How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''
When I pull the Charr I always clear the path of all Grawl, Oak and Charr, then I move to the areas shown in my last post and pull the casters.
If you are having trouble and can only pull a few try to pull 2 shamans to the shrine, most times they can maintain each other until you can pull more casters.
Good luck
If you are having trouble and can only pull a few try to pull 2 shamans to the shrine, most times they can maintain each other until you can pull more casters.
Good luck
amish lifeguard
I leave the grawl and oakies there on the paths. Im a monk so i have very low armor. When i pull 3-7 casters, it can get a little overpowering so I use those grawl and oaks as a little distraction while i heal up. very useful

Deadlevel the charrs two times now.
Killed the first two charr groups.
After that i killed the oakkies above the wall to the right there.
Then i go futher and lure some Shaman and/or Claw and walk back till the wall where above the oakies that i killed where standing.
On that place i let me kill.
After that i am ressed i can walk against them and lure more charr and lure them to same place until i got there a group from 6 or more charr.
Then i can lure the whole group to the ress shrine.
The only problem i had was that only 3 charrs were leveling
All the charrs where in the agro cirkel.
Is there a solution for that?
Killed the first two charr groups.
After that i killed the oakkies above the wall to the right there.
Then i go futher and lure some Shaman and/or Claw and walk back till the wall where above the oakies that i killed where standing.
On that place i let me kill.
After that i am ressed i can walk against them and lure more charr and lure them to same place until i got there a group from 6 or more charr.
Then i can lure the whole group to the ress shrine.
The only problem i had was that only 3 charrs were leveling

All the charrs where in the agro cirkel.
Is there a solution for that?
amish lifeguard
Same thing happens to me River, Ive tried killing them, rearangin them, almost everything. Dont know why it doesnt work. Last night i got 9 to DLvl but only 3 actually leveld -_-
Purely Lime
New Update:
Oh no
Originally Posted by
Fixed a bug that caused some monsters to remain permanently aggressive toward their targets.

Yunas Ele
Well I tried river's strategy and now I can manage to get more than 1 to follow me, had 3 guys at one point. However, if I die at the oak place where you said you let them kill you, then they end up scattering on me. If I try to lure all 3 back to the shrine (instead of letting them kill me like in River's post), I usually die on the way back, soft target ftl.
Originally Posted by Purely Lime
New Update:
Oh no ![]() |

