I agree with all of this. I think it's a shame, and an indication of the problem with Beastmastery in PvE, but true nonetheless.
It's really just another product of expertise being stupidly good (I won't use the term over-powered, religious reasons). The only non 'pure' Beast master who can use pet's better are rangers doing the jobs of other professions.
Rangers make better life stealers than Necro's. Better attack skill users than anyone else (the only reason you don't see more R/W with axes and swords is because all the really exploitable attack skills are in Strength), and the most abusive and downright infuriating of them all, they make better spirit spammers than Ritualists. If spirit spamming wasn't rather poor this would indeed be a balance issue.
It depends. I like Melandru's if i can be guaranteed of enchanted targets (and this is much easier since the pet controls were added), that works well. I used to use it on Griffons when they cast Spell Breaker. :P
Brutal Strike is great if you can get a lot of attacks on mobs under 50% HP, but i find that once a mob in general PvE is that low, it generally tends to die off very quickly (unless they're high HP bosses, Brutal works great on Abbadon), leaving me with a 10e Predator's Pounce with no secondary effect.
Correction: I mean't Ferocious Strike not Feral Lunge. I guess you realised ^_^. Anyway yeah you’re right about Melandru's. It's quite situational, but that’s the point of having options. In a situation like Raisu, most of the opposition becomes enchanted at one point. In fact I'd wager the total damage was actually higher than if we ran an Enraged build thanks to the aoe. Certainly in pvp nearly everyone's got an enchantment on them these days. I'd really like Anet to increase the AoE on Melandru's to 'in area' or even crazily 'nearby'. Or have it strip enchantments under 50% would be very good if a little... (removed for religious reasons!). Utility is always better than damage.
Brutal Strike is just Final Thrust every 5 seconds when you think about it. No one would say Final was bad
. Though I guess Final usually comes after a DW. Say's a lot really.
Idea: Let's say we were going to buff all skills under the Beastmaster line. An interesting potential 'fix' for the situation of 'non-pure' abuse is to tie a lot of the extra power of these skills to another line (Wilderness is good, but not Expertise obviously). This isn't an entirely new mechanic; Anet's designers used it on Lion's Comfort. So:
Beastmastery change: For each point in Wilderness Survival your pet does has +1 armour penetration on all attacks. All Wilderness Survival additional functionality requires rank 10 or more in Beast Mastery.
Bestial Mauling: Pet Attack. Your animal companion attempts a Bestial Mauling that deals +5..17..20 damage. If the attack strikes a knocked-down foe, that foe is Dazed for 4..9..10 seconds. This attack also blinds target foe for 1 second for each rank in Wilderness Survival. 50% failure at rank 4 or below.
Notes: Utility is always good.
Bestial/Savage Pounce: Pet Attack. Your animal companion attempts a Bestial Pounce that deals +5..17..20 damage. If the attack strikes a foe who is casting a Spell, that foe is knocked down. With rank 8 or higher in Wilderness Survival, that spells is also disabled for an additional 5 seconds.
Notes: Good if you catch something with low recharge like Freezing Gust or Parasitic Bond.
Call of Haste: Shout. For 30 seconds, your animal companions have a 25% faster attack speed and move 25% faster. With Rank 10 or more in Wilderness Survival you also move 25% faster.
Comfort Animal: Skill. You heal your animal companion for 20..87..104 Health. If your companion is dead, it is resurrected with 10..48..58% Health. For every rank in WS you are also healed for 5 health.
Note: Self heal. Not amazingly strong but remember it recharges in 1 second. Cost keeps it in check.
Feral Lunge: Pet Attack. Your animal companion attempts a Feral Lunge that deals +5..29..35 damage. If the attack strikes a foe who is attacking, that foe suffers from Bleeding for 5..21..25 seconds. With rank 8 or more in WS that foe is also knocked down and becomes crippled for 6 seconds.
Notes: Solid anti-melee tool. Aid your kiting monks.
Melandru's Assault: Pet Attack. Your animal companion attempts a Melandru's Assault that deals +5..17..20 damage. If that attack strikes a foe with an enchantment, that foe and all adjacent foes take +5..29..35 additional damage. At rank 10 or more in WS, this attack also removes an enchantment on foes below 50% health.
Notes: The definitive murder tool (tm). This plus Brutal Strike would be very effective.
Otyugh's Cry: For 10..22..25 seconds, your animal companion gains +24 armor and cannot be blocked. For every 3 ranks in WS this skill also removes 1 condition and 1 hex every 4 ranks upon activation.
Notes: Sounds powerful for sure but it's not that strong really. Condition cleaning and removal of 1 to 2 hexes every 30 seconds isn't so hot. Just takes the edge off.
Poisonous Bite: Pet Attack. Your animal companion attempts a Poisonous Bite that poisons target foe for 5..17..20 seconds. At rank 10 or above in WS this skill also transfers 1 condition and its remaining duration to target foe.
Pounce: Pet Attack. Your animal companion's next attack is a Pounce that deals +5...17...20 damage. If the attack strikes a moving foe, that foe is knocked down. At rank 10 in WS this attack also inflicts a deep wound for 10 seconds.
Notes: Hmm... Beastmasters need a Deep Wound to really be taken seriously, but this skill will need to cost at least 10 energy.
Predatory Bond: Shout. For 5..17..20 seconds, attacks by your animal companion heal you for 1..25..31 Health. For every 3 ranks of WS you gain 1 point of health regeneration.
Notes: Makes this more efficient as a self heal. Even if your pet is snared, or miss-hexed to all hell.
Scavenger Strike: Pet Attack. Your animal companion attempts a Scavenger Strike that deals +10..22..25 damage. If the attack strikes a foe who is suffering a condition, that foe takes an additional +1..12..15 damage, and at rank 8 WS both you and your animal companion are healed for the total damage of this attack.
Ok this is somewhat insane and there are balance issues, but it makes 'pure' Beastmaster’s very viable I think (even perhaps a little too viable). It'll never happen so nobody knows! ^_^