How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''

The High Lord

The High Lord

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006

Ghostly Heroes [GoH]

Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
Also, for people using the ranger secondary- when you finally get around to questing. Do not accept it as your secondary, still leave it to the demoing of the skills even after you have done all the other quests, this way when your pet dies, your skills don't get recharged.
I am ranger primary, and my skills also don't recharge when my pet dies. (In Pre-Searing.)


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Dark Humans


Gobla of Ascalon

Going for the title , lvl 10 so far.

Add me if you need a buddy to do the northlands

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]


It will not take 1000 hours unless you are a slacker to the extreme. It all depends on how you play it and how much. 300 hours is uber fast and i doubt anyone can do it that fast. But who knows, with all the Dlvling required, maybe it could take 800 hours?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


i got to lvl 13 in about 18 hours but now the grinding starts. It took about 5 runs of clearing the charr to lvl once solo.

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

wait til lvl 15 -_-


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Guardians Alliance [ALLY] now recruiting


im testing the exact times with my necromancer who will never spend anytime looking to buy items, lfg or anything so at the same time its a bit unrealalistic on its times. but it is currently lvl 11 in i think 9 or 10 hours so we shall see. i wont be continueing on with deathleveling untill this summer so i can kill them when they turn lvl 20 without another 2-3 hour wait longer (school) so it will be QUITE some time before these times are verified by me.

Kendar Muert

Kendar Muert

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006



Im going for LDoA and LS.. If anyone wants to give it a shot with me, pm me on here or in game as Jinn Master.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


you won't get LS, unless you are going to try that thing that someone said where you have to delete all your GW files cept for 1 or two and its all confusing. You can't get a solid res in pre so you can't let someone die and then u res them. And your pet only gives Exp the first time it dies.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


Originally Posted by Covah
you won't get LS, unless you are going to try that thing that someone said where you have to delete all your GW files cept for 1 or two and its all confusing. You can't get a solid res in pre so you can't let someone die and then u res them. And your pet only gives Exp the first time it dies.
Not to mention that once u lvl 20 u have 1,196,400 more exp to get and only get 100 exp per d-lvled creature making that 11,964 more d-lvled deaths to go. even at the rediculus rate of one lvl 20 d-lvled creature per hour that would be 498.5 days of straight game playing... If u get this title by this method i will crack you on the head for being stupid



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


and when he dies once he loses the titles so its wouldn't matter about the 11,964.

Leorin Magnifico

Leorin Magnifico

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006



Ha ha ha ha....

LDoA...most useless title ever...

I remember when lvling to 20 in pre was about so much more then that...
Used to be being unique, and something unheard ha ha ha...with Anet encouraging it...hell no!

Ha ha ha!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


So Leo does that mean you will stay @ lvl 19? lol

Leorin Magnifico

Leorin Magnifico

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006



Lets put it this way, I have been lvl 19 for near 8 months now...and didnt bother going for lvl 20 then....

And the title made sure I never will xD

<3 God


Tetris L

Tetris L

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna

Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
It will not take 1000 hours unless you are a slacker to the extreme.
I think it will.

Climbing from level 16 to 19 takes about 35k XP. That's roughly 230 level 20 striders. Levelling a Strider to level 20 takes well over 10 hours, unless you speed up the process with Frenzy / sacrificing, which means you can't go afk.

Do the math. What's your result?



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

As Tetris said, it takes a long time.

Not sure if it always takes 10 hours, but it's a long time; you can aggro extra enemies to speed it up a bit. As you approach level 20 the levelling does go a bit faster, as you are worth more experience, especially for the strider 3 levels above you (for example). I do suspect that you are talking about overnight levelling regardless though, so if you are getting 7 hours of sleep you'll age your character 7 hours per strider, minimum.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by Pure Disasta
Yeah iam glad i dont have to charr hunt anymore it was bad enough having to go like 8-16 solo charr hunting all the way. Then again death training isnt much better anyways and i cant wait till charr death training is released.
anyone know anything more about this?

Dfx Gladiator

Dfx Gladiator

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

Portugal - Porto


Why do you want LS and LDoA since you only can show one title at once? Will u change it every minute or something? xD

Oh unless u might want all the titles or something! ^^

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

Gladiator, Simply being lvl 20 with LS in Pre is enough for both titles since you get LDoA when you get lvl 20.

