Just how ARE you supposed to make money?
Saying the only realistic way to get fissure is to ebay is far from the truth. I have got my necros fissure and nearly have enough for a second fissure i have got this money through farming things such as IDS when it was worth 55k each so the money for fissure is easily obtained through farming
i agree with the above comment,i didnt buy the game only to buy gold from ebay for my goods. I managed to get my first FOW armor for my monk in 3 weeks purely farming UW for ectos.But you need the outlay of a seperate tatoo set 5 sup monk runes a few nesssery weapons outlay at current prices around 50k but rewarding.This is from around 3 hours a day.
Gun Pierson
You both forget to mention some things...First, monks and necros can solo/duo uw. I don't see a ranger soloing uw and get his armor in 3 weeks. Second, you both seem to have the time to farm (3 hours a day) and spend time on the market like 'deathdela'. From your point of view it's not that difficult to get the gold and you're right. But like I mentionned in my other reply, this is not the case for everyone.
I'm playing since release and went from the group with time to farm and play to the group who has less time. I farmed my fow armor back in the days and I'm glad I did it. I now realise that having time to play a game hours and hours a day is a luxuary I miss.
I'm playing since release and went from the group with time to farm and play to the group who has less time. I farmed my fow armor back in the days and I'm glad I did it. I now realise that having time to play a game hours and hours a day is a luxuary I miss.
I think impulse buying is what makes most people wave buh bye to their savings. If you can function with a lower end version of your dream weapon and Drok's armor then do it. Once you can function effectively everything else is really just window dressing. The only things you should need to buy are identification and salvage kits and if you're breaking the bank on those you're doing a lot more wrong than could ever be fixed even with all the helpful suggestions here. Now that my characters are pretty much at end game I find there is nothing else to do except help people out and farm a little, not hours a day maybe 2 tops, and since I have nothing to spend the money on it becomes rather easy to accumulate it. Also crafting components are an easy if somewhat aggravating way to make cash. Example you can make 60% pure profit, even accounting for the cost of salvage kits and crafting, by making parchment out of wood then reselling it for 80 a sheet, 75 in bulk which trims it to like 55% but still. Now that's 60% more for every kit you buy and every kit's worth of wood you turn into parchment assuming that you average about 3 planks per salvage which is pretty realistic I find.
Well ive been doing afew troll runs, ive realised, the amount of junk the trolls drop you can make about 300-500g per run not including the occasional gold(a crap felblade and a axe with 10/10 sundering that salvaged into wood)
You dont need to be rich to farm trolls droks armour and a cheap vampiric axe.
Skills - tornado axe,live vicariously mending.
Strategy- Cast live vicariously then mending gether up all trolls hit tornado then bonettis asfast as you can repeat till all dead :P
Do 6 runs buy 2 obsid keys do a fow chest run.
Pick up your perfect crystaline sword(yea right)
You dont need to be rich to farm trolls droks armour and a cheap vampiric axe.
Skills - tornado axe,live vicariously mending.
Strategy- Cast live vicariously then mending gether up all trolls hit tornado then bonettis asfast as you can repeat till all dead :P
Do 6 runs buy 2 obsid keys do a fow chest run.
Pick up your perfect crystaline sword(yea right)
you can also craft high end stuff, deldimor steel and dasmask linen, and vellum.
Da Cebuano
You get rich by thinking ahead in the market and staying on top of trades.
Francis Crawford
Ya know, it occurs to me that I have no idea how much money I've "made" playing this game.
I have 200K in storage, and a little more cash on my characters.
I've given my wife 10K at a time, give or take a factor of two, bunches of times.
I got Bortak's Bone Staff on a drop. Rarely use it, as I like my Defensive collector's staff of Defense, but I have it.
My wife gave me a Rago's Staff and a Kindlerock. I gave her a Vilnar's Claw.
She holds the dyes for both of us, spread between two different accounts. We surely have a bunch of blacks, but I have no idea how many. 5-10 black dyes and sapphires came from me.
