Emotes for all titles
Pandemonium Angel
I think this is a great idea, but if there is a “title” emote (which could simply be /title and it would change itself based on which title you have on) would need to only be for the max levels or at least higher levels. For instance….
Luxon / Kurzick Faction title tracks: someone suggested using the banner as the emote, this could work at say the “Steward of the” or “Defender of the” level but for the Max level maybe have the spirits of Saint Viktor / Archemorus come out.
Lucky / Unlucky: Well for unlucky I think it would be cute to have a storm cloud appear above your head and hit you with a little lightning bolt. For lucky all I can think of is display a golden aura….. kind of boring so please someone add in. With these titles since they are just pure fun from games maybe be able to display this emote at any level obtained.
Protector of [insert land here]: A great thing would be to show the mission symbol and have the swords whooshing in and crossing like when you complete the missions.
Cartographer titles: hmmmm I was never really big on map completion so I’ll leave this one up to someone who would actually like this as a title. I’ll also leave the PvP titles alone since I’m about 95% PvE
Drunkard: this emote could display “I love you man” or other such emotes that occur when your drunk, possibly even show the drunk status if you have max level.
Treasure Hunter: Have a little treasure chest pop out of nowhere and open all sparkly and shinny =^.^=
Wisdom: Maybe have a golden ethereal scroll open in front of you.
Yeah….. the rest of the titles I don’t really get into and I think creation of emote ideas should be left to those who want them.
Luxon / Kurzick Faction title tracks: someone suggested using the banner as the emote, this could work at say the “Steward of the” or “Defender of the” level but for the Max level maybe have the spirits of Saint Viktor / Archemorus come out.
Lucky / Unlucky: Well for unlucky I think it would be cute to have a storm cloud appear above your head and hit you with a little lightning bolt. For lucky all I can think of is display a golden aura….. kind of boring so please someone add in. With these titles since they are just pure fun from games maybe be able to display this emote at any level obtained.
Protector of [insert land here]: A great thing would be to show the mission symbol and have the swords whooshing in and crossing like when you complete the missions.
Cartographer titles: hmmmm I was never really big on map completion so I’ll leave this one up to someone who would actually like this as a title. I’ll also leave the PvP titles alone since I’m about 95% PvE
Drunkard: this emote could display “I love you man” or other such emotes that occur when your drunk, possibly even show the drunk status if you have max level.
Treasure Hunter: Have a little treasure chest pop out of nowhere and open all sparkly and shinny =^.^=
Wisdom: Maybe have a golden ethereal scroll open in front of you.
Yeah….. the rest of the titles I don’t really get into and I think creation of emote ideas should be left to those who want them.
Originally Posted by Pandemonium Angel
I think this is a great idea, but if there is a “title” emote (which could simply be /title and it would change itself based on which title you have on) would need to only be for the max levels or at least higher levels. For instance….
Luxon / Kurzick Faction title tracks: someone suggested using the banner as the emote, this could work at say the “Steward of the” or “Defender of the” level but for the Max level maybe have the spirits of Saint Viktor / Archemorus come out. Lucky / Unlucky: Well for unlucky I think it would be cute to have a storm cloud appear above your head and hit you with a little lightning bolt. For lucky all I can think of is display a golden aura….. kind of boring so please someone add in. With these titles since they are just pure fun from games maybe be able to display this emote at any level obtained. Protector of [insert land here]: A great thing would be to show the mission symbol and have the swords whooshing in and crossing like when you complete the missions. Cartographer titles: hmmmm I was never really big on map completion so I’ll leave this one up to someone who would actually like this as a title. I’ll also leave the PvP titles alone since I’m about 95% PvE Drunkard: this emote could display “I love you man” or other such emotes that occur when your drunk, possibly even show the drunk status if you have max level. Treasure Hunter: Have a little treasure chest pop out of nowhere and open all sparkly and shinny =^.^= Wisdom: Maybe have a golden ethereal scroll open in front of you. Yeah….. the rest of the titles I don’t really get into and I think creation of emote ideas should be left to those who want them. |
Flare Djinn
Those are wonderful ideas, to continue on them a bit:
For more of the PvP ones if you want have different sets, the one that exists now with your rank is animals, maybe have some in game monsters as emotes appear for the other titles such as charr, undead, whatever.
