How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''
[QUOTE]and I'll try to update it more frequently than Ju is.
if you have an update that you would like just pm me the whole guilde with your update in it as well as add to what you updated in the last section
also i will add a credits section with your name and anyone else who does this...
it isnt guarenteed that your update will be accepted though
also on the topic of charr d/l it is possible, i have seen it and am working out a guide with the help of amish(very big help from him)
if you have an update that you would like just pm me the whole guilde with your update in it as well as add to what you updated in the last section
also i will add a credits section with your name and anyone else who does this...
it isnt guarenteed that your update will be accepted though
also on the topic of charr d/l it is possible, i have seen it and am working out a guide with the help of amish(very big help from him)
amish lifeguard
A very kind person i met in-game told me how to do it and I am working on a guide for it with accompanying screenies. I will not disclose his name until he gives me the ok
Should be up by tomorrow
A very kind person i met in-game told me how to do it and I am working on a guide for it with accompanying screenies. I will not disclose his name until he gives me the ok

Should be up by tomorrow
thank you again amish
GG. /clap
If anyone cares, I was at Kamadan ID 1 today when Gaile was SUPPOSED to be talking about Domain of Anguish, and I did manage to ask her "Would there ever be a level 16 monster or boss, or a repeatable quest in pre seering"
There will be no changes to come. So death leveling IS the way to go.
If anyone cares, I was at Kamadan ID 1 today when Gaile was SUPPOSED to be talking about Domain of Anguish, and I did manage to ask her "Would there ever be a level 16 monster or boss, or a repeatable quest in pre seering"
There will be no changes to come. So death leveling IS the way to go.
amish lifeguard
Which means no survivor option yet.
Which means no survivor option yet. |
*updated guide*
Flesh of Satan
Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
GG. /clap
"Would there ever be a level 16 monster or boss, or a repeatable quest in pre seering" |
well i've seen a bunch

Drop of Fear
technically there is one option to earn defender of ascalon without dying, but it's rather extreme. and disturbing
u are not supposed to die. but if u team with another one that keep dying and rezzing at shrine foes level up and u aren't killed.
but how can your teammate keep rezzing at the shrine if u cant rez him and u're not dead? easy, u should not be in the game, ex loading the area.
so basicly how it works: u uninstall guild wars. just launch the empty client and download the files needed to load ashford abbey. save this directory as u will need to restore it often.
now limit your download bandwidth with every mean u can think of. exit ashford abbey with your necromancer friend. now he keeps sacrificing and dying, while u're still loading the area slowly because your connection speed is ridicously bad.
the hard part is that once actualy enter the map u have to kill the lvl 15-16 foes without dying. your friend leaves the game so u earn full xp...
restore the gw.dat u saved and do it again and again.
u are not supposed to die. but if u team with another one that keep dying and rezzing at shrine foes level up and u aren't killed.
but how can your teammate keep rezzing at the shrine if u cant rez him and u're not dead? easy, u should not be in the game, ex loading the area.
so basicly how it works: u uninstall guild wars. just launch the empty client and download the files needed to load ashford abbey. save this directory as u will need to restore it often.
now limit your download bandwidth with every mean u can think of. exit ashford abbey with your necromancer friend. now he keeps sacrificing and dying, while u're still loading the area slowly because your connection speed is ridicously bad.
the hard part is that once actualy enter the map u have to kill the lvl 15-16 foes without dying. your friend leaves the game so u earn full xp...
restore the gw.dat u saved and do it again and again.
In regards to what what Amish (Amish Is Leet) said, --same with that other guy that posted my screenshot with my 2 characters -- if you want to reveal how I got the charrs to level're making a big mistake! The reason I showed you is so you can do it for your own benefit. I didn't realize that you were publicly soliciting my idea to this forum. Don't you realize that a lot of people are reading this and sooner or later, this charr death leveling will get nerfed like everything in the game. This website is linked with guild wars wiki and game developers may do something about better reconsider not to do anything stupid and post it.
Yeah umm..Covah i was thinking that since you posted that screenie that you DID get permission from Xena to post her name on here too..*sigh*
I smell a nerf...
I never tried this before (pulling the charr) but it has happen before that both groups did run all the way back to the portal when i was running from then -.-the only difficult thing for me was that the 4 guards and the monk there evenutally killed off the charr
I smell a nerf...
