Private Shops
Forbidden Angel
I was thinking of private shops that they could have in guildwars. I mean, its kinda like Lineage 2. We can probably save a lot of time on setting up private shops. Instead of walking around shouting "WTS WTS WTS!!!" or even a "WTB WTB WTB!!" You can just set up a shop, go afk, come back and see if they either bought it from you, or someone who has found the weapon your looking for and has sold it to you for the asking amount you want to spend for it.
It might also rid of the spammers that go around selling the same gosh darn item for 15-20 minutes straight. And concidering that many people don't use the trade channel, it might help buying and selling items and weapons a lot less of a hassle, and a lot less spamming in major cities. =]
If you guys have any objections, or anything else you guys would like to add. Feel free! I probably know, there might be a few flames, but who knows..
(Closed to prevent random thread resurrection. Please PM a mod if you wish to open this thread.)
It might also rid of the spammers that go around selling the same gosh darn item for 15-20 minutes straight. And concidering that many people don't use the trade channel, it might help buying and selling items and weapons a lot less of a hassle, and a lot less spamming in major cities. =]
If you guys have any objections, or anything else you guys would like to add. Feel free! I probably know, there might be a few flames, but who knows..
(Closed to prevent random thread resurrection. Please PM a mod if you wish to open this thread.)
Idea seems as good as your avatar.
They also have it in Mu Online and that did reduce alot of spam in cities.
They also have it in Mu Online and that did reduce alot of spam in cities.
Forbidden Angel
Well, it would be nice to have private shops... and thank you for the comment on my avatar.. =P o_O
Good idea- it would definitly make trading less stressfull but were would you put the shops? [assuming there's going to be an actual shop and not just like a merchant]
ROSE online had this, and while i agree ANYTHING would be better than the current setup, there are problems with private shops:
1. Too many people. In ROSE, all the major cities became totally clogged with shops (literally so you could not see the ground in busy areas). This put a huge amount of server load on the company, because there were always so many people online, as most of them were afk. Displaying that many shops also put a lot of strain on the client, and slower compututers got laggy (either bcos of server load / graphics card and ram struggling) when they even got near the cities, let alone actually in them.
2. Very hard to actually sell anything - if you can set up a shop with no effort, and just go afk, then that is what everyone did whenever they had any items to sell at all. That meant that there was always so much choice that an individual shop would take hours to sell anything, thus meaning ppl needed to leave their shop running for longer (ie overnight, or all the time with multiple clients). It got into a vicious cyle.
GW works a little differently, so maybe these problems would not apply in quite the same way, but still i don't think it's ideal. The idea i liked i one i believe i heard at some point from arenanet itself, saying they were gonna create auction-house style things that you could visit in citied - presumably an NPC which would display windows with what ppl wanted to sell, and reserve prices. You could post up your item, go do other stuff, and come back later after what-ever time you set was elapsed, and see what it had sold for. Pretty much following the ebay model
1. Too many people. In ROSE, all the major cities became totally clogged with shops (literally so you could not see the ground in busy areas). This put a huge amount of server load on the company, because there were always so many people online, as most of them were afk. Displaying that many shops also put a lot of strain on the client, and slower compututers got laggy (either bcos of server load / graphics card and ram struggling) when they even got near the cities, let alone actually in them.
2. Very hard to actually sell anything - if you can set up a shop with no effort, and just go afk, then that is what everyone did whenever they had any items to sell at all. That meant that there was always so much choice that an individual shop would take hours to sell anything, thus meaning ppl needed to leave their shop running for longer (ie overnight, or all the time with multiple clients). It got into a vicious cyle.
GW works a little differently, so maybe these problems would not apply in quite the same way, but still i don't think it's ideal. The idea i liked i one i believe i heard at some point from arenanet itself, saying they were gonna create auction-house style things that you could visit in citied - presumably an NPC which would display windows with what ppl wanted to sell, and reserve prices. You could post up your item, go do other stuff, and come back later after what-ever time you set was elapsed, and see what it had sold for. Pretty much following the ebay model
I think 'Shopping' Districts would be a great idea. It would add yet another element to GW, and make sell/purchasing in game much eaiser. I think purchasing a shop should cost you though - putting the purchase price at something like 50 Plat would keep it from becoming too cluttered.
