How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

# Taming a Black Bear in Pre-Searing is very difficult but not impossible. It takes two people working together to do this. Have the bear engage the other player, and have the one trying to charm the bear, stand so that the bear will be on the edge of his aggro bubble. Both players should wait until the bear uses its Brutal Mauling skill. You can figure out when by counting the bear's attacks - it will use it every fourth attack. As soon as it does, the charmer must use Charm Animal, and the other player must run in the other direction. The bear must be made to chase the retreating player to get it far from the one using the skill. If done correctly, the bear will have moved too far away for it to use Breaking Charm in time. It will definitely require several tries to get it right.

Add that somewhere.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Elnai
Anyway..... on a less controversial note..

Started Dleveling my level 12 warrior outside of ashford last night. Then i went to bed. I woke up to see a level 15 moa bird! (W00T) I then proceeded to take a shower, and when I got back, I had err7ed
personally (imo) If your still getting xp from charr, you shouldnt be deathlvling, you can probably get more XP and a higher % from doing several charr runs then deathlvling and getting DC like what had happen to you.

Originally Posted by Dr. Fire

I have tried setting my game up for dlvling overnight the past 3 nights and when I have got up in the morning I was disconnected all 3 times. I wonder if they reset/restart U.S. servers at night.
Nah they dont 'reset' the U.S servers, I leave guild wars running overnight and most of the time i dont get Diconnected.

Purely Lime

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


Killing Is No Game [KING], The Brotherhood Of The [Wolf]


Originally Posted by emoxcore
I leave guild wars running overnight and most of the time i dont get Diconnected.
Same here.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


Is there a set time of being idle that when reached will kick you? Sometimes when i leave it on I get discoed and other times i don't.

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

I've gotten a 2 Day message. I don't think theres a set time.



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

Adelaide, Australia

Holy Champions of Justice


I have never seen the server reset itself after a given amount of time, and I have left my dolls to the walls character running all night on many occasions.

Yes we all hate the evil Err7

My preferred method to getting my characters up to level 16 is to kill the Charr in the “Northlands” until lv16 then start the death level. I just wish ANet would (a) remove the title or (b) give us a way to get the title without the need to death level.

I have some suggestions for Anet to help us get the pre title

In the Northlands they could add a group of high level Charr in the Pilken Square area.


Have a quest that lets us join the fight at the gate that you can see from the wall near the king. This could have lv14 NPC that would let us level without the need to DL.

Also they could do more with the Wizards Tower area with perhaps mutated wolfs or scale from the magical experiments.

Also can we please get storage in pre it would not be hard to add it the area, I see no valid reason why we have not had it added.

(off topic my Dolls Anti Leet character needs 1 more white dye I will trade a black for it tonight if you have one)


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


Originally Posted by Elbereth_Tiniquetil
Also they could do more with the Wizards Tower area with perhaps mutated wolfs or scale from the magical experiments.

Also can we please get storage in pre it would not be hard to add it the area, I see no valid reason why we have not had it added.
lol @ the mutants. As for the storage maybe just make one that is pre items only so you can't have green weapons and stuff in pre. Other then that we don't really need a storage.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Well maybe like- Storage, than you can only deposit to in pre. How about that. Just as extra inventory space if we wanted to store more dyes, purple weapons, stackable drops, extra sets of armor, etc.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Elbereth_Tiniquetil
I have never seen the server reset itself after a given amount of time, and I have left my dolls to the walls character running all night on many occasions.

Yes we all hate the evil Err7

My preferred method to getting my characters up to level 16 is to kill the Charr in the “Northlands” until lv16 then start the death level. I just wish ANet would (a) remove the title or (b) give us a way to get the title without the need to death level.

I have some suggestions for Anet to help us get the pre title

In the Northlands they could add a group of high level Charr in the Pilken Square area.


Have a quest that lets us join the fight at the gate that you can see from the wall near the king. This could have lv14 NPC that would let us level without the need to DL.

