Originally Posted by rollntider
The story arc doesnt make sence to do mission before LA, you cant go back in time. You also have access to skills. You can still go to ascalon you just cant do quests that dont chronologically make sence.
Sense to the story arc with expanding characters is irrelevant. Teh story arc doesn't make sense that you can become an outlaw wanted for treachery against the state and ever reappear in Kryta, the Wilds, or Ascalon either. To make chronological sense the game would have to prevent any character from going back to a previously traversed area, and prevent them from leaving one they ahve not completely finished. This would not be profitable for ANet. One a person had played thru all the way with each available class they would have no reason to ever play again.
Under the chronological scenario guild members should never be able to go and assist fellow guildees at lower levels of play. All members of a guild would have to be of the same level and in the same area. The area restrictions set against being a part of missions etc. is based more on an unwilingness to try and ballance the skills of the opposed forces with those of the new classes.
An example would be that Gnashers use Bone Fiends, so that spell remains unaltered. Core skills had to be balanced against the new ones and the combinations used by monsters. Not having to deal with the intricacies of the monster groups in lower areas saves time on analysis and avoids additional nerfing/tweaking.
All in all, 6 months appears to be too optimistic an output for ANet to manage given their resources. Prophecies was just starting to be fully functional when Factions came out. A year of tweaking on each 6 month release, instead of a couple extra months to do more difficulty prevention, will become production time consuming.
Denying classes access to the various missions and quests forces two things:
1) It creates a gold sink for any campaign specific skills.
2) It forces active guilds to maintain officers capable of both or be unable to assist and support their membership. Afterall, a guild founded in Cantha will be of little or no use to anyone playing in Prophecies. Only elite guilds formed by the most avid players, that continue to buy all chapters, will be able to assist members in areas they need to tackle. It amounts to buy it or be excluded.
Personally I see no reason to be this way. The game is becoming too rigid in all respects. It is not flexible enough to hold value for the huge variaty of real lives it must interface with.
1) The mission and quest limitations rigidly prevent player interaction.
- They should be open so that guilds can move about and assist their members freely.
2) The comm.s limitations in alliance situations rigidly prevent player interaction.
- The players fighting on the same side should be able to interact with each other without having to relay all messages to fellow players through commanders/guild officers or shout their intentions in the all channel.
3) the Party Formation list is too rigid.
- The players should be able to read and follow the position of all allied members, not just their team limit.
- Further the Party Formation list is too random. The player should be able to arrange the names in their list accoring to preference. In example, a monk should be able to place warriors together, casters together, monks and ritualists together, or however they feel would best suit their observance of the field and ability to act. Skills can be moved from slot to slot, party member names in the list could be set to move in the same manner. And disconnected mapped names should drop to the bottom sliding every name previously below up one.
4) The alliance system is too rigid for casual players. It pits large guilds containing avid profesional players against small guilds of friends, and ensures smaller guilds, who will never have equal amounts of faction, must play an inferior game exiled from certain other areas. This caste system is appropriate to the Oriental Dynasties of Egypt thru China millenia ago, but is not appropriate for modern peoples. It is as bad or worse than failing to have alternate access systems for PvP controlled areas in Prophecies.