Originally Posted by allience
mrdbeau, i read your post and i just can't agree with ur argument. just think for a bit, in nightfall, we'll have a total of 10 professions to chose from. shrinking the party to 6 only LIMITS possibilities to make a creative and versatile build. we can only chose 48 skills in total.
-at least 2 chars will have to be some sort of healers (boon prots any1?) -1 char needs to be some support/dmg because we need extra counter to vim/smite/condition -this leaves us with 4 offensive chars which is 32 skills (3 are rez sig for sure). my point is, u just can't experiment much with 32 skills. so this change in my opinion can't bring out the best in ppl. it will only make some easy fame for gimmick builds. |
also it's certain that experienced pvp players will adapt to the change, but that doesn't mean they'll enjoy it. personally i was looking forward to making some exciting and challenging builds but now i'll have to conform to something simple because i'm limited to 48 skills. |
you keep saying iway is not letting ppl enjoy HA and it's funny that you didn't notice iway died about a month ago. since the double fame event and the nerf of edge bomb iway got scarce. and after the latest skill update, i've rarely seen iway groups. maybe u're confusing iway with VIM, which indeed has been increasing. and i'll assure you, u'll see a lot more vim/modded vim once 6v6 is implemented. |
about new players, they'll have the same problem as now. there will always be rank discrimination. and franky new comers just mean free fame for old players who obviously won't have any trouble running some smite build. pld players are quite happy to see new ppl because they are quite east to beat while waching tv.. |
overall this change won't enchance the enjoiment factor for new players and it won't allow old players to be creative. i simply see this as an act of lazyness fron anet's part to make 2 separate arenas. i hope this post makes u see a more realistic point of view. |
Originally Posted by supaet
Again, I don't see how the new 6v6 can draw more player than the current 8v8. sure it's fresh, but after two weeks, it'll be the same. The problems that plague 8v8 will plague 6v6 the same way. If you say it's easier to get a team of 6, I say it's easier for team of 6 to fill up and you're screwed. If you say you have only 5 friends/small guild, i say, so you dont want any new friends/guild members joining you? So tell me, how does this change make hoh any better? no iway? there's vimway, you can stil spike with 6 necros. Please answer my question, for those that want to get rid of the 8v8 hoh. Thanks
1) Smaller time to get a party together. This is obvious.
2) More builds will be used. Again, this seems obvious to me, but some people disagree. That's fine, but we'll find out in 4 days.
3) Small guilds will actually be better off. Now they only need 6 instead of 8 to HA as a guild. If you have a larger guild, run to HA teams.
4) Spike with 6 necros if the other team has 2 monks will not be nearly as easy as you seem to think. Rspike with 4 rangers in 4v4 is garbage. They can kill someone if your monk isn't on the ball, but with a good monk, it's over. You gain two spikers and a good nec spike will still kill someone, but it will be easily countered. VIMway will go the way of the dodo within a few weeks.
Let me also point out that the only way for HA to get any smaller in terms of population is for the American districts to be completely empty.
I'm 5. but I have different opions for those 5 groups, 1. if you cant find a group now, you cant find a group in 6v6. simple it's your problem. 2. This group have no problem since all they care about is fame, if you can get 5000 fame in 8v8, you hav eno problem getting your share in 6v6 3. Same as 2, if you GROUP can pwn people in hoh now, you have no problem pwning people in 6v6 regardless of builds, new gimmick builds will come up 4. You will not like it after 2-3 monthes. They you will ask for bringing back 8v8 or 5v5 7v7 or 1v1 5. UNITE and get ANET to give us both options! |
2) If you play mindless cookie cutter builds to get your fame now, you can bet that's going to get a lot harder with 6v6.
3) See 2.
4) If it stays fresh, then you're wrong.
5) Not going to happen, so no point in worrying about it.
As for 6v6 makes things less confusing, the hoh is made to be complicated, that's why you need vent/ts, that's why newbies cannot run balance, they only can run iway. All in all, 8v8 in gw is as balance as it can be. How you want to play it is your choice. I'm totally for 6v6. But I'm 100% against taking away 8v8 hoh. I will still play the game though, COME ON you ELITE pvers!! I'll pwn you with vimway. Then you will all go back to your own pve world. no offense :-) |
"My point is you will need to think differently to succeed in 6v6 HA. You can't use the same ideas that worked well in 8v8."
Great point boofhead, thanks.