Post all errors or bugs found here
Velvet Valour
Ok i dont know if this has been said, but when a hero cast mending on a human player (i use koss wiv mending), it doesnt stay on at all!!, the spell is cast but its removed straight away. Is this a bug or cant we cast mending on human players?
Rune Trade is refusing to buy my Lieutenant's Insignia..
..maybe that's the reason, why none are in stock.
..maybe that's the reason, why none are in stock.
Originally Posted by Loralai
I, as well as others I have spoken with, are having this same problem.
I noticed the same problem again just last night.... lol
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Velvet Valour
Ok i dont know if this has been said, but when a hero cast mending on a human player (i use koss wiv mending), it doesnt stay on at all!!, the spell is cast but its removed straight away. Is this a bug or cant we cast mending on human players?
Hero's have AI concerning energy regen and conserving it.
To make a hero not remove their maintains just disable the skill on their bar and manage their maintains yourself.
If max chance of HSR now is 20% then someone tell me why Rockmodler from HSR 20% reduce to HSR 10%? |
The Margonite robes or armor seems to be showing up invisible 50% of the time. I noticed the same problem again just last night.... lol |

this is not a gameplay bug, and does not make a really large impact:
you can swap pvp items into your storage by click and dragging stuff out of your storage on top of pvp items. this allowed be to create 3 armor sets, about 7 different shields, and about 20 offhands for my pvp monk. obviously, it bypasses the pvp item limit.
you can swap pvp items into your storage by click and dragging stuff out of your storage on top of pvp items. this allowed be to create 3 armor sets, about 7 different shields, and about 20 offhands for my pvp monk. obviously, it bypasses the pvp item limit.
Mystic Twister for the Dervish is bugged. It is supposed to do damage to one different foe in the area for each enchant on you (i.e. 4 enchants = 4 enemies hurt), but it doesn't work. It instead hurts no one if you aren't targeting a foe, and it hurts only that one foe if you target him no matter how many enchants you have near multiple enemies.
Guild vs Guild Bug:
The new nightfall halls are improperly showing the flagstand colors. For example, on the corupted isle when either team captures the flagstand the flag colros still remain gray. On the flooded isle the flags surrounding the stand remain red, but do not show the attacking guild's cape. The Attacking base on the isle of solitude's flags are just plain red, while the defending blue team has their guild cape shown. Please check into this, as I am an oldschool player and ussually look to the flagstand colors to determine flag control.
The new nightfall halls are improperly showing the flagstand colors. For example, on the corupted isle when either team captures the flagstand the flag colros still remain gray. On the flooded isle the flags surrounding the stand remain red, but do not show the attacking guild's cape. The Attacking base on the isle of solitude's flags are just plain red, while the defending blue team has their guild cape shown. Please check into this, as I am an oldschool player and ussually look to the flagstand colors to determine flag control.
Aeron Serabien
Bug in Lahtenda Bog. We had "What do you do with a Drunken Shauben" and "To ask for more" equipped. The Vabbien nobles kept bodyblocking us away from the fight and after about 5 minutes in we would start rubberbanding and be unable to attack, pick up items, or talk to the quest people. But we could still move and the heroes could still fight. The third time (in two days) this happened we decided to wait it out and EVENTUALLY after not being able to do anything for 5 minutes it started working again.
Velvet Valour
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
Not a glitch.
Hero's have AI concerning energy regen and conserving it. To make a hero not remove their maintains just disable the skill on their bar and manage their maintains yourself. |
Just wondering about the Avatar of Lyssa, I wasn't aware that it was uncappable from the boss after doing Venta cemetary, is this an error or planned?
Did a quick search for Scholarly and Zerai, no relevant results so will post here.
Maybe not a bug but a pain.
If after escorting Zerai the Learner to Jokanur Diggings and getting a complete on your quest log (the hand in being, speak to Midauha in Jokanur) you zone somewhere else first (back to Kamadan for example), it resets the quest and you have to complete the escort all over again. You do keep the quest blossoms however.
Also he (and all the other escort people) really need to walk a hell of a lot faster
Maybe not a bug but a pain.
