
Id like to see the guards/ or npcs outside the town stronger or somthing i mean...well when the guards fight the other things outside they always die or like in this quest where u have to give the news or something to this guard hollik or somthing or some guy named hollik or whatever but like when i went to him the first time these monsteres came out and they started fighting with him ...he died
well the second time i went over there and the monsters came again... i was all like no im going to give him the message b4 he dies.Well it turns out he says something like fight now talk later or somthing...well he ended up dieing again...the third time i finaly got it but he almost died if i didnt run right in front of the monsters he wa attacking and block there attacks.
ya i still want to be able to do stuff with the envirement like throw pick up rocks and stuff or kick something like a monster for fun to piss em off. maybe dig for worms or somthing.
March Hare
Actually if you just add more NPC's so they atleast survive, but primarrily if the NPC is crucial for quest completion make them indestructable (unless keeping them alive is part of the quest itself like the "trainee quest")
I was reading in another thread about #of accounts per licence. I was wondering if it was possible to buy extra character’s direct rather than buying a whole new game say $5 per. Cheaper for us and possibly more lucrative for ANet
I was reading in another thread about #of accounts per licence. I was wondering if it was possible to buy extra character’s direct rather than buying a whole new game say $5 per. Cheaper for us and possibly more lucrative for ANet
Sausaletus Rex
[color=red]While I certainly understand that the Reply button is your friend and you want to play with him as much as possible, the Edit button wants some attention, too. If you've finished a post and have thought of something else which you must absolutely add to a thread and you return to that thread to behold that no one's posted since your last post, getting overly friendly with the Reply button is a BAD THING. Click that lonely Edit button and add you brilliant new insight to the end of your last post or wait until someone responds. Anything else is a double post. Especially, and I cannot stress this enough, if you post multiple times within the span of a few minutes. Double posting has gotten seriously out of hand in this thread, among others, and I am not amused. Those who continue to post in such a manner do so at their own peril.[/color]
Originally Posted by MoldyRiceFrenzy
well im not sure if its a glitch or not but on one of the cut scenes where prince rurik sends some tranporting thing to take u to some academy or somthing my mao bird pet was trapped outside the gate because in the cut scene they closed the door to stop the charr from killing the. well most of the noise in the back ground was bird noise killing the charr .poor ostrich thing he got stuck outside the building and was fighting the charr all alone during the cut scene.
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