Originally Posted by twicky_kid
... the game is free so stop complaining.
enjoy the game or just quit.
only change that i and majority of community would like to see happen is refund points other than that they game is fine.
For the love of christ would you people please STOP CALLING THIS GAME FREE. Pay to play is a brand new idea, up until a few months ago it wasn't even on the radar. Before that time EVERY GAME was sold up front, JUST LIKE THIS GAME. When I picked up Master of Orion (game of the year before many of you were born) I PAYED FOR IT. Just because I didn't have to pay a subscription fee did not for 1 second lead me to believe I got that game for free.
Enjoy the game or quit, you say. If you don't like this country more to russia. That was the slogan when I was growing up. The trouble is that when they said "If you don't like this country" they invariably meant "If you don't like the way republicans want to run things". They, like you, assume that you are in the majority, simply BECAUSE it's you. That is your oppinion, so OF COURSE any normal, right thinking person will share it. ANYONE who does not share that sentiment MUST, BY DEFINITION, be abnormal.
The same goes for your "I and majority..." comment. You assume to be in the majority simply BECAUSE it's you.
To the guys flaming Theo: Get off of it. I don't agree with his generalizations concerning the PvP community, but he's allowed to have his oppinion, and in a free society he's ENTITLED to share them. Theodore Rooseveldt (President, Republican, hard assed cowboy) once said dissent was the MOST patrotic thing an American could do.
To Theo: Your characterization of the PvP community is WAY off. Even in it's current, mostly dead iteration. Most of the good PvP'ers are already gone. But even those that remain just wouldn't bother with arena's. Please understand, I'm not trying to justify the sort of crap you were talking about, taking top end armor and elites into low lvl arena's. I'm saying that it's PvE'ers doing that crap. And that my friend, fits in very well with the "I earned it" crap. That's pretty standard PvE fare, along with "they better not do anything that will deminish my efforts". Until you can show me some real evidence, and not just claim you've seen it but you not going to "bother" to show us, you have no arguement.
Also, before I move on to other people, you are sadly misguided about the reasons behind the PvP / PvE gulf. These two skill sets require fundamentaly different mindsets. Those who are good at one are highly unlikely to be good at the other. Most of you seem to have no problem swallowing the concept that hardcore PvP players just don't do as well in missions. They're easy to spot, they're the guys who clearly are NOT having fun, who would just as soon be someplace else. They're not necessarily the guys getting frustrated and quitting, but I won't lie and pretend that doesn't occur.
What you don't seem to be able to conceive of is that you PvE players are EVERY BIT as nerfed in PvP. Not your toons, YOU. You're just not as good. I'm not sure why this is so hard to accept, you're better at your thing, so why does it seem to hurt your feelings to hear anyone imply that you just MIGHT not be as good at our thing?
We don't enjoy playing against PvE'ers for the same reason Pro Tour Magic players don't enjoy playing against pick up kiddies. It's just not fun to play against unskilled, inexperienced opponents. It's even less fun when those guys are on your side.
By the way, I think if they HAD given us UAS and separate servers, the game MIGHT have stood a chance. I agree that Anet is very unlikely to change their minds at this point, as pride plays a major role. But that stubborn pride has killed their baby, so it all seems a bit silly to me. Perhaps they've all moved on to their next project, and are just giving up on this one. After all, we don't even see Gaile around anymore, and the devs havn't spoken since before release.
To whoever claimed Anet has stated they will never change UAS, or separate PvP and PvE, would you mind showing me where they said that? As well as where they said that UAS was only for testing in beta's? Please understand, I realize these things SEEM obviously to be their intent, but where exactly did they SAY that?
To those claiming increased faction would be gods gift to PvP, you don't seem to be aware that all the faction in the world can't unlock a single Elite skill. You can respond all you want that "elites are not needed, there's a counter to every skill", as many have in the past. The simple fact is that CANNOT compete on anything close to an equal footing.
To those demanding we love their grind, and insist on comparing GW to MMO's (notice I didn't say OTHER MMO's), many of you despise PvP. Back when you had no choice, when you got dumped into Tombs auto. once you finished the game, that was the number one complaint from PvE'ers. They didn't feel it was fair to "force" them to fight other people, which was something many of them felt was against the theme or some such weirdness. The bottom line is they liked the "cooperative" part, and didn't want to ever play against live ammunition.
So they changed the game to make them (you?) happy. Clearly, complaining works. It worked for you, so why exactly should those with a complaint keep silent?
