Skill Unlocks in the Guild Wars Store!
I can see it now.. by logical extension of this move "Buy ecto, $1 each!", "FoW armor package for all 6 classes, at a special price of $119.95, limited time only!"
Gaile Gray
Some have asked why this is being offered now, and not earlier. It really is a matter of timing. While UAS was requested from Day One, it wasn't appropriate to offer it at the start of Prophecies. For reasons I've already stated, it is appropriate to offer it now, so that players can catch up Prophecies and move on to Factions, and so that players new to Prophecies can, if they wish, get into a level playing field in the game that is, after all, 16 months old. If you ask to borrow the car keys at age 10, you're going to get an answer along the lines of "That isn't appropriate." If you ask again at 20, it's a totally different situation. So it is with this request: The desire has always been present; the time to fulfill that desire is now at hand.
Originally Posted by Yunas Ele
Why not sell fame too? Most good groups want r6+ or r9+ anyways. Allow new players to catch up. This "rank elitism" is probably going to seek into TA and GvG too, so why not sell Champ & Glad Pts while your at it. I mean those things are just like faction, you grind for them. They don't mean anything so no harm done in selling them to us.
What about the PvE side of things. Long time PvErs get nice titles like Grandmaster Cartographer or Kind Of A Big Deal. Let people buy these new titles so they can "catch up" I mean in the end, its just more money for ANet. And as far as I'm concerned that seems to be ANet's priorty right now. What about all the lag and err7s ppl are getting? The unbalanced skills? Forget that, lets add something so that ANet can make more money! That being said I guess you can't blame them. ANet isn't a charity, they're a company out to make money. P.S - I apologize for raging at you in this post, Gaile. I realize pretty much all these changes are out of your controll. You have a difficult job. I know if my company told me to go out and convince and a game's online community that a change we just made which screwed up the game but made us more money was a good option, I wouldn't be able to do it. I'm just pissed about this change so I rage here. Don't take it personally ![]() |
Originally Posted by shinrinningu
I think this saves money for PvP-only players or people who only play the game for PvP and want to stay competitive. Instead of buying future chapters for a full $50 and then grind all the skills for PvP through PvE, they can buy the skill packs for less (although, I do hope they can lower the price a bit more for a whole chapter pack) and have to own only just ONE chapter.
. |
brilliant move
did you note that Factions packs were not offered or that it was stated new packs for later chapters would be much later to prevent just that?
and no other professions of course
Originally Posted by Yunas Ele
I know if my company told me to go out and convince and a game's online community that a change we just made which screwed up the game...
If they expand on this, and make the Rune of Omega Vigor, or sell Fissure Armor, Fame, or any other number of retarded things, then yes, is screws up the game. They have not done that though, stop talking as though they have.
Originally Posted by Yunas Ele
Why not sell fame too? Most good groups want r6+ or r9+ anyways. Allow new players to catch up. This "rank elitism" is probably going to seek into TA and GvG too, so why not sell Champ & Glad Pts while your at it. I mean those things are just like faction, you grind for them. They don't mean anything so no harm done in selling them to us.
Knightsaber Sith
I'm very dissapointed in Anet
strange that they didn't put any Factions skills in there though....

strange that they didn't put any Factions skills in there though....
Interesting decision; essentially, if you buy, you're paying to skip the grind (for faction in this case)
That's pretty much the same premise the ebay gold companies sell on - "you're paying us for time" i.e. you pay them to skip the grind.
Still overpriced, as were the slot prices imho. My only concern is where this will lead in future, if it will be like Oblivion where new content is all pay-to-add. I've a feeling content additions like S.F. will probably be a thing of the past, hopefully I'm wrong.
That's pretty much the same premise the ebay gold companies sell on - "you're paying us for time" i.e. you pay them to skip the grind.
Still overpriced, as were the slot prices imho. My only concern is where this will lead in future, if it will be like Oblivion where new content is all pay-to-add. I've a feeling content additions like S.F. will probably be a thing of the past, hopefully I'm wrong.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Some have asked why this is being offered now, and not earlier. It really is a matter of timing. While UAS was requested from Day One, it wasn't appropriate to offer it at the start of Prophecies. For reasons I've already stated, it is appropriate to offer it now, so that players can catch up Prophecies and move on to Factions, and so that players new to Prophecies can, if they wish, get into a level playing field in the game that is, after all, 16 months old. If you ask to borrow the car keys at age 10, you're going to get an answer along the lines of "That isn't appropriate." If you ask again at 20, it's a totally different situation. So it is with this request: The desire has always been present; the time to fulfill that desire is now at hand.