Plastichead, It IS possible but I will not disclose it until i get permission from Xena.

Leorin Magnifico, why are you so ignorant? You will not go for lvl 20 just because you dont want a title? Stop posting if you are going to be negative.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


Society of Souls [Argh]


add me to the list
< Tera Illusion, lvl 10 + 3%

gl to every1, and if any1 findsa awy to get Survivor + LDOA, i'll be amazed ^_^


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


only way to get both titles would be to have a higher lvl monster or a re-doable quest. And that would be just Tier 1 of survivor. screw LS in pre lol.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Amish Lifeguard, if you ever do get permission from Xena, Pm me in game, My Character is a level 13 ranger: Aux Ilary. I don't really need to know until i'm 16 though.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


He will probably add it to his guide. Just hope its soon.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


Originally Posted by Leorin Magnifico
Lets put it this way, I have been lvl 19 for near 8 months now...and didnt bother going for lvl 20 then....

And the title made sure I never will xD

<3 God

there may be several already with title but i bet 90% of the peeps proclaiming that they aiming for title will not reach it within a year or will just posibly give up at lvl 16

I think incorigible ale hound in pre>LDoA,
simply because it costs alot more then just time.

if i were ever to get lvl 20 in pre my pet would stay at lvl 16 so i am not perfect. hell i even dyed my starter warrior armor white

if nothing else quit using the excuse, "since every one has it i dont want it" cause u greedy about every one getting shot at being high lvl. hell if u hit lvl 20 just dont display it as some braging right


Femella Monachus

Femella Monachus

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Academy of War


Originally Posted by amish lifeguard

Plastichead, It IS possible but I will not disclose it until i get permission from Xena.

Let's say you or Xena does post the way to do it. What's the probability of it getting nerfed?
It if much better for someone to find the method themselves. In my opinion, it is part of the creativity and intelligence of being the Legendary Defender of Ascalon.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

is it still possible to leave the arena training after completeing? will you end up in post or stay in pre? when i say leave, i mean leave right after the "random arena" battle is complete.

the reason i ask is this: In the real random arenas, people have been known to "sync enter" and i figured if you got enough lvl 16s, 17s, 18s and 19s you could theoretically get xp off each other.

any thoughts on this?

[edit] no it does not work, good thing i made a new character to test!


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by Femella Monachus
Let's say you or Xena does post the way to do it. What's the probability of it getting nerfed?
It if much better for someone to find the method themselves. In my opinion, it is part of the creativity and intelligence of being the Legendary Defender of Ascalon.
well, i am trying to figure it out. but i have few leads (i know, i know, neither did the first person).

Femella Monachus

Femella Monachus

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Academy of War


Well, I hope you pursue those leads.

I mean, I would hate to have the method nerfed before I get to level 20. Even then, I would still probably not reveal it because it will be unfair to the people that have not reached it.

Like I said before, once you figure it out, you'll feel like a real Legendary Defender because you will be one of few who knows the method. That's the fun part! You will also have demonstrated how creative and smart you are.

Thomas Valheru

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006



Would it be possible to get some kind of hint as to how to do this supposed trick?
Pretty please with sugar on top?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


I don't think they would nerf this idea. They had already nerfed Charr coming back to the shrine but when they added this new title they must have allowed it again.

Kendar Muert

Kendar Muert

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006



I found a way to get LS, and its quite simple- pay others to dl you. Actually, i got a guildie to do it, but ya...same principle. (:

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

How many times do we have to say this? You can NOT have 2 people Dlvl. The whole party must die before you rez!

As to the charr, I believe that they will not nerf it as well. They took it away for a period of time but later reinstalled it. I believe that if they did this, they will not take it away again. But Xena wants to play it safe and out of goodwill, I will respect his opinion until he gives the go.