Also they could do more with the Wizards Tower area with perhaps mutated wolfs or scale from the magical experiments.

Also can we please get storage in pre it would not be hard to add it the area, I see no valid reason why we have not had it added.

(off topic my Dolls Anti Leet character needs 1 more white dye I will trade a black for it tonight if you have one)
I dont see the point in taking away the title now..for one it would probably piss many people off, and the people who have the title,well if it was takin away it would have to be gone for them as well.

But other than that, your ideas do sounds nice

Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
Well maybe like- Storage, than you can only deposit to in pre. How about that. Just as extra inventory space if we wanted to store more dyes, purple weapons, stackable drops, extra sets of armor, etc.
I love this idea, a storage just for pre-searing. hmm that should go on the suggestion forum.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Top Rating Loss Guild 5/25

Maybe.. I don't really know.


Originally Posted by emoxcore
personally (imo) If your still getting xp from charr, you shouldnt be deathlvling, you can probably get more XP and a higher % from doing several charr runs then deathlvling and getting DC like what had happen to you.
I just did this because I was going to be afk anyway, decided i might as well get some XP.

If any warrior is looking for a good sword, i've got this one I picked up today:
Short Sword (purple)
10-14 Damage (Req.4 swordsmanship)
Damage+14% in stance
Double Adrenaline on Hit (8% chance)
Health +26
PM elnai is leet if you want to buy! (sorry its a little off topic, but people who are going for title and might need a weapon like that will most likely be stopping here .


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Elnai
I just did this because I was going to be afk anyway, decided i might as well get some XP.

If any warrior is looking for a good sword, i've got this one I picked up today:
Short Sword (purple)
10-14 Damage (Req.4 swordsmanship)
Damage+14% in stance
Double Adrenaline on Hit (8% chance)
Health +26
PM elnai is leet if you want to buy! (sorry its a little off topic, but people who are going for title and might need a weapon like that will most likely be stopping here .
Somthing with a +hp mod isnt really good for people tryin to deathlvl..unless their charr hunting..then thats a differ story..just saying.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Guardians Alliance [ALLY] now recruiting


Started Dleveling my level 12 warrior outside of ashford last night. Then i went to bed. I woke up to see a level 15 moa bird! (W00T) I then proceeded to take a shower, and when I got back, I had err7ed
i have recently been hearing alot of people having trouble with getting an enemy to the max level w/o being d/c'ed...wondering if someone could spend some time and look more deeply into this.

Ju asked me for transfers not too long ago, and being the nice person I am, did them for you.
and i very much appreciated that.

now on the case of
kinda wasn't fair to us now that it is EMBRACED, because there is a title for it, now people just ask "hey anyone going for title" not like "yeah i'm going for 20" "20? lolz you have no life". Do you see the difference here? That is what I don't like, that people shit on me and now people are like "hey are you going for the title?" People being nice to me cause I am high level, not flaming like I used to get.
so what this says is that you are jealous, being jealous though is not a bad thing, what makes it bad is how you express it. this goes back to the ''if you dont have anything nice to say then dont say it at all'' thing (you to amish EH HEM) so please lets put aside our differences and work together on getting lvl 20 AND the title. also about people flaming you, when you do something meaningless you are ''wasting your time'' but when you get a reward its worth it, thats just human nature


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

BTW- Can anyone still confirm true or false that anything in pre seer can drop vamp weapons?

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

I've heard they no longer drop Dom.

murtagh deadmoon

murtagh deadmoon

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006

Call to the Torment {CttT}


On the topic of storage unblancing pre-searing, well we have storage in shing jea AND in kamadan so why not the first campaign?