amish lifeguard
Havent got on since the update, did this affect Pre Sear as well? OMG that would suck so much hairy charr balls grrr
Femella Monachus
Still works at this moment. However, I've noticed that once you kill a spell caster, the next spell caster won't come running for you like before. This could possibly damage some possiblities for luring axe/warrior fiends or hunters.
isnt that just dandy
did this update also disallow you from pulling more then one? cause i got one shaman to the shrine, but then i tried to get the next and he wouldnt follow me, tho i almost got two axe fiends to the shrine....
Holy Warblade
Originally Posted by holyjew888
isnt that just dandy
Even though it may affect how Charrs behave in Pre for death leveling, there's no need to jump and just chastice Anet for doing something that the masses requested. Overall, with everything they are providing this month, I applaud Anet for all their upcoming updates and addons.
As far as the AI, if you actually spend time testing different methods, NOTHING has changed to the methods of luring Charrs to the shrine. In fact, I have tested it three times already after the update, and all three times, luring 3 full groups have been successful.
Instead of complaining about another update, adjust your methods, test different theories and actually try to outsmart the AI.
amish lifeguard
lol, the one thing that has been urking me is that ever since the update, most of the mobs follow me for far longer than they used to. It can really screw it up if you die.
Yunas Ele
Woot! I managed to do it! Lured 4 shaman + 1 chaot to the shrine. But heres the interesting part. About 5 mins into it, an axe fiend, hunter and another shaman where there too (no idea where the came from but they're their dleveling me right now)
I think I might of outdone myself, not sure how I'm gonna kill all those guys, especailly with 3 of em level 20...
Edit: 4 of the char are leveling up o0
I think I might of outdone myself, not sure how I'm gonna kill all those guys, especailly with 3 of em level 20...
Edit: 4 of the char are leveling up o0
Originally Posted by Yunas Ele
Woot! I managed to do it! Lured 4 shaman + 1 chaot to the shrine. But heres the interesting part. About 5 mins into it, an axe fiend, hunter and another shaman where there too (no idea where the came from but they're their dleveling me right now) I think I might of outdone myself, not sure how I'm gonna kill all those guys, especailly with 3 of em level 20... Edit: 4 of the char are leveling up o0 |
With 3 lvl 20s u might die a few times, but the good thing is at least they cant really spend attribute points, so their attacks(skills) dont do more and more dmg, I would think that would take quite a long time to kill them
Originally Posted by emoxcore
Yea thats happen to me too,random charr that are comming all the way from where they first spawn
With 3 lvl 20s u might die a few times, but the good thing is at least they cant really spend attribute points, so their attacks(skills) dont do more and more dmg, I would think that would take quite a long time to kill them |
amish lifeguard
Yeah, took me an hour to kill 3 lvl 20 shamans and 2 lvl 16 chaots haha
See, my theory was right...soon enough they will change the Charrs AI behavior....and they need.
amish lifeguard
No it was not right. They did not nerf that because of us. They obviously nerfed it because it was affecting factions and nightfall. They nerfed it because of other complaints. We did not influence this at all. Assuming they did it because of us, they would have had to put their full time in in order to nerf it because I talked about it less than a week ago.
Yunas Ele
Wow... I go AFK while DLeveling for like 8 hours. No error. Then I go afk for another 20 mins, come back, err59 ~.~
And xena, the nerf didn't have much effect on the char. If anything, it made it easier o0. I was having trouble pulling char b4 this update but I was able to do it after o0.
And xena, the nerf didn't have much effect on the char. If anything, it made it easier o0. I was having trouble pulling char b4 this update but I was able to do it after o0.
God Apprentice
Amish is right it is not because of this, once before they had done an AI update and the way Anti did it became impossible, it wasn't because of what Anti did, it was because of the aggros in post would not break, it just affects pre as well. With the 2 expansions there have been more updates and there has been changed to the Ai since then, plus Anet does stealth updates as well (when death leveling was nerfed it wasn't included in the update notes)
Hey bouvrie, give us specifics about your trip to see Ben, and coming back to see those charr... definitely something worth investigating. Might be an easy way to set a squad up for DLing.
Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
Hey bouvrie, give us specifics about your trip to see Ben, and coming back to see those charr... definitely something worth investigating. Might be an easy way to set a squad up for DLing.
amish lifeguard
Some groups come back when you kill the shaman, but some dont. Im still working on which ones do and dont.
Originally Posted by holyjew888
if they are level 20 and you are level 16 there attacks will do more if it isnt a armor ignoreing attack spell(i.e. flare)
heres a lil update on how im doin
going much faster than i thought it would too.

Originally Posted by Yunas Ele
Wow... I go AFK while DLeveling for like 8 hours. No error. Then I go afk for another 20 mins, come back, err59 ~.~
Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
Some groups come back when you kill the shaman, but some dont. Im still working on which ones do and dont.
Yunas Ele
Originally Posted by emoxcore
yea ive gotten that as well, I come back from beinf afk for 8-9 hours and whatever im lvling is only lvl 19 (-.-) So i wait for a few mins just to see if it will lvl to 20 and I get DC'd D:
Originally Posted by Yunas Ele
Hmmm... I was under the impression that err59 boots you off for being AFK in a non-town place (i've gone afk in HA for like a day, and in shing jea boardwalk for like 2 days with no error) for a random amount of time. Perhaps maybe it errors for being in 1 (non-town) zone for more than x amount of time, regardless of wether you are afk or not?
if that was the case then we would be kicked off every night when people deathlvl (like leave your computer running over night when you sleep and when you go to school to deathlvl)
err59 is the "lost network connection" one correct? It could just be your internet and how well it can manage your internet connection. I have my days when my computer acts up alot and i get booted about 3-4 times, but so far since ive been working on lvl 18 I havent gotten a DC'd yet.
Yunas Ele
Originally Posted by emoxcore
if that was the case then we would be kicked off every night when people deathlvl (like leave your computer running over night when you sleep and when you go to school to deathlvl)
err59 is the "lost network connection" one correct? It could just be your internet and how well it can manage your internet connection. I have my days when my computer acts up alot and i get booted about 3-4 times, but so far since ive been working on lvl 18 I havent gotten a DC'd yet. |
Bladed Aatxe
059 - If the account has been logged in for more then 24 hours it will be disconnected. Also, if the account is logged in and is inactive for more then 10 hours with no game play occurring, it will be disconnected. This is an important one to keep in mind for anyone that is idling in the Shing Jea Boardwalk or attempting to death level in order to obtain the Legendary Defender of Ascalon title.
Right from guildwiki...
Right from guildwiki...