I never tried this before (pulling the charr) but it has happen before that both groups did run all the way back to the portal when i was running from then -.-the only difficult thing for me was that the 4 guards and the monk there evenutally killed off the charr

I don't hope you wouldn't mind deleting your 2nd post in this thread, considering it has been proven wrong. Ju I mean.
on the case of a nerf i do not htink it will happen because at one point they noticed it and took away d/l but then they put it BACK so u can d/l again. i do not think we need worry about a nerf to this as it is the only way to achieve ldoa title. in the case of adding a lvl 16 repeatable boss in pre...i think that is a good idea. but i do not think there should be more then one person over lvl 10 as if there is then the value of the ldoa title to the people who got it with d/l will greatly go down. i would like this title to remain a grind to get but a way to get ldoa and survivor would be nice.
Originally Posted by holyjew888
on the case of a nerf i do not htink it will happen because at one point they noticed it and took away d/l but then they put it BACK so u can d/l again. i do not think we need worry about a nerf to this as it is the only way to achieve ldoa title. in the case of adding a lvl 16 repeatable boss in pre...i think that is a good idea. but i do not think there should be more then one person over lvl 10 as if there is then the value of the ldoa title to the people who got it with d/l will greatly go down. i would like this title to remain a grind to get but a way to get ldoa and survivor would be nice.
Yet i go agree with you, they brought back deathlvling so leveling the charr isnts really a bad thing
Julia Rosetta
I was wondering if anyone was able to find an answer to my question which was "someone says that it's quicker to do the quests at lvl 16 to get to 17 and then d'lvl because the moa's would get shit exp at lvl's 17, 18 and 19. Is this more efficient than waiting till lvl 19 to do quests?"
Some people have been telling me that they lose their connection to the game when the moa turns lvl 20, has anyone else incountered this problem?
Also I was wondering if anyone could make a chart telling how much exp you get based on what level you and the moa are. Thanx
Some people have been telling me that they lose their connection to the game when the moa turns lvl 20, has anyone else incountered this problem?
Also I was wondering if anyone could make a chart telling how much exp you get based on what level you and the moa are. Thanx
i have not heard of that problem but
earlier int his thread ther eis someone who dished out the numbers on that questiong and it came out that getting quests at lvl 19 is fastest...i dont feel like looking but feel free to look yourself
also amish and i have start a presearing ONLY guild. This means that the reqs to join the guild will be a lvl 12+ in pre searing. although you are free to play in post as well the point of this is to work as a team to reach lvl 20 in pre. If you are joining the guild you will be expected to be willing to give up some of your time to help others instead of just asking for help.
Legendry Defender of Ascalon[LDoA]
earlier int his thread ther eis someone who dished out the numbers on that questiong and it came out that getting quests at lvl 19 is fastest...i dont feel like looking but feel free to look yourself
also amish and i have start a presearing ONLY guild. This means that the reqs to join the guild will be a lvl 12+ in pre searing. although you are free to play in post as well the point of this is to work as a team to reach lvl 20 in pre. If you are joining the guild you will be expected to be willing to give up some of your time to help others instead of just asking for help.
Legendry Defender of Ascalon[LDoA]
Julia Rosetta
I'm sorry to say that I am already in a guild but I am willing to help out anyone that needs it, just contact me at Julia is Leet. Sorry for a repeat question. Good Luck to everyone ^_^
Dr. Fire
Guys I am a bit of a late comer to this forum, and haven't read through all 17 pages so if this is a repeat I profusely apologize. Here is my observation. I am a lvl 9 Mes working toward the Ldoa title. I am in no particular hurry, just having fun with it. I have 2 accounts and 2 computers, so I decided to agro a couple of Striders outside of Ashford and do some death lvling, afk, while playing my second account on the other computer. When I returned to my pre-sear character, I found that 1 Strider had lvled to 8, but the other had not lvled at all. Obviously the only 1 to get the xp is the 1 that kills you, and once 1 gets to a higher lvl they will basically register most, if not all, of the kills. Is there a way around this, or is this normal. Also I noticed when Sarah doesn't spawn there will almost never by Strider/s near the respawn. Remember I am just doing this at lvl 9 while I am not playing and lvling at this stage by killing Char.
Holyjew888, could you invite me to your pre-sear guild? My character name is: Leet Fire
I would be glad to assist others as I move along.
Holyjew888, could you invite me to your pre-sear guild? My character name is: Leet Fire
I would be glad to assist others as I move along.
Originally Posted by Julia Rosetta
I was wondering if anyone was able to find an answer to my question which was "someone says that it's quicker to do the quests at lvl 16 to get to 17 and then d'lvl because the moa's would get shit exp at lvl's 17, 18 and 19. Is this more efficient than waiting till lvl 19 to do quests?"
