Elite Missions Too Restricted: Please Sign this Petition! Every vote counts!
Name: Erik M.
IGN: Lord Selachii
Region: European Server
Age: 17
Guild: GOT
IGN: Lord Selachii
Region: European Server
Age: 17
Guild: GOT
Vel Satis
"I agree that elite missions should be made much more readily available to all players of all types."
In Game Name: Ferris Lobsang
Territory: US
Age: 27
"I agree that elite missions should be made much more readily available to all players of all types."
In Game Name: Ferris Lobsang
Territory: US
Age: 27
Shanaeri Rynale
What's next for ch3? Only letting 100 people login, while the rest click on the login button enough times to accumlate sufficient login points to be able lo access the game..
What's next for ch3? Only letting 100 people login, while the rest click on the login button enough times to accumlate sufficient login points to be able lo access the game..
I agree that elite missions should be made much more readily available to all players of all levels of dedication.
IGN- Steve Gerrard Monk
Region- Euro server
Age- 26
Guild- The Men From DelMonte [MFD]
This is true of my guild too.
IGN- Steve Gerrard Monk
Region- Euro server
Age- 26
Guild- The Men From DelMonte [MFD]
Originally Posted by Rue The Day
I am in a very small guild with no aliances. We do PvE and are happy with just that. We have no desire to increase our guild size or farm all the time for factions points. We like our small group. So because of that, we shouldn't be allowed to access these missions? Yeah that's fair.
Raiin Maker
Full Name: Paul T
In Game Name: Raiin Maker
Territory: England
Age: 15
Guild Name: Leader Of 'Blood On The Worlds Hands' [BwH]
Full Name: Paul T
In Game Name: Raiin Maker
Territory: England
Age: 15
Guild Name: Leader Of 'Blood On The Worlds Hands' [BwH]
IGN: Mustard Seed
Age: well over 30
Territory: European servers
Guild Name: RTFM (a small, private guild, which has no taste for alliance politics)
IGN: Mustard Seed
Age: well over 30
Territory: European servers
Guild Name: RTFM (a small, private guild, which has no taste for alliance politics)
Most of players are left outside of exticing & possibly challenging content.
And I thought that other, smaller towns/outposts would have some kind of 'elite areas' though even that would have not been so player friendly in the end.
Most of players are left outside of exticing & possibly challenging content.
And I thought that other, smaller towns/outposts would have some kind of 'elite areas' though even that would have not been so player friendly in the end.
I'm not opposed to having special rewards for those who excel in the game, but when one of your selling points is "4 mission types including Elite missions", then it should be available to all. Otherwise, your marketing is misleading and causes loss of trust.
ya why not
ya why not

Sure, make the already elite even richer and elite-er by giving them the zodiac weapons that nobody else can get. haha. right.
I agree that elite missions should be made much more readily available to all players of all levels of dedication.
In Game Name: Axexia Bloodlin
Territory: America
Age: 27
Guild Name: Elite Guard of Melandru [wild]
In Game Name: Axexia Bloodlin
Territory: America
Age: 27
Guild Name: Elite Guard of Melandru [wild]
I agree that elite missions should be made much more readily available to all players of all levels of dedication.
In Game Name Korin Aerlson
Territory England
Age 40
Guild Name (if any) DVDF
I agree that elite missions should be made much more readily available to all players of all levels of dedication.
In Game Name Korin Aerlson
Territory England
Age 40
Guild Name (if any) DVDF
Thanks everyone for the signatures so far! Please keep them comming.
I just wanted to add another point to this. It's like we're being penalized for being a diverse guild and doing GvG, HA, RA, Alliance Battles, and PvE! Sure my alliance could get enough faction to get a town by 'grinding' for faction but we choose to be diversified. I though A-Net discouraged grinding?
Anyhow, I just wanted to add that point.
I just wanted to add another point to this. It's like we're being penalized for being a diverse guild and doing GvG, HA, RA, Alliance Battles, and PvE! Sure my alliance could get enough faction to get a town by 'grinding' for faction but we choose to be diversified. I though A-Net discouraged grinding?