I'm hoarding some items for sale, but on the whole fairly minor ones.
I have some good mods for collector's weapons, but not the utter ueber ones.
And so on. After a certain point, it doesn't matter that much, unless you set a specific objective, like a cash hoard size or an armor or whatever. But that's wholly up to you.
I have 200K in storage, and a little more cash on my characters.
I've given my wife 10K at a time, give or take a factor of two, bunches of times.
I got Bortak's Bone Staff on a drop. Rarely use it, as I like my Defensive collector's staff of Defense, but I have it.
My wife gave me a Rago's Staff and a Kindlerock. I gave her a Vilnar's Claw.
She holds the dyes for both of us, spread between two different accounts. We surely have a bunch of blacks, but I have no idea how many. 5-10 black dyes and sapphires came from me.
I'm hoarding some items for sale, but on the whole fairly minor ones.
I have some good mods for collector's weapons, but not the utter ueber ones.
And so on. After a certain point, it doesn't matter that much, unless you set a specific objective, like a cash hoard size or an armor or whatever. But that's wholly up to you.
Hunter Sharparrow
As a direct reply to Ventius's post, you can thank all those farmers and runners for that.
Getting Lucky: That is all about what is left after the updates.
Farming Lots: Anet has been nerfing this while trying (unsuccessfuly) to keep the level of play the same for everyone else who doesn't farm. If those who like nothing more than to get on and farm (whether it's all they have left to do or not) would have left or not played to begin with then maybe anet would have not nerfed the drops and instead of not being able to buy that rune (if the case may be) you would have found it in the course of playing the game playing it as it should be played.
Playing the Game: Maybe once upon a time but due to anet's nerfing updates (brought on by farmers and runners) those days have long passed.
By Ebay: I've seen people banned from GW for both selling and buying (since by buying you are aiding the person who is selling).
By "getting lucky" and finding a really rare item? (how many times /100 kills?) By farming lots? (surely not, this has been nerfed on a worldwide scale) By selling and buying? (does Anet really expect us to spend our time doing this?) By playing the game? (this proves to be distinguishedly unsuccessful) By eBay? (please vist *lame-e-oh*) (EDIT: on second thoughts, don't, its pr0n i just discovered) |
Farming Lots: Anet has been nerfing this while trying (unsuccessfuly) to keep the level of play the same for everyone else who doesn't farm. If those who like nothing more than to get on and farm (whether it's all they have left to do or not) would have left or not played to begin with then maybe anet would have not nerfed the drops and instead of not being able to buy that rune (if the case may be) you would have found it in the course of playing the game playing it as it should be played.
Playing the Game: Maybe once upon a time but due to anet's nerfing updates (brought on by farmers and runners) those days have long passed.
By Ebay: I've seen people banned from GW for both selling and buying (since by buying you are aiding the person who is selling).
Originally Posted by Ventius Hozza
I've been playing for 3 months or so. At the beginning i didnt think that money was really a big issue as i had nothing to spend it on, but as you progress further, how are you meant to make money?
By "getting lucky" and finding a really rare item? (how many times /100 kills?) By farming lots? (surely not, this has been nerfed on a worldwide scale) By selling and buying? (does Anet really expect us to spend our time doing this?) By playing the game? (this proves to be distinguishedly unsuccessful) By eBay? (please vist *lame-e-oh*) (EDIT: on second thoughts, don't, its pr0n i just discovered) how can we make money without spending our lives on this game? Sorry if you disagree but i think that there arent enough ways to get money, and a good amount of it. *Edit by Dral - removed link for the reasons stated by the author of this post* |
wow, 21 pages :O
I'm a player also, dont really like trading or farming, so this is my 'patient way' of making money while enjoying the game at the same time!
Always help guildies with missions, even if you've done them before.. if nothing else you get gold and drops!..
so, when on a mission of any sorts I first make sure I pickup EVERYTHING, keep plenty of salvage kits and salvage nearly everything you pickup! - often people leave their whites.. ask if you can have them!.. just keep building up for materials stock pile and sell them all when they reach 250.