Originally Posted by TomD22
ROSE online had this, and while i agree ANYTHING would be better than the current setup, there are problems with private shops:
1. Too many people. In ROSE, all the major cities became totally clogged with shops (literally so you could not see the ground in busy areas). This put a huge amount of server load on the company, because there were always so many people online, as most of them were afk. Displaying that many shops also put a lot of strain on the client, and slower compututers got laggy (either bcos of server load / graphics card and ram struggling) when they even got near the cities, let alone actually in them. 2. Very hard to actually sell anything - if you can set up a shop with no effort, and just go afk, then that is what everyone did whenever they had any items to sell at all. That meant that there was always so much choice that an individual shop would take hours to sell anything, thus meaning ppl needed to leave their shop running for longer (ie overnight, or all the time with multiple clients). It got into a vicious cyle. GW works a little differently, so maybe these problems would not apply in quite the same way, but still i don't think it's ideal. The idea i liked i one i believe i heard at some point from arenanet itself, saying they were gonna create auction-house style things that you could visit in citied - presumably an NPC which would display windows with what ppl wanted to sell, and reserve prices. You could post up your item, go do other stuff, and come back later after what-ever time you set was elapsed, and see what it had sold for. Pretty much following the ebay model |
I posted this same idea a long time ago
1. Only the ability to start prive shops in designated Trade citys, arena net would probably make a town called "Trading Outpost" and thats where everyone would go and make private shops and to the "WTS WTS WTS!!!!"
2. Dunno about that.... I just think it would be better to have private shops... or at least an AUCTION NPC... something to drop an item off at with a price and other people walk up to it and buy the items
Originally Posted by TomD22
ROSE online had this, and while i agree ANYTHING would be better than the current setup, there are problems with private shops:
1. Too many people. In ROSE, all the major cities became totally clogged with shops (literally so you could not see the ground in busy areas). This put a huge amount of server load on the company, because there were always so many people online, as most of them were afk. Displaying that many shops also put a lot of strain on the client, and slower compututers got laggy (either bcos of server load / graphics card and ram struggling) when they even got near the cities, let alone actually in them. 2. Very hard to actually sell anything - if you can set up a shop with no effort, and just go afk, then that is what everyone did whenever they had any items to sell at all. That meant that there was always so much choice that an individual shop would take hours to sell anything, thus meaning ppl needed to leave their shop running for longer (ie overnight, or all the time with multiple clients). It got into a vicious cyle. GW works a little differently, so maybe these problems would not apply in quite the same way, but still i don't think it's ideal. The idea i liked i one i believe i heard at some point from arenanet itself, saying they were gonna create auction-house style things that you could visit in citied - presumably an NPC which would display windows with what ppl wanted to sell, and reserve prices. You could post up your item, go do other stuff, and come back later after what-ever time you set was elapsed, and see what it had sold for. Pretty much following the ebay model |
I know in Dark Age of Camelot they had housing zones where you could go and buy a house, customize it, yadda yadda yadda, and buy a, essentially, private shop.
The way it worked, you can drop an item on it, much like storage, set a price for it, and go about your day. Other players could then use on NPC to search for the specific item they're looking for, and a list would pop up showing where the item was, what price, and where the house was located. Players then trotted over to that house, found the merchant and bought the item, assuming nobody got there first.
Seems like a hassle? Nah....pretty easy and painless, actually. They implemented a horse system and a temporary running speed buff to help you get on your merry little way. And players went nuts buying/decorating their houses. Could have guild houses/villas/mansions also where you could have different merchants/traders. Great stuff!
The way it worked, you can drop an item on it, much like storage, set a price for it, and go about your day. Other players could then use on NPC to search for the specific item they're looking for, and a list would pop up showing where the item was, what price, and where the house was located. Players then trotted over to that house, found the merchant and bought the item, assuming nobody got there first.
Seems like a hassle? Nah....pretty easy and painless, actually. They implemented a horse system and a temporary running speed buff to help you get on your merry little way. And players went nuts buying/decorating their houses. Could have guild houses/villas/mansions also where you could have different merchants/traders. Great stuff!
Shops open up a new kind of scamming; the kind that you can get away with, scot-free. Just like in ROSE, when people would claim they were selling 44 [gold] kiwis that were actually 441. Then, if they ever get into trouble, they just claim it was an accident, and if anyone mentioned it to them, they were AFK. Not to mention that this would not help the WTS WTB at all, it would just give more ways for them to be annoying. We have a trade channel, that doesn't mean people use it. If we had a trade town, people would not use it.