If after escorting Zerai the Learner to Jokanur Diggings and getting a complete on your quest log (the hand in being, speak to Midauha in Jokanur) you zone somewhere else first (back to Kamadan for example), it resets the quest and you have to complete the escort all over again. You do keep the quest blossoms however.
Also he (and all the other escort people) really need to walk a hell of a lot faster

Kidney Licker
Another one on lag or a mis-alignment between client and server. In Fort Aspenwood after you give amber to one of the gate keepers and make a run for the green gate, you've got a chance of making it before it closes automatically. If you don't make it, previously you might appear outside the green gate running forward but then pop back a short time later to appear behind the green gate. Now I can run all of the way up to the outside teleporter and instead of teleporting outside I appear behind the green gate.
It looks to be similar to the one where you are running in the middle of nowhere taking damage from no visible foes. If I turn around and attack then I suddenly pop back to a previous location knee deep in monsters. At a guess, it's not automatically adjusting the mis-alignment between server and client as well as it was before, but instead takes an event or action to occur before the two are re-aligned.
It looks to be similar to the one where you are running in the middle of nowhere taking damage from no visible foes. If I turn around and attack then I suddenly pop back to a previous location knee deep in monsters. At a guess, it's not automatically adjusting the mis-alignment between server and client as well as it was before, but instead takes an event or action to occur before the two are re-aligned.
M Sparkle
Don't know if this was posted already, didn't see it when I searched. It seems Devona may have lost her animations on the boat ride to kamadan. None of her animations are playing! Whether walking, running, attacking, or even dying, she remains in a motionless stick figure-like pose. Haven't tested this in Tyria or Cantha, but I've yet to see any of her animations while in Elona.
A quote of my bug, which was posted in wrong spot... 
FIXED LINK..... cuz it was 3 letters too long?
Wow. As you can see here, my character and some of my heroes and henchmen are stuck in the middle of all these Noblemen, who seem to love me a little too much to get out of my way. So I'm stuck here, I cannot move, therefore, they will not move out of my way. My Heroes are trying to get into their positions. The 2 heroes that did manage to magically get inside the circle came in on the right side of the tree, over the protruding root.
The idea here is to make the noblemen a little less friendly. Sure they could accompany me, but why hang out this close to me when they are simply on a escort mission. If they can't fight, they shouldn't be in my way. On top of this, I remember when NPCs used to get out of the way when they were in our way.
I hope this helps.
Quest: To Ask For More
Area: Lahtenda Bog
NPCs: All Noblemen, + Vidaj from Quest: Down on the Bayou
On a related note, the Dye Trader in Kaineng Center is the first of the NPCs that seem to be "in the way" while travelling using [Alt-Look Around-Click] to nearby NPCs in specific areas of the City -- mainly those posted downstairs, when travelling from the top of the stairs located behind the Dye Trader.
There are many more of these, I find, in Nightfall. For example, right off the bat, in Kamadan, First Spear David seems to be in the wrong place , causing our characters to get stuck while travelling from Chef Whatever[Collector] to Agent[Storage]. Also, most "Scouts" and "Priests" at every Resurection Portal in Nightfall are blocking us from travelling behind them.
The NPC's "personal bubbles", so to speak, is much larger then it used to be, thus more annoying then it used to be. Which is probably why I could not squeeze in between them in the bug mentioned above.
Thank you
Last edited by SlyClone : Today at 08:43 PM. Reason: Adding More thoughts on similar matter.

FIXED LINK..... cuz it was 3 letters too long?
Wow. As you can see here, my character and some of my heroes and henchmen are stuck in the middle of all these Noblemen, who seem to love me a little too much to get out of my way. So I'm stuck here, I cannot move, therefore, they will not move out of my way. My Heroes are trying to get into their positions. The 2 heroes that did manage to magically get inside the circle came in on the right side of the tree, over the protruding root.
The idea here is to make the noblemen a little less friendly. Sure they could accompany me, but why hang out this close to me when they are simply on a escort mission. If they can't fight, they shouldn't be in my way. On top of this, I remember when NPCs used to get out of the way when they were in our way.
I hope this helps.