Raged Out

Join Date: Sep 2005

Originally Posted by murtagh deadmoon
On the topic of storage unblancing pre-searing, well we have storage in shing jea AND in kamadan so why not the first campaign?
unlike shing jea and Kamadan pre sear is totally set apart and a different time from the other 2

murtagh deadmoon

murtagh deadmoon

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006

Call to the Torment {CttT}


True, but it is the same general tutorial idea, and if Anet were wanting to get rid of easy money making scams they would just put storage in Pre-Sear so that the things that leaked in during the exploit stop changing hands for millions.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Top Rating Loss Guild 5/25

Maybe.. I don't really know.


Originally Posted by emoxcore
Somthing with a +hp mod isnt really good for people tryin to deathlvl..unless their charr hunting..then thats a differ story..just saying.
Yeah I was saying for charr hunting

And as for storage, I'm fine with the way it is, just keep what you want/need and sell/give out the rest.

And from a lore point of view, I don't think they would want to give Xunlai Agents some sort of time distortion power, being able to transfer items two years into the past.

Dr. Fire

Dr. Fire

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Ohio, U.S.A.

Bane of Darkness [BoD]


Yes, I mentioned in an earlier post that I am still actively lvling my Mes by killing Char. I am merely Dlvling him on my extra computer when I am afk, playing Nightfall on my main computer, or while sleeping overnight at home or at work. Last night was the first night that I wasn't disconnected. This was while at the Firehouse (I am a fulltime Firefighter). Got up at 5:30AM and found the Spider at lvl 15 (agroed him at 10:30PM). Killed him and 20 mins later was kicked. Close call! I am going to do the kill every 2 hour thing during the day when I am at home, but can't sit and play, then let it play itself through the night and if I am kicked, oh well.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005




Originally Posted by God Apprentice
yay another old schooler What is your char's name, I might 'member you
Diessa L... (not disclosing full name for privacy reasons )
I'm the friendly blue-dyed ranger trading all sorts of stuff and chatting around all of pre hehe

Originally Posted by Elbereth_Tiniquetil
...I just wish ANet would (a) remove the title or (b) give us a way to get the title without the need to death level.

I have some suggestions for Anet to help us get the pre title

In the Northlands they could add a group of high level Charr in the Pilken Square area.


Have a quest that lets us join the fight at the gate that you can see from the wall near the king. This could have lv14 NPC that would let us level without the need to DL.

Also they could do more with the Wizards Tower area with perhaps mutated wolfs or scale from the magical experiments.
In my opinion lvl 14 baddies wouldn't fit the storyline and be out-of-place in pre...though the idea of a quest is appealing to me in another way...

Also I don't realy like the idea of uhm...lvl 14 mutant stuff?..

Originally Posted by Elbereth_Tiniquetil
Also can we please get storage in pre it would not be hard to add it the area, I see no valid reason why we have not had it added.
Originally Posted by Covah
As for the storage maybe just make one that is pre items only so you can't have green weapons and stuff in pre. Other then that we don't really need a storage.
Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
Well maybe like- Storage, than you can only deposit to in pre. How about that. Just as extra inventory space if we wanted to store more dyes, purple weapons, stackable drops, extra sets of armor, etc.
Originally Posted by emoxcore
I love this idea, a storage just for pre-searing. hmm that should go on the suggestion forum.
Well...if there would ever be a storage implemented in pre then ofcourse there shouldn't be a storage thats connected to post...ever
noone should forget that pre is 2 years ahead of post.
And about a presearing-only storage...if regular players would store stuff in there and then sear...would that mean they lost all items in there during the searing? Or would they have access to that 'pre storage' anyway in order to still have those items and if so...would this extra pre-storage available in post be available only to prophecies players? And be character based as opposed to account based?
Would that storage stay in pre indefinately...inaccessable to random players having only toons in post?

In my opinion a way easier way to add extra inventory space would be to have bags available through normal means in pre (with or without the runes of holding).

One of the ideas I had was to have a repeatable quest, possibly in the northlands, giving maybe 100xp or so. One possible objective could be to clear the northlands or to scout ahead or anything (anet is creative..they can think of something haha).