Too bad pheonix is taken by PvP or that would be great for survivor title, maybe have the character acutaly drop dead for that one, as in fakeing death to live kinda thing.
For lightbringer maybe have white flames pop out.
For sunspear maybe have several styles of badges display (like military rank but dont use stripes)

/signet emotes are cool

Mr. G
Ok...I dont want giant flashy things...bah I hate the PvP ones as it is, but some new emotes (normal types) or upgraded emotes sound nice - How about
Wisdom - Pull out a book - Flashy /ponder emote (pull out a book perhaps)
Surivor - errr - Flashy /Flex emote or Flashy /Taunt
T. Hunter - Throw a fistful of coins in the air - errrr
Faction - Mini urn/spear emote - Flashy /goteam (?)
Drunk - Swing beer mug about - Pull out beer while sitting
Cartographer - Examine small globe - ....
Prot - wear tyrian/canthian/elonian shield in town - hmmm
Glad - errr - Flashy /Cheer or /salute
meh just another Idea
Wisdom - Pull out a book - Flashy /ponder emote (pull out a book perhaps)
Surivor - errr - Flashy /Flex emote or Flashy /Taunt
T. Hunter - Throw a fistful of coins in the air - errrr
Faction - Mini urn/spear emote - Flashy /goteam (?)
Drunk - Swing beer mug about - Pull out beer while sitting
Cartographer - Examine small globe - ....
Prot - wear tyrian/canthian/elonian shield in town - hmmm
Glad - errr - Flashy /Cheer or /salute
meh just another Idea
If PvE folks get emotes I want FoW armor on my PvP char. And all the shiny weapons as well. For free of course
So I can finally get rid of that nasty habbit called PvE and concentrate on GvG and HA.
If PvE folks get emotes I want FoW armor on my PvP char. And all the shiny weapons as well. For free of course

Curassis Ilmensen
Originally Posted by Angel Develin
I'm a pve gamer my self and I do not want to see ppl runnning around showing emotes in the city's, there are enough bambi's around this days.
It's a nice idea but it does not help the game in anyway, what we do get is ppl acting 1337 all the time with there emote in pve and belive me we do not want that, it is hard enough to find a good pug already with no emotes around and that is taking like ages. /not signed |
I could maybe imagine an emote for KoabD an Pkm but nothing lower than that.
/not signed
Sophitia Leafblade
I think guildwars needs more emotes full stop to be honest, the've not added any new ones since Phrophecies.
If a PvE emote was added (one earned by a title) it would have to be the KoaBD track line to keep it on par with the Rank emotes
If a PvE emote was added (one earned by a title) it would have to be the KoaBD track line to keep it on par with the Rank emotes
PvP players can get titles and emotes. I play PvE and I would love to have emotes for maxed out titles. I think it would go some way towards helping PvE players feel as valued as the PvPers by Anet.
PvP players can get titles and emotes. I play PvE and I would love to have emotes for maxed out titles. I think it would go some way towards helping PvE players feel as valued as the PvPers by Anet.
PvE = Only KoABD and PKM...Nothing else.
Glad Titles at 3, 6, 9, 12 would be fine...hard to reach 6-12.
Faction Titles? Does anyone care? Leech yourself a title...no thx.
Glad Titles at 3, 6, 9, 12 would be fine...hard to reach 6-12.
Faction Titles? Does anyone care? Leech yourself a title...no thx.
Lord Mendes
Originally Posted by Avarre
PvE and 'competition' are incompatible concepts, sirrah.
Keep in mind that Avarre was considered an uber leet PvEer a while ago.
Sorry 2 Avarre if you didn't want me to quote you on this.
Franco Power
/not signed
emotes will lose their value if they do this so its pointless anyway besides there will be too much emote spam and stuff like that
emotes will lose their value if they do this so its pointless anyway besides there will be too much emote spam and stuff like that
I never saw the points to emotes in this game anyway.
Lord Mendes
oh btw I fergot to /notsign.
To the OP, just bring it up at the next PvE world championship.
To the OP, just bring it up at the next PvE world championship.
I would be okay with this. Emotes are an okay reward for titles. Titles actually affecting gameplay (like they did with the item identifying one) are not.
15k Armor for PvErs, Emote for PvPers.
Almost all "signed"-guys here are not like "GW needs emotes for all titles to become better" but like "I want to flash my ... title, thats why I need emotes for all titles". It is not serious.
