Originally Posted by God Apprentice
yay another old schooler  What is your char's name, I might 'member you
Diessa L... (not disclosing full name for privacy reasons

I'm the friendly blue-dyed ranger trading all sorts of stuff and chatting around all of pre hehe
Originally Posted by Elbereth_Tiniquetil
...I just wish ANet would (a) remove the title or (b) give us a way to get the title without the need to death level.
I have some suggestions for Anet to help us get the pre title
In the Northlands they could add a group of high level Charr in the Pilken Square area.
Have a quest that lets us join the fight at the gate that you can see from the wall near the king. This could have lv14 NPC that would let us level without the need to DL.
Also they could do more with the Wizards Tower area with perhaps mutated wolfs or scale from the magical experiments.
In my opinion lvl 14 baddies wouldn't fit the storyline and be out-of-place in pre...though the idea of a quest is appealing to me in another way...
Also I don't realy like the idea of uhm...lvl 14 mutant stuff?..
Originally Posted by Elbereth_Tiniquetil
Also can we please get storage in pre it would not be hard to add it the area, I see no valid reason why we have not had it added.
Originally Posted by Covah
As for the storage maybe just make one that is pre items only so you can't have green weapons and stuff in pre. Other then that we don't really need a storage.
Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
Well maybe like- Storage, than you can only deposit to in pre. How about that. Just as extra inventory space if we wanted to store more dyes, purple weapons, stackable drops, extra sets of armor, etc.
Originally Posted by emoxcore
I love this idea, a storage just for pre-searing. hmm that should go on the suggestion forum.
Well...if there would ever be a storage implemented in pre then ofcourse there shouldn't be a storage thats connected to post...
noone should forget that pre is 2 years ahead of post.
And about a presearing-only storage...if regular players would store stuff in there and then sear...would that mean they lost all items in there during the searing? Or would they have access to that 'pre storage' anyway in order to still have those items and if so...would this extra pre-storage available in post be available only to prophecies players? And be character based as opposed to account based?
Would that storage stay in pre indefinately...inaccessable to random players having only toons in post?
In my opinion a way easier way to add extra inventory space would be to have bags available through normal means in pre (with or without the runes of holding).
One of the ideas I had was to have a repeatable quest, possibly in the northlands, giving maybe 100xp or so. One possible objective could be to clear the northlands or to scout ahead or anything (anet is creative..they can think of something haha).
This repeatable quest could be unlocked for people at lvl 16 or above. Another idea could be to have, when having successfully cleared all of the charr in the northlands, a collector spawn in the northlands having bags (plz anet beg beg :P ). This could also be part of the quest reward of this same repeatable quest.
Also this would be imo a better way to earn legendary defender of ascalon instead of death levelling on moss spiders as you'd actually be able to earn LDoA in a now normal way. Theres not much 'legendary' about killing tons of moss spiders I think...
Originally Posted by holyjew888
so what this says is that you are jealous, being jealous though is not a bad thing, what makes it bad is how you express it. this goes back to the ''if you dont have anything nice to say then dont say it at all'' thing (you to amish EH HEM) so please lets put aside our differences and work together on getting lvl 20 AND the title. also about people flaming you, when you do something meaningless you are ''wasting your time'' but when you get a reward its worth it, thats just human nature
Maybe mot directly related to this quote but I think many of us 16+ pre's have had our fair share of people calling us all kinda of stuff because we're seemingly wasting time levelling, maxing and dying-black our pre toons...
I'll quote a short conversation i had a while back in pre when someone saw my lvl 16 pre ranger in Ascalon City:
Him:Wow...you're level 16 in pre
Him:Whats the point of being level 16 in pre?
Me:Well..whats the point of playing Guildwars?
Him:Good point...
Have a nice day!