amish lifeguard
I can't believe that, seeing as I've Dlvld for more than 12 hours and, in that 12 hour span, never even looked at Guild Wars.
Originally Posted by Yunas Ele
Nope, err7 is the one where you lost network connection. err59 is the "afk" one. I was talking to a friend about it and he says it kicks you off for being afk out of town for a random time between 15 mins and 24 hours o0. Dunno if thats true but it would explain how I didn't get error for 8 hours, but then for 20 mins of afking, I did.
Originally Posted by Bladed Aatxe
059 - If the account has been logged in for more then 24 hours it will be disconnected. Also, if the account is logged in and is inactive for more then 10 hours with no game play occurring, it will be disconnected.
I wonder how one defines 'inactive for more than 10 hours'. I usually check up on the game occasionally, attacking some charr for sport, yet not killing them. Perhaps it's required to make a kill within that time period?
Yunas Ele
Originally Posted by Bladed Aatxe
059 - If the account has been logged in for more then 24 hours it will be disconnected. Also, if the account is logged in and is inactive for more then 10 hours with no game play occurring, it will be disconnected. This is an important one to keep in mind for anyone that is idling in the Shing Jea Boardwalk or attempting to death level in order to obtain the Legendary Defender of Ascalon title.
Right from guildwiki... ![]() |
1) I've had the "You have been playing for 1 day, please take a break message" appear numerous times (after 1 day 1 hour, 1 day 2 hour, etc, it still says just 1 day). No error. The games been runnign 24+ hours, so it would be disconnected according to wiki. It wasn't.
2) I've been AFK for more than 10 hours and no disconnect. Amish said the same too.
3) And to favor the theory my friend told me (in above post), one time I went afk only 45 mins (had been online for about 10 mins before that), and I come back to an err59. There may be some other variables that decide when you get err59 but so far my friend's theory seems like its the best bet atm.
And on another note, I was AFK about about 8 and a half hours when char DLevel me. Oddly though, only 1 of like 8 char leveled to 20 x_x. Rest stayed beginning level. Oh well, better than getting 0 exp cuz of error59 ~.~
Yea i just tried to lvl the charr with a friend and we had a hard tiem pulling the monk away from the portal. We used oue vamp bows and tried to get her to follow us, it worked but she ran away once she healed us enough.
Originally Posted by bouvrie
I wonder how one defines 'inactive for more than 10 hours'. I usually check up on the game occasionally, attacking some charr for sport, yet not killing them. Perhaps it's required to make a kill within that time period?
Also, perhaps a bit off-topic, but did anyone else have the Healing Monk abandon her post, and head out to the ruins, possibly to heal you? I found that during some of my pulls, the monk would try to meet me between the resurrection shrine and the first crossroads leading to the ruins. Perhaps this behavior can be used or something, by making the Charr deal with the monk without those archers backing the monk up...
Woop Shotty
I made a ranger so that I could use my Ithas bow, but now I'm rethinking it. Should I go for ele for firestorm?
Zurc Blackstarr
how do u get a pet with a mesmer? it didnt say you were a ranger
Originally Posted by Zurc Blackstarr
how do u get a pet with a mesmer? it didnt say you were a ranger

amish lifeguard
Woop, do what you want, everything has its ups and downs.