Official GW Scams Thread (no posting names)
I see a lot of outrage over in-game scamming, but let's keep a little perspective on what we're talking about, here.
Getting scammed sucks. First time i got black dye a guy wanted to trade with me. Not remembering that it is unwise to trade when you are new at agame, esp. mmo's, I traded it for a shield worth about 1-1.5k. Not really a scam, but i hate when people take advantage of new players.
Originally Posted by shawn23233
Yeah scammer will be very common in guildwars soon. They were everywhere in Lineage2 and GW is hosted internationally by NCSoft who seem to have a knack for attracting these poeple.
I just hope they can avoid the hacks and botters that ruined Lineage2 it really was a great game, and I am dreading seeing that happen again in GW ( |
I don't understand how the buying ashes work. I never have any left over after completing the quest. But yes sadly there are may scams and many innocent new people falling for them. We should compile a list of known scams to watch for.
Originally Posted by Mavrik
I don't understand how the buying ashes work. I never have any left over after completing the quest. But yes sadly there are may scams and many innocent new people falling for them. We should compile a list of known scams to watch for.
However, there are things you have to watch for:
1st make sure it's Althea's Ashes, not Glittering Dust (same icon).
Second, you have to find Althea's ghost before you can use the ashes.
Hope this helps!
EDIT: For those interested in stopping Bait and Switch scams, check this out:
Altheas Ashes is not a scam. I just bought one for 50g and the quest worked fine.
Hells Vengeance
Why would people wanna scam you for 100g or less...
I'm not sure how this was accomplished, but I was recently (nearly) scammed when trying to buy a Sup Vigor rune (should have known when he spammed it for 3 ectos) He put it up on the screen, and when i moused over, it said "superior vigor" but the rune in the window looked like a minor... Then he said he'd give me a free sword pommel, and switched out the sup for a real minor.
Not sure how he got a sup to look like a minor, but if there are trade hacks starting in GW, theres big problems. anyone know?
Not sure how he got a sup to look like a minor, but if there are trade hacks starting in GW, theres big problems. anyone know?
It's not an exploit. It's a real Sup Vigor with 50 health. See the thread below.
ah... well that makes me feel much better
i wasn't aware that sups could be minor skinned, but it was a scam nonetheless, he tried switching it out.

i wasn't aware that sups could be minor skinned, but it was a scam nonetheless, he tried switching it out.
thanks for the heads up... minor skinned sups... sheesh... I'm glad they fixed that tho.
Mimi Miyagi
But the real obvious problem is that it's open to exploiting. As the OP mentioned, the trader attempted to scam him by switching out the superior with a real minor vigor. Unless you're careful, you'll not notice the change, as both skins are the same in that instance.
Lord Mendes
things like this happen all the time.
i was buying an old rockmolder for 10k (too good to be true i thought), and the guy told me that he was giving me an illusion wand for free. Just before accepting the trade, i noticed that he had replaced the rockmolder with another fi that looks like it. the funny thing is, when he was modifying offer, it didnt show that he had taken the old rock out and replaced it with something else. (straight from 1 item to 2 items)
i was buying an old rockmolder for 10k (too good to be true i thought), and the guy told me that he was giving me an illusion wand for free. Just before accepting the trade, i noticed that he had replaced the rockmolder with another fi that looks like it. the funny thing is, when he was modifying offer, it didnt show that he had taken the old rock out and replaced it with something else. (straight from 1 item to 2 items)
Originally Posted by sno
but it was a scam nonetheless, he tried switching it out.
I don't see why Anet doen't change ALL Sup Runes to use the big icon. We know they can do it. (eg: Tormentors)
Originally Posted by Carinae Dragonblood
We know they can do it. (eg: Tormentors)
I still have a few Superiors sitting around with minor skins... they are just old... just be careful and you won't get scammed...
There is an underworld scam using an invinci monk, they let you pay their way, aggro too soon so the whole party dies off, and solos... waiting for you to map out so they get all the drops. I am currently refusing to map for a scammer by the name of ---. Beware of this build.
that doesnt work for me , im always the last to leave
if i die , he will have to do it with me watching.

if i die , he will have to do it with me watching.
You'r not allowed to post IGN's. Remove it before a mod does.
Kinda wasting your time if you do that, since you can probably get more stuff by playing like a normal person.
I always check the items I'm buying if the trader switches out for even a second.
yea it really is a waste of your time to wait there. even if you do, the drop assigned to you will eventually become up for grabs in a while
Former Ruling
You spent all that time covering up your skillbar, and weapon (though I dont quite understand the weapon thing...unless your afraid someone will call you out for using the 40% axe), but DIDN'T cover up ANY instance of the persons name in the picture - which is the one thing that should be covered.
As for the scam - Its always smart to check after every modification to their offer.
You spent all that time covering up your skillbar, and weapon (though I dont quite understand the weapon thing...unless your afraid someone will call you out for using the 40% axe), but DIDN'T cover up ANY instance of the persons name in the picture - which is the one thing that should be covered.
As for the scam - Its always smart to check after every modification to their offer.
Originally Posted by Excer
yea it really is a waste of your time to wait there. even if you do, the drop assigned to you will eventually become up for grabs in a while
Battle Torn
Yeh, same thing happened to me a few times.
I think you should get all remaining drops if you leave the area same as you do when completed a quest, that way it would be pointless for M/Wo to do this, except for the reasons in the following post....
I think you should get all remaining drops if you leave the area same as you do when completed a quest, that way it would be pointless for M/Wo to do this, except for the reasons in the following post....
Originally Posted by Battle Torn
Yeh, same thing happened to me a few times.
I think you should get all remaining drops if you leave the area same as you do when completed a quest, that way it would be pointless for M/Wo to do this, except for the reasons in the following post.... |