Likewise by a logical extension of this, (ie: selling out for money to make up for a stupid policy), I don't see why selling Fissure armor for cash would hurt the "game" either, you don't sell actual item, you simply sell an "unlock" so the player who paid can go to a NPC and collect his new ePeen. It doesn't hurt the economy, no virtual "materials" are released to players using this scheme, money can essentially be thought of as being instantaneously created and sinked.
Nexus Icon
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
While UAS was requested from Day One, it wasn't appropriate to offer it at the start of Prophecies.
Why wasn't it "appropriate"?
I honestly can't think of a reason other than you hadn't managed to develop a suitable channel to allow you to charge for it.
If all of the skills had been available to all PvPers at the start, skill imbalances would have been discovered and fixed earlier.
If all of the skills had been available to all PvPers at the start, people would have been able to get to grips with them sooner and you could have started your publicity-generating world tournaments sooner.
If all of the skills had been available to all PvPers at the start, the animosity between PvPers and PvEers would have been almost non-existent as there would be no reason for one to envy the other.
See, lots of reasons why UAS from the beginning of the game would have been good, but I can't think of a single reason it would have been bad.
Go on Gaile, enlighten us...
Originally Posted by Solange
First i wanna say i've always been in favor of UAS/UAX(Unlock all skills) but never through means of paying $$$ for them.
I think many jumped to Guild Wars because there was NO MONTHLY fee to begin with when they could have charged one like many of the other MMORPGs. If it was their main interest to make money they could have started charging a monthly fee right away >>>>I think thats why so many people love A.NET and Guild Wars is they feel its more about the game than about them making money...This sort of changes that.<<<<<< They could have sold expansion packs based soley on content and new items, weapons, new armor designs, weapon designs, new landmass, new monsters, new quests and mission etcc but instead they limited what skills were available in each expansion pack to setup what we have here now at the store. ![]() |
>They want your money
>They want your friends money
>Yes, grandma's money too!
>None of the above are wrong in anyway. ANet is a business, not a non-profit Father Joe's discount gaming company.
As many people have said. Having the skills is only the first part of being successful, after that you have to learn how to use them, and then even after that you have to be able to prove your ability to use them by gaining fame or other titles that show you're experienced.
People who are new to the game still start at rank 0, and have to claw their way up in rank and experience just like we did. On top of that, for newcomers to the game grinding all the way up is that much more difficult because they're facing more difficult teams than those that existed at the beginning of the game.
There are now rank 9+s all over the PvP realm. That's a HUGE leap in experience from someone that's brand new, and it's going to take them a long time to get lucky enough to win some matches. Let's give em a break eh, at least let em have some of the skills so they can try and copy and learn from the higher rankers. It's not too much to ask I would think.
It's $10-40. Seems like a pretty reasonable price too, if you compare the ammount of time it takes to earn that much money and compare it to the time it takes to RA or GvG that much faction. They're definitely not equal, i'd say maybe 3/1 or 4/1. A good ratio for boosting the time it takes for a noobie to start getting up to speed.
EDIT: Oh and I commend GW for making such a helpful tool available to the new gamers. It's a great business strategy and a great way to keep new players from getting discouraged and leaving because of all the players that are leaps and bounds ahead of them. I'd say give it about 2-3 weeks for these punks to stop whining then go ahead and release some other cool feature. Thx
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Some have asked why this is being offered now, and not earlier. It really is a matter of timing. While UAS was requested from Day One, it wasn't appropriate to offer it at the start of Prophecies. For reasons I've already stated, it is appropriate to offer it now, so that players can catch up Prophecies and move on to Factions, and so that players new to Prophecies can, if they wish, get into a level playing field in the game that is, after all, 16 months old. If you ask to borrow the car keys at age 10, you're going to get an answer along the lines of "That isn't appropriate." If you ask again at 20, it's a totally different situation. So it is with this request: The desire has always been present; the time to fulfill that desire is now at hand.