Anyhow, I just wanted to add that point.
"I agree that elite missions should be made much more readily available to all players of all types."
"I agree that elite missions should be made much more readily available to all players of all types."
Sometime ago I posted that the favor system was one of the worst game mechanics ever conceived. I stand corrected. Access to these elite missions is the worst game mechanic ever concieved
Don't know who at Anet was responsible for this debacle but this is a collossal FUBAR.
Sometime ago I posted that the favor system was one of the worst game mechanics ever conceived. I stand corrected. Access to these elite missions is the worst game mechanic ever concieved

Full Name: Stephen K.
In Game Name: Aravorn Elessar
Territory: USA
Age: 45 (no smarta$$ remarks please
Guild Name: Rdemption of the Phoenix
Full Name: Stephen K.
In Game Name: Aravorn Elessar
Territory: USA
Age: 45 (no smarta$$ remarks please

Guild Name: Rdemption of the Phoenix
Right now, "elitist mission" would be a more fitting name.
Right now, "elitist mission" would be a more fitting name.
Manda Panda
"I agree that elite missions should be made much more readily available to all players of all levels of dedication."
In Game Name: Mari Moonblade
Territory: America
Age: 24
Guild Name: Shadow Wanderers
In Game Name: Mari Moonblade
Territory: America
Age: 24
Guild Name: Shadow Wanderers
Originally Posted by Arcanis the Omnipotent
This was a stupid idea from the moment that they announced it. People hated it then and hate it now.
[Nova] |
I agree that elite missions should be made much more readily available to all players of all levels of dedication.
Ibex Savior
Xen of Onslaught
Ibex Savior
Xen of Onslaught
Hunter Sharparrow
I agree that elite missions should be made much more readily available to all players of all levels of dedication.
IGN: Hunter Sharparrow
Territory: Canada (just to be specific)
Age: 23
Guild Name: Jeepers Kreepers (yes kreepers with a k)
We paid real hard earned cash for these games so we should have access to everything the game offers without limitation. No 'if's, 'and's, or 'but's about it.
IGN: Hunter Sharparrow
Territory: Canada (just to be specific)
Age: 23
Guild Name: Jeepers Kreepers (yes kreepers with a k)
We paid real hard earned cash for these games so we should have access to everything the game offers without limitation. No 'if's, 'and's, or 'but's about it.
Phoenix Denfer
IGN: Cyrus Coldstone
Territory: USA
Age: 22
Guild: Oral's Chosen
IGN: Cyrus Coldstone
Territory: USA
Age: 22
Guild: Oral's Chosen
IGN: Strong Bow
Territry: Europe
IGN: Strong Bow
Territry: Europe
I'm sorry but this petition is a piece of crap. Basically you're saying "WHOMG ANET MAKE IT FAIR PLOX". First off, suggesting to Anet to make it more fair without an actual legitimate solution (no Favor solution is not an actual solution), is not productive at all. Second off, you paid for Factions content yes, but you never paid for the Elite missions, you paid for the potential to access those Elite Missions (thanks Sekkira I stole your quote <3). If I was a Taiwanese player in prophecies, would I cry "zomg I can't access FoW and UW I DESERVE TO ACCESS THEM WHAAAA"? No I wouldn't.
The petition in concept is not bad, but you present no solution and you make it sound like you are a bunch of whiny players. Come up with a better solution and this petition could be looked at a lot more seriously from Anet's prospective.
The petition in concept is not bad, but you present no solution and you make it sound like you are a bunch of whiny players. Come up with a better solution and this petition could be looked at a lot more seriously from Anet's prospective.
Many guilds will never gain access to those missions, this restriction is VERY crappy (the favor thing is MUCH better)
Many guilds will never gain access to those missions, this restriction is VERY crappy (the favor thing is MUCH better)
The Fox
current system is not fun. If this place is so hard then let player skill determine if one survives.
Problem - Holding alliances will not be able to meet the demand of everyone wanting to enter without charging huge amount to very few people. Why not charge less and service more?
Solution - have a SET ranged fee that the holding alliance CAN charge for people to enter, which is deposited into their guilds storage automatically.