I think they should just make Ignore block ALL messages by a player.
I think they should just make Ignore block ALL messages by a player.
I suggested something like this a while ago. But we'd have shop districts and shop towns.
The only thing is, where to stake the real estate, and how do you remember where your shop is?
I suggested we have shopkeepers who can haggle for the pieces you put in the shop, with a minimum amount and a displayed amount. (It would be like a "request quote" thing.)
Then there's the problem of how to display what your shopkeeper has.
It will shortly become a booked up thing, with the rich guilds having monopoly over it.
The only thing is, where to stake the real estate, and how do you remember where your shop is?
I suggested we have shopkeepers who can haggle for the pieces you put in the shop, with a minimum amount and a displayed amount. (It would be like a "request quote" thing.)
Then there's the problem of how to display what your shopkeeper has.
It will shortly become a booked up thing, with the rich guilds having monopoly over it.
I always said that one thing this game was missing was private shops. I think the best solution would be Trading Servers like whoever said but (whoever had experience with Kal Online would know) in order to avoid complete flooding they should have a limit and a space limit between shops.
Whoever said that Auction NPC idea would also be something to think about. Just search through a list of items people has to offer and buy/bid from there. Only problem would be the insane amount of items on there.
Whoever said that Auction NPC idea would also be something to think about. Just search through a list of items people has to offer and buy/bid from there. Only problem would be the insane amount of items on there.
Forbidden Angel
Yea, I'm just getting tired of all the same spam that people are trying to sell. Its the same gosh darn thing over and over. If you really want to see something else, you would have to read the little non-caps words that they put out. Then again an Auction house would be very lovly. But the side effect for that might be, how much the npc can hold. Obviously, theres going to be massive amounts of people just giving it to that one NPC. There might be this LOONNGGG list that you have to go through. And from seeing all of the ways people try to grab attention with their "<^> or _=" something like that, make it much harder to buy and sell items/weapons. And since people don't want their merchandise to be on the bottem. It's only going to cause more spam to the NPC.
Opening shops would be nice, but it would overcrowd a district. It's like walking from house to house.. climbing stairs to stairs, to find an item you want for a decent price. But again, that is still not a bad idea.
I have probably run out of ideas on how we can sell/buy/trade items/weapons, without the spam and with us, spending less time, staring at the screen waiting for that one weapon your looking for to pop up. Or that one person who is asking for bids for their item. If theres any way were you spend less time selling and buying, and more time farming and lvling up. That would be the one solution that we can get. Not to mention.. the prices that go sky high =P
Opening shops would be nice, but it would overcrowd a district. It's like walking from house to house.. climbing stairs to stairs, to find an item you want for a decent price. But again, that is still not a bad idea.
I have probably run out of ideas on how we can sell/buy/trade items/weapons, without the spam and with us, spending less time, staring at the screen waiting for that one weapon your looking for to pop up. Or that one person who is asking for bids for their item. If theres any way were you spend less time selling and buying, and more time farming and lvling up. That would be the one solution that we can get. Not to mention.. the prices that go sky high =P
Blu Vein
If we can't have an ingame auction.... /SIGNED
I have way too many items from my past farming activities to stand around spamming for 3 weeks.
I have way too many items from my past farming activities to stand around spamming for 3 weeks.

Originally Posted by ChildrenOfBodom
1. Only the ability to start prive shops in designated Trade citys, arena net would probably make a town called "Trading Outpost" and thats where everyone would go and make private shops and to the "WTS WTS WTS!!!!"
Originally Posted by ChildrenOfBodom
2. Dunno about that.... I just think it would be better to have private shops... or at least an AUCTION NPC... something to drop an item off at with a price and other people walk up to it and buy the items
Unfortunately I don't have any solution for that myself. All I can do is point out that that just won't work

private shops could be used, but there would need to be precautions taken to prevent it becoming like ROSE online. maybe have a shopping district in major towns and you can only set up shops there. this means you only get millions of shops and not being able to see the ground if you want to go shopping in the shopping district. also people would go afk while they have a shop open. if you keep a shop open for over afew hours then you get kicked off back to the login screen
Will they be selling any "Private goods?"
well.. Almost ALL MMO has this... which make you wonder why didn't add it? (to avoide clutter in town? To reduce server stress from all the Afk? To promote human interaction in trading? To encourage inperfect information so not to have a perfect market?)
but I agree to have a Shope District or Town/Outpost where you can do this (and only in those districts). another possiblity is to do it like a trade channel/forum type of thing like that of WoW or Star War.
