I guess Im doing a lot of things wrong.
I myself have farmed "actively" for only like a month or so..
I dont have the patience to do it for more than two hours straigh.. probably becaus Im unhappy with what I get out of it.
I have hesitated making a smiting monk becaus of the nerf on Balthazars Aura, and don't really know/ been bothered to look up other possible builds.
What I do for farming is I go with my War/Monk (sword) to kill Desert Griffons west of Augury Rock.
Even though I am secondary monk, I am a pure warrior.
My skills are as follows:
Sever Artery
Power Attack
Final Thrust
"Watch Your Self!"
Gladiators Defence
Healing Signet
My Attributes are 10 in strenght, 14 in swords, 11 in tactics.
My sword is (awful) :
Fiery Dragonsword (hahahah)
15-22 (req 8)
+12% While over 50%HP
[no upgrades]
For my Shiled I use my European Pre-Order -item; Chimeric Prism
16 armor (req 9 strenght)
energy +5
Armor (Just got it ^_^):
15k Ascalons Helmet
rest all 15k Gladiators set.
What I do is, I go into the zone, and kill.. everything.. except I tend to avoid scarabs becaus I dont like distracted Healing Signets. I only take on one group of either Minotaurs of Griffons at a time, becaus I cannot take any more.
One run takes me about 10 minutes.. (slow?) and by a run I make ~1k - 1.9k
I am still looking for a better sword, so any good gold sword drops I keep.
Till this point I havent gotten lucky with other gold/purple items, so I havent tried selling them. Most of em cost around 150-350ish gold after identifying and I just sell them to merchants or salvage if there are good upgrades. (Don't really know their prices, so havent tried selling.. currently got a +4ene staff grapping and a +29hp axe grip)
The other stuff I just identify.. it usually almost doubles the price on merchants.. like for example I had a half moon of 14-27 dmg, plain white.. costed 38 gold.. Identified and went up to 94.. almost triple..
Some weapons I salvage for iron and steel.
So yeh.. thats what I do. Kill the Griffons and possible Minotaur patrols that catch you.
Identify the whites and sell.
~1k - 1.9k in 10 mins.
Now I don't know if thats any good, but sure is boring :/
Though I noticed that it only took me around four days of "farming" to wear 60k on me in form of armor + ofcourse the materials. Im happy.. my first full 15k equipment ^_^;
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I have noticed that prices of materials are higher if sold to material trades instead of regular merchants, but I havent looked for peak- moments and my maths is too bad to realise that fact that I can make a nice profit.
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Im going to have to try this.. but.. it mite be a while before I get to play GW again. My computer was just taken away becaus my parents blamed gaming for my bad school succes. (currently sititng on my bros comp)
Wonder when I'll have it back.
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Good luck to everyone who engages on farming or developing new technicues to do it /thumbsup
oh.. PS: Pelias m8, shush

I don't like ur attitude :/ (LeftAlone.. ur ex-guild mate.. eh.. I think you know me anyway.. without saying that.)