Ch3 Storyline Revealed!
Even with the small bit of information that was provided.. I am very excited on what Guild Wars Nightfall is all about. I know there are many people looking down on this chapter, but as of right now it seems very promising. I do really hope though that the PvE aspect of the game is much more ephasized than Guild Wars Factions. I mean comon, there is still a great handful of PvE goers in the Guild Wars community. =)
for some reason i kinda doubt there's any new skills for factions characters.
that's the difference between "core" and the expansions. even if they did i'd assume that you wouldn't be able to start a rit in nightfall for instance.
kinda a shame if that's the case after a few more expansions. the sin and rit skill lists (as well as the dervish and paragon's) will start to look really short.
think how much money you won't have to spend getting every skill on your existing characters. rits and sins will be a free ride.
that's the difference between "core" and the expansions. even if they did i'd assume that you wouldn't be able to start a rit in nightfall for instance.
kinda a shame if that's the case after a few more expansions. the sin and rit skill lists (as well as the dervish and paragon's) will start to look really short.
think how much money you won't have to spend getting every skill on your existing characters. rits and sins will be a free ride.
J snukka
I'm confident Anet won't let us down. be patient they definately will implement alot of things requested by most of us for the past 6 months. we will see a good improvement in this Campaign. Only reason why I'm saying this, is because Nightfall is being made by the developing team that made Proph. Team 2 was ok, I enjoyed Factions. But I really thing Team 1 will do great.
I'd wager that info posted on EBGames is mostly true. If not then who wrote the info about the Guild Wars story? I can't wait
ok this sounds great. especially the henchie stuff and more PvE. I'm starting to get impatient tbh.
Originally Posted by [FnG] Lazz
First time I've posted on here in a while. This is the first time I've heard about Nightfall and one thing I must say - judging by the few pictures that are released, Im not particularly impressed with the character graphics.
I know games shouldn't necessarily be judged on graphics but compared to other games that are coming out around the same time, its graphics will seem inferior and judging by the characters, they don't seem to have improved an awful lot from the origional GW. |
good god give anet a break
The Lich Ranger
Who cares if it seemms like factions, NEW skills and armor man, u gotta love it

Kijik Oni Hanryuu
^^ great way to look at it lich, *hands lich a cookie*
Originally Posted by Reiden Argrock
I don't see why people think Rit's and Sin's will be getting any new skills.
Nightfall and Factions don't have any tie's. Sin's and Rit's are unique to the factions chapter, as Dervish and Paragon will be unique to Nightfall, and as every 2 new class's will be unique to their chapter. While it may seem unfair for certain class's to keep getting new skills (the core 6) just consider how many skills are never used anyway.. aside from that, I can't wait, can't wait to equip my war with a scythe ![]() |
However, I can definitely see A-Net releasing Chapter 4 or 5 with no new professions just so they can add new skills to the Chapter 2-4 classes. If A-Net doesn't have to worry about providing 150 new skills for new classes, they can bring all the older professions up to par and then move on again.
Zorian Direspell
If the OP is correct then ... wow ... the list of features sounds incredible! Hero vs. Hero? Awesome. Customizable henchmen? Awesome X 2. Adaptable gaming experience? Awesome X 3. Just so ... awesome.
Hope this turns out to be all true!
No trading posts or in-game auctions still? Pity.
i think 20 missions is good
anet please please make sure there enough CE
make sure there is enough for canadains who live west too
anet please please make sure there enough CE
make sure there is enough for canadains who live west too
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Hey, there,
I need to share something I just posted in another forum, because I think it's really relevant here, too. I was reading the forums this evening and started to get that déjà vu feeling. Back in 2004, when we announced Guild Wars Prophecies, we saw a lot of retailers pick up on the news and post about the game on their sites. That was good – we appreciated them getting the word out that our game was coming, and they, of course, profited from sharing the info by lining up sales of the preorder and the game. However, there were some problems with what they posted: Some of it just wasn't factual. For instance, how many veterans remember the "cloth map" that was allegedly going to be part of the Prophecies Collector's Edition? Or how about the supposed "Special Edition" that at least one retailer offered, with a contents list like the CE contents but a price that was $20 lower? Does anyone remember about 412 "release dates," too? ![]() The problem with all these things is: The information did not come from ArenaNet. The information was wrong. We love to share information. We're excited about Nightfall and can't wait to tell you about it: facts, figures, dates, the whole nine yards! So if we had things nailed down, we would announce details from the rooftops! But things are not locked down yet and neither the box contents nor the game content is finalized. Therefore, we're not making any announcements. Bottom line: Wait to hear it from ArenaNet. We'll give you the straight info, and as soon as we can. |
I find this proposed trend of leaving non-core classes by the wayside disturbing.