Earning rank is a hard challenge, and it is about 90% party search and team-tuning and only 10% fighting. It is another community, another culture. It is a team work, that does not required (at least since NF released) for any of PvE-titles.
And W/Mo with mending and one "stfu noob" phrase in his head with a party of heroes and henchmen should not get any emote, he can get 15k armor and it is enough.
There should be no emote for "Friend for kurzicks/luxons", any emote should not be possible to earn by "leeching".
If Champion title gets emote, we will never see high-ranked guilds in Heroes' Ascent tournament.
Gladiator title shouldn't get emote, cause it can be earned at random arenas - it's just luck. And 4 vs 4 is not enough for at least semi-professional PvP.
Imho, only one title should have emote - Rank. Otherwise, Heroes' Ascent will be forgotten.
P.S. Sorry for my English.
Best Regards,
15k Armor for PvErs, Emote for PvPers.
Almost all "signed"-guys here are not like "GW needs emotes for all titles to become better" but like "I want to flash my ... title, thats why I need emotes for all titles". It is not serious.
Earning rank is a hard challenge, and it is about 90% party search and team-tuning and only 10% fighting. It is another community, another culture. It is a team work, that does not required (at least since NF released) for any of PvE-titles.
And W/Mo with mending and one "stfu noob" phrase in his head with a party of heroes and henchmen should not get any emote, he can get 15k armor and it is enough.
There should be no emote for "Friend for kurzicks/luxons", any emote should not be possible to earn by "leeching".
If Champion title gets emote, we will never see high-ranked guilds in Heroes' Ascent tournament.
Gladiator title shouldn't get emote, cause it can be earned at random arenas - it's just luck. And 4 vs 4 is not enough for at least semi-professional PvP.
Imho, only one title should have emote - Rank. Otherwise, Heroes' Ascent will be forgotten.
P.S. Sorry for my English.
Best Regards,
The Silver Star
PvE has KoBD and PKM
If they do this i want FoW on my pvp chars.
PvE has KoBD and PKM
If they do this i want FoW on my pvp chars.
Originally Posted by master_of_puppets
/signed for ONLY the PVP titles. Tbh PvE'ers dont deserve emotes...
make one for gladiator, champion, and maybe ~ of Kurzick/Luxon |
achilles ankle
PvPers get the emotes
PvEers get the unique skins, unique looking armor, many many many more titles easily obtainable or not they are there.
/DEF NOT signed for emote for every title..thats insanity the game will crash with all those ppl emoting
if they ever do give this "vanity" addition to the pve players then i want uniqe skins on my pvp armor and weapons as well...and dare i say it fow armor skin.
PvEers get the unique skins, unique looking armor, many many many more titles easily obtainable or not they are there.
/DEF NOT signed for emote for every title..thats insanity the game will crash with all those ppl emoting
if they ever do give this "vanity" addition to the pve players then i want uniqe skins on my pvp armor and weapons as well...and dare i say it fow armor skin.
Gimme Money Plzkthx
Well I can't really sign... because KoBD or PKM do kind of deserve it, those are extremely hard to get titles (although as they become easier to get with the next expansion, that will change). Other than that, only rank deserves it. Glad titles, while earnable through luck @ RA, would be very hard to obtain an emote with if it is 3/6/9/12 because that is just a ridiculous amount of gladiator points, so it would be fairly well deserved.
/notsigned on all titles. Everyone would have an emote, would just be annoying imo.
However, I think maybe something more than just the title as it is atm for KoaBD and PKM. Those titles take very large amounts of work, and a bambi takes no where near as much time as them. Having said that, it could be said for all titles that they are more difficult than bambi.
I think Champion should possibly get an emote, maybe a different coloured one or something. As, 180 fame (R3) in HA takes no where near as much skill/time as 100 champ points. (R3) Though, I don't really see any major problem with the current system, so, not worth doing anything with it really.
However, I think maybe something more than just the title as it is atm for KoaBD and PKM. Those titles take very large amounts of work, and a bambi takes no where near as much time as them. Having said that, it could be said for all titles that they are more difficult than bambi.
I think Champion should possibly get an emote, maybe a different coloured one or something. As, 180 fame (R3) in HA takes no where near as much skill/time as 100 champ points. (R3) Though, I don't really see any major problem with the current system, so, not worth doing anything with it really.