1.) This will reduce the "pay X gold to get a ride into the elite mission!", so now a full group can go rather than a full team minus the alliance controling player that'll probably leave right afterwards.
2.) Saves the alliance controllers the time of having to enter and exit lots of groups; so they can actually play the game.
3.) Reduces costs, increases effeciency, and gives access for everyone (at a LOWER price).

Problem - Holding alliances will not be able to meet the demand of everyone wanting to enter without charging huge amount to very few people. Why not charge less and service more?
Solution - have a SET ranged fee that the holding alliance CAN charge for people to enter, which is deposited into their guilds storage automatically.
1.) This will reduce the "pay X gold to get a ride into the elite mission!", so now a full group can go rather than a full team minus the alliance controling player that'll probably leave right afterwards.
2.) Saves the alliance controllers the time of having to enter and exit lots of groups; so they can actually play the game.
3.) Reduces costs, increases effeciency, and gives access for everyone (at a LOWER price).
Lord S Serpent
Lord S Serpent
/signed (sorta)
I actually don't mind requiring a "high level of dedication". What I do mind is being forced to disband my small guild and join a huge group.
I actually don't mind requiring a "high level of dedication". What I do mind is being forced to disband my small guild and join a huge group.
Why should I pay for content that only a small group of others will be able to access?
In Game Name: Doram Ithildun
Territory: US
Age: 17
Guild Name: Scarlet Knights [SK]
Why should I pay for content that only a small group of others will be able to access?
In Game Name: Doram Ithildun
Territory: US
Age: 17
Guild Name: Scarlet Knights [SK]
They're called elite missions for a reason, it'd be pointless if they were available to any person at any given time.
It's like arguing "Ferrarris should be more available to people! Only extremely rich people can buy them!"
It's like arguing "Ferrarris should be more available to people! Only extremely rich people can buy them!"
I bet everyone who said "/signed" in this thread has no idea how to make a PvP char and has 1 or more characters in FoW armor.
Stop being such care bears.
The game is COMPETETIVE.
Elite: The best or most skilled members of a group. - Straight from the dictionary.
Now, allowing everyone to compete in these missions would make the name "Elite missions" totally retarded, kind of like you. Or maybe that is why you want them to change it? So you're not the only retarded kid in the game? Well guess what, you're a retard. You always will be. Trying to change something else so it is retarded with you will not change that.
Getting the title "Elite" or whatever you need to enter these gay missions, takes a bit of time. And, gasp, some skill! I know most of you don't have skill, but come on. And just to get this out of the way, Whining != skill. The enemy will not get angry and let you kill him because he has a 15% weapon when yours is only 5%. STOP WHINING.
If you want a game that has no grind, go play Counter-Strike.
edit: Stop complaining that Europe always has favor and we don't get it anymore. Stop for 2 seconds and think about that. You're all grinding your asses off leeching off some one elses work in the HoH. Where is the fairness in that? Stop RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing bitching and go win HoH. If you cannot win HoH, don't complain. Simple.
Stop being such care bears.
The game is COMPETETIVE.
Elite: The best or most skilled members of a group. - Straight from the dictionary.
Now, allowing everyone to compete in these missions would make the name "Elite missions" totally retarded, kind of like you. Or maybe that is why you want them to change it? So you're not the only retarded kid in the game? Well guess what, you're a retard. You always will be. Trying to change something else so it is retarded with you will not change that.
Getting the title "Elite" or whatever you need to enter these gay missions, takes a bit of time. And, gasp, some skill! I know most of you don't have skill, but come on. And just to get this out of the way, Whining != skill. The enemy will not get angry and let you kill him because he has a 15% weapon when yours is only 5%. STOP WHINING.
If you want a game that has no grind, go play Counter-Strike.
edit: Stop complaining that Europe always has favor and we don't get it anymore. Stop for 2 seconds and think about that. You're all grinding your asses off leeching off some one elses work in the HoH. Where is the fairness in that? Stop RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing bitching and go win HoH. If you cannot win HoH, don't complain. Simple.