The UAS was only in betas for skill testing actualy has some merrit. Unfortunatly, it also shows up just how short sighted Anet was about the entire PvP environment. Back then, you actualy could complete the game in a weekend. You got all your skills, including elites, from trainers. You COULD cap them, but nobody did. The best way to get an elite you needed was to buy a charm. Oh, by the way, back then you could use a charm to get 24 hours use of a skill that was not part of your Prime or Secondary. You could have off profession skills. Those were the days.
They put in UAS because there weren't enough people in PvP. People JUMPED into PvP as soon as it was implemented. They took it out. Then they put it back in, for the same reasons.
I might also add that in beta's the devs would actualy talk to us. Imagine that? We had numerous conversations with them, and we all assumed that what we knew as the game was largely finished and was down to tweeking. When you see PvP types stating they lied to us, it's not the damned advertisment on the box that they're talking about. Maybe, just maybe the dev's didn't technicaly lie to us. They just answered our questions in a manner that NEVER contradicted our belief in the game. They clearly misled us, for whatever reason. And THAT is why you heard howls of "bait and switch" starting the day of release.
Many of us felt then, and continue to feel the same, that this was done on purpose. They felt they needed us to increase their sales figures, and so they deliberately misled us for that purpose. In defense of Anet, I have often wondered if all this nonsense was really their fault. There is a parent company involved here, and I'm sure NC soft believes they know how to build a game. I'm also sure they have had some "suggestions".
To all PvE'ers: If this game is a RPG, then so is Warcraft III. Seriously. Right now, roughly a month into the new ladder season on Diablo 2, NOBODY has yet reached max level. After a month, NOBODY has the best gear, although many have managed to get their major skills maxed. And that's BARELY a RPG. Daggerfall is a RPG, WoW is a MMO. This game is neither.
They call it a "CORPG". Just because they wrote the code does NOT make them correct. The reason people compare this game to shooters is because there is no better comparison. Most shooters have missions, which are fairly light weight and serve mainly as a tutorial for various skills, gear, and basic interface issues. Sound familiar?
If I were to compare the gameplay to a single alternative, I'd say Thief or Hitman would be closest. GW is the shooter for the thinking man. It's not for twitch gamers (a phrase coined by a magazine publisher, btw), as it's just too slow paced and doesn't reward reflexes. Twitch gamers are just not built to enjoy this game, so I'm not sure what your point is in that particular accusation.
They most likely will never give us UAS or separate the communities. They should have, but hindsight is always 20/20. And as mentioned above, pride is now the limiting factor. It's most likely too late anyway. Even during the "super weekend", nobody was playing. I went online a couple of times to check if it had make any impact, and Tombs never got past 12 districts. I realize many of you think that doesn't matter, that a few hundred players would be plenty for you as long as you have your dozen or so friends. That hardly makes for a commercial success. 50,000 people are playing Diablo 2 at any given moment. A 5 year old game. How many people are on WoW? I wonder why Anet stopped shouting about how GW was keeping up with WoW in sales? They made a huge deal about that in the first week. It's a shame really. This game had huge promise, and now it's gone and screwed things up for everyone else. This whole industry is nothing but copycat. Whenever anyone does dare to step out of line, and fails, the industry figures "don't do whatever they did".
We'll most likely not see any new "free" MMO's. We'll also most likely not see another "fantasy shooter" either. The failure of GW, due mostly to pride and misguided intentions, will ensure nobody else takes the chance.
Oh, one fundamental error in the GW compared to MTG comments. Those who are serious PT players HAVE ALL THE CARDS. If you don't, you are not competitive. I gave up chasing the title during Academy Summer. There was a wedding to save for, and the damned cards had to go. So I quit playing, because trying to play tournies as a casual gamer is futile. The same applies to this game. If you show up at the qualifier and discover that the deck archetypes are totaly different from what you thought, you MUST rework your deck immediatly. If you try to show up for GvG, and discover the metagame has shifted, you have no choice but to spend the next week or two grinding out the necessary skills, all the while hoping your teamates are keeping up.
Without a level playing field, there is no such thing as fair competition. All those trying to compare this game to MMO's miss a fundamental point. Those games make no pretense of fair competition. They think nothing of a max lvl ganking a noobie. This game is supposed to be different, and those PvP types who have a complaint are simply pointing out that is has failed to live up to that promise. All of you saying things like "PvP only's are already more flexible and have an advantage" miss the fundamental arguement they are trying to make. They don't want to have to face you. It's not fun to beat up on a weaker opponent. Most of us would vastly prefer beating up on an equal opponent. Having my ass handed to me by the 8th ranked MTG player on the planet (at the time) was not so great for me, but he looked just plain bored.