Quest: To Ask For More
Area: Lahtenda Bog
NPCs: All Noblemen, + Vidaj from Quest: Down on the Bayou
On a related note, the Dye Trader in Kaineng Center is the first of the NPCs that seem to be "in the way" while travelling using [Alt-Look Around-Click] to nearby NPCs in specific areas of the City -- mainly those posted downstairs, when travelling from the top of the stairs located behind the Dye Trader.
There are many more of these, I find, in Nightfall. For example, right off the bat, in Kamadan, First Spear David seems to be in the wrong place , causing our characters to get stuck while travelling from Chef Whatever[Collector] to Agent[Storage]. Also, most "Scouts" and "Priests" at every Resurection Portal in Nightfall are blocking us from travelling behind them.
The NPC's "personal bubbles", so to speak, is much larger then it used to be, thus more annoying then it used to be. Which is probably why I could not squeeze in between them in the bug mentioned above.
Thank you
Last edited by SlyClone : Today at 08:43 PM. Reason: Adding More thoughts on similar matter.
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by moriz
this is not a gameplay bug, and does not make a really large impact:
you can swap pvp items into your storage by click and dragging stuff out of your storage on top of pvp items. this allowed be to create 3 armor sets, about 7 different shields, and about 20 offhands for my pvp monk. obviously, it bypasses the pvp item limit. |
You can make as many pvp items as you want with the new system - You dont even have to use the storage like you described it - Just make them on the pvp item creation screen and unclick "Equip Immediately" at the bottom.
Gertie Q. Mugwort
Hi, there!
I did a search of guru for "Charen", and there were no results.
A couple of us tried to do this quest called "A Tasty Morsel"
in The Ruptured Heart area, but the NPC kept getting stuck on the same spot
over and over and over and over again.
We finally gave up after an hour of trying.
He only ran past the sticking point when we were able to run along his left side
and bumped him away from the edge constantly,
but even that was kind of tricky.
We had to repeat the quest anyway because apparently we were visible to another key NPC. . .
I did a search of guru for "Charen", and there were no results.
A couple of us tried to do this quest called "A Tasty Morsel"
in The Ruptured Heart area, but the NPC kept getting stuck on the same spot
over and over and over and over again.
We finally gave up after an hour of trying.
He only ran past the sticking point when we were able to run along his left side
and bumped him away from the edge constantly,
but even that was kind of tricky.
We had to repeat the quest anyway because apparently we were visible to another key NPC. . .
Daemon Loki
Originally Posted by seut
Sahnbur [merchant] in Vehtendi Valley sells Kournan keys instead of Vabbi keys
Also I've noticed some Scouts have blank messages is this ment to be? Shouldn't they at least say something about you being a sunspear like the others do.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Just to make really sure that everyone knows: Both of these missions are broken, and we apologize. They are on the Bug List!
In the far south area of Lahtanda Bog, me and all my heroes got stuck in what i assume was a hole, only i could move out for a few steps only to be moved back into the hole seconds later.
This was very annoying as i was halfway through a very hard quest and had to start all over again from the top of the zone.
Im sure it wasnt lag because i was talking to people at the time it happened, i could still use mine and my heroes skills, and i didnt d/c, i just had to rezone.
This was very annoying as i was halfway through a very hard quest and had to start all over again from the top of the zone.
Im sure it wasnt lag because i was talking to people at the time it happened, i could still use mine and my heroes skills, and i didnt d/c, i just had to rezone.
Helios Skyfire
Originally Posted by Evilsod
So stop acknowledging it and fix the f*cking thing! Is it really that hard? You'd think programmers getting paid to create games would do a better job, guess i was wrong.
Seriously, ANet so far, in my experience, has far and away exceeded bothe performance, substance, customer service and every other aspect I can think of, of any other game company I've ever dealt with.
So they have a few bugs? They acknowledge them, and so far as I've seen, they are fixing bugs daily. Just because YOUR bug wasn't 1st on their list, no reason to get pissy about it.
Masta Devious
Originally Posted by SlyClone
A quote of my bug, which was posted in wrong spot...
![]() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wow. As you can see here, my character and some of my heroes and henchmen are stuck in the middle of all these Noblemen, who seem to love me a little too much to get out of my way. So I'm stuck here, I cannot move, therefore, they will not move out of my way.. |
Those Noble men drove me nuts blocking me in, i wanted to take them while i did other quests but i always ended up stuck.