People often leave their blues on the floor!.. ask if you can have them, most people will give you them.. if they are precious keep them to sell, sometimes they are high salvagable, this nets you loads more materials and sometimes alot of rare materials.
Armors with runes... id them and sell them to merchant WITHOUT salvaging them!.. often they sell for loads more than the actual rune!.. do a price check first though, sometimes a rune will fetch 200gold, but most often they only sell for 10 gold
- but the armor will sell for 80gold at the merchant.
Purples, I usually just sell these no matter what.. if you get a nice max damage weapon with a nice mod, you might want to sell it.. but sell it CHEAP!.. this way you dont spend much time I usually spend 5-10 minutes with about 3/4 purple weapons and sell them for 500 gold.. they go quickly. if they dont sell quick enough.. dont waste time, sell them at merchant.
keep an eye on the price of materials!.. tanned hides squares, iron ingots, cloth, chitin fragments and plant fibers tend to go up and down alot, when they are high sell everything.. sometimes though the price will drop while your selling!.. stop, and wait until price goes back up... if your REALLY patient and have the storage you might want to wait along time for the price to peak!
Also, there is good money in converting common materials into rare materials.. Rolls of velum used to be a great little earner.. but thats gone down and now Bolts of damask (dust & Fibers) are more profitable than selling the materials.
If you do get nice gold drops, dont be afraid to spend 10 minutes on Guru to see what the going price is... if your impatient like me, put up WTS for about half the going price.. traders (who do like to trade) will people will snap them up, they run the risk of trying to get the mod out of it, so if its cheap they dont mind.. it usually an easy 1/2k
anyway.. if you do this on each character, after 1-2 months each character will have about 50k each.. pool it all together once you have decided on something you want to buy!
This may seem like a slow way to make money, but if you dont like farming and cant be botherd with trading this is the most fun way!.. and then it just depends on how much you play GW.. obviously the more you pve the more money you will make
I'm a player also, dont really like trading or farming, so this is my 'patient way' of making money while enjoying the game at the same time!
Always help guildies with missions, even if you've done them before.. if nothing else you get gold and drops!..
so, when on a mission of any sorts I first make sure I pickup EVERYTHING, keep plenty of salvage kits and salvage nearly everything you pickup! - often people leave their whites.. ask if you can have them!.. just keep building up for materials stock pile and sell them all when they reach 250.
People often leave their blues on the floor!.. ask if you can have them, most people will give you them.. if they are precious keep them to sell, sometimes they are high salvagable, this nets you loads more materials and sometimes alot of rare materials.
Armors with runes... id them and sell them to merchant WITHOUT salvaging them!.. often they sell for loads more than the actual rune!.. do a price check first though, sometimes a rune will fetch 200gold, but most often they only sell for 10 gold

Purples, I usually just sell these no matter what.. if you get a nice max damage weapon with a nice mod, you might want to sell it.. but sell it CHEAP!.. this way you dont spend much time I usually spend 5-10 minutes with about 3/4 purple weapons and sell them for 500 gold.. they go quickly. if they dont sell quick enough.. dont waste time, sell them at merchant.
keep an eye on the price of materials!.. tanned hides squares, iron ingots, cloth, chitin fragments and plant fibers tend to go up and down alot, when they are high sell everything.. sometimes though the price will drop while your selling!.. stop, and wait until price goes back up... if your REALLY patient and have the storage you might want to wait along time for the price to peak!
Also, there is good money in converting common materials into rare materials.. Rolls of velum used to be a great little earner.. but thats gone down and now Bolts of damask (dust & Fibers) are more profitable than selling the materials.
If you do get nice gold drops, dont be afraid to spend 10 minutes on Guru to see what the going price is... if your impatient like me, put up WTS for about half the going price.. traders (who do like to trade) will people will snap them up, they run the risk of trying to get the mod out of it, so if its cheap they dont mind.. it usually an easy 1/2k
anyway.. if you do this on each character, after 1-2 months each character will have about 50k each.. pool it all together once you have decided on something you want to buy!