Originally Posted by Domino
Has Gaile commented, then, on whether or not the Assassin and Ritualist are getting new skills?
I find this proposed trend of leaving non-core classes by the wayside disturbing. |

Originally Posted by Jetdoc
They don't have to stick with the same skill numbers as Factions, ya know...
![]() 70 Dervish 70 Paragon 20 x 8 current professions 300 ![]() |
But i LOVE the customizable henchies! Yay accually being able to do missions when you can't find any players to do it with!
The hero battle thing sounds cool too.
This isthe coolest news I've heard about nightfall yet, but since it isn't exactly officail, I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up too much yet...
Everything sounds good so far, but nothing has come straight from Anet so I'm going to hold my breath a little bit longer

omg this is gonna be RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing sweet. I'm think.. omg I dunno what do to!
I remember even saying in one of my rants about henchmen "If customizable henchmen aren't in chapter 3 I'm not buying and quitting GW."
omg this is gonna be RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing sweet. I'm think.. omg I dunno what do to!
I remember even saying in one of my rants about henchmen "If customizable henchmen aren't in chapter 3 I'm not buying and quitting GW."
Funny thing... my factions box says 300 new skills....
I guess under speculation the SIN's and RIT's are screwed
I guess under speculation the SIN's and RIT's are screwed
how many times is a creeping darkness going to take over?
Omega X
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Hey, there,
I need to share something I just posted in another forum, because I think it's really relevant here, too. I was reading the forums this evening and started to get that déjà vu feeling. Back in 2004, when we announced Guild Wars Prophecies, we saw a lot of retailers pick up on the news and post about the game on their sites. That was good – we appreciated them getting the word out that our game was coming, and they, of course, profited from sharing the info by lining up sales of the preorder and the game. However, there were some problems with what they posted: Some of it just wasn't factual. For instance, how many veterans remember the "cloth map" that was allegedly going to be part of the Prophecies Collector's Edition? Or how about the supposed "Special Edition" that at least one retailer offered, with a contents list like the CE contents but a price that was $20 lower? Does anyone remember about 412 "release dates," too? ![]() The problem with all these things is: The information did not come from ArenaNet. The information was wrong. We love to share information. We're excited about Nightfall and can't wait to tell you about it: facts, figures, dates, the whole nine yards! So if we had things nailed down, we would announce details from the rooftops! But things are not locked down yet and neither the box contents nor the game content is finalized. Therefore, we're not making any announcements. Bottom line: Wait to hear it from ArenaNet. We'll give you the straight info, and as soon as we can. |
The company has a BETA event not even 4 days away and there STILL isn't any "official" details about the game. Come on now, most games have plenty of information out about their game months before its released.
Now a description of the game is Posted on EB Games, and all of a sudden, "travesty and lies".
Debunk the thing with the OFFICIAL description already. Or is this one of those, "its coming" moments?
I'm inclined to believe the EB Games description until the "Official" description from Anet.
Thank you, Gaile, for saying absolutely nothing once again. You've simply said that sometimes retailers don't give out correct information and haven't said a single thing about the validity of this retailer's claim. This post can just as easily be construed as, "Oops! We weren't supposed to reveal that this soon!" as it can be construed as, "This is wrong information."
If you want to put down a rumor, this is not the way to do it. Stand up and say that the rumor itself is wrong. Do not attack the source of the rumor. You are the content providers and your voice is absolute -- if you say it isn't so, then it isn't so. And so if you want to put down this rumor, which would be very much in your best interests if it happens to be false, then stand up and say, "This is false information." Don't just pussyfoot around the topic. Stand up and say it. Doing this, avoiding the outright denial while attempting to create doubt only affirms the belief that this rumor is true - because if it is true then you can't issue an outright denial.