Well, I do like the idea, since it only affects PvPers; if it were PvE too, that'd b a different story. However, I wish the price was a bit cheaper, 'cause not everyone can burn a whole in their pocket and not notice the difference.
Anet dont need to sell rank, the faction farmers do already, on ebay...
there are many many visa tigers out there... and you guys wanna quit the game over this, cyas. Folks buy gold and tigers on ebay, and you criticize Gaile over this?!?
Skill unlocks for prophecies are SO benign as to not matter as far as game balance and are HUGELY useful for someone who only has factions. Whats the big deal, price? Consider how long it took to get UAS in prophecies, I'd personally be outraged if it WAS less.... Its fair to US, and its great for new players as well as for Anet...
there are many many visa tigers out there... and you guys wanna quit the game over this, cyas. Folks buy gold and tigers on ebay, and you criticize Gaile over this?!?
Skill unlocks for prophecies are SO benign as to not matter as far as game balance and are HUGELY useful for someone who only has factions. Whats the big deal, price? Consider how long it took to get UAS in prophecies, I'd personally be outraged if it WAS less.... Its fair to US, and its great for new players as well as for Anet...
Originally Posted by Nexus Icon
It's like playing Quake 3 only to discover that you can't pick up the rocket launcher because you haven't played long enough or paid enough money...
I really don't see where the downside is.
Yunas Ele
Originally Posted by stueyman2099
Ok, alot of people keep saying this is screwing up the game. HOW? The only explanation given so far is that people can get an unfair advantage by paying $40. THIS IS NOT TRUE! (Go back and read JR's posts pls) If you are against this, for the love of god, give us a reason why...
If they expand on this, and make the Rune of Omega Vigor, or sell Fissure Armor, Fame, or any other number of retarded things, then yes, is screws up the game. They have not done that though, stop talking as though they have. [/rant] |
Again, I apologize for not being clear. No, adding UAX did not screw up the game. I am simply raging about POSSIBLE future additions. If they just leave it at buying UAX, then I'm a happy camper. If they add the other things then yes I think they screwed up the game and I will be raged. My post was not clear on this, my apologies
Originally Posted by Sekkira
Just try and get into a decent GvG guild with only your rank to back up your 'skill'. Just don't your emotions get too hurt when you get laughed out of their recruitment forums.
Originally Posted by Loviatar
and you can be only one year behind in the skills you have.
brilliant move did you note that Factions packs were not offered or that it was stated new packs for later chapters would be much later to prevent just that? and no other professions of course |
And now with that realization, I have to say this is mighty expensive. I was wrong. To get the full advantage, you'd have to own all chapters and buy the skill unlocks if this were the case. So, yes, I was wrong about the ONE chapter only thing too.
As for the delay in unlock pack releases for each chapter, I am not sure about that. I was under the impression that the Factions skill packs will be released eventually (maybe before the release of Nightfall). If it was a delay of one year before each Chapter unlock pack, I don't see how that will keep PvP players competitive. I don't really see how this will also expand PvP and competitiveness significantly if it does not allow access to expansion professions.
Hmm, a lot of things to be answered.

Originally Posted by Diablo
Why ask so much for it though ? It has the same cost as a new chapter...
I agree that it has its pros and cons...
Now anyone with money can just roll it up and not work for it - sucks yeah, sure... However if you are a good pvper then going up against these so called non skilled players should easily rack up the points for your fame and faction belt. It will suck for the ABers for a bit but then thats never stopped them from asking you to flash your rank before joining the group so how is that to change now?
Yes sifting through the amount of newbs who didn't "earn" their skills will suck, but its not much different once you think about it.
I am a little ticked that it wasn't something we could have had earlier... Good lord all the unlocks I still have left but none of them worth the massive about of money I would have to spend to get them if I bought them this way - 3 of the classes I have are only 1/4 to half unlocked and thusly not worth the money. However that just means tons more hours playing to get what so many others can buy -_- (pay per skill anyone? >_> Yeah and I hate RA lol).
I was MOST disapointed not to see the Sin and Rit on there though... Those are the two classes I will likely never play outside pvp *shrugs*
Once I get past the OMG WHY NOW syndrome I'm sure this can be seen in a different and better light for many who are hardcore pvpers at heart but don't have the time to unlock everything the long and hard way because their playing times are more casual than they would like because of work and life.
