How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Correcting myself from page three the "you won't be able to solo them with your massive DPS..." I was being sarcastic, saying that you won't be able to solo level 20 charr with your massive damage per second as a level 15 or what ever.

But anyway, I'm posting a new topic, trying to basically condense and clean up everything from this one, and I'll try to update it more frequently than Ju is.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Chaos Everlasting [CHEV]


hey, ive been reading this thread a while, and it had some great ideas, great strategies, and theyve all been a......great help! lol
my pre- chars name is Gabrielle Jonah, shes level 10, and ive been working on her since saturday afternoon, altho since monday, i havent been doing anything on her due to school.... lol, well yea, if anyone needs anything, like a gate open, or wants to go charr hunting, just leave me a whisper in game or a pm here
thanks again for all the help!
good luck to all in their pursuits for level 20!


God Apprentice

God Apprentice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
But anyway, I'm posting a new topic, trying to basically condense and clean up everything from this one, and I'll try to update it more frequently than Ju is.
There is no need, there is already a thread here for this.



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Deadly Phalanx

Started a presear character after reading this thread. Name is Partario is Leet (gonna try to follow the tradition). Lvl 6 necro now currently grinding charr at the gate. Hit me up if you need help or can help me out. All those hours for such a meaningless little string of 1's and 0' can you NOT want to do it!?!

No life FTW!!!

Lycan Nibbler

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2006


Started a char late on Sunday after reading the thread.. "Miss Az Is Leet", Mesmer. Currently just to lvl 13 after soloing char but getting err 7 and err 59 everytime I try to deathlevel
The account hangs out in English -1 or International if my other pre char is giving her a lift over the wall.

God Apprentice

God Apprentice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Aryth
Started a presear character after reading this thread. Name is Partario is Leet (gonna try to follow the tradition). Lvl 6 necro now currently grinding charr at the gate. Hit me up if you need help or can help me out. All those hours for such a meaningless little string of 1's and 0' can you NOT want to do it!?!

No life FTW!!!
rofl tradition there is no tradition


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Well the God, not meaning to be critical, but Ju REALLLY needs to clean up the ffirst post, way to many questions being repeated.

And can someone other than me post confirming that grinding the level 3s till 8 is faster than 9 hours of Charr at the gates...

eidt- outside barradins estate, it appears only one enemy gets death leveled at time... they dont go up evenly in level.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006


How can i get the green level strider attacking me ?

Tetris L

Tetris L

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna

Originally Posted by River
How can i get the green level strider attacking me ?
Like this:

No, seriously, just attack it, and it will fight back.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


double click on it and you will attack it then it will turn hostile.



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

Originally Posted by God Apprentice
rofl tradition there is no tradition
Agreed. It's just a bit of egotism.

Wish I hadn't deleted my ranger back when they stopped death levelling.

Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
And can someone other than me post confirming that grinding the level 3s till 8 is faster than 9 hours of Charr at the gates...
I don't know, it's probably a combination. It's been under 2 hours of play (total) to get to level 7 though using Charr at the gates. Getting to level 8 will be about 50 minutes though this way, it's 20 runs at about 2.5 minutes a run. I'll be level 8 in just under 3 hours of play I figure, so I don't know that you could come close with the other method. So it's not 9 hours to get to level 8, it's about 3 hours.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006


Disciples of Red Dragons


Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
And can someone other than me post confirming that grinding the level 3s till 8 is faster than 9 hours of Charr at the gates...
Well. For me it took 4 hours to get to level 8 with the "Foibles Fair to Catacombs" tactics. Killing everything on the way, then enter catacombs and go back to have mobs respawn. But it might be faster since i spend some minutes after 2-3 runs for selling stuff.

Femella Monachus

Femella Monachus

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Academy of War


You should just enjoy the early levels! It's going to be the only time you will ever level so fast. From about lvl 7-12 or so, exploring and having some fun will help you level so much faster (well, relatively). Also, when you get bored, go into Ascalon City and talk with some other people trying to seek your goal. And for people who wants to use the fastest way to level, just use one, don't worry if it is a bit slower. Once you get to 14-20, the past will feel insignificant. So just enjoy and explore the presearing while leveling. You might even find a secret area/monster!


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005




Hello all, nice thread
I've had a lvl 16 ranger in pre for about 1 1/2 year now, though not trying to go over lvl 16 at this time.

Originally Posted by Femella Monachus
Very nice discussion here btw...

I have a question about vampiric weapons. Is it just rare in the presearing (meaning it is attainable without any cheats or creative way), or is it only avaliable in post?

If it is avaliable, what is the best way to get one? (trading or farming)
I know for sure that vamp weapons (with often crappy stats i might add) used to drop in pre, though I don't know wether anet removed vamp drops in pre at factions release or at any other time. Wish Ii hadn't salvaged my vamp weapons after anet removed death levelling ;/.
best you could hope for is that they do still drop and if they do, your best bet would be the northlands. Either that or buy one from someone. (might be costly though, but i you must have it quickly, expect to have to pay +++$$ for it)

Originally Posted by Yunas Ele
Thats so true... I'm going for this almost level 14. I spam "LF someone to open gate, and then leave. paying 25g". I get people PM me "hey can you open gate for me?" or "you selling black dye?". Then when I finally get someone to open it they're like hey now that you paid me mind if I leach exp? (even if I say no they still say so I'm forced to leave if I want the run to be worthwhile).