This repeatable quest could be unlocked for people at lvl 16 or above. Another idea could be to have, when having successfully cleared all of the charr in the northlands, a collector spawn in the northlands having bags (plz anet beg beg :P ). This could also be part of the quest reward of this same repeatable quest.

Also this would be imo a better way to earn legendary defender of ascalon instead of death levelling on moss spiders as you'd actually be able to earn LDoA in a now normal way. Theres not much 'legendary' about killing tons of moss spiders I think...

Originally Posted by holyjew888
so what this says is that you are jealous, being jealous though is not a bad thing, what makes it bad is how you express it. this goes back to the ''if you dont have anything nice to say then dont say it at all'' thing (you to amish EH HEM) so please lets put aside our differences and work together on getting lvl 20 AND the title. also about people flaming you, when you do something meaningless you are ''wasting your time'' but when you get a reward its worth it, thats just human nature
Maybe mot directly related to this quote but I think many of us 16+ pre's have had our fair share of people calling us all kinda of stuff because we're seemingly wasting time levelling, maxing and dying-black our pre toons...
I'll quote a short conversation i had a while back in pre when someone saw my lvl 16 pre ranger in Ascalon City:'re level 16 in pre
Him:Whats the point of being level 16 in pre?
Me:Well..whats the point of playing Guildwars?
Him:Good point...

Have a nice day!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Las Vegas, Nevada

Heroes Elite Righteous Crusade


In regards to Amish last comments, this is a sign of "good faith" that I will provide a video walk through on how to death level charr at the rezone area. Unfortunately, I won't disclose any information on how its done until I reached my goal.

Here's the link where you can download the video clip

On this video, I'm death leveling 6 charrs by targeting them (pressing tab key)
2 hunters(level17), 2 caster(level 17), & 2 warriors(level16). The later video I'll provide is somewhat similar to this with a walkthrough on which charrs you can lure to the shrine.

In regards to the question about the moss spiders at Barradin Estate, you need to find a perfect spawn before you agro the spiders. In other words, you need to keep going back and forth to the town and check how many can you agro NEAR the shrine. You can't agro a strider or moss spider if they're out of range. Although you can pull them to the shrine, they'll simply walk back to their station where you first found them. To gurantee that they'll stay, you must find a spawn that the creatures are near shrine. The most I've seen when I use to death level there is 4 striders(also check up the hill) and 3 moss spiders. Sad to say, you can only death level 1 to level 20.

This will be my last message...stay tuned till I post the walkthrough clip. I can't gurantee that it will be quick but I'll try to post it as soon as possible.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by DreamCatcher
Diessa L... (not disclosing full name for privacy reasons )
I'm the friendly blue-dyed ranger trading all sorts of stuff and chatting around all of pre hehe

In my opinion lvl 14 baddies wouldn't fit the storyline and be out-of-place in pre...though the idea of a quest is appealing to me in another way...

Also I don't realy like the idea of uhm...lvl 14 mutant stuff?..

Well...if there would ever be a storage implemented in pre then ofcourse there shouldn't be a storage thats connected to post...ever
noone should forget that pre is 2 years ahead of post.
And about a presearing-only storage...if regular players would store stuff in there and then sear...would that mean they lost all items in there during the searing? Or would they have access to that 'pre storage' anyway in order to still have those items and if so...would this extra pre-storage available in post be available only to prophecies players? And be character based as opposed to account based?
Would that storage stay in pre indefinately...inaccessable to random players having only toons in post?

In my opinion a way easier way to add extra inventory space would be to have bags available through normal means in pre (with or without the runes of holding)

They could either take the stuff with you to post, or leave it there for when you make a new pre char and you wont have to be searching around for a decent weapon other than a starter item.

mm and i believe I do know you..