God Apprentice

God Apprentice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Leorin! My mesmer ^_^ <3

On topic: Aside from that exploit (Hi Lime ) there is no realistic way to gain both titles (LDoA, LS)

Originally Posted by jryan
there may be several already with title but i bet 90% of the peeps proclaiming that they aiming for title will not reach it within a year or will just posibly give up at lvl 16

I think incorigible ale hound in pre>LDoA,
simply because it costs alot more then just time.

if i were ever to get lvl 20 in pre my pet would stay at lvl 16 so i am not perfect. hell i even dyed my starter warrior armor white

if nothing else quit using the excuse, "since every one has it i dont want it" cause u greedy about every one getting shot at being high lvl. hell if u hit lvl 20 just dont display it as some braging right

You miss the point. Before the title appeared trying to level to 20 was an "underground" thing, now because of the addition of the title more people are trying and it has become "mainstream". The thing is to us old schoolers it looks like this: If you wanted to be 20 why didn't you start back then? Why did you decided to do it once you found it there is a title. You'd have had to been in pre searing for as long as we have (14 months for me) to understand the flaming to acceptance thing.

Originally Posted by Femella Monachus
Well, I hope you pursue those leads.

I mean, I would hate to have the method nerfed before I get to level 20. Even then, I would still probably not reveal it because it will be unfair to the people that have not reached it.

Like I said before, once you figure it out, you'll feel like a real Legendary Defender because you will be one of few who knows the method. That's the fun part! You will also have demonstrated how creative and smart you are.
The method is simple: Death leveling. There is no super secret boss you fight or nothing like that. There are different areas to death level, yes. But only one method. Death leveling was already nerfed before. The only way to nerf this is to nerf death leveling. Case in point:

The first level 20 death leveled off of Charr. Now that in itself was not nerfed. ANet updated the AI back in November I believe it was and it affected aggro in pre as well. So it wasnt actually nerfed, people just went to find another way to do it, before it was actually nerfed in the summer

Originally Posted by Covah
I don't think they would nerf this idea. They had already nerfed Charr coming back to the shrine but when they added this new title they must have allowed it again.
As I stated above, that was not nerfed. Anet made an AI update and it affected aggro in pre, it was not meant as a nerf because Anti hit 20, it was just a standard AI update, and Charr can be pulled to the shrine still. ANet has done several AI updates

Leorin wasn't being ignorant, as I stated myself I was not one of the only ones who felt the title lessened the value of being 20 in pre. Leorin was stating an opinion.

Originally Posted by Tetris L
I think it will.

Climbing from level 16 to 19 takes about 35k XP. That's roughly 230 level 20 striders. Levelling a Strider to level 20 takes well over 10 hours, unless you speed up the process with Frenzy / sacrificing, which means you can't go afk.

Do the math. What's your result?
Tetris you are more correct.

Level 16 each kill nets 2% xp
you getting the picture now?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


Through the Eyes of the Dragon [eyes]


Hi all. I, too, am going for LDoA and thought I'd share any tips I've had that maybe will help some others out.

First thing, the OP (you know, that post WAY back at the beginning? lol) said that doing it with a ranger is tough. Not true! I do more than fine with my ranger and never have had trouble killing the charr on my own from lvl8 on. I use a flatbow to keep aggro solely on my pet in some instances and 'Read the Wind' as my prep. (not Ignite Arrows) to nail those kiting spellcasters my pet chases. Solo boss runs at lvl14/15 only took me ~10min. FYI

I am lvl16 and deathleveling ATM, so, yeah, I've hit the proverbial wall. The process of getting to lvl20 in pre definitely seems exponential . Anyway, I'm thinking of installing GW on my laptop for the sole purpose of deathleveling my character, so I can program/play other games on my main machine. I just have to come back every 8-10hrs and "push the button" like John Locke on LOST I am recently graduated and unemployed so I have the time to devote to this, but I think some people still don't fathom what they are getting themselves into (ie: read the last lines of God Apprentice's post above mine as well as Tetris's post). Unless I figure out the charr pulling technique, I don't suspect to have this title until a good way into 2007 (ie: months) I only have one acct, for the record, so I don't plan on death leveling all day, everyday until I have the title, so it might be diff. for you. I encourage people to stick with it if you really want it, but I do think there might be a dropout/quitter rate with this title akin to the Navy SEALs, heh.

