Originally Posted by dargon
Bah, people run from AoE's, why shouldn't the mobs, they are just computer controlled people, about time they started showing a little intelligence.
"Hey, there, my Charr buddy, did you notice your fur was flaming and your teeth were melting?"
"Why yes, my stalwart comrade, I did note that uncomfortable fact. But you know, I'm just too dense to up and move my furry behind out of this torrential downpour of spells. I think I'll just stay here and expire."
How fun is it? Sort of like taking candy from a baby, isn't it? I never wanted to feel sorry for my enemies; I just wanted to feel powerful when I smited them. So if the monster enemies are actually more on par with a real player, isn't that a good thing? Doesn't that make accomplishments more meaningful?
And for those who are concerned (I won't say "whining" but others have

In the end, though, my opinions aside, we tested these changes for some time and the consensus was that they were reasonable and fair. We are most definitely listening to all your feedback and will certainly be willing to consider future changes in the interest of game improvement.