This may seem like a slow way to make money, but if you dont like farming and cant be botherd with trading this is the most fun way!.. and then it just depends on how much you play GW.. obviously the more you pve the more money you will make

In going through the prophecies game, I actually never really had much problem with money. Being able to get the best armor and weapons and skills.
but then comes Factions...
I had 200k stock piled up. (lot for me) Mostly I got this from just selling things I picked up, like a few green items and my minipet.
Getting armor wasnt bad in Factions, but dang, I went broke trying to purchase all the skills for my 3 Factions characters. I literally only have 4k left on me now and cannot afford to even bring any of my Prophesies characters over to buy any of the new skills for them.
Im usually not one to complain about things like this. But its taking for ever to rebuild up my money.
Just seems that A-net is confusing us. They say that you dont need to farm, and just play the game like it should be (which I agree with), but then in Factions, they make it so you have to pay tons of cash to unlock/get all your skills. Ive finished all the quests and everything that give money for rewards, so I really cant make money doing those. I guess i could just keep doing those repeatable Faction missions over and over. But thats like only 200 gold i think.
but then comes Factions...
I had 200k stock piled up. (lot for me) Mostly I got this from just selling things I picked up, like a few green items and my minipet.
Getting armor wasnt bad in Factions, but dang, I went broke trying to purchase all the skills for my 3 Factions characters. I literally only have 4k left on me now and cannot afford to even bring any of my Prophesies characters over to buy any of the new skills for them.
Im usually not one to complain about things like this. But its taking for ever to rebuild up my money.
Just seems that A-net is confusing us. They say that you dont need to farm, and just play the game like it should be (which I agree with), but then in Factions, they make it so you have to pay tons of cash to unlock/get all your skills. Ive finished all the quests and everything that give money for rewards, so I really cant make money doing those. I guess i could just keep doing those repeatable Faction missions over and over. But thats like only 200 gold i think.
"in the meantime it is Drok armor and collectors weapons"
I've finished Factions with four characters who leveled up in Prophecies. I've kept the Droknar's Forge armor because it is a status symbol in Factions! My Ranger still has his Stalker because it too is a status symbol.
As for collector weapons, still using some of them. The stuff you get in the Crystal Desert is often hard to beat.
I've finished Factions with four characters who leveled up in Prophecies. I've kept the Droknar's Forge armor because it is a status symbol in Factions! My Ranger still has his Stalker because it too is a status symbol.
As for collector weapons, still using some of them. The stuff you get in the Crystal Desert is often hard to beat.
I had a different experience
with Prophecies I never had more than 60k
(I dont farm or sell much "gear")
with Factions, I've made over 300k
-- soley from selling Amber/Jade (from Fort Aspenwood missions)
Prices have dropped for Amber/Jade
but its still easy to make approx 2k per hour (assuming you win 3 missions)
with Prophecies I never had more than 60k
(I dont farm or sell much "gear")
with Factions, I've made over 300k
-- soley from selling Amber/Jade (from Fort Aspenwood missions)
Prices have dropped for Amber/Jade
but its still easy to make approx 2k per hour (assuming you win 3 missions)
GUE Tech
Call me crazy, but I think I have made more money off of runes than anything else, (never having ecto farmed). In the long run it seems to pay out just as well, at least it used too.
Just the other day I thought I would farm for some more guild hall services. So I did a couple of ettin runs. In less than and hour, I had a sup vig drop. Instant 29k.
Yeah I know, it doesn't alway go that easy, but I said in the long run. Thing is, they are just so easy to do. So when someone says they can make 2-3k/hour, I would almost bet you will get at least on sup vig in 10 hours. I'm not saying go 10 hours at a time, just do a few runs here and there and it pays off.
Back when monk runes made money I did even better. In fact, ettins even built my 55, with which I made more money.
