How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


Woop make a ranger and use your bow, Go to the ele trainer and get firestorm. TADA

Bladed Aatxe

Bladed Aatxe

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Got this response after emailing GW support


Discussion Thread
Response (GM Abularkin) 12/18/2006 06:38 PM

Thank you for contacting Guild Wars Support. Err=59 results when a character has been in-game for more than 24 hours. Please note that you cannot remain in Guild Wars for longer than 24 hours. You will need to exit Guild Wars completely before the 24 hours have elapsed in order to avoid this forced disconnection. If you have any more questions, please let us know and we will be more than happy to assist you.

The Guild Wars Support Team

Now that I think about it, I haven't been exiting GW completely between deathleveling "sessions". I usually get the error the second time around. Though I think I've still err=59 before 24 hours...

Loki Seiguro

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

IGN: Scarlet Test Ace

We play Isketch in [HoH]


lol i finally got tired of going for this title maybe i should let someone get on my account and do it for me :/

the bad thing is its loaded with lvl 20s and way to transfer those lol


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Chaos Everlasting [CHEV]


do what i do, play normally and deathlevel at night//work or school, it will take longer if your not level 16 yet, but whatever, lol, im only level 11 and i got sick of the repetetive charr runs, when they lower then me they shouldnt be kicking my ass so well, lol, but yea, it will take me a few extra months, but whatever, lol


Yunas Ele

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Bladed Aatxe
Got this response after emailing GW support


Discussion Thread
Response (GM Abularkin) 12/18/2006 06:38 PM

Thank you for contacting Guild Wars Support. Err=59 results when a character has been in-game for more than 24 hours. Please note that you cannot remain in Guild Wars for longer than 24 hours. You will need to exit Guild Wars completely before the 24 hours have elapsed in order to avoid this forced disconnection. If you have any more questions, please let us know and we will be more than happy to assist you.

The Guild Wars Support Team

Now that I think about it, I haven't been exiting GW completely between deathleveling "sessions". I usually get the error the second time around. Though I think I've still err=59 before 24 hours...
Hmm. As much as I'd like to think ANet is right 2 things seem to disprove that.
1) I went afk for about 8 hours. no error. then went afk for about 20-25 mins after that. come back to err59. Guild Wars hadn't even give me the "You have been playing 9 hours, please take a break message" (not even close to 24 hours...), heck my computer hadn't even been on for 10 hours yet.
As you can see in that pic I broke the 24 hour mark and the game kept on running....

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

Yeah, Ive had multiple instances where I've played for a day, almost 2. Well, kept Gw running, not playing :P


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Chaos Everlasting [CHEV]


ive had it gripe at me for three days (this was with deathleveling and being kicked off and logging off and gettin on diff chars, so not with the same guy, not, but accountwise, then yes) and ive also played the same char for about a day and a half straight (thanksgiving break got boring, what can i say? lol) but yea, i dont believe thats the real reason, tho i do believe that it has something to do with account time, im stickin behind the "15 min to two days" theory, sounds the best to me....


Beld the Savage

Beld the Savage

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Liars Cheats and Thieves [Liar]


it might be very helpful if amish or someone else made a video which shows how to properly lure the charr to deathlevel.
or perhaps make even a little guide with screenies

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

I was working on that before, I gues I'll resume it soon. However, I will be moving to a new house soon so my Internet will be all farked up and stuff. I've never used video recording with GW but I've got a friend who can work wonders with it. I'll update yall later, school time!

Lamont Shadow

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Im not at the full death leveling stage yet - still level 14 and doing the charr boss grind. Do any of you who have been through the lvl 14 to 16 charr boss grind have any suggestions on how to solo it quickly?

Im a mesmer with a level 15 pet and still not strong enough to face more than one patrol group of 4 at a time. For me the difficulty seems to be in waiting for the 4 or 5 patrol groups to move away from the bosses or luring them out and killing them before going for the bosses and their blade storm guards. Either way, it takes 1/2 hour to 45 min before i can really get to those bosses. and since i will have to kill those bosses at least 30 times to move to level 15 - that's a lot of time invested.

So any hints on how to do it more quickly?

Here are a couple of things i did pick up

1: Jaw Smokescreen is the easiest to lure away from the other bosses so i usually take him out first.

