Originally Posted by relaxed
what bothers me even more is that i did report this scammer with anet and they responded saying they would investigate him and the log files (which will obviously show his scamming since he had the nerve of trying to sell it back to me for 4ectos + 30k) and he's on today. so no action seems to be taken
just for your information here are the following items from GW itself
when you report someone(with the asked for information) they will investigate.
your report on them goes to the end of a long line that may take days/weeks to get to but it will be investigated.
due to privacy regulations you will not be notified of the results.
they may be banned for a few days a week/month later.
if they have a proven track record of multiple offences they will lose the account (perma ban).
that is why it is important to report scammers (with screenshots on any big deal) because if your report is not the one to permaban him/her maybe the next one will do it.
also MCS on this forum has a long track record of being the middleman on over 100k trades to prevent fraud.