I will admit it is deffinately harder to make money these days, but it can be done without too much effort.
Just the other day I thought I would farm for some more guild hall services. So I did a couple of ettin runs. In less than and hour, I had a sup vig drop. Instant 29k.
Yeah I know, it doesn't alway go that easy, but I said in the long run. Thing is, they are just so easy to do. So when someone says they can make 2-3k/hour, I would almost bet you will get at least on sup vig in 10 hours. I'm not saying go 10 hours at a time, just do a few runs here and there and it pays off.
Back when monk runes made money I did even better. In fact, ettins even built my 55, with which I made more money.
I will admit it is deffinately harder to make money these days, but it can be done without too much effort.
How do you earn money in GW? The answer is easy:
You don't.
You don't.
Levi Garett
Funny how Anet supposedly wants to get rid of botting and Ebaying items/gold for cash, etc., but they fail to realize their farming nerfs and money sinks are just adding fuel to the fire.
Want to get rid of Ebaying for cash? Make money worth LESS and make gold more abundant.
Who bumped this post anyways-the OP was from Nov 05!?!?
Want to get rid of Ebaying for cash? Make money worth LESS and make gold more abundant.
Who bumped this post anyways-the OP was from Nov 05!?!?
GUE Tech
Originally Posted by LeviGarrett
Who bumped this post anyways-the OP was from Nov 05!?!?
Originally Posted by Michael_Changstein
obviously you don't want to put in the time and effort to get gold, so unless you get lucky, you'll be poor
used to, farming was great and easy to do, and sometimes very profitable. now, i do not even bother trying to farm. if you look at it, the only ways that seem to be the quickest and most successful, are running and chest runs. chest runs can easily produce large amounts of money, but expect to spend a large amount of time doing it. running can produce moderates amount of cash, but at a usual slower rate.
for myself, my main form of getting cash is indeed chest running. setting a build up and running mineral springs for chests was not an easy task, but it helped me get larges amounts of money. picking up a gold req8 -3 (hexed) -2 (stance) summit warlord shield out of a chest was a glorious day for me. going to lions arch, announcing the shield, and immediately getting an offer of 495k was awesome. granted, i do not think the shield was worth that much, but nevertheless, i got the money for it. i have gotten many other drops from the chests in mineral springs, but granted usually the chest isn't worth the key.
on the side, a way of making money for myself is done with a very good friend of mine. it produces 12k for each of us in about 15 minutes. it really isn't that large of an amount, but it adds up. we charge 6k a person, and we fight the dunes of despair mission for you. a lot of people may think, wow that is outrageous, but people pay the price. when someone gets stuck trying to get a group for this mission, we provide a way out. honestly, if you are tired of being stuck, you will pay. what really makes me laugh about this are the people who whisper me when i advertise in dod that we are running. it never fails, i end up getting a whisper from someone saying that the cost of this run is 5k, not 6k you noob. sometimes i don't bother responding, but occasionally i do with a response like: "Well, where are the people that are runnning for 5k at?" Or i'll respond, "Where is it written down at that this run costs 5k?" About 90% of the time these people don't respond back, and about 60% of the time, these same people pay the 6k for the run. Usually our groups fill very quickly, and we finish the run with about 4 minutes left on the timer, so we usually only spend 15-20 minutes doing one run. The usual delays that we have are people who insist on following, and if the final boss is the monk boss, which lately he hasn't caused us much problems. so after about 15 or so minutes we have made 24k and split it down the middle. so when it is all said and done, it is decently profitable. currently we are working on a build like this for THK and possibly FoW. this will hopefully grant us decent sums of cash, but of course, it will take us time, which others don't have the luxury of.
Parson Brown
400+ replies, so I'm sure the OP will not see this, but I'm up to like 200k in the bank, and that's with buying 15k Luxon for my Rit.
I'm not filthy rich by any stretch, but I don't want for anything.
How did I do it?