If Anet made this change, then at least the farmer would be farming for you as well. I'd love to see their reaction if ecto dropped for you, and they couldn't take it.
Rabid Weasel
Yeah happened to me and a few guidies in a PuG last night. But we had three of them! Two in the same guild and one other random. As soon as we zoned in we get mending and balthizars go up... luckily i sometimes 55 myself, even tho i can do it without having to use this pathetic trick. So we knew what they where doing and proceded to screw them up by luring nightmares onto them, our ranger was throwing dirt at the attaxs and killing them therefore stopping the 55's getting energy.
It's sad because I now no longer trust Mo/W's and will take a Mo/x over them anyday.
Best tip is to just leave asap, or get a friendly Warrior or Ranger to use any running skills and aggro all the starting attax's on them and start the quest then leave.
It's sad because I now no longer trust Mo/W's and will take a Mo/x over them anyday.
Best tip is to just leave asap, or get a friendly Warrior or Ranger to use any running skills and aggro all the starting attax's on them and start the quest then leave.
I never understood why they had that system, the drop was dropped for that person alone, it's easy to miss items. So even though you want it but you didn't see it then thus your drop gets taken by someone else. Okay.....
I think you should get list of drops which are assigned to you, also be able to pick them up from that list(since i often need to toy around with my inv, but the party is already gone by the time i reorganise)and it should give you the ability to give it away or just let it be rolled for someone else. Might be hard to do and could bring some lag, but that shouldn't be a problem.
I think you should get list of drops which are assigned to you, also be able to pick them up from that list(since i often need to toy around with my inv, but the party is already gone by the time i reorganise)and it should give you the ability to give it away or just let it be rolled for someone else. Might be hard to do and could bring some lag, but that shouldn't be a problem.
Lord Cooper
lol people are alway strying to scam in trade.. someone was selling 3 black dyes in ascalon for 14k. bargain thought so i chased the seller down and opened a trade window only to be confonted with 3 silvers
guess she thought i wouldnt notice lol

Problem is, sometimes (admittedly rarely) the public-drop system is a buttsaver. I remember one instance where I had died in a mission, about ten feet away from a purple salvage armor. As I was around lvl 15 and in Kryta at that point, I wanted my damned Rune. We were, however, out of Resurects, so I was stuck. However, a Guildie was kind enough to clear the area, wait for the drop to go public, then grab it for me before he completed the mission.
Admittedly, cases like that are outnumbered in the thousands by idiot Monks trying to get a free Underworld trip, but there is some small reason to keep the public-drop system. Maybe.
Admittedly, cases like that are outnumbered in the thousands by idiot Monks trying to get a free Underworld trip, but there is some small reason to keep the public-drop system. Maybe.
Originally Posted by LaserLight
Problem is, sometimes (admittedly rarely) the public-drop system is a buttsaver. I remember one instance where I had died in a mission, about ten feet away from a purple salvage armor. As I was around lvl 15 and in Kryta at that point, I wanted my damned Rune. We were, however, out of Resurects, so I was stuck. However, a Guildie was kind enough to clear the area, wait for the drop to go public, then grab it for me before he completed the mission.
Admittedly, cases like that are outnumbered in the thousands by idiot Monks trying to get a free Underworld trip, but there is some small reason to keep the public-drop system. Maybe. |
On a different note, there are some decent players out there. I was in UW trapping group yesterday, and after the smites we came back to clear the last ataaxes. We were playing around with the last one, we all died except the last player, he finished off the Ataaxe with some traps, and ecto dropped for ME 
He was nice enough to rez me and i got it, i was really impressed after reading some of the horrors stories here, and gave him a decent ethernal bow

He was nice enough to rez me and i got it, i was really impressed after reading some of the horrors stories here, and gave him a decent ethernal bow

Personally, just report them for griefing, the word will get around eventually that if you do this you'll get spanked, harder for repeat occurances.
I had a close call a couple of nights ago. I was trying to sell an ok wand in Drok's. Got a price check here and decided to go low on that at 5k, This guy opens a trade window with me, without saying a word. So, I figure that he's hiding from someone and has his chat turned off. I put the wand up so he can see it, and he offers 100g. I was on the ball, and closed the session. He tried to re-open the trade about 3 times, still without saying a word, before he walked off. I came pretty close to actually clicking the "Accept" button. Glad I was paying attention.
Mack The Barbarian
My main ? is that this person was low level...And I am quite sure they will delete that character on the spot. Can his account still be tracked and banned?
Thats why you do 100k+26 ecto or just 36. Your obviously gonna be scammed if you do the whole 100k's up-front crap.
Mack The Barbarian
I know I tried the ecto and 100k thing. he wouldnt do it. It's not the $ thats a concern..its more the principle. Im not gonna break a sweat over 300k on an item like that and thought what the hell. If he scams me I'll report him. I'm just wondering if his attempt to delete the character right away will allow him to get away with it.
Never do anything upfront at all... Thats just asking to be scammed.
Originally Posted by Mack The Barbarian
I know I tried the ecto and 100k thing. he wouldnt do it. It's not the $ thats a concern..its more the principle. Im not gonna break a sweat over 300k on an item like that and thought what the hell. If he scams me I'll report him. I'm just wondering if his attempt to delete the character right away will allow him to get away with it.