Collision bubbles round all of the npcs seem to be larger (echoing Slyclone here).
Also... the monk hench started playing the flute in the middle of a fight in the bog! I'm glad she was having a good time, but there's a time and a place... y'know?
Also... the monk hench started playing the flute in the middle of a fight in the bog! I'm glad she was having a good time, but there's a time and a place... y'know?

Originally Posted by Saraphim
Collision bubbles round all of the npcs seem to be larger (echoing Slyclone here).
Originally Posted by Evilsod
So stop acknowledging it and fix the f*cking thing! Is it really that hard? You'd think programmers getting paid to create games would do a better job, guess i was wrong.
J snukka
Originally Posted by Helios Skyfire
If you think you could do a better job...
Seriously, ANet so far, in my experience, has far and away exceeded bothe performance, substance, customer service and every other aspect I can think of, of any other game company I've ever dealt with. So they have a few bugs? They acknowledge them, and so far as I've seen, they are fixing bugs daily. Just because YOUR bug wasn't 1st on their list, no reason to get pissy about it. |
also the funny thing I witnessed with people pissy about Anet not fixing the bugs right away, is that those same people are the one's to also get pissy when Anet is updating files every hour or everyday at the begining of the release. "They asked why is Anet sneaking in files and not telling us?, blah blah blah, why are they uploading files every moment??"
uummm well those were the fixes and now they are just spacing out the fixes. Seriously it's only been 5 days since last update I don't know what some people are getting fed-up.
Shadow Kurd
I dont know if this bug only affects henchies but when a dervish henchie dies while in a form, they will stay in the form even when resurrected and the form ends. Take a look:
Shanaeri Rynale
GW is a horribly complex game to debug now. With each and every chapter released, all the interactions between every chapter, zone, skill and quest needed to be tested. It's not surprising a few slip through the net.
The fastest and easiest way to resolve is to provide a screenshot of the bug, location and a repeatable way to produce it. For sure the AN dev team are drinking lakes of coffee to get these fixed. You dont want to break something else in the rush to fix the one thing.
The fastest and easiest way to resolve is to provide a screenshot of the bug, location and a repeatable way to produce it. For sure the AN dev team are drinking lakes of coffee to get these fixed. You dont want to break something else in the rush to fix the one thing.
Originally Posted by Helios Skyfire
Seriously, ANet so far, in my experience, has far and away exceeded bothe performance, substance, customer service and every other aspect I can think of, of any other game company I've ever dealt with.
So they have a few bugs? They acknowledge them, and so far as I've seen, they are fixing bugs daily. Just because YOUR bug wasn't 1st on their list, no reason to get pissy about it. |
I saw a "Jahai Rat" in Vehtendi Valley that was really some sort of plant-lizard monster. I forget what they are called but it was using Dervish skills and grouped with other plant-lizard monsters. It was in an area with lots of those Hekets and Behemoths (Scytheclaw/Gravebane type). I was doing the quest to get Norgu.
Also those nobles that everyones mention are really really annoying. I was doing the quest with a friend and we split up. The nobles followed him and trapped him against a wall. I had to walk all the way back across the zone to meet him so they would start following me instead and let him out.
Also the thing with the server and your client getting out of sync and showing you as 50 metres away when you're really trapped behind an npc or group of monsters is probably lag related. It happens to me and my boyf *all the time* and we have constant 220+ ping (Aussie). >_<
During the evacuation mission, near the end, almost at the last group, an alert sentry timer appeared when I was near no guard posts at all, i was near no enemies, and when It ran out nothing happened. I finished the mission regardless.
Two issues...
Firstly creatures affected by lightbringer's gaze seems a bit bugged.
e.g a terrorweb dryder is unaffected but the tortureweb dryder next to him is affected. Or did the terrorwebs negotiate their own contract excluding them from being referred to as "demonic servants of abaddon"? :P. Also it would make sense to make just about everything in the realm of torment targetable by this skill, aren't they all abaddon's demonic servants?