Still waiting for the Auction House.
well.. Almost ALL MMO has this... which make you wonder why didn't add it? (to avoide clutter in town? To reduce server stress from all the Afk? To promote human interaction in trading? To encourage inperfect information so not to have a perfect market?)
but I agree to have a Shope District or Town/Outpost where you can do this (and only in those districts). another possiblity is to do it like a trade channel/forum type of thing like that of WoW or Star War.
Still waiting for the Auction House.
This may sound a bit sad, but, Neopets has the greatest selling/buying system ever. I'm in a bit of a hurry but if anyone knows what i mean then please elaborate.
Yes I know the selling situation has been discussed, but I haven't seen this specific idea anywhere and the last post I've seen on the 'Auction House' idea was several months ago. Also, the search function seems to be disabled at present..
Anyway, I just wanted to suggest another Vending system. This is not my idea but was the trading system in another game I played briefly and I think it's an excellent system.
Basically, each player can put up their own 'vending chest'. This consists of simply placing items for sale in the chest, which would be much like placing items into storage, then entering your asking price. Your 'stand' (chest, shop, whatever) is then activated by sitting down, which causes an icon to appear over your head indicating that you have items for sale. In the game that I played that used this system, you could then go off to do your weekly shopping or go to work or whatever, and come back hours later to find you'd made lots of money!! - or very little, on account of you having complete rubbish in your 'chest' or just because your prices were too high.. hehe
To purchase items you'd just click (or ctrl. click, shift. click, whatever) on the vendor's icon and drag an item from their chest to your inventory. The gold would automatically be deducted from your funds. The item would be yours without any need for interaction from the other person: they did their bit before they went off on holiday
Like I said, I thought this was a brilliant trading system and I would like to see it in Guild Wars. I don't know about the mechanics of coding a trading system but I'd guess that it's easier than the Auction Houses I've read about..

EDIT: Someone found my post and added to this thread. That's fine, wasn't my idea anyway unfortunately. I'm just glad the idea is 'out there' and hope anet will see and consider it sometime..
Anyway, I just wanted to suggest another Vending system. This is not my idea but was the trading system in another game I played briefly and I think it's an excellent system.
Basically, each player can put up their own 'vending chest'. This consists of simply placing items for sale in the chest, which would be much like placing items into storage, then entering your asking price. Your 'stand' (chest, shop, whatever) is then activated by sitting down, which causes an icon to appear over your head indicating that you have items for sale. In the game that I played that used this system, you could then go off to do your weekly shopping or go to work or whatever, and come back hours later to find you'd made lots of money!! - or very little, on account of you having complete rubbish in your 'chest' or just because your prices were too high.. hehe
To purchase items you'd just click (or ctrl. click, shift. click, whatever) on the vendor's icon and drag an item from their chest to your inventory. The gold would automatically be deducted from your funds. The item would be yours without any need for interaction from the other person: they did their bit before they went off on holiday

Like I said, I thought this was a brilliant trading system and I would like to see it in Guild Wars. I don't know about the mechanics of coding a trading system but I'd guess that it's easier than the Auction Houses I've read about..

EDIT: Someone found my post and added to this thread. That's fine, wasn't my idea anyway unfortunately. I'm just glad the idea is 'out there' and hope anet will see and consider it sometime..

I agree that trading needs to be improved in the game. There's not good way to buy or sell items other than spamming the trade channel.
The system you mentioned sounds great.
I was also thinking, it might be nice if you could flag items in your inventory as "for sale" along with a price. Whenever you went into a town, you could look and see what was for sale in that district by opening up a certain trade window or something(depending on who has flagged what). If you see something you like, simply message the player and work out a trade.
The system you mentioned sounds great.
I was also thinking, it might be nice if you could flag items in your inventory as "for sale" along with a price. Whenever you went into a town, you could look and see what was for sale in that district by opening up a certain trade window or something(depending on who has flagged what). If you see something you like, simply message the player and work out a trade.