Sadly, though, this situation becomes much more complex when you consider that parts of disclosed information could be correct whereas parts could be unfounded and incorrect. In such a case an outright denial would come back to bite ANet as parts of it were true and a partial denial would completely affirm some knowledge of the product which can not yet be made public. Honestly, here, if I had to venture a guess I would say that the release date is the most likely to be false about this. Nightfall has been in production for approximately 9 months and still has approximately 3 months to go til it is expected to be on the market. It is very unlikely that the release date could be honed in on this early, and to make things even more uncertain the posted release date would be exactly 6 months after the release of Factions. Thus it is quite possible that EBGames simply guessed at that release date. Other things that could possibly be false would be the other numbers -- the amount of skills, (Factions added 300 unique skills and thus it could be assumed Nightfall would add the same) the number of missions and zones, the amount of guildhalls added and most definitely the number of quests. (Would you honestly expect ANet to know either exactly or approximately how many quests are in the released game with 3 months left til the product goes live?) HOWEVER, the creative content has a much higher chance of being true or to at least contain a nugget of truth. The rest of the information could easily be educated guesses, but who in their right mind would make an educated guess that one of the main selling points of GW:N would be customizable henchies and that they would be involved in a new brand of PvP? Nobody. Mark my words, at some point and at some time the concept of Heroes was included in Nightfall and ANet let EBGames know about it. Whether or not these Heroes still remain in Nightfall or if they were scrapped I do not and can not know. But this piece of evidence lets us know that these were a part of Nightfall's development and likely still are as it is fairly unlikely the posted information is old and out of date and thus no long a part of it.
SO, let me recap: Do not trust the numbers on EBGame's website. They could easily be educated guesses. But do trust the Hero concept. And until Gaile or ANet says directly otherwise this will continue to be considered as truth.
Also, please note that the spot where Gaile said "The information was wrong," was referring to previous information given out by retailers and has no reference to this particular chunk of information given out by EBGames. I would hate to have someone respond to this post saying, "BUT SHE DID CLARIFY!"
If you want to put down a rumor, this is not the way to do it. Stand up and say that the rumor itself is wrong. Do not attack the source of the rumor. You are the content providers and your voice is absolute -- if you say it isn't so, then it isn't so. And so if you want to put down this rumor, which would be very much in your best interests if it happens to be false, then stand up and say, "This is false information." Don't just pussyfoot around the topic. Stand up and say it. Doing this, avoiding the outright denial while attempting to create doubt only affirms the belief that this rumor is true - because if it is true then you can't issue an outright denial.
Sadly, though, this situation becomes much more complex when you consider that parts of disclosed information could be correct whereas parts could be unfounded and incorrect. In such a case an outright denial would come back to bite ANet as parts of it were true and a partial denial would completely affirm some knowledge of the product which can not yet be made public. Honestly, here, if I had to venture a guess I would say that the release date is the most likely to be false about this. Nightfall has been in production for approximately 9 months and still has approximately 3 months to go til it is expected to be on the market. It is very unlikely that the release date could be honed in on this early, and to make things even more uncertain the posted release date would be exactly 6 months after the release of Factions. Thus it is quite possible that EBGames simply guessed at that release date. Other things that could possibly be false would be the other numbers -- the amount of skills, (Factions added 300 unique skills and thus it could be assumed Nightfall would add the same) the number of missions and zones, the amount of guildhalls added and most definitely the number of quests. (Would you honestly expect ANet to know either exactly or approximately how many quests are in the released game with 3 months left til the product goes live?) HOWEVER, the creative content has a much higher chance of being true or to at least contain a nugget of truth. The rest of the information could easily be educated guesses, but who in their right mind would make an educated guess that one of the main selling points of GW:N would be customizable henchies and that they would be involved in a new brand of PvP? Nobody. Mark my words, at some point and at some time the concept of Heroes was included in Nightfall and ANet let EBGames know about it. Whether or not these Heroes still remain in Nightfall or if they were scrapped I do not and can not know. But this piece of evidence lets us know that these were a part of Nightfall's development and likely still are as it is fairly unlikely the posted information is old and out of date and thus no long a part of it.