Another issue: I just bought a set of ancient male ele armor. It's very nice however the hair on my character appears to go right through it at the back or else the armor appears to go through the hair. Just kind of makes it look a bit odd.
Firstly creatures affected by lightbringer's gaze seems a bit bugged.
e.g a terrorweb dryder is unaffected but the tortureweb dryder next to him is affected. Or did the terrorwebs negotiate their own contract excluding them from being referred to as "demonic servants of abaddon"? :P. Also it would make sense to make just about everything in the realm of torment targetable by this skill, aren't they all abaddon's demonic servants?
Another issue: I just bought a set of ancient male ele armor. It's very nice however the hair on my character appears to go right through it at the back or else the armor appears to go through the hair. Just kind of makes it look a bit odd.

I havent taken a look through all the posts yet so sorry if this has already been covered. The skill Glyph of Renewal [E] doesn't do anything in the realm of torment (or w/e the area is that has an area effect that increases skill recharge)
Yeah - I'm afraid this is WAY to long for me to look through all of these posts, but I have completed the quest "To Dye For", and the NPC acknowledges that, but when I go to accept my reward, it does nothing. If I go back to the NPC it brings up the reward screen again without even offering me any nice dyes to buy. Sure it's early in the game, but it bothers me to have a reward I cannot accept. I'm not that modest...
Originally Posted by Evilsod
So stop acknowledging it and fix the f*cking thing! Is it really that hard? You'd think programmers getting paid to create games would do a better job, guess i was wrong.
here's a "bug" there is no crippling slash boss anywhere in nightfalls unless its hidden REALLY good. so far i have seen no one with this skill without a PVP char and theres a massive amount of people looking for it.
I HATE the quest: To Dye For. It never finishes. As for: Missing Shipment, I cant pick up the ink.............
The animation of being knocked down doesn't show every now and then. This can be highly frustrating when monking in GvG and wondering why you're not casting.
( Don't know if this has been reported yet, couldn't be bothered reading through 28 pages :P )
( Don't know if this has been reported yet, couldn't be bothered reading through 28 pages :P )
Helios Skyfire
I can confirm that the knockdown animation doesn't always play - happened to me several times last night while capping skills in the dragon's lair.
We managed to find a way around the to dye for problem.
I had about 250 flowers (they're pretty) and I kept giving boyf one at a time. He'd talk to the lady, the flower would vanish and the accept button would pop up. He'd press accept and nothing would happen, so would talk to the npc again and accept would pop up so he'd click it and nothing would happen, over and over. So I had him abandon the quest and gave him two flowers instead and it worked.
Greedy dye trader!
I had about 250 flowers (they're pretty) and I kept giving boyf one at a time. He'd talk to the lady, the flower would vanish and the accept button would pop up. He'd press accept and nothing would happen, so would talk to the npc again and accept would pop up so he'd click it and nothing would happen, over and over. So I had him abandon the quest and gave him two flowers instead and it worked.
Greedy dye trader!
There are so many posts here that I don't have the time to read them all.... so I apologize if this has been mentioned already. On the "Game Updates" page it states "Fixed a bug that prevented some dyes from stacking." and yet none of my dye is stacking. Before they "fixed" it at least my dye from Nightfall was stacking with itself.... now it's not. I just found an orange dye in Nightfall and tried to stack it with my other stack of orange dye from Nightfall (I just keep my non NFdye on one of my many storage chars) and they wouldn't stack.
Is anyone else having this problem? And why would Anet claim to have fixed something that seems worse, but is DEFFANTIALLY not better?
Is anyone else having this problem? And why would Anet claim to have fixed something that seems worse, but is DEFFANTIALLY not better?
Maybe this has been posted already but I don't really have the time to read 29 pages. My guild has recently reformed and we just got our GH last night. Got the Xunlai Storage Agent earlier today, however when we go to add the Priest we get this:
The Lord gives you your money back and even if you restart he continues to put this dialogue box up and hands back your money.
/EDIT: A build came out about 30 minutes later, must have been the reason the Lord was saying this.
The Lord gives you your money back and even if you restart he continues to put this dialogue box up and hands back your money.
/EDIT: A build came out about 30 minutes later, must have been the reason the Lord was saying this.