Also while you are sitting, and stuff. you say "Selling Wands, Staffs, Swords, all gold and max, near Storage" It would auto say it every 3 minutes
when people come near you, a little pop-up of some sort would reveal your first 2 items in your "Chest"
when people come near you, a little pop-up of some sort would reveal your first 2 items in your "Chest"
Couple threads merged. Going to see about getting this placed in the Index.
Arcane De Farad
I <3 shops
I <3 shops
I have a much better idea, which involves shotguns! 
Have a "trading post" town/outpost as mentioned above. The only thing that works in that place is the trade channel, so everyone is forced to actually use it.
Next part of the plan, is to pass a worldwide law banning the infestation of trade in other more nicer areas, which means people buying/selling elsewhere get blown to bits by an army of necrid horsemen all carrying sawn off shotguns! For continuity's sake these weapons are Monster Elites and called "ye olde boomstick!"
Oh yeah, if anyone in the trade post attempts to do anything apart from WTS WTS WTB WTB, they get a visit from the boomstick army.
but seriously, I think this is what the auction house will be by the sounds of it - just a giant shop everyone can use (thus avoiding the lag problems and so forth mentioned above)

Have a "trading post" town/outpost as mentioned above. The only thing that works in that place is the trade channel, so everyone is forced to actually use it.
Next part of the plan, is to pass a worldwide law banning the infestation of trade in other more nicer areas, which means people buying/selling elsewhere get blown to bits by an army of necrid horsemen all carrying sawn off shotguns! For continuity's sake these weapons are Monster Elites and called "ye olde boomstick!"
Oh yeah, if anyone in the trade post attempts to do anything apart from WTS WTS WTB WTB, they get a visit from the boomstick army.

but seriously, I think this is what the auction house will be by the sounds of it - just a giant shop everyone can use (thus avoiding the lag problems and so forth mentioned above)
Having people setting up shops(a small stand actually) isnt such a bad idea. I play another MMORPG that lets you do just that, hell, just last night, I set up a stand, put items on display along with their prices, typed sellers message(auto-displayed by server, no need to spam), saying I have "such and such"- AFK, went to bed. Sold 2 items, easy.
An auction house would be better, something close to the WoW AH would be best since that is pretty decent example of a good AH. It would take away most of the WTB and WTS. Shops just seem too abusable, aka the 441 thing. The server lag in LA with 200 people setting up their shops would be an issue. Also I don't want my fair streets littered with street urchins peddling their wares.
/not signed
/not signed
I've played a few small free-to-play MMOs geared towards an asian audience and most of them have some sort of a "shop" mechanic. However, this doesnt reduce trade chat at all, people who want to sell their goods immediately will still spam, and you havent considered that people would want to advertise their shops too... more spam.
The Auction House system would be best.
The Auction House system would be best.
Theres no chance of saying somethings a 441 if its a 44(as example) in the game I mentioned, because you get a popup desription window on the item, meaning you cant just SAY you have something, the buyer will see it in popup, like when you look at item in trade now, or just mouse over an item in your inventory.
Green Onions
Although I must agree that an auction house would probably work better I want to give my interpretation of the shop system. What I have in mind is Guild Shops – meaning each guild gets an opportunity to rent a shop which would have upkeep (monthly or weekly). Each member of a given guild can submit an item for sale and would receive 90% (or 80%) of the sale while the rest goes into the guild. The guild finances are used for paying taxes for the shop and buying new upgrades for the Guild Hall (if there are new upgrades). What is left of the guild finances could be divided equally among the member of the guild or it could just stay there and gather dust until a rainy day comes.
The second point would be to give players the ability to browse trough shops quickly by an uniform system with strict categories and search options.
Since there are less guilds than players there would be much less shops than a personal shop system, and the upkeep would guarantee serious shops would stay in business, and poor shops would bankrupt. Would this lower the amount of spam in the city channels, well I don’t think so, but it would give many players more time to play the game, instead of wasting precious hours or even day trying to buy or sell a certain item.
The second point would be to give players the ability to browse trough shops quickly by an uniform system with strict categories and search options.
Since there are less guilds than players there would be much less shops than a personal shop system, and the upkeep would guarantee serious shops would stay in business, and poor shops would bankrupt. Would this lower the amount of spam in the city channels, well I don’t think so, but it would give many players more time to play the game, instead of wasting precious hours or even day trying to buy or sell a certain item.