2: the other 2 bosses are hard to lure away from bloodbane and he will keep healing them so, if possble, take out bloodbane 2nd. Once bloodbane is gone the other two are easy to kill

3: when you are killing bloodbane, go toe to toe with him. When he heals area, it will heal you and your pet too - and if you have enough energy hit him with backfire as that will do tremendous damage to him when he does his heal area spell and pretty much negate any advantage he might have.

Except for bloodbane everything else is easy to kill with a 14 mes - just so darn time consuming - so any suggestions for cutting time would be appreciated

oh - also - for opening the gate to solo - i had a second account already and gwx2 allows me to play both at same time - no more begging for gate openers and that saves a lot of time.

PS: when your are done playing for a while it is nice if you offer to open the gate for someone as you log off. It only takes a couple of minutes to find someone who needs the gate opened and given the number of times you have to go through the gate to gain levels they really appreciate it.

again, any hints you have to speed up the 14-16 grind would be appreciated

Purely Lime

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


Killing Is No Game [KING], The Brotherhood Of The [Wolf]


I don't know how it takes u 30-45 mins just to get to bosses. For me (N/E), I can get through bosses in 15 mins. If u don't already, just skip the first 2 groups.

Then I kill that group of 3 that walk back and forth infront of the fire shrine. Then I work from left to right: group of 4 to the far left; then pull the 2 wars from the left front corner of shrine; then the ele boss in the middle (Jaw I think); then the single war on the right front corner of the shrine; finally the group of 4 the walk back and forth over the shrine.

After that, if Blaze is either in the front spot or the back left spot I take him out first, and the other 2 bosses are easy to bring down. If he is in the back right spot u can't get to him without aggroing other groups, so i take out the boss sitting in the front spot, and then pull out Blaze. And ur done .

Maybe one reason I can get through so fast is because i can take out any boss in 10 secs, I use skills in this order: (run up close then) Glyph, Firestorm, (wait for health to get below 50%) then Touch, Gaze, Touch. Hope that helps some.

Originally Posted by Lamont Shadow
i had a second account already and gwx2 allows me to play both at same time
Just to let u know, u can get banned for using that. It's considered a third party program. But I use it too



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Las Vegas, Nevada

Heroes Elite Righteous Crusade


Originally Posted by God Apprentice
Amish is right it is not because of this, once before they had done an AI update and the way Anti did it became impossible, it wasn't because of what Anti did, it was because of the aggros in post would not break, it just affects pre as well. With the 2 expansions there have been more updates and there has been changed to the Ai since then, plus Anet does stealth updates as well (when death leveling was nerfed it wasn't included in the update notes)
True, you can still pull charrs to the shrine. However, these recent updates took me longer time to stack the charrs to be lured to the shrine. Once the charrs are out of agro bouble(range of sight), they are heading back where you first pulled them. My normal 45 minutes set up took me longer to since I have to constantly stop and check if they're following me.

My normal charr pull count ranges from 19 to 26. This is my normal pull count of charrs ( charr classes varies per spawn )

Charr Shaman - 3
Charr Hunter - 2
Charr Axe Fiend - 2
Charr Blade Storm - 3
Charr Chaots - 7
Charr Ashen Claw - 6
Total Charrs = 23

Yunas Ele

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by mighty_xena
True, you can still pull charrs to the shrine. However, these recent updates took me longer time to stack the charrs to be lured to the shrine. Once the charrs are out of agro bouble(range of sight), they are heading back where you first pulled them. My normal 45 minutes set up took me longer to since I have to constantly stop and check if they're following me.

My normal charr pull count ranges from 19 to 26. This is my normal pull count of charrs ( charr classes varies per spawn )

Charr Shaman - 3
Charr Hunter - 2
Charr Axe Fiend - 2
Charr Blade Storm - 3
Charr Chaots - 7
Charr Ashen Claw - 6
Total Charrs = 23
Out of curiosity, how many of those charrs actually level up? I've only lured about 15 at the most and never been able to get more than 4 of them to level up at a time.

Also your video doesn't work you've used up all your bandwith or something I think...