Not only is getting a gate openner the hardest part, its also the longest. I swear, I can clear the char faster than I can get someone to simply open gate, take gold from trade and leave the game...

btw I tried offering more gold and it netted same results so figured might as well just stick to 25g...
Then I have 1 tip for you how to avoid it...have a lvl 16 team up with you, they can't leach xp from you in the northlands. also they'll usually won't bother messing up your attempt anyway as they've been through that grind themselves.
I know theres some lvl 16's and up around that won't try to mess up your attempt.
ofcourse better is to have a friend around to help open the ate etc

(ofcourse giving 50g wouldn't hurt...25g is a lil tiny amount dont you think )

Originally Posted by OlMurraniKasale
The only thing I can say is ANet ought to fix this so you can get the title a 'regular' way rather than cheating the system. Or remove the title. Either way, make it fit within the parameters of normal title-goal-achievement....
Amen to that

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against death levelling per se or anyone involved in this, but a more normal way of getting a title would be warm welcomed by me.
I wouldn't want the title removed each their thing, even if it's not my thing.

though I could to some extend say the same about the carthographer's very hard to obtain those in any normal way not involving screen capping+photoshopping...

I don't know how fast or slow dual-farming the northlands is for lower levels but it is faster, you can get nice drops in the process and you can reenter the northlands for a second farm and keep your 8% morale boost. Also it might be nice for a change, even though it might actually last longer to gain xp.
Not everyone can or wants to play like a robot hours on end, trying to level to 16 :P

Also I would like to add another tip for new pre's...there is a crafter in ascalon city (aka 'AC') with a 10-14 sword for 100g and 5 ingots. the sword has added bonus vs charr.
For rangers it might be a better idea to get a bow with stats over 7-10dmg from the northlands..either by drop or by trade.
There are some ok caster weapons with for example a small energy bonus (but crappy damage, but thats not as important for a caster anyway)
There is a quest reward shield with extra armor vs charr, even though you don't want to finish the quest yourself you might be able to obtain the shield from some other player.

As for the vamp weapons...lets just hope those still drop :P

Well...thats about all I can think off right now.
good luck to the ones attempting this title!!


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

The only thing I can say is ANet ought to fix this so you can get the title a 'regular' way rather than cheating the system. Or remove the title. Either way, make it fit within the parameters of normal title-goal-achievement....
Though I must say I agree, it needs to be said that they reintroduced monsters gaining experience for the purpose of gaining this title. Whether they think its abusive to sit on a res pad and death level is their opinion, but its clearly not cheating the system, it's meerly a clever means that was discovered, similar to the 55 monk I suppose.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Redmond, Washinton



I quit at level 10, i just couldn't take it. But i Think I might try again with a monk or a warrior.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


I havent been working on my monk that much so i'm only lvl 9 1\2. I'm Dlvling a moa to lvl 14 and then charming it with my temp ranger skills then I'm going to try soloing the charr. I'll update you guys on my experiment.



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

I had thought only one enemy gains levels when you death level.

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

That is correct Epinephrine

Julia Rosetta

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Heros Fellowship


Originally Posted by Covah
Yes you would get your pet back at the same lvl. I've done it a few times.
Are you like positive? because I don't wanna lose my cuddles

Julia Rosetta

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Heros Fellowship


I have a question, someone says that it's quicker to do the quests at lvl 16 to get to 17 and then d'lvl because the moa's would get shit exp at lvl's 17, 18 and 19. Is this more efficient than waiting till lvl 19 to do quests?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


Like I said Julie I have done it a few times and it has always worked. and Epinephrine I ment that I would charm the moa that was killing me.

Julia Rosetta

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Heros Fellowship


ok I trust you then


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

It has been proven that ranger secondary demo skills with charmed death leveled moa is flipping metal. Just as a heads up

pass me some ale

pass me some ale

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006



hey every1 Im going for LDoA. my name is King of Puerto Rico, im lvl 11 WaMo.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


flipping metal??

I got him to lvl 11, charmed him and then got someone to open the gate and leave. I cleared them all accept 2 of the bosses it was going to slow.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005

Is it possible to get this and survivor?