NOOOOOOOOOOO, This would RUIN cities. I've seen this in pristontale and it actually destroyed the cities and it lagged like hell. Just wait for Anet's auction system instead!!!
/Not Signed
/Not Signed
Unlike the other MMO's there should be private shop specific areas though to create an open market feel.. Like you all know the little merchant stretch in Lion's Arch, how about having that area between the signs be a zone for private shops. Private shops/Auction House. NEED TO BE ADDED TO THE GAME. /signed
I would like the option to hand an item over to an NPC shopkeeper who would then sell the item to another player. Then, when I return to the NPC shopkeeper, I am handed the money if it sold. Maybe not 100% of the sale, but a good deal of it. That way I wouldn't have to worry about selling/wasting my time trying to sell it myself. That's just me, and I find marketing stuff extremely dull and currently just sell everything to NPCs for a massive loss.
As for how the price is set... no clue as to how this would work, but I'm just looking for a way to sell stuff without a hands on system.
In EQ, the bazaar worked well for me. I would put the stuff on a char and walk away from the PC over night. When I came back, my stuff was either sold or not.
As for how the price is set... no clue as to how this would work, but I'm just looking for a way to sell stuff without a hands on system.
In EQ, the bazaar worked well for me. I would put the stuff on a char and walk away from the PC over night. When I came back, my stuff was either sold or not.
I also liked the way it was done in SWG. There wer terminals where you would place item(s), set time of auction, a minimum bid, and walk away. Youd get a "tell" saying "So and So" has bought your "blah blah", which allowed me to thank that person for the purchase(just a nice touch).
I am SOO tired of going to a town and not being able to even LOOK at the screen without getting a major headache, because of the massive trade spamming...I support any and all solutions to this problem as long as it reduces the trade spam and helps me find anything at all that is even similar to what I am looking for to buy...
I am SOO tired of going to a town and not being able to even LOOK at the screen without getting a major headache, because of the massive trade spamming...I support any and all solutions to this problem as long as it reduces the trade spam and helps me find anything at all that is even similar to what I am looking for to buy...
Criminally Sane
/signed... maybe they could cap the number of shops that could be open in one district at once or something, so that the streets wouldn't be cluttered with afk merchants. :x I dunno, but I like this idea of personal shops even if there are some potential issues.
Ken Dei
"Signet of Approval"
I had an idea about trading in a post from a week ago or soo...
Instead of all this confusion about WTS, WTT( bunch of bonuses, health, bla bla bla nobody wants to read... ) i woul prefer to have CTRL + Click item sistem.. That would mean that what ever u want to sell u vould ctrl click it and a link( name and color of item ) would apear... when u see something of interest u would see the stats ( like if u set cursor on your current gear )
u could ctrl click all items u wanted to sell like this... and there wouldnt be so many confusion in trade window ( same colors, not knowing what color r they selling....... ).. if u would be interested in greens u could see the green links, gsame with gold etc...
I think any other system would be better than one we r forced to use right now...
Instead of all this confusion about WTS, WTT( bunch of bonuses, health, bla bla bla nobody wants to read... ) i woul prefer to have CTRL + Click item sistem.. That would mean that what ever u want to sell u vould ctrl click it and a link( name and color of item ) would apear... when u see something of interest u would see the stats ( like if u set cursor on your current gear )
u could ctrl click all items u wanted to sell like this... and there wouldnt be so many confusion in trade window ( same colors, not knowing what color r they selling....... ).. if u would be interested in greens u could see the green links, gsame with gold etc...
I think any other system would be better than one we r forced to use right now...
Originally Posted by Bhaaltazar
I had an idea about trading in a post from a week ago or soo...
Instead of all this confusion about WTS, WTT( bunch of bonuses, health, bla bla bla nobody wants to read... ) i woul prefer to have CTRL + Click item sistem.. That would mean that what ever u want to sell u vould ctrl click it and a link( name and color of item ) would apear... when u see something of interest u would see the stats ( like if u set cursor on your current gear ) u could ctrl click all items u wanted to sell like this... and there wouldnt be so many confusion in trade window ( same colors, not knowing what color r they selling....... ).. if u would be interested in greens u could see the green links, gsame with gold etc... I think any other system would be better than one we r forced to use right now... |
not just in WoW in few others as well... What works great doesnt need to be fix or re-invented though....