1) Just playing the game and not wasting money. Consider using collector's armor until you are ready to buy 1.5k. (I beat Factions wearing 3 pieces of 45AL Shing Jae armor before getting my 15k)
2) Think small: If it can turn a profit, trade your collectable trops to a collector, then sell the item. This usually sells for more than the drops. Sell crafting materials to players instead of a merchant, but don't waste a lot of time doing this. Go to the big armor centers (Drok's, Kaining) and sell quick. And pick up all your drops! Those 45g bo staffs add up quick. Alternatively, turn common materials into rare mats, then sell those. IIRC: 5 dust + 5 plant fibers + 40g = vial of ink = 200g at trader! And 5 wood + 20g = 1 parchment = 40g at trader.
3) "Farming" is not a dirty word. I don't farm for a living, but did you see how the first Totem Axes were selling for 40k+? Speed kills. I took some time out to farm a few greens as soon as they were discovered and profited well. Now, those same greens are selling so low that it's not worth the effort.
I'm not filthy rich by any stretch, but I don't want for anything.
How did I do it?
1) Just playing the game and not wasting money. Consider using collector's armor until you are ready to buy 1.5k. (I beat Factions wearing 3 pieces of 45AL Shing Jae armor before getting my 15k)
2) Think small: If it can turn a profit, trade your collectable trops to a collector, then sell the item. This usually sells for more than the drops. Sell crafting materials to players instead of a merchant, but don't waste a lot of time doing this. Go to the big armor centers (Drok's, Kaining) and sell quick. And pick up all your drops! Those 45g bo staffs add up quick. Alternatively, turn common materials into rare mats, then sell those. IIRC: 5 dust + 5 plant fibers + 40g = vial of ink = 200g at trader! And 5 wood + 20g = 1 parchment = 40g at trader.
3) "Farming" is not a dirty word. I don't farm for a living, but did you see how the first Totem Axes were selling for 40k+? Speed kills. I took some time out to farm a few greens as soon as they were discovered and profited well. Now, those same greens are selling so low that it's not worth the effort.
making money is easy, it just depends on the amount of thinking you need to put it in.
everytime theres new greens, they sell like hot potatoes to ppl that are too lazy enough to farm them
4 weeks ago, I made 395k just by farming green weapons, while the prices were high
sold razajan's for 70k, jacqui's aegis for 60, etc
some days ago totem axes came, and sold 3 in 2 hours and made another 120k
play the merchant, read the forums, and always sell the new items, they will surely go down in price in some time
everytime theres new greens, they sell like hot potatoes to ppl that are too lazy enough to farm them
4 weeks ago, I made 395k just by farming green weapons, while the prices were high
sold razajan's for 70k, jacqui's aegis for 60, etc
some days ago totem axes came, and sold 3 in 2 hours and made another 120k
play the merchant, read the forums, and always sell the new items, they will surely go down in price in some time
55hp monk Underworld farming. Get yourself the armour + runes (cheap now) and capture Spell Breaker in Mineral Springs. Well it got me 6 Fissure armours but it did take a lot of grinding (which i enjoy). You'll need an SS/SV necro too which are plentiful in Temple of the Ages. PM me in-game for more info in required.
I need to get up to 400k and I have about 150 or 200k in total on all char.I am not one who like to sell things in town although I do solo farm when I am in mood.What is the best way to sell things like weapons ect.You cap spell breaker in snake dance not mineral springs that is shield of judgment.I still have skills do think about as well.
Thanks Age. Always get those two mixed up. Both a pain in the arse for capping skills.
You know what, do raisu palace mission atm, do chest and you could get 100k+ecto items.
Mustache Mayhem
I made over 600k this weekend.. that's all I'm gonna say =] you can make money but you need to be crafty.. alot of selling involved and solo farming expensive greens (after every new patch with new greens = big money).. did 9 chests in raisu and got some good forgotten stuff- the new greens are on the way down though the drop rate was cut on my farming spot already.. used to get a green 1 in 2-3 runs friday.. now around 1 in 8-10
Gold had always been a problem for me early in the game. I remember first getting to Ventari's, seeing what I had to do to get the armor there, and having to backtrack and farm to get it. In those areas, gold drops were low, I had to salvage specific drops to get the building materials I needed,...well basically I guess I must've been eating Ramen and beans every night.