/signed but only for certain titles. Luxon/Kurzick faction titles definitely need emotes, because they take ages to get, as well as Champion etc. I also think KoaBD and PKM should have theirs too. Maybe for other titles there can only be one emote, and that's when you've maxed out the title. So instead of all the Drunkards running around throwing emotes left right and centre, only the Incorrigible Ale Hound's could do that as well as the GM Cartographers etc. That way you won't get too many emoters and those who took the time to max out titles get rewarded.
I'm sure if you sent arenanet 70+ different visual effect files, they would be happy to implement this.
Second poster...friend of the luxons/kurzicks is a pve title. No reason it should have an emote.
Second poster...friend of the luxons/kurzicks is a pve title. No reason it should have an emote.
Originally Posted by Jooshe
/signed but only for maxed titles

Vl Vl D
Want one? go HA and earn one like the rest of us.
titles are nice enough without having everyman and his dog spaming in peeps face a turtle for easy as AB.
Want one? go HA and earn one like the rest of us.

titles are nice enough without having everyman and his dog spaming in peeps face a turtle for easy as AB.
/signed but only for certain hard to get pve titles.
It would be fine AS LONG as they are ONLY for maxed out titles and/or for each rank of the King of a Big deal.
for max titles only.
for max titles only.
/signed, but only for champion and gladiator titles. I'd love to flash a blue bambi for my r3 champ ^^
Its funny how pve players want to have the only unique content the pvp players can get, while they will bitch if 15k/obisidian armor would be obtainable through balthazar factions.
I loved when i got my wolf emote, was great. I know how long it took for me to get it, and the time i spent to get it. So yes, i dont want to see everyone have a flashy emote without half the effort i had to go through. It required experience, skill, learning and dedication.
Emotes should remain unique and special, not something common. PvE players want their unique content, so leave the only thing PvP can get alone!
I loved when i got my wolf emote, was great. I know how long it took for me to get it, and the time i spent to get it. So yes, i dont want to see everyone have a flashy emote without half the effort i had to go through. It required experience, skill, learning and dedication.
Emotes should remain unique and special, not something common. PvE players want their unique content, so leave the only thing PvP can get alone!
Diddy bow
/Signed for pvp emotes and koabd-pkm etc
/signed for PvE emotes, it will add balance to the game.
To explain, PvE has no emotes that they can show off with, however PvP players do. By adding PvE emotes there will be emotes for both sides, thus balancing things.
To explain, PvE has no emotes that they can show off with, however PvP players do. By adding PvE emotes there will be emotes for both sides, thus balancing things.
maxed titles only, I'm sick of seeing bambi on somebody and it making someone believe that they are 1337 and able to treat everyone else in the zone like crap, I want something sufficiently difficult to get that it has credibility, and I want something that most reasonable people with bambi will back off when they see it <I do recognize most people who flash bambi as a badge of honor are not reasonable>
deus texaco
/signed for gladiator and champ titles.all titles are grinding but theres a difference between 1000+ consecutive ta/ra wins and standing in lions arch drunk while spamming "wts".....
My oppion is that is should be for titles you have to work for like protector, or explorer. Not ones like drunkard or sweet tooth where you can just sit in a town and earn it all in less then a hour. But if A-net did consider the idea of emotes for all em sweet tooth should be a twitching dude come out and eat a choclate bar

Drunkard and sweet tooth are not really PvE, they are... well... useless... XD
THe titles with emotes would be REALLY PvE ones: the ones earnedby doing quests and killing monsters.
- Explorer? You have to kill and do missions.
- Protector? Needless to say.
- Treasure opening? Well, you have to get to the chests first! PvE.
- Lightbringer, Sunspear? 100% PvE Grind!
- [Suggested quests done title]? Absolutely PvE.
- [Suggests Boss killing title]? Completely PvE.
- King of a big deal? Althought you can get it helped by non-PvE titles, it's important enough to have one emote per rank.
- Indentify itmes? NO! You can even put items inside Xunlai's and identify them with a PvP characters. (This title should be account based, by the way)
- Drink? Eat? NO. Again you can put the booze in Xunlai's and use it with a PvP.
- Games? Nopes. They can add NPC to access them in PvP (I think they will do next week).
- Luck? Bad luck? Nope. Standing still inside a city is something you can do in Great Temple Balthazar.
Only the REAL PvE titles would have emotes. And most of them only in the maxed state.
