Great guide, thanks for this huge effort.
I'm working on this title at the moment and the time and dedication required is truly colossal. I now have great respect for anybody who has it (which seems to be relatively few).
I'll post my summarized review of what to do just so people needn't sift through these pages:
1) Do any quests you can find but don't take rewards.
2) Grind up to level 8 or 9 by killing anything and everything that grants XP.
3) Either pay someone 50-100g to open the gate to access The Northlands or party with someone to hunt Charr for XP. You may or may not be able to handle the bosses and nearby patrols so level up until you can. A Party of two could probably take them down.
4) Once you reach levels 10-12 you should be ready to solo the bosses. You will learn the luring techniques and monster behaviour quite quickly which allows you to exploit it.
5) At level 14 and onwards you will recieve no XP from ordinary Charr but you will earn XP from the bosses so is time efficient to run to the bosses and ignore the low levels. You may need to kill some Charr surrounding the boss shrine for the sake of ease and convenience.
6) Gridning from levels 15-16 will take approximately 85 runs because killing those 4 bosses will only grant you about 1.2% XP. It is very long and tedious although it is faster than death leveling so I'd recommend it.
7) At level 16 you must begin death levelling for more XP points. As stated in the OP you gain most XP in the shortest time from luring Charr
moving patrols. Striders and Moss Spiders are much slower. It is possible to lure up to 25 Charr to the resurrection shrine. This link is golden:
8) At lvl19 you can then accept the rewards from the multitude of quests you did and do quests you could not do before (i.e. quests that required the acceptance of a previous quest reward.) This should provide enough or nearly enough XP to push you up to lvl20. If not, death level to gain the remiander of the XP.
Grinding Charr is not completely fruitless because the Charr Salvage Kits sell for around 5k and the Charr Bags sell for between 800-1,000g. Minor runes are also in high demand and the bosses drop lots of those so you can expect to have enough cash to buy a 15k armour when you eventually leave pre.
Sorry for reiterating lots of the OP. I just wanted to provide an abridged version - not hijack.