SO, let me recap: Do not trust the numbers on EBGame's website. They could easily be educated guesses. But do trust the Hero concept. And until Gaile or ANet says directly otherwise this will continue to be considered as truth.
Also, please note that the spot where Gaile said "The information was wrong," was referring to previous information given out by retailers and has no reference to this particular chunk of information given out by EBGames. I would hate to have someone respond to this post saying, "BUT SHE DID CLARIFY!"
Lost Merchant
the idea is giving me a bit of a hyp, i'm imaginning leading a war with my henchies ^^, having them all dress like me and all, i'm 15k and their 1.5k... ahh... who needs a guild lol, gunna get high from my own supply! ;D
Elin Grindemyr X

I highly doubt they will keep people at 6 slots. I am sure you will get 2 more slots for merged accounts.
Besides you can always buy slots.
Besides you can always buy slots.
Ships 10/26/06
Ships 10/26/06
Terra Xin
I hope the mesmers wardrobe is better looking than factions.. i mean, the female version was nice, but the guys lucked out on looks... you have to look your best in order to intimidate your foes^^.
Fully customizable henchies? This is like, a guy playing a game, playing a game... Well you never know, they have multiple definitions for the word skill, maybe the word 'hero' doesn't mean henchies... after all, they never said that they were 'henchmen'.
Fully customizable henchies? This is like, a guy playing a game, playing a game... Well you never know, they have multiple definitions for the word skill, maybe the word 'hero' doesn't mean henchies... after all, they never said that they were 'henchmen'.
this sounds good, i like the hench idea and 20 missions and 55 areas sounds awesome! i can't wait!
seems more like prophecies again! YAYAY!!!! more missions, more quests, new skills. I can not wait.
hope the new professions kick as much ass as im expecting
hope the new professions kick as much ass as im expecting
Sounds cool.
Expect my new Customized henchie's team - WAMMO SQUAD - A full metal squad (too much anime?) made of irresistable hard-core masters of sword melee combat which yeld powerfull constant regeneration effect and ability to counter damage on the fray. They tank without fear, they frenzy due pressure and they don't bring ress signets, cuz they are HARDCORE. ... premade W/Mo ftw

sounds good.
check this out, specially the last (bold) part is interesting
E3 2006: Guild Wars Campaign 3
The next update brings a North African flavor to the world.
by Steve Butts
May 11, 2006 - Following the recent release of Factions, the team behind Guild Wars is already hard at work creating an entirely new campaign set for the game. Though team isn't quite ready to start revealing details of the game, they were willing to show us a very impressive trailer that let us get a good look at the locations for the new campaign as well as some concept art for the creatures and NPCs that might populate it.
Starting on a rocky beach, the demo focused on a somewhat run-down dock and a massive, swan-shaped ship with sails that looked like dragonfly wings. From there the game transitions to a North Africa style savannah. Green trees, rocky outcrops and gaily painted mud huts decorate the landscape. We soon traveled to a very interesting windmill that had a hawk-like figure on its top.
By far the most beautiful visuals came when we moved to a massive stone city. Decorated with golden minarets and lush gardens, it looked like the perfect place to relax. There's also a magical touch here as some of the plants actually hang in the air. Water cascading down from them into crystal clear pools gave the whole area a really mystical atmosphere.
After taking a tour and seeing the sights, the team showed us a ton of concept art for the game. The NPCs and creatures all fit the African sort of theme but they show heavy fantasy influences as well. Robed dervishes and giant flattened worms shared the stage with desert warriors and horned tapirs. We'd love to give you details on the new creatures and the classes but the team isn't quite ready to reveal any of those details just yet.