It has its pros and cons but I dont think that its anything that the rest of us cant live with as far as the cons go.
Now anyone with money can just roll it up and not work for it - sucks yeah, sure... However if you are a good pvper then going up against these so called non skilled players should easily rack up the points for your fame and faction belt. It will suck for the ABers for a bit but then thats never stopped them from asking you to flash your rank before joining the group so how is that to change now?
Yes sifting through the amount of newbs who didn't "earn" their skills will suck, but its not much different once you think about it.
I am a little ticked that it wasn't something we could have had earlier... Good lord all the unlocks I still have left but none of them worth the massive about of money I would have to spend to get them if I bought them this way - 3 of the classes I have are only 1/4 to half unlocked and thusly not worth the money. However that just means tons more hours playing to get what so many others can buy -_- (pay per skill anyone? >_> Yeah and I hate RA lol).
I was MOST disapointed not to see the Sin and Rit on there though... Those are the two classes I will likely never play outside pvp *shrugs*
Once I get past the OMG WHY NOW syndrome I'm sure this can be seen in a different and better light for many who are hardcore pvpers at heart but don't have the time to unlock everything the long and hard way because their playing times are more casual than they would like because of work and life.
It has its pros and cons but I dont think that its anything that the rest of us cant live with as far as the cons go.
Originally Posted by Yunas Ele
If they just leave it at buying UAX, then I'm a happy camper. If they add the other things then yes I think they screwed up the game and I will be raged. My post was not clear on this, my apologies.
Originally Posted by Loviatar
and you can be only one year behind in the skills you have.
brilliant move did you note that Factions packs were not offered or that it was stated new packs for later chapters would be much later to prevent just that? and no other professions of course |
By what Gaile just said Im guessing that when the chapter after nightfall is announced and 2 months before its released, this UAS will be available for Factions, but then again it's not Prophecies (The Core Package)
-For the people comparing additional slots and Chapter UAS to unlocking FoW, it's not even close... The trend is ACCOUNT-BASED features, NOT CHARACTER-SPECIFIC
wren e
I really feel that most of you are missing the point here and are worried about future additions to the online store that will never happen.
Being able to buy a skill pack for each chapter should be looked at as the PvP version of each chapter, that is why the price is set as high as it is. Also this is an option for those that join GW in the FUTURE and enable them to be able to be competitive with those of us that have been playing the game since release without having to play through hundreds of hours of additional game play before they are able to play in the way that they wish. By offering this, Anet is confirming there mantra of "skill over time spent" by allowing new players the OPTION to purchase these PvP unlocks for previous chapters that they may not own but would need to play competitively. This option is needed to keep GW PvP alive with each additional chapter that will be released.
This change does not change PvE at all. I see no reason for any person that strictly PvE's to even comment on this, since it effects no part of the game that you play. I understand that you are fearful that Anet will offer some type of equipment, material, gold, or other service through the store that would make all the time and effort you have put into the game seem meaningless and pointless. Anet will not do this since they do release that GW is made up of mostly PvEers, and a move like this would disenfrancish those players and lose money.
This is also a move to recapture many of the strictly PvPers that had left the game when it first came out since they felt that they where cheated by having to grind through a game mode they wanted nothing to do with to be able to get to playing how they wanted.
Just my 2 cents.
Being able to buy a skill pack for each chapter should be looked at as the PvP version of each chapter, that is why the price is set as high as it is. Also this is an option for those that join GW in the FUTURE and enable them to be able to be competitive with those of us that have been playing the game since release without having to play through hundreds of hours of additional game play before they are able to play in the way that they wish. By offering this, Anet is confirming there mantra of "skill over time spent" by allowing new players the OPTION to purchase these PvP unlocks for previous chapters that they may not own but would need to play competitively. This option is needed to keep GW PvP alive with each additional chapter that will be released.
This change does not change PvE at all. I see no reason for any person that strictly PvE's to even comment on this, since it effects no part of the game that you play. I understand that you are fearful that Anet will offer some type of equipment, material, gold, or other service through the store that would make all the time and effort you have put into the game seem meaningless and pointless. Anet will not do this since they do release that GW is made up of mostly PvEers, and a move like this would disenfrancish those players and lose money.