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
Woop, do what you want, everything has its ups and downs.
Yea like how i did all my quest when i first made my character,even tho i wasnt smart enought to save them for when im lvl 19 or 20..oh well

Lamont Shadow

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Purely Lime:

Thanks for the suggestions

It is funny how a tiny change can drastically change timing

I was going right to left - which put all the patrol groups in exactly the wrong positions and I would have to wait for them.

Going left to right puts each patrol group in the right position for attack so that I can finish one and go straight to the next - knocked my time down to 12-17 minutes.

Thanks for your warning about gwx2. But Anet has said they neither support nor forbid running 2 instance on one computer at the same time so I don't think we need to worry about banning just yet.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Las Vegas, Nevada

Heroes Elite Righteous Crusade


In regards to your question, ALL of them level up. But the way they level up varies from group to group (the earliest group you pull will be higher than others..and so on...the last group you pull will have the least level). There is a way to make sure all of them will level's my secret....sorry

In regards to the video clip, it does work. I just tried it myself when I read your mesage. You have to click the "down arrow icon" next to the dl_charr_1.mpg.

Originally Posted by Yunas Ele
Out of curiosity, how many of those charrs actually level up? I've only lured about 15 at the most and never been able to get more than 4 of them to level up at a time.

Also your video doesn't work you've used up all your bandwith or something I think...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005



I have a level 16 pre-sear, have had for ages so no Is Leet tag, Cheeky Git (E/Mo)

I have been offski GW for one of my regular sanity breaks and came back to find the title reactivated. Great.

As i am already level 16 (+85%) with the quests complete, my only option is the death level business.

Now, all the posts to date mention that you can level charr by running to them and dying (sounds boring, although the macro idea could work). The other is the striders at ashford.

I can quite happily get 3 striders clobbering me, but only one actually levels. Wiki confirms this.

My points are these:

1. Why does ANET feel the need to make an already boring title even more boring. Whats the logic behind making someone spend 3 or 4 times as long doing something boring as before? All that does is annoy people rather than making the title/level 20 any more difficult. Surely the quotes of 236 hours from level 1-20, whilst true, will only serve to dissuade people.

2. You dont need GWx2 and risk a ban for using a 3rd party program (or worse, embedded dodgy code nicking logon details). If you have windows xp, create a 2nd windows account and have dual logon. Perfectly acceptable. I confirmed that with their tech support. Right enough, they laughed and said good luck getting it to work. I say IN YER FACE...

3. Can we have that wee bug back that will allow me to get to the guild hall? i only need to get there for 2 minutes :-)

4. I had more, but even i have got bored with this post. Away to watch my strider level and convince myself its fun. really. it is.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006


Originally Posted by fachtna
1. Why does ANET feel the need to make an already boring title even more boring. Whats the logic behind making someone spend 3 or 4 times as long doing something boring as before? All that does is annoy people rather than making the title/level 20 any more difficult. Surely the quotes of 236 hours from level 1-20, whilst true, will only serve to dissuade people.
I think the 'LEGENDARY' bit refers to people belonging to the order of being a Legend. The definition of 'Legend', by
A nonhistorical or unverifiable story handed down by tradition from earlier times and popularly accepted as historical.
(Archaic.) a story of the life of a saint, esp. one stressing the miraculous or unrecorded deeds of the saint.
The 'miraculous' and 'unverifiable' bits should come in to play when you realise there shouldn't be many level20's around, from the time BEFORE the title was introduced. I think the title was implemented to honor the ANCIENT gamers that have been in Pre from before death leveling got nerfed. As such, it's more of a 'thank you' title for backward compatibility, rather than a 'gainable' title for people to see as a goal to get.

I think it's either this, or they would be thinking of expanding/changing Pre a bit, so that leveling up would be more pleasant than (though equally as painstakingly slow as) deathleveling.

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

Xena, how do you go about killing 20+ level 15+ charrs? I have a hard time killing 7 o.O


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005



Originally Posted by bouvrie
I think the title was implemented to honor the ANCIENT gamers that have been in Pre from before death leveling got nerfed. As such, it's more of a 'thank you' title for backward compatibility, rather than a 'gainable' title for people to see as a goal to get.
I am an ancient player. my pre-sear char was my 2nd and is 16 months old. I kept it pre to help new players and warn them about thieving dye traders offering 50g for Black. I only decided to try for the level 20 for a laugh...