Things got better when I got to the Shiverpeaks, and I was always around 50-80k gold and playing happily.
After setting the game down for 6 months, I came back and found the much awaited Sorrow's Furnace had been implemented. Farmed that and did better. Then found Tombs, and steadily my in game net worth kept going up and up.
I was probably worth half a million gold, and I'd never solo farmed anything (never could get into playin' an online game in single-player), then Factions and faction farming quickly made me a GW millionaire by last week, when Amber began it's quick slide.
Now I'm just gonna spend it on keys to get some titles, and maybe I'll get lucky and find a few perfect golds doing it.
Things got better when I got to the Shiverpeaks, and I was always around 50-80k gold and playing happily.
After setting the game down for 6 months, I came back and found the much awaited Sorrow's Furnace had been implemented. Farmed that and did better. Then found Tombs, and steadily my in game net worth kept going up and up.
I was probably worth half a million gold, and I'd never solo farmed anything (never could get into playin' an online game in single-player), then Factions and faction farming quickly made me a GW millionaire by last week, when Amber began it's quick slide.
Now I'm just gonna spend it on keys to get some titles, and maybe I'll get lucky and find a few perfect golds doing it.
buy low sell high is a good way to go it seems..
personally ive never done it, all my cash is from soloing stuff. dont say you cant make cash this way
and why do you actually need gold that bad for?
personally ive never done it, all my cash is from soloing stuff. dont say you cant make cash this way
and why do you actually need gold that bad for?

I have only been playing Factions for 2 weeks and making money never really occurred to me until reading all of your posts. So I have ben going out trying some of the excellent ideas you have posted here.
In the process, I have discovered something odd...
I will make a kill and see a drop of 100 gold. When I go pick it up I only get 12-16 gold added to my total. Is the game set up this way, or is this a bug? I only noticed it happening since I went to Ponmei Valley quest. I thought the problem was that I had been through there before. But the same thing is happening in the missions and quests I am doing also???
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
In the process, I have discovered something odd...
I will make a kill and see a drop of 100 gold. When I go pick it up I only get 12-16 gold added to my total. Is the game set up this way, or is this a bug? I only noticed it happening since I went to Ponmei Valley quest. I thought the problem was that I had been through there before. But the same thing is happening in the missions and quests I am doing also???
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Teutonic Paladin
Do you have other people in your group? If so, read the chat box.
If you were with the Henchies or in a party with other people, then that 100g is divided between you and the others in your party.
Thanks for the quick reply...
I have only played with henchies. I've been too impatient to wait to for a group. Guess I'll have to learn that skill also....
I have only played with henchies. I've been too impatient to wait to for a group. Guess I'll have to learn that skill also....

Also remember that skills cost 1000 gold each, and with there being 100+ skills for the primary profession alone, that comes out to a substantial amount of gold. Wasn't much of a deal in Prophecies since there were quests that gave you skills for a reward, but in Factions it gets to be pretty damn expensive trying to unlock all your skills for a character.
well, in Factions even with out farming, you can make money just questing, as anoyinh as those quests are, they pay money and tokens. Those tokens can be redeemed for items, which can then be sold. I trade my tokens for expert salvage kits, 5 for 1 plat. Doing some faction farming quest or missions, jade quarry or fort aspenwood then the faction reward can be traded for jade/amber.
Doing this and just playing all my characters have 1.5 armor with sup vigor. Yes I could get the 15k, but I'm going swap out my armor every chapter so there is no point.
Doing this and just playing all my characters have 1.5 armor with sup vigor. Yes I could get the 15k, but I'm going swap out my armor every chapter so there is no point.