God Apprentice

God Apprentice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by BLODORN
Is it possible to get this and survivor?
No, at least to say not anymore. There was some debate on whether or not it was possible and I had been told by someone there was this glitch and it dawned on me there that that would have been the only way to get both of the titles, because honestly you need to die to level, and I don't think you want to sit 500+ hours watching yourself dying over and over. However this glitch is really imo an exploit so it is not in ones best interest to attempt it, and which is why I never mentioned it on here. However I have learned that using it now may result in the inability to access your char (poor lime ). So in all reality the answer is no, but if you could manage to get it without the glitch in question, you would have my respect lol

Originally Posted by Epinephrine
Agreed. It's just a bit of egotism.
Monk agrees and gives <3 to you

Originally Posted by DreamCatcher
Hello all, nice thread
I've had a lvl 16 ranger in pre for about 1 1/2 year now, though not trying to go over lvl 16 at this time.
yay another old schooler What is your char's name, I might 'member you

EDIT: I meant WITHOUT the glitch


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by God Apprentice
No, at least to say not anymore. There was some debate on whether or not it was possible and I had been told by someone there was this glitch and it dawned on me there that that would have been the only way to get both of the titles, because honestly you need to die to level, and I don't think you want to sit 500+ hours watching yourself dying over and over. However this glitch is really imo an exploit so it is not in ones best interest to attempt it, and which is why I never mentioned it on here. However I have learned that using it now may result in the inability to access your char (poor lime ). So in all reality the answer is no, but if you could manage to get it with the glitch in question, you would have my respect lol
That is very VERY disappointing. Being and obsessive compulsive I can't even play this game unless it's on a character who can get everything in the game that's available to other players. I have deleted my character for the survivor title and now for this title. I can only play a character with one name. Not being able to get both titles makes the PvE part of this game virtually unplayable for me.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Area 52

Has anyone confirmed that this title is only accessible/achievable in Pre-sear?

Or can it be obtained by reaching lvl 20 prior to leaving the Ascalon area in post-searing?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


I thought dragging char back to the shrine was nerfed?? A person i met in ascalon originally for ale said that she Dlvled with charr and that numerous charr can lvl up at once and this takes half the time to lvl. There is a strict way she told me on how to pull them and its kinda confusing, I tried it and failed but I'm just asking if anyone else knew about this? And is this Lime's glitch ??? lol

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

WOW Ive got to talk to that guy in game if that's possible! That will make things much much faster.

SirErnieMacGloop, of course, it's only possible in Pre Sear, thats the whole point.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Area 52

I ask because of this part of the Gaile & Frog chatlogs:

The full logs can be found here:

The feeling I get from this log is that the title is not just for pre-searing.

Has anyone tried to obtain this title post-searing, by not leaving the Ascalon area and levelling to 20?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


The Ascalon area would mean up to nolani academy right? If this is would really work then people could leave pre @ 16 (getting there by killing all the charr and thus defending Ascalon) then do all the quests and missions until Nolani and since that is the last we see of the Charr and Ascalon in the storyline we should get the title then.

Lycan Nibbler

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2006


Originally Posted by SirErnieMacGloop
I ask because of this part of the Gaile & Frog chatlogs:

The full logs can be found here:

The feeling I get from this log is that the title is not just for pre-searing.

Has anyone tried to obtain this title post-searing, by not leaving the Ascalon area and levelling to 20?
I am not sure anet would have any way to idnetify if you had left the "Ascalon Area" or not in post.. and anyway.. what would be the definition of that area anyway?
I am sure its a pre title only as the description on the title stated "reach level 20 before the destruction of Ascalon"

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

The title is for PRE ONLY. Not at Nolani or anywhere in Post.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


*little kid voice* But but!!!......Gaile hinted!!!!

Meh i don't really care.

Purely Lime

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


Killing Is No Game [KING], The Brotherhood Of The [Wolf]


Originally Posted by Covah
And is this Lime's glitch ??? lol
No this is not the exploit I used, and sense Anet already knows about it (cuz i got an e-mail from them telling me that they aren't gonna ban my account for using it >_>) I don't mind telling wut it is. Wut i did wus i X'd out of the game right after killing the charr boss on the way to post. This reset all the quests in pre and returned me to pre. Thats how i got from 14 to 18 in 6 hours lol. But now all it does is get u trapped in academy so don't try it >_>.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Purely Lime
No this is not the exploit I used, and sense Anet already knows about it (cuz i got an e-mail from them telling me that they aren't gonna ban my account for using it >_>) I don't mind telling wut it is. Wut i did wus i X'd out of the game right after killing the charr boss on the way to post. This reset all the quests in pre and returned me to pre. Thats how i got from 14 to 18 in 6 hours lol. But now all it does is get u trapped in academy so don't try it >_>.
They supposibly fixed that bug where u could reset your quests a long time ago (i was reading the old old updates on the guildwars website) But i guess they are finnaly fixed..idk i never tried risky for me

but anywho...

Flesh of Satan

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005


I currently own a lv 20 pre character named "Female Charr Killer"

It CAN be done and still CAN be done.......but it will take you plenty of hard earned hours to achieve it, without the help of any glitch the amount of time it will take to accomplish it will make your mind turn into scrambled eggs

I do not reccomend it even now that my character has achieved it, i still visit the area seeking my "fix" of killing off some lv 8-10 charr bosses or even a few deaths to put my brain at ease......

Seems like the most unintelligant thing i've ever accomplished and it's not worth the price to paid to get it...