This is also a move to recapture many of the strictly PvPers that had left the game when it first came out since they felt that they where cheated by having to grind through a game mode they wanted nothing to do with to be able to get to playing how they wanted.
Just my 2 cents.
english storm
i dont pvp so it does't effect me, but i guess not everyone has time to unlock all the skill so this is a good thing in my book. Even if you hate the idea and think it's a rip off the simple answer is.....
Just ignore it completly, or better still unistall GW and never play again, that way you can be safe in the knowledge that the evil people at Anet can't take your money away from you.
Just ignore it completly, or better still unistall GW and never play again, that way you can be safe in the knowledge that the evil people at Anet can't take your money away from you.
Personally, I couldn't give a crap. When they start offering NEW skills ONLY thru the on-line store, then it's time to make a stand.
I've played in 3 beta events, picked up factions .. when the CE actually came out late. I'm mostly a pve myself (less Alliance Battles, there fun
How do I feel about this... err ok, that's cool. I mostly pve and slave over unlocks and don't have much to show but this does NOT bother me.
Having the skill does NOT equal being able to use it. It allows a person to pick on 1 chapter, then pay the cost of the game (without having the actually game) to get access to the other skills per game (I see factions unlock next).
I will bet you that when Chapter 4 comes out, Factions will show up in the store the same way for unlocks.
As a pve, this does not affect me at all, and allows pvp another avenue to get skills.
Also do you know the pain it will be to get UAS if you jump in to GW say on Chapter 6 and having to buy all the previous chapter then to grind for them be in PvP faction points or quests. Not only that if you want to pve, you still have to buy the game a 2nd time for the PvE.
In some ways here the answer, I want to pvp and not pve, ok pay the same price that can do both (but have to unlock) and here you go. Pay more latter if you want to add the pve back in. I also think the prices are fair for the convience.
Also notice this is skills only, not equipment. This move make sense for the way the game is evolving.

How do I feel about this... err ok, that's cool. I mostly pve and slave over unlocks and don't have much to show but this does NOT bother me.
Having the skill does NOT equal being able to use it. It allows a person to pick on 1 chapter, then pay the cost of the game (without having the actually game) to get access to the other skills per game (I see factions unlock next).
I will bet you that when Chapter 4 comes out, Factions will show up in the store the same way for unlocks.
As a pve, this does not affect me at all, and allows pvp another avenue to get skills.
Also do you know the pain it will be to get UAS if you jump in to GW say on Chapter 6 and having to buy all the previous chapter then to grind for them be in PvP faction points or quests. Not only that if you want to pve, you still have to buy the game a 2nd time for the PvE.
In some ways here the answer, I want to pvp and not pve, ok pay the same price that can do both (but have to unlock) and here you go. Pay more latter if you want to add the pve back in. I also think the prices are fair for the convience.
Also notice this is skills only, not equipment. This move make sense for the way the game is evolving.
Gaile, this isn't even close to what people mean when they talk about UAX. All this change does is level the grinding playing field... Newer players are now in the same boat as older ones. They now both 'only' have an average of 2 hours PER DAY requirement just to keep up with the rate of unlocks coming out every 6 months. When people talk about UAX, they're talking about removing this unnecessary grind.
In actuality it's not such a problem as the majority of skills in the game, especially in GW:Factions, are... well, bad. Funny that the large proportion of bad skills is the saving grace of a horribly flawed system, isn't it? There were only a handful of skills in GW:Factions worth unlocking.
Ps. Diablo, it's GW:Prophecies for the PvP-only players. They don't need to buy a GW:Prophecies CD-Key to utilise this. That's why it costs as much as it does... or rather, why it's justifiable to have it cost as much as it does. Perhaps they should have a bundle package for PvPvE players, where you get access to GW:Prophecies with UAX included at $59.99-ish?
In actuality it's not such a problem as the majority of skills in the game, especially in GW:Factions, are... well, bad. Funny that the large proportion of bad skills is the saving grace of a horribly flawed system, isn't it? There were only a handful of skills in GW:Factions worth unlocking.
Ps. Diablo, it's GW:Prophecies for the PvP-only players. They don't need to buy a GW:Prophecies CD-Key to utilise this. That's why it costs as much as it does... or rather, why it's justifiable to have it cost as much as it does. Perhaps they should have a bundle package for PvPvE players, where you get access to GW:Prophecies with UAX included at $59.99-ish?