Some people have been telling me that they lose their connection to the game when the moa turns lvl 20, has anyone else incountered this problem? Also I was wondering if anyone could make a chart telling how much exp you get based on what level you and the moa are. Thanx |
I did my quests when i first made my pre-char D: I wasnt planning on stayin in pre really.. *sigh*
Well, to anwer some of your questions, I do useally lose connection when my Spider/Strider is around lvl 19 or 20..but over the past few days its been ok..a friend of mine who does play in pre-seaing had gotten sent to post (sadly) and since hes not playing at the moment,let me borrow a vamp item so it only takes around 4-5 hours instrad of 8-9 hours to get a level 20 (that is depending on how many things are attacking you) I had a lvl 20 moss spider this morning.i should took a screenie of it ..
Heres your chart you were talking about. I found this on My other guild members use this chart as well..VERY helping
Originally Posted by holyjew888
also amish and i have start a presearing ONLY guild. This means that the reqs to join the guild will be a lvl 12+ in pre searing. although you are free to play in post as well the point of this is to work as a team to reach lvl 20 in pre. If you are joining the guild you will be expected to be willing to give up some of your time to help others instead of just asking for help. GUILD NAME Legendry Defender of Ascalon[LDoA] |
amish lifeguard
emoxcore, this new guild has never been made before and will most likely not be spamming desperate recruitment ads. This will be a guild that loves to party but is also very aware of its surroundings.
As Ju said, we have made a guild. We will be switching off leadership on and off weekly. I won't go into detail not but I am trying to get us some forums to post more.
PM me ingame for an invite and a look down.
Reguarding the guide on the charr Dlvling, I have forgotten the last few necessary steps for this. I have asked the person who showed me to kindly show me once more but he has declined until he has reached level 20. Upon reaching level 20, this kind soul is willing to provide a voice recording and a video of how to do this. So watch out, in the next month, for this nice addition to the guide!
this is the longest post ive posted ><
As Ju said, we have made a guild. We will be switching off leadership on and off weekly. I won't go into detail not but I am trying to get us some forums to post more.
PM me ingame for an invite and a look down.
Reguarding the guide on the charr Dlvling, I have forgotten the last few necessary steps for this. I have asked the person who showed me to kindly show me once more but he has declined until he has reached level 20. Upon reaching level 20, this kind soul is willing to provide a voice recording and a video of how to do this. So watch out, in the next month, for this nice addition to the guide!
this is the longest post ive posted ><
whenever i go to the res shrine south of ashford when i die the moa birds run away and dont stay and keep killing me, any ideas?
Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
emoxcore, this new guild has never been made before and will most likely not be spamming desperate recruitment ads. This will be a guild that loves to party but is also very aware of its surroundings.
As Ju said, we have made a guild. We will be switching off leadership on and off weekly. I won't go into detail not but I am trying to get us some forums to post more. PM me ingame for an invite and a look down. Reguarding the guide on the charr Dlvling, I have forgotten the last few necessary steps for this. I have asked the person who showed me to kindly show me once more but he has declined until he has reached level 20. Upon reaching level 20, this kind soul is willing to provide a voice recording and a video of how to do this. So watch out, in the next month, for this nice addition to the guide! this is the longest post ive posted >< |
Originally Posted by MMSDome
whenever i go to the res shrine south of ashford when i die the moa birds run away and dont stay and keep killing me, any ideas?
amish lifeguard
emoxcore, I know there are more than one level 20's in pre. Anti may have made a guild like ours but we are not associated.
Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
emoxcore, I know there are more than one level 20's in pre. Anti may have made a guild like ours but we are not associated.
antoher question, how did you charm your bear without it breaking the charm?
wrong thread to ask this on but you need two people: one person aggros the bear the other will charm it, when he starts doing brutal maul start casting charm. The other person has to start running and keep attacking the bear and it will run after him and not break the charm.