And they nerfed the charr chasing you to the gate.
Then they nerfed the striders levelling outside Ashford
Then they nerfed the levelling of the striders so that only one would level.

Too many nerfs, not enough patience

You have to wonder if any of these game developers have actually spent the time gaining one of these titles themselves. Maybe they would get an inkling of the frustration experienced...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006

Norway, Oslo

Glob of Ectospasm

i got sick of getting this title so made a legendary survivor and actually reached it

still got my defender tho lol


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006



Originally Posted by Purely Lime
Just to let u know, u can get banned for using that. It's considered a third party program. But I use it too
and just to let you know, anet's already stated that while technically you can get banned for using methods to run two GW clients on one computer, they really don't care . ..



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Las Vegas, Nevada

Heroes Elite Righteous Crusade


Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
Xena, how do you go about killing 20+ level 15+ charrs? I have a hard time killing 7 o.O
Well, the trick is take your time on killing them. These are the ways I do it:

- Take your time. It's not wise trying to kill a charr in one shot. Instead, leave about a fraction of the targets(close to dying) then deliberately kill yourself and finish it as soon as you res back from the shrine. Remember you have 3 seconds god mode that you wont take any damage regardless of how many charrs you lure to the shrine.

- Try not to death level any shamans. Killing them is such a pain in the butt. if you're a warrior, 2 shamans is ok and 3 if you're a high level. In case you have shamans when you death level, you can lure the group of charrs to the nearest enclosed wall(next to the tree) which is near the shrine on your right hand side. You can use this method too so that you have a few charrs to kill since not all of them will stay and not follow you all the way.

-Try eliminating the casters and shamans first. Although they dont do much damage versus melee attacks, they can slow your movement. Killing them is a snap so you can concentrate in killing the melee charrs.

-Place lots of attribute points on your attack skills. For warriors, max your swords attribute since it really dont matter if you die when you're death leveling. For health issues when luring charrs, try not to kill the oakhearts and grawls along your path. They can serve as distractions and buy you some time to heal yourself.

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

I got all that but how do you not lure shamans? Just kill them after Luring them then go back to their mob for more casters?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by fachtna
I am an ancient player. my pre-sear char was my 2nd and is 16 months old. I kept it pre to help new players and warn them about thieving dye traders offering 50g for Black. I only decided to try for the level 20 for a laugh...

And they nerfed the charr chasing you to the gate.
Then they nerfed the striders levelling outside Ashford
Then they nerfed the levelling of the striders so that only one would level.

Too many nerfs, not enough patience

You have to wonder if any of these game developers have actually spent the time gaining one of these titles themselves. Maybe they would get an inkling of the frustration experienced...
Well, the unnerfted all of that...correct? It wouldnt surprise me if one of the devs were going ofr the title, but then again I highly doubt it one is..But still, I think they kno how long and boring the process is..
but anyways...a little update on me.

Over half way there but a bit...54% ..well its 55% now since I just killed it, time to start over again. I do wait untill its lvl 20 but ive been deathlvling all day

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

A Moa?PSHHHHH whatev


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
A Moa?PSHHHHH whatev
yesh..its a pretty moa isnt it? I dont have time to find good spawns so whatevers there goes and it works fine with me.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Las Vegas, Nevada

Heroes Elite Righteous Crusade


Today's update puts an end to death leveling charr by the shrine and you can't pull them anymore. For those of you who think that this will not happen...Well, think again !

I'm pretty sure I'll find another way to beat the system. If you guys ever listened in the first place this wouldn't happened....what a bunch of noobs!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Chaos Everlasting [CHEV]


maybe we should make a post in the suggestion forum
"level 14 monster in pre!!"
tho they should keep DL around as well so we can level while we sleep, but keep the 14 around so we can do something when we awake
or a repeatable quest...but that would be too easy unless its like 10 xp per run adn the quest is long and drawn out.... ahah, but anything is better then only being able to level twice a day...
oh wait, not enough ppl are going for the title to show support for the idea... darn... lol
and im in the same boat as emo, not enough time... usually log off when im too tired to do anything else, so i dont wanna be up another half hour trying to lure charr to the shrine.... that or i have school in the morning and i try to be off before 11.... speaking of im gonna go now, last day of finals tomarrow... wooo! winter break! lol


*edit* oh, well guess me and emo dont have to worry anymore, as the update nerfed it... yay stealth nerfs! any word on if normal death leveling still works?

