Originally Posted by mrdbeau
Wow, so many people get so emotional whenever a big change in the game is rolled out. I find it very interesting that many of the arguments against 6v6 are arguments that can already be applied to 8v8 HA as it exists now. Let's just take a few minutes and think about some things.
1) 6v6 will become plagued by gimmick builds. Ok, well, for the most part, it is already. IWAY drove away many HA players, and Vimway et. al. has made the situation even worse. At least with 6v6, gimmick builds will be much easier to counter due to decreased versatility that can be carried in a given team. If smite takes over, how long is it going to be before everyone runs a smite counter build? Not long. Now, I do slightly worry that with 6v6, a rock, paper, scissors setup may occur; however, I believe there will be a much larger pool of builds to choose from with 6v6. This will additionally be dependent to some extent on what "new maps" and what kind of setup is brought about by this change.
2) All the time I've put into HA is going to be completely wasted and irrelevant by this change. Let's look at that. What exactly does rank denote (or rather, what is it supposed to?)? Theoretically, it indicates someone who has a lot of experience with pvp. But does it really? Of course not. All rank really denotes anymore is how much HA you've played and nothing more. If you think your rank really means something anymore, then you're delusional. Since IWAY came around, rank is largely irrelevant and I've played with plenty of terrible R9+ people. Additionally, let's assume rank does mean you're a good pvp player. If you're truly a good pvp player, then adapting to 6v6 or 4v4 or 18v18 should not be much of a problem for you. Things will change, surely, but a good pvp player is a good pvp player. It is necessary to at least be familiar with the HA maps/GvG maps to play in those formats, but if you've played more than 1 or 2 matches, that should not be a real issue, and understanding/learning the new map and setup cannot be all that difficult.
3) Enjoyment factor. I can speak from personal experience and empathize with those who used to enjoy HA and hate it now. I played HA a lot when the game first came up and basically until the time IWAY became very popular. I've basically stopped playing since you were forced to run IWAY, VIMway, or spike of some kind if you wanted to get a PUG group that didn't lose to the Zaishen. Many people feel that way. My guild used to HA and a lot of our members would HA, but many have stopped entirely in the last 6 months. Additionally, the number of people overall at HA at any given time has noticeably decreased over a period of time. On top of all that, matches will move much faster, and it will be a much faster paced game.
4) "High level competition." Quite a few people have made comments alluding to the fact that HA is so much more competitive than your average pvp arena. BS. Valid counterarguments to this idea have been presented, so I won't spend much time on it, but the competition in HA is sometimes decent, and sometimes crap. If you really want to make pvp hard on yourself, try playing some AB on the Kurzicks side in the early afternoon... if your l33t team of 4 can overcome the absolute stupidity of the other 8, then you'll know just how good you really are. Now, unfortunately, I doubt 6v6 will be any less "elitist" or "competitive" than HA is now, because let's face it, anytime you are winning any kind of reward (i.e. fame), people are going to be tools. Additionally, you are going to still have the r9+ only groups and so on, but by virtue of many more people playing HA (which, there absolutely WILL be), it will be much easier to get a PUG unranked group or a low ranked group.
Overall, this is going to really increase the enjoyment of people in HA and will bring many new people into the fold. I don't understand why people who play HA frequently right now would not want to have a lot of new people (or even old people like me that used to play and don't anymore) brought back into the fold. Well, I do know, actually, it's because as we've seen from many people's posts here, if you're a new person, you're a n00b, you don't know what you're talking about, you have no right to comment on HA, and so on.
I'm not going to call all the people who don't like this change or think it's going to be horrible "whiners," as that doesn't contribute much to the discussion; however, I will say that you need to stop, calm down, and just think it through for a few minutes. There is no way this can be a bad change, there just isn't. Additionally, saying things like "I'm not going to buy Nightfall now," or "I'm quitting GW because of this," and so on really makes you look immature and shortsighted, so just think about that.
And, before someone says I don't know jack about anything, I can assure you I've played plenty of pvp, including gvg, RA/TA, HA, AB, and so on. Look me up in-game if you really want to and we'll talk more.