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

IMHO- Pre seering, now that they are going to make it worth having permanent characters, needs more 2 fold-

1. They are seriously limitting us, and encouraging the people who leaked max damage weapons and runes. They are very concerned about banning those people, and they could just wash their hands of them by adding a rune trader, dye trader, etc to pre (on their own market though, that way Ecto won't be for sale in pre, because it won't drop, and iron ingots could be 100 for 10 in pre, and be 150 in post. But them on seperate grids. Also, same goes for the rune trader, limit it to just what is obtained from charr.

2. Storage, as in, a 10 slot box where you can only put stuff in pre seering. Of course, it will be accessable from post from a special Xunlai Agent, but the contents won't be modifiable from post, and can only be withdrawn. That way, no green weapons or anything could be leaked.

3. If they were to add superior salvage kits and perhaps even the rune trader like I said, it would be a great way to teach about salvaging and mods, something that took me a LONG TIME to understand in post. They realized their mistake in not having these and certainly included them in Factions and NF, so why not go back and help out with Prophecies?

murtagh deadmoon

murtagh deadmoon

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006

Call to the Torment {CttT}


Originally Posted by Elnai
And from a lore point of view, I don't think they would want to give Xunlai Agents some sort of time distortion power, being able to transfer items two years into the past.
In actual fact the xunlai already have that power, because unless your forgetting Elona is in fact 3 years after the events of the lich and shiro.

And also i completely agree with B§x¿44¶»1@$, they definatley need to teach the newer players who buy prophecies first about runes and salvaging or they are just disadvantaging them.

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

GG Dreamcatcher! Im gonna use that

and Xena, as always, thank you very much.

God Apprentice

God Apprentice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by holyjew888
now on the case of

so what this says is that you are jealous, being jealous though is not a bad thing, what makes it bad is how you express it. this goes back to the ''if you dont have anything nice to say then dont say it at all'' thing (you to amish EH HEM) so please lets put aside our differences and work together on getting lvl 20 AND the title. also about people flaming you, when you do something meaningless you are ''wasting your time'' but when you get a reward its worth it, thats just human nature
No that didn't mean I'm jealous, as I said before I am not jealous. I didn't like people telling me I was wasting my time back then, whereas now it isn't looked at that way. Nothing to do with jealousy

murtagh deadmoon

murtagh deadmoon

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006

Call to the Torment {CttT}


Oh by the way, I've got a character going for this title lvl 8 mesmer:Milamber Tyhan. So i'll join in helping. Currently soloing the char, but welcome to dualing it to save time and i can open the gate if anyone needs it.



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Little Duckies


Originally Posted by cheesymac
Unless someone can prove that it's possible to level enemies with your pet, a "Survivor" "Defender of Ascalon" will forever be out of reach.
My boyfriend made a monk character, and when I death level at higher levels, his character will stand in a safe spot. When the birds are done, he'll come over and he can get them in his aggro bubble while I kill them. In this way, he won't die.

Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
IMHO- Pre seering, now that they are going to make it worth having permanent characters, needs more 2 fold-

1. They are seriously limitting us, and encouraging the people who leaked max damage weapons and runes. They are very concerned about banning those people, and they could just wash their hands of them by adding a rune trader, dye trader, etc to pre (on their own market though, that way Ecto won't be for sale in pre, because it won't drop, and iron ingots could be 100 for 10 in pre, and be 150 in post. But them on seperate grids. Also, same goes for the rune trader, limit it to just what is obtained from charr.

2. Storage, as in, a 10 slot box where you can only put stuff in pre seering. Of course, it will be accessable from post from a special Xunlai Agent, but the contents won't be modifiable from post, and can only be withdrawn. That way, no green weapons or anything could be leaked.