Yunas Ele

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by mighty_xena
Today's update puts an end to death leveling charr by the shrine and you can't pull them anymore. For those of you who think that this will not happen...Well, think again !

I'm pretty sure I'll find another way to beat the system. If you guys ever listened in the first place this wouldn't happened....what a bunch of noobs!

You honestly gotta be kidding me if you think any AI updates that ANet makes is because of peope pulling char in pre-searing... its because it effects post and more specifically NF.

God Apprentice

God Apprentice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by mighty_xena
Today's update puts an end to death leveling charr by the shrine and you can't pull them anymore. For those of you who think that this will not happen...Well, think again !

I'm pretty sure I'll find another way to beat the system. If you guys ever listened in the first place this wouldn't happened....what a bunch of noobs!

Why would ANet give you a shiny title and nerf a way to get it?


Originally Posted by emoxcore
yesh..its a pretty moa isnt it? I dont have time to find good spawns so whatevers there goes and it works fine with me.
It's more suiting anyways SR, just be patient and keep doing it, better than some "broken" way

God Apprentice

God Apprentice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


EDIT: Double post

Femella Monachus

Femella Monachus

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Academy of War


Ok, so they did nerf the characteristic of the charr for the entire game, but why did Anet have to change the presearing too? I'm pretty sure they understand that the previous AI helped people not only to DL but help characters solo charrs too. So couldn't they just uncheck or leave out the presearing for the nerf?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Chaos Everlasting [CHEV]


if they did that it would be more complicated... when they update the AI, it isnt in one place, its the entire game, so if they say that the charr will dance after they kill you as a joke for the pre, then the charr will dance after they kill you in post as well




Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Las Vegas, Nevada

Heroes Elite Righteous Crusade


Originally Posted by Yunas Ele
You honestly gotta be kidding me if you think any AI updates that ANet makes is because of peope pulling char in pre-searing... its because it effects post and more specifically NF.
if you said it was because of NF, give me one good reason why they would nerf the charrs to follow you?.......NONE!.........absolutely makes no sense. You don't need to death level in Nightfall, Factions, and in the post. You can always level up to 20 anytime.

You better wake up and smell the cofee.....they deliberately making it more difficult everytime.

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

They did not nerf it because you could Dlvl them, they nerfed it because the Charr would follow your forever in pre sear and other campaigns.

Yunas Ele

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by mighty_xena
if you said it was because of NF, give me one good reason why they would nerf the charrs to follow you?.......NONE!.........absolutely makes no sense. You don't need to death level in Nightfall, Factions, and in the post. You can always level up to 20 anytime.

You better wake up and smell the cofee.....they deliberately making it more difficult everytime.
If I'm not mistake it wasn't just th char that had this problem. It was all the AI. Guess what, there are AI monsters in places other than pre too... If I am mistaken, and its only charr, then read Amish's post. There are charr in post too, just fyi.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005


It's a shame that fixing the buggy AI meant that there's no more DL'ing the charr over the wall anymore. Maybe they'll add a higher-level Charr boss across the wall so the title is more about defending Ascalon from the charr than being the king of Death by Striders

Toba Kett

Toba Kett

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Milwaukee, WI

The Ethereal Guard [TeG]


oh dear. I go on vacation for a week and now I'm scared.

Nerfed the striders? cany pull charr?

how am i supposed to kill the charr then, i never learned how to DL'ed them yet but i needed to be able to pull in order to kill them even to hunt!

and what is the nerf outrside of ashford? is barridian estate still safe and able to get 3 or 4 critters whollping you?

drat....if they just made this title near impossible, I'm really going to be sad...i just got to lvl 12 and i was so proud of myself for it.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005


Well, as far as I know, the only strider nerf is that only one will level up even though you can have a few killing you simultaneously.

You can still pull charr but only a little ways, they won't go allll the way back to the shrine so you can't DL them. Therfore, it seems the only thing you can DL now is a spider or a moa.

I haven't been able to play for a while so I haven't tested or confirmed that charr pulling to the shrine is not possible since the AI fix, but this is all what I gather from reading what everyone else has posted.