if you need help with this i do bear charmings for 250gp run, get me in game...i can usually get it in about 5 mins(thats fast btw..some ppl take like 30 mins)
amish lifeguard
its all good emo

God Apprentice
Originally Posted by holyjew888
i have not heard of that problem but
earlier int his thread ther eis someone who dished out the numbers on that questiong and it came out that getting quests at lvl 19 is fastest...i dont feel like looking but feel free to look yourself also amish and i have start a presearing ONLY guild. This means that the reqs to join the guild will be a lvl 12+ in pre searing. although you are free to play in post as well the point of this is to work as a team to reach lvl 20 in pre. If you are joining the guild you will be expected to be willing to give up some of your time to help others instead of just asking for help. GUILD NAME Legendry Defender of Ascalon[LDoA] |
Originally Posted by Drop of Fear
technically there is one option to earn defender of ascalon without dying, but it's rather extreme. and disturbing
u are not supposed to die. but if u team with another one that keep dying and rezzing at shrine foes level up and u aren't killed. but how can your teammate keep rezzing at the shrine if u cant rez him and u're not dead? easy, u should not be in the game, ex loading the area. so basicly how it works: u uninstall guild wars. just launch the empty client and download the files needed to load ashford abbey. save this directory as u will need to restore it often. now limit your download bandwidth with every mean u can think of. exit ashford abbey with your necromancer friend. now he keeps sacrificing and dying, while u're still loading the area slowly because your connection speed is ridicously bad. the hard part is that once actualy enter the map u have to kill the lvl 15-16 foes without dying. your friend leaves the game so u earn full xp... restore the gw.dat u saved and do it again and again. |
Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
emoxcore, this new guild has never been made before and will most likely not be spamming desperate recruitment ads. This will be a guild that loves to party but is also very aware of its surroundings.
As Ju said, we have made a guild. We will be switching off leadership on and off weekly. I won't go into detail not but I am trying to get us some forums to post more. PM me ingame for an invite and a look down. Reguarding the guide on the charr Dlvling, I have forgotten the last few necessary steps for this. I have asked the person who showed me to kindly show me once more but he has declined until he has reached level 20. Upon reaching level 20, this kind soul is willing to provide a voice recording and a video of how to do this. So watch out, in the next month, for this nice addition to the guide! this is the longest post ive posted >< |
Smoking Kind Buds [buds]
Uber Presearing Ownage [uber]
[Gang] (Dunno what the name is)
The last neccessary steps are to go afk, come back in a few hours
Originally Posted by God Apprentice
Or you could call it Only Doing It For The Title [LDoA]
If you can't death level, don't do it at all. Yes it has see: Smoking Kind Buds [buds] Uber Presearing Ownage [uber] [Gang] (Dunno what the name is) The last neccessary steps are to go afk, come back in a few hours |
yes it is guild wars gangsters as i was in it for a time period
god apprentice u say ''only doing it foir the title'' ok, what do you have against these people. you are here ot have fun, if people have fun by achieving this title then wut is so bad about. so please stop ranting on whether or not people do it for the title or wut. if someone doesnt die at all they are doing it for the title, its called survivor so please just leave them alone(i say them cuz i actually am not doing it for the title ( ; )
god apprentice u say ''only doing it foir the title'' ok, what do you have against these people. you are here ot have fun, if people have fun by achieving this title then wut is so bad about. so please stop ranting on whether or not people do it for the title or wut. if someone doesnt die at all they are doing it for the title, its called survivor so please just leave them alone(i say them cuz i actually am not doing it for the title ( ; )
On page 15 was a post about continuing the tradition with the “is leet”, if you want to continue the “real”
tradition you should have “Anti or God” in your name to be safe i have both anti and leet
Anyway Dolls Anti Leet is at lv 10 been getting some great weapons and off hand items but no vamp drops yet.
Another old guild from pre with High lv cr was the Dolls guild “Dance all Night Club” (DaNc)

Anyway Dolls Anti Leet is at lv 10 been getting some great weapons and off hand items but no vamp drops yet.
Another old guild from pre with High lv cr was the Dolls guild “Dance all Night Club” (DaNc)
amish lifeguard
Apprentice, I was not talking about a Pre sear only guild, i was talking about a guild with out name. Stop trying to pick a fight whereever you can. If you are that desperate for attention or just like to fight, please dont clutter this thread with it.
And are you jealous that we are going for tht title? Do you want to stay as one of the only few with level 20? We are not doing it for the title only, we are doing it to be known, for run, and to show ourselves we are dedicated.
Im tired, please stop being so ignorant.
And are you jealous that we are going for tht title? Do you want to stay as one of the only few with level 20? We are not doing it for the title only, we are doing it to be known, for run, and to show ourselves we are dedicated.
Im tired, please stop being so ignorant.
''run'', i think you meant fun amish
btw, does god apprentice even have a lvl 20 char?
btw, does god apprentice even have a lvl 20 char?