I think that it's ok, as long as Anet doesnt go overboard and start letting people buy PvE unlock packages. Any way it doesnt take long to unlock skills by buying them from the trainers.
Former Ruling
40 for UAX for Core/Chapter 1 is Fair...
ALOT of people (including me) paid 40 bucks for "GOTY" (06) edition for 7 special weapons.
So 40 bucks for 454! Skill unlocks isn't that much...
ALOT of people (including me) paid 40 bucks for "GOTY" (06) edition for 7 special weapons.
So 40 bucks for 454! Skill unlocks isn't that much...
Chris Blackstar
Originally Posted by TheMosesPHD
As many people have said. Having the skills is only the first part of being successful, after that you have to learn how to use them, and then even after that you have to be able to prove your ability to use them by gaining fame or other titles that show you're experienced.
People who are new to the game still start at rank 0, and have to claw their way up in rank and experience just like we did. On top of that, for newcomers to the game grinding all the way up is that much more difficult because they're facing more difficult teams than those that existed at the beginning of the game. There are now rank 9+s all over the PvP realm. That's a HUGE leap in experience from someone that's brand new, and it's going to take them a long time to get lucky enough to win some matches. Let's give em a break eh, at least let em have some of the skills so they can try and copy and learn from the higher rankers. It's not too much to ask I would think. |
Players that only play HA and only use cookie cutter build to easly obtain fame and think they are experenced are just as new as a new player can be. I think HA should be revamped as a part of this new update to skills being released, so new players truely have a chance to expore the skills and learn them, instead of being forced to use predetermined builds, which by the way do not exist on the PvP build page of character creation, to explore.
Just a to let you know, I am rank 0, but I have been playing this game since before it's inception, I am not a noob, but according to you I would be, thus the fatal flaw in the system.
Why do ppl care what others do with their money? i got about 90% unlocked for prophecies and factions, and when i get to that 100%, it will be for my own satisfaction, not someone elses.
Some ppl in this community need a realty check...
Some ppl in this community need a realty check...
There is just one thing I just looked at the store and the Monk and Necromancer line of skills were not there.This is unless you buy the whole line up at 39.99 then you get them.I guess they will have to update it.
Omega X
Meh, I'm just waiting for that ONE mistake that they will make with the GW Store. They will learn.
Offering these buyable packs only makes earning them in game that much more painful. But it is the easy way out instead of changing the system for PvP.
Offering these buyable packs only makes earning them in game that much more painful. But it is the easy way out instead of changing the system for PvP.
Originally Posted by Chris Blackstar
Players like you are the reason why most new players quit. You feel that because you are r9+, you are experenced, and R0 players are noobs, well hate to break it to you, but players who don't play just HA, will be R0 also, but they are not noobs, not by a long shot.
Players that only play HA and only use cookie cutter build to easly obtain fame and think they are experenced are just as new as a new player can be. I think HA should be revamped as a part of this new update to skills being released, so new players truely have a chance to expore the skills and learn them, instead of being forced to use predetermined builds, which by the way do not exist on the PvP build page of character creation, to explore. Just a to let you know, I am rank 0, but I have been playing this game since before it's inception, I am not a noob, but according to you I would be, thus the fatal flaw in the system. |
First off, I'm rank 7, thx for asking. I'm quite a ways away from being r9.
Second. I said this:
new players (noobs) are r0
I did not say:
r0 are noobs.
Believe it or not, those are two very different statements.
What I was saying in my post was that just having the skills does not make you an instant success. Regardless of how much even you have played this game, if you are indeed r0, then unless you are with a guild group or group of friends, it is harder to get into a good group for PvP.
On top of that, the new players are taken up another level in difficulty from your predicament. While you have experience with the game, despite not having a rank in one specific area of it. A new player does not have any experience. Also you have more connections with players in the game, where a new player has one or none. You are more likely to get PvP group and be successful because of these things
Not only is finding a PvP group difficult for a new player, once they do find that group, they are still new to the game, so they won't be able to perform and assist their group to a very high degree, and therefore decrease the chances of their group being successful.