3. If they were to add superior salvage kits and perhaps even the rune trader like I said, it would be a great way to teach about salvaging and mods, something that took me a LONG TIME to understand in post. They realized their mistake in not having these and certainly included them in Factions and NF, so why not go back and help out with Prophecies?
I agree completely. It'd be easier to death level with runes that take away health. You could intentionally leave some armor on just to put two superior runes on. >.>



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Little Duckies


So, I was thinking about sacrificing health to speed up the death leveling, but... How? Blood Renewal heals me too much to work, and the ten-second recharge means it's almost always healing me before I can re-cast it.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Sedgehammer
My boyfriend made a monk character, and when I death level at higher levels, his character will stand in a safe spot. When the birds are done, he'll come over and he can get them in his aggro bubble while I kill them. In this way, he won't die.
Wait, so are you saying that the shrine will resurrect you even while he is alive? I coulda sworn the whole party had to be dead to get res'd..


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


the shrine shouldn't res her if he is still alive.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Sedgehammer
So, I was thinking about sacrificing health to speed up the death leveling, but... How? Blood Renewal heals me too much to work, and the ten-second recharge means it's almost always healing me before I can re-cast it.
Just use it when you have 25% left, so it can sac you out. That means use it once.

If you are a wariror, you can use Frenzy, and use heal sig for another -40 armor, then cancel it at the last second.

Dfx Gladiator

Dfx Gladiator

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

Portugal - Porto


I was starting a mesmer anyway, so when i read the post i got another reason to do it

IGN: Dfx Is Leet (lvl 7 mesm)

Edit: Last time I checked the mesmer, on tuesday, the LDoA title progress wasn't visible on the Hero Pannel, dunno if there is a minimum level that u must reach to make it visible or something, can someone help me out?

Holy Warblade

Holy Warblade

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006


The bar for the LDoA title doesn't show up under the Hero screen until AFTER you acheive Level 12 on your char.

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

sedgehammer, that won't work because your whole party must be dead for you to rez.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Guardians Alliance [ALLY] now recruiting


Originally Posted by Sedgehammer
So, I was thinking about sacrificing health to speed up the death leveling, but... How? Blood Renewal heals me too much to work, and the ten-second recharge means it's almost always healing me before I can re-cast it.
renewal sacs 25% with 4regen for 10 secs at lvl 0blood

health at lvl 14-ABOUT 350

25% of 350=87.5

1 bar of regen=2health/sec 4=8health/sec 8x10=80


so this means u do lose health at level 14 per cast although it isnt to extreme, as u grow in exp u will get more health and if u equip a +health wep while u cast then take off after it will make u sac more health. use at exactly 25%health to increase speed of death to the MAX!


p.s. thx might, ill wait for full version before i add to guide


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
Just use it when you have 25% left, so it can sac you out. That means use it once.

If you are a wariror, you can use Frenzy, and use heal sig for another -40 armor, then cancel it at the last second.
using healing signet wont work because you cant have less than 0 armor. (and I do take it for granted that you dont have your armor on)


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


This is abit random but couldn't you do all the quests around lvl 10 or 11 so it would take you to around lvl 16-17 then just dlvl to 20? We just start @ lvl 16 b\c we can't get anymore exp.

I'm just kinda lazy on my guy going across the wall over and over.



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

Adelaide, Australia

Holy Champions of Justice


doing the quests at lv 10 or 11 will only get you up 1 or 2 levels at most.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

a screwed up small city

Knights of Dragons Fury


1.Title is real/exists.

2.No practical way to achieve LDOA and Survior. Speculation on limiting bandwidth. Due to no hard res or exp transfer except after first kill with moa bird.

3.Taking Professions access to only main prof skills without exp loss for the finish at 19. can access the other skills but cant recieve rewards unless willing to accept the exp loss. practical choices for secondaries become ranger for the pet can achieve a high lvl pet to help kill crap.

4.Helpful exp chart page 17.

5.are higher lvl items/superior salvages in ascalon and what not brought through an exploit that is no officially closed. very expensive but may be viable if leaving char in pre.

6.Title stays when you head to post. have already seen a few with title in post.

7.good necro build on page ten. secondaries note the exp sacrafice refered to above.

8.zoning brings the moa or whatever u death leveled back to its original state lvl1 or whatever.

think thats about it let me know if i missed nething