God Apprentice
Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
Apprentice, I was not talking about a Pre sear only guild, i was talking about a guild with out name. Stop trying to pick a fight whereever you can. If you are that desperate for attention or just like to fight, please dont clutter this thread with it.
And are you jealous that we are going for tht title? Do you want to stay as one of the only few with level 20? We are not doing it for the title only, we are doing it to be known, for run, and to show ourselves we are dedicated. Im tired, please stop being so ignorant. G'night. |
I am not deperate for attention, and furthermore I am not jealous that you are going for a RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing title. I started doing this way before a title kthnx, and the amount of flaming myself and others had to endure because "lolz you are noobsauce without no lifes trying to go to 20" kinda wasn't fair to us now that it is EMBRACED, because there is a title for it, now people just ask "hey anyone going for title" not like "yeah i'm going for 20" "20? lolz you have no life". Do you see the difference here? That is what I don't like, that people shit on me and now people are like "hey are you going for the title?" People being nice to me cause I am high level, not flaming like I used to get.
Originally Posted by holyjew888
''run'', i think you meant fun amish
btw, does god apprentice even have a lvl 20 char? |
Anyway..... on a less controversial note..
Started Dleveling my level 12 warrior outside of ashford last night. Then i went to bed. I woke up to see a level 15 moa bird! (W00T) I then proceeded to take a shower, and when I got back, I had err7ed
Started Dleveling my level 12 warrior outside of ashford last night. Then i went to bed. I woke up to see a level 15 moa bird! (W00T) I then proceeded to take a shower, and when I got back, I had err7ed

Originally Posted by God Apprentice
No I don't, but what does it matter if I did. Do you realise what comes with being 20? Even at 16 for MONTHS people beg me for gold etc, and you Ju asked me for transfers not too long ago, and being the nice person I am, did them for you. Amish if you people are going for 20 etc to be recognized then grats for you.
Oh yes..its gets annoying at times doesnt it? People come up to you and ask if you have items for sale,or like Apprentice said, begging for gold, or to charr hunt or (the mother of them all) "Can you powerlevel me?"

Originally Posted by Elnai
Anyway..... on a less controversial note..
Started Dleveling my level 12 warrior outside of ashford last night. Then i went to bed. I woke up to see a level 15 moa bird! (W00T) I then proceeded to take a shower, and when I got back, I had err7ed ![]() |
God Apprentice
Originally Posted by Elnai
Anyway..... on a less controversial note..
Started Dleveling my level 12 warrior outside of ashford last night. Then i went to bed. I woke up to see a level 15 moa bird! (W00T) I then proceeded to take a shower, and when I got back, I had err7ed ![]() |
Dr. Fire
OK, so I have been doing some testing with Dlvling. Set my computer up yesterday to Dlvl my lvl 9 Mes. Was being attacked by 2 Striders outside of Ashford. After about 2 hours 1 Strider was at lvl 8, and went to lvl 9 in about another 10 mins. The other Strider was merely helping as his lvl stayed at 1. After another 3 hours the Strider was up to lvl 12.
Here is my thought. It took 2 hours for 1 Strider to lvl to my lvl of 9. If I kill it then I get 100 xp. If I wait the 3 additional hours for it to lvl to 12 I get 152 xp. If I kill the higher lvl Strider when it reaches my lvl of 9, and start the process over agin, then in 6 hours I will have 300 xp, rather than the 152 xp that you get allowing the Strider to lvl to 12 in 5 hours. Of course this requires that you are in a position to be able to be at your computer every 2 hours, but if you are, doesn't that make sense?
I have tried setting my game up for dlvling overnight the past 3 nights and when I have got up in the morning I was disconnected all 3 times. I wonder if they reset/restart U.S. servers at night.
Here is my thought. It took 2 hours for 1 Strider to lvl to my lvl of 9. If I kill it then I get 100 xp. If I wait the 3 additional hours for it to lvl to 12 I get 152 xp. If I kill the higher lvl Strider when it reaches my lvl of 9, and start the process over agin, then in 6 hours I will have 300 xp, rather than the 152 xp that you get allowing the Strider to lvl to 12 in 5 hours. Of course this requires that you are in a position to be able to be at your computer every 2 hours, but if you are, doesn't that make sense?
I have tried setting my game up for dlvling overnight the past 3 nights and when I have got up in the morning I was disconnected all 3 times. I wonder if they reset/restart U.S. servers at night.
amish lifeguard
I Never once said you were Anti nor did i think it. I know you are not Anti because i have talked to him in game. I simply assumed by your big talk that you were level 20.