I was not trying to insult anyone with the post you quoted, and I did not insult anyone with the post you quoted. I am sorry you took it that way.
Originally Posted by Chris Blackstar
Players like you are the reason why most new players quit. You feel that because you are r9+, you are experenced, and R0 players are noobs, well hate to break it to you, but players who don't play just HA, will be R0 also, but they are not noobs, not by a long shot.
Players that only play HA and only use cookie cutter build to easly obtain fame and think they are experenced are just as new as a new player can be. I think HA should be revamped as a part of this new update to skills being released, so new players truely have a chance to expore the skills and learn them, instead of being forced to use predetermined builds, which by the way do not exist on the PvP build page of character creation, to explore. Just a to let you know, I am rank 0, but I have been playing this game since before it's inception, I am not a noob, but according to you I would be, thus the fatal flaw in the system. |
Although, in my opinion, talking to people is a much better indicator of skill and understanding than someone's rank.
Edit: Nevermind.
While I wasn't sure how to react to this addition when I first heared about it, I now think it's a good idea and not too expensive.
For someone who only pvps (weird lot you guys are) it give them the ability to pick up Nightfall and NOT have to buy Prophecies just for the prophecies only skills, and I'm hoping the same will happen for Factions and chapters further down the line, after the new chapter comes out.
As for the cost, well, it costs about the same as an unlocked copy of prophecies, so the player gets to decide if they want to interact in the pve part (and unlock skills manually) or buy just the skills for pvp.
For those who pve.. well.. we're still going to buy the next chapter, and the next, but for content more than for skills, (cause pve is just soo easy) so this really doesn't affect us.
So all up, I don't think the change is bad.
For someone who only pvps (weird lot you guys are) it give them the ability to pick up Nightfall and NOT have to buy Prophecies just for the prophecies only skills, and I'm hoping the same will happen for Factions and chapters further down the line, after the new chapter comes out.
As for the cost, well, it costs about the same as an unlocked copy of prophecies, so the player gets to decide if they want to interact in the pve part (and unlock skills manually) or buy just the skills for pvp.
For those who pve.. well.. we're still going to buy the next chapter, and the next, but for content more than for skills, (cause pve is just soo easy) so this really doesn't affect us.
So all up, I don't think the change is bad.
Energizer Deth Buni
When I make a PVP-only character, why dont I have access to all available skills already? Why are we unlocking skills to use in a PVP game? Its not going to affect the PVE enviornment in anwyway. From a PVP-only standpoint, why weren't the skills from Prophecies brought over into Factions. I thought they idea for getting Bal. Faction was people would play and practice. What I am seeing now is that, I can pay extra for a part of the game that should already be there? All the skills for PVP should have been on there when I bought Factions. Now Anet is selling the game piece by piece.... Not that I PVP enough to care, but I think ANET is changeing Philosphy on us...
Gaile Gray
Originally Posted by Age
There is just one thing I just looked at the store and the Monk and Necromancer line of skills were not there.This is unless you buy the whole line up at 39.99 then you get them.I guess they will have to update it.

So long as anet doesn't get greedy and pull stunts like making elite skill cap bosses insanely hard to kill, or surrounded by hordes of mobs so capping is impossible and you resort to buying the skill unlocks, i'm ok with it. However, once signs start to show in game that anet is leaning towards pulling stunts for money and affecting gameplay, it'll be time to start to look for another game.
Gaile Gray
Originally Posted by trialist
So long as anet doesn't get greedy and pull stunts like making elite skill cap bosses insanely hard to kill, or surrounded by hordes of mobs so capping is impossible and you resort to buying the skill unlocks, i'm ok with it. However, once signs start to show in game that anet is leaning towards pulling stunts for money and affecting gameplay, it'll be time to start to look for another game.

achilles ankle
Horrible idea....just plain horrible this is pretty much the most disappointing thing besides the horrible lag that has been happening. So now, anyone with 40 bucks can unlock all prophecies skills, something it took us pvpers months to do. I personally have 230k plus balth faction, and now it seems like its just gonna go down the drain. I put all that work in and now anyone with a few bucks can just skip all that and buy the skills. Pvp is going to pretty differnt now, so many people are going to have all these skills and not be able to do anything with them. ...why cant they listen to our concerns and ideas for updates instead of just doing something out of the blue like this.