THe titles with emotes would be REALLY PvE ones: the ones earnedby doing quests and killing monsters.
- Explorer? You have to kill and do missions.
- Protector? Needless to say.
- Treasure opening? Well, you have to get to the chests first! PvE.
- Lightbringer, Sunspear? 100% PvE Grind!
- [Suggested quests done title]? Absolutely PvE.
- [Suggests Boss killing title]? Completely PvE.
- King of a big deal? Althought you can get it helped by non-PvE titles, it's important enough to have one emote per rank.
- Indentify itmes? NO! You can even put items inside Xunlai's and identify them with a PvP characters. (This title should be account based, by the way)
- Drink? Eat? NO. Again you can put the booze in Xunlai's and use it with a PvP.
- Games? Nopes. They can add NPC to access them in PvP (I think they will do next week).
- Luck? Bad luck? Nope. Standing still inside a city is something you can do in Great Temple Balthazar.
Only the REAL PvE titles would have emotes. And most of them only in the maxed state.
Charlotte the Harlot
The special item skins for pve emotes for pvp is no longer valid tournament players unlock special pvp skins now with the "ATS". So i say Hell Yeah give pve players emotes for each rank per Koabd and possibly even all max titles.
I've brought this up in another post too. Its still one game and it still is a GAME so if you really have an opposition to other people having fun then you have some problems.
I've brought this up in another post too. Its still one game and it still is a GAME so if you really have an opposition to other people having fun then you have some problems.
I just read through the entire thread and found it quite entertaining. Most of what the PvPers are saying boils down to "That's OUR toy, and you no-skilled PvE n00bs aren't worthy of having it." Which is pretty lame.
On one hand, having the rank emote for KoaBD titles would create a bunch of elitism among the PvE ranks, which is a problem the PvP world can keep, TYVM. Also, not all KoaBD titles are created equally. As has been stated, many titles can be simply bought, such as Sweet Tooth & Drunkard, and others take a lot of work to get, such as Cartographer and Skill Hunter.
On the other hand, you can only display 1 title at a time. If I'm down in the RoT, I want my Lightbringer title showing, not my PKM title. So it would be fun to be able to flash it around with the guildies, or as a response to being called a n00b by a moron. (I personally would never use it to determine if someone was "worthy" to join my PUG - I'm a PvE Mesmer, I know all about discrimination in PvE
If this were implemented, I think that the best kind of Emotes would be PvE related:
KoaBD = Charr emote
PKM = Mursaat or Margonite
Highest level = Glint
But, when it comes right down to it: /not signed. The Devs have more important things to work on.
I just read through the entire thread and found it quite entertaining. Most of what the PvPers are saying boils down to "That's OUR toy, and you no-skilled PvE n00bs aren't worthy of having it." Which is pretty lame.
On one hand, having the rank emote for KoaBD titles would create a bunch of elitism among the PvE ranks, which is a problem the PvP world can keep, TYVM. Also, not all KoaBD titles are created equally. As has been stated, many titles can be simply bought, such as Sweet Tooth & Drunkard, and others take a lot of work to get, such as Cartographer and Skill Hunter.
On the other hand, you can only display 1 title at a time. If I'm down in the RoT, I want my Lightbringer title showing, not my PKM title. So it would be fun to be able to flash it around with the guildies, or as a response to being called a n00b by a moron. (I personally would never use it to determine if someone was "worthy" to join my PUG - I'm a PvE Mesmer, I know all about discrimination in PvE

If this were implemented, I think that the best kind of Emotes would be PvE related:
KoaBD = Charr emote
PKM = Mursaat or Margonite
Highest level = Glint
But, when it comes right down to it: /not signed. The Devs have more important things to work on.
Evil Neato
I'd definitely give Gladiator, Champion, Luxon & Kurzick titles rank emotes.
I'd also give the harder PvE titles (not the easy ones) like Kind of a Big Deal rank emotes. After all, getting God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals is more than enough work to merit having a flashy emote.
I'd also give the harder PvE titles (not the easy ones) like Kind of a Big Deal rank emotes. After all, getting God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals is more than enough work to merit having a flashy emote.
Chaos Flame Reaper
I can see lucky emotes now
lucky: like hero, but flashes lucky things like a 4 leaf clover or a house shoe
I can see lucky emotes now
lucky: like hero, but flashes lucky things like a 4 leaf clover or a house shoe