I do my death leveling outside of the Duke's estate in Green Hills and always go for a spawn of 2/3 spider/moas around the res shrine. Can take 5-10 min. sometimes to get a good spawn, btw. As Tetris said, around 10 hrs to get a lvl20 enemy

Lastly, a tip for getting the gate open and soloing. emoxcore said it best (trade from below after player pulls the lever but DON'T zone until they map out). This will almost guarentee you a solo run free of money/xp leechers. I say 'almost' because I had the misfortune to have a real spiteful gate opener, 1 run away from lvl16, too, go figure . Anyway, after zoning into the Northlands and giving him 50g, he proceeded to zone back to Lakeside, gloat and pat himself on the back for a well-conceived "scam", and mapped out. This got me thinking about a fool-proof way to get into the Northlands, but I realized if someone is really spiteful enough (using emoxcore's tactic) they'd just run back to Ascalon City and zone there. Ever other gate opener was great though, and I met a lot of cool and kind people along the way.

I am 'Stacy the Ranger', btw, so if you see me around, say hi! Adios for now.



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Little Duckies


I have a question about how enemies gain experience. The striders are not in a party together. I sat and watched two striders attack me over and over and only one of them leveled for a long time. Does the one that gets the kill get the experience? And in that event, wouldn't death by Blood Renewal not give the kill/experience to the striders at all? I can't use Blood Renewal unless it's going to kill me, because the striders are too crappy to kill me with 2 health regeneration, even if my health is under 10.

Frenzy sounds like a plan, though. I might set something up on my laptop to just keep pressing the number for the skill slot frenzy is at.

^ I was thinking one of these guys would work really well to peck at numbers on a keyboard. Homemade macros ftw.

And on what Tetris said. If you have to kill 200+ level 20 striders and it takes 8-10 hours to get them to level 20, why don't we change the number of hours it takes to get from 16-19 on the initial post? Or has he already done that?

Originally Posted by holyjew888
i just pay the greedy american bastards...
I'm American, play on the American servers, and my character's name is Niecie Kitty. Add me and let me know when you need help, I'll let you in for free.

Tetris L

Tetris L

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna

Originally Posted by God Apprentice
Tetris you are more correct.

Level 16 each kill nets 2% xp
you getting the picture now?
These are the precise numbers:
Lvl | XP req. | XP gained | Kills | Percent 
n   | for n+1 | per kill  | req.  | per kill
16  | 11000   |    168    |  65   | 1/65 = 1.5%
17  | 11600   |    152    |  76   | 1/76 = 1.3%
18  | 12200   |    136    |  90   | 1/90 = 1.1%
Remark: "Kill" means a fully death-levelled level 20 foe.

You see that you need to kill 231 fully death-levelled foes to climb from level 16 to 19 alone. Assuming that you death level each foe overnight while you're afk (asleep .... zzzzzzzzz) you will need more than 7 months for that. And that's only the last part, not counting the time needed to climb to level 16.

I reckon all the impatient people will probably give up working on the title when they realize how long it will really take them.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006

Alliance of Xen [XoO]


Thanks for the figures tetris, clears up a lot for me.

Still going for the title though :P

Holy C Ronnie (Mo9)

God Apprentice

God Apprentice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Tetris L
These are the precise numbers:
Lvl | XP req. | XP gained | Kills | Percent 
n   | for n+1 | per kill  | req.  | per kill
16  | 11000   |    168    |  65   | 1/65 = 1.5%
17  | 11600   |    152    |  76   | 1/76 = 1.3%
18  | 12200   |    136    |  90   | 1/90 = 1.1%
Remark: "Kill" means a fully death-levelled level 20 foe.

You see that you need to kill 231 fully death-levelled foes to climb from level 16 to 19 alone. Assuming that you death level each foe overnight while you're afk (asleep .... zzzzzzzzz) you will need more than 7 months for that. And that's only the last part, not counting the time needed to climb to level 16.

I reckon all the impatient people will probably give up working on the title when they realize how long it will really take them.

Yeah that's why it only took Anti a month and a half back then, cause 20+ Charr at shrine made it faster lol, instead of 1 Moa now


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

To save a little time: use Barradin's Estate instead of Ashford Abbey - you can start with level 2 Moss Spiders instead of level 1 striders, and it's a much shorter walk to the rez shrine (much quicker to zone in/out for a good spawn).


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


I'm still going for LDoA with my mesmer Mr Littlejeans lvl 12 right now. But i'm remaking spooge and she will be going for LS.

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

And how will you get LS?