NCSoft told us that the 110 person Guild Wars team has been divided up into two separate campaign teams. That allows them to release an entirely new campaign every six months. Each one is intended to offer a unique visual style based either on real world geography and culture or some sort of mythological setting. Each campaign will also support an entirely new tournament event.
check this out, specially the last (bold) part is interesting
E3 2006: Guild Wars Campaign 3
The next update brings a North African flavor to the world.
by Steve Butts
May 11, 2006 - Following the recent release of Factions, the team behind Guild Wars is already hard at work creating an entirely new campaign set for the game. Though team isn't quite ready to start revealing details of the game, they were willing to show us a very impressive trailer that let us get a good look at the locations for the new campaign as well as some concept art for the creatures and NPCs that might populate it.
Starting on a rocky beach, the demo focused on a somewhat run-down dock and a massive, swan-shaped ship with sails that looked like dragonfly wings. From there the game transitions to a North Africa style savannah. Green trees, rocky outcrops and gaily painted mud huts decorate the landscape. We soon traveled to a very interesting windmill that had a hawk-like figure on its top.
By far the most beautiful visuals came when we moved to a massive stone city. Decorated with golden minarets and lush gardens, it looked like the perfect place to relax. There's also a magical touch here as some of the plants actually hang in the air. Water cascading down from them into crystal clear pools gave the whole area a really mystical atmosphere.
After taking a tour and seeing the sights, the team showed us a ton of concept art for the game. The NPCs and creatures all fit the African sort of theme but they show heavy fantasy influences as well. Robed dervishes and giant flattened worms shared the stage with desert warriors and horned tapirs. We'd love to give you details on the new creatures and the classes but the team isn't quite ready to reveal any of those details just yet.
NCSoft told us that the 110 person Guild Wars team has been divided up into two separate campaign teams. That allows them to release an entirely new campaign every six months. Each one is intended to offer a unique visual style based either on real world geography and culture or some sort of mythological setting. Each campaign will also support an entirely new tournament event.
I hope it will be 105 skills for each of the new proffession, 30 for sin and rt, and 5 for core 6. To make it even 105 for each profession
Customizeble Heroes could very well be just a few, as something on the side for henchmen, not actual henchmen. I wouldnt get my hopes up yet.
Juicey Shake
cute but 1 on 1 was not the pvp update I was hoping for
oh well, bring on the pve grind.
oh well, bring on the pve grind.
lies all lies :P
not confirmed by anet then i dont believe it yet
not confirmed by anet then i dont believe it yet
Woohoo BiP henchie here I come!! I just hope they make it so that he uses bip and br when i flash my energy bar, that would own!
This is Lies Gaile Grey Was in InterNAtional District Last Night and i Asked if She Could Reveal ''Anything About'' In-Game Content Which She Couldent Then i Asked since You Can't Reveal Game Content Is There By Anyway You Could Say What The Story Is about and i Got The Replie That is ''Very hush Hush'' About The game Story So i Really Doubt That Esb... Whould HAve Gotten The Real Info About The Game...
Duly Thankful
Originally posted by Nexium This is Lies Gaile Grey Was in InterNAtional District Last Night and i Asked if She Could Reveal ''Anything About'' In-Game Content Which She Couldent Then i Asked since You Can't Reveal Game Content Is There By Anyway You Could Say What The Story Is about and i Got The Replie That is ''Very hush Hush'' About The game Story So i Really Doubt That Esb... Whould HAve Gotten The Real Info About The Game... |
I Asked Gaile Grey Can you Reveal Anything About Gw: Nightfall
And Gaile Replied: That it's too Earlie Too Reveal Anything and It's Very Hush Hush'' About The story..
And think ABout it Why Whould some Half assed game site put thing's like that upp and Not Anet Theme Selves?
And Gaile Replied: That it's too Earlie Too Reveal Anything and It's Very Hush Hush'' About The story..
And think ABout it Why Whould some Half assed game site put thing's like that upp and Not Anet Theme Selves?
exiled mat
Originally Posted by Raziel665
Customizeble Heroes could very well be just a few, as something on the side for henchmen, not actual henchmen. I wouldnt get my hopes up yet.
Tetris L
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
The problem with all these things is: The information did not come from ArenaNet. The information was wrong.
Bottom line: Wait to hear it from ArenaNet. We'll give you the straight info, and as soon as we can. |