The way i make my money is i chest run until i get a gold drop with always 15% or 15^50 even with crappy mods this can be turned into the serious cash if u put the right mods on it and if it has a nice skin. example-Zodiac blade drops with 15^50 but has zealous and +27 health wat i would do is get a 20/20 sundering and a +30 health and sell it. enormous amounts of money have been made that way for me.
well, in Factions even with out farming, you can make money just questing, as anoying as those quests are, they pay money and tokens. Those tokens can be redeemed for items, which can then be sold. I trade my tokens for expert salvage kits, 5 for 1 plat. Doing some faction farming quest or missions, jade quarry or fort aspenwood then the faction reward can be traded for jade/amber.
Doing this and just playing all my characters have 1.5 armor with sup vigor. Yes I could get the 15k, but I'm going swap out my armor every chapter so there is no point.
Doing this and just playing all my characters have 1.5 armor with sup vigor. Yes I could get the 15k, but I'm going swap out my armor every chapter so there is no point.
I played through the game and found a bunch of superior runes; vigors, absorbtions, fire magics, marksmenship runes... Just loads of them. I sold them all and made a 55 monk to solo the UW. When that got nerfed I started to farm trolls outside of Droknar's Forge - 1.2K-2K per run, and it got boring fast. So I did a bit of powerleveling, a bit more money and someone to talk to, soloing can really make you depressed because you don't have any friends to chat with D:
So you have a few options if you want to really make alot of money.
1. Make a 55 monk.
2. Make a SS/SV Necro for dual UW runs.
3. Make a Wammo and start doing Droknar runs.
So you have a few options if you want to really make alot of money.
1. Make a 55 monk.
2. Make a SS/SV Necro for dual UW runs.
3. Make a Wammo and start doing Droknar runs.
Ventius Hozza
Wow, didn't know that this thread would still be alive after all these months..., anyways, it's quite weird now how ANet have made simply playing through the game more profitable now. If you finish the game and only ever buy the kaineng 1.5 armor, you actually end up with around 30k (more or less) if i counted right. Also, the equality policy with all the armor and weapon sets available at the PvP creation screen and all that, it's nice to see.
As many people have stated in this thread, farming greens is a very good way to get money. All it takes is a little bit on ingenuity and the hordes of people who can't be bothered to get them themselves with flock to buy them. If you're relatively new to this whole "Guild Wars" thing that we are talking about and are interested in making money for yourself, I'd suggest saving up your money until around 30k-40platinum and then starting on the money ladder, kit out your character first, of course. After you get used to how the game works, etc. you could try to look in the farming section for a bit of advice on solo/dual/3-5man farming and try it out, you can make around 100-300k per day farming and selling. After a while the prices will drop on that particular weapon and you can start on a new one, maybe have a rota for farming, try a few different bosses every day.
Go, and live in peace... or something like that...
As many people have stated in this thread, farming greens is a very good way to get money. All it takes is a little bit on ingenuity and the hordes of people who can't be bothered to get them themselves with flock to buy them. If you're relatively new to this whole "Guild Wars" thing that we are talking about and are interested in making money for yourself, I'd suggest saving up your money until around 30k-40platinum and then starting on the money ladder, kit out your character first, of course. After you get used to how the game works, etc. you could try to look in the farming section for a bit of advice on solo/dual/3-5man farming and try it out, you can make around 100-300k per day farming and selling. After a while the prices will drop on that particular weapon and you can start on a new one, maybe have a rota for farming, try a few different bosses every day.
Go, and live in peace... or something like that...

The milk shake
do what some dumbass runners do and appeal to noobs w/ ebay, sell stuff like ASCALON MISSION runs for 10k, or run from ascalon to desert for 600k
b r o k e n s o u l
i think the best way to make money is not to buy silly rubbish that u dont actually need for instants many people get sick to death of trying to sell things at a reasonable price and have no luck so they lower and lower until u cant resist to buy it.. its a bad move because imagine if they cant sell it really cheep how the hell are u ? the best thing to do is do quests get money and save and save until u get the thing u want and dont get draged into silly buys