I think its a really nice idea for the factions and nightfall ONLY players who wants to only Pvp and doesnt want to buy the prophecies campaign at the full price only for the skills (Because they dont even care about the pvE bit).This is not designed for the prophecies guys too lazy to capture the skills by themselves...(Though i think its a bit overpriced, maybe 20 eur for every skill...)
Actually, if the work out a Similar pack for factions, it is possible that i skip the chapter and buy them..... (Have not decided yet, im afraid the PvE part of cantha doesnt worth the price).
And above all..... This posibilities (As the slot ones) doesnt affect anyone in the game, if you want to capture it the traditional way. Do it.
You are facing it the wrong way. This doesnt give anyone advantage. You have to see it as a "PvP only version" of prophecies. And the best part, its the possibility to purchase only one character skills, it would be lame to put all in the same "All-or-nothing" pack
The only thing that would make me hate the store thing its the "Extra thing only avalaible if you play extra XX €".... It reminds me of some massive-php-games.... "Upgrade now to GW gold version"....
Two or three thumbs up.....