How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

I've just one question. The guides I read, said that you should take only the first quest. The last comments on this thread tell me that you have tried some other quests as well. How is this done? You took only the quest and did them without claiming the reward?
The only quest you should accept the reward for is the first one, that enables you to get your first 2 skills. Other than that, start all your other quests, but do not accept rewards. For something like Charr at the Gates, you use it for the effect it spawns charr at the gate that you can farm. Simply abandon the quest once you're back in town and repeat?

Make sense?

Autumn Dragonbane

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2007

Shadows Refuge [Fire]


Just stumbled on this forum a few days ago and am so happy to see so many others going for the title. A huge congratulations to all those that have achieved it so far...I'm working on it.

Autumn Dragonbane : Level 13 : 62% to 14


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2007


[ROG] . Rebellen Oldy Gamer


Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
...Make sense?
Of course. There is no other easy way to get to level 11. If you make a few steps towards the wild bull, you will have 5 mobs with level 5 to kille. Therefore you should not take the primary mesmer quest. This quest lets you kill the bull only one time. If you don't take the quest it will be repeatable.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

does anyone have any suggestions for a ranger going for this title?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Kemi, Finland.

Pirates of the Searing [YoHo]


Get the millionth edition bonus bow.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by gotztaplay
does anyone have any suggestions for a ranger going for this title?
Another tip, find a friend who's level 16+, and convince them to spend a night DLing a pet with you, so you can have a level 20 pet from the get go. Trust me, it makes things muuuch easier.

Autumn Dragonbane

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2007

Shadows Refuge [Fire]


Just hit 16...and cant seem to get the pulling to the shrine working. Anyone able to help?

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2007

The Netherlands, Noord-Brabant

Mu-Tants [MU]


Its really sickly if you got that title
But if someoen reach it i have respect for them soo long with Deal Lvling...
Sooo Booooorrrrriiiiiiinnngggg if you get lvl 20 in the pre-searing why u do that...if your lvl 19 and you sacrafice and that enemy is lvl 22 you get maybe 200 exp and you need 40k exp...
a bit nolife maybe


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2007


[ROG] . Rebellen Oldy Gamer


@Autumn Dragonbane
I have not been able to do it too. Seems to me I have been using the wrong skills. I switched to death-leveling at Barradin's Estate. There will be a spider or strider at the Rez-shrine in front of the Estate. If there is none, i'll go back inside and outside again until there is at least one of them. Spider is level 2, strider is level 1. Getting them to your level will give you 100 points. I stick to that.
This way it takes longer to do it, because you will have at maximum 2 mobs to kill you. In the scenario of the guide it would go faster, because you have more mobs to level and they start with a higher level too.
I don't know if I stick to my current way all the time or if I will attempt the guide scenario again.
There are always times, where you have to be away from home. Start the scenario in a way that works for you. Do the things you have to do while you are away. You won't feel the time as much as it might look like.
I'll do shopping and other tasks while my char dies over and over again. Even my PC can be used for other jobs, while Guild Wars is running in the background.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Kemi, Finland.

Pirates of the Searing [YoHo]


Pull at 10 o'clock, go to bed, wake up at 7 o'clock, kill two level 20 charr from the leveling group. Go to school, come back with 2 groups of level 20's if you include the dead ones.

Sweet, I know.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
The only quest you should accept the reward for is the first one, that enables you to get your first 2 skills. Other than that, start all your other quests, but do not accept rewards. For something like Charr at the Gates, you use it for the effect it spawns charr at the gate that you can farm. Simply abandon the quest once you're back in town and repeat?

Make sense?
If you take the quests for your primary proffession you can get all the skills from your primary without having to get the rewards. This gives you a nice skillset. And you can get the rewards when you're level 19.

You can take ranger secondary for trolls unguent without taking the reward and fixing your secondaru proffesion as well. You just cannot put points in wilderness that way, but you can get 10 sec of +3 HP that way.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by odly
If you take the quests for your primary proffession you can get all the skills from your primary without having to get the rewards. This gives you a nice skillset. And you can get the rewards when you're level 19.

You can take ranger secondary for trolls unguent without taking the reward and fixing your secondaru proffesion as well. You just cannot put points in wilderness that way, but you can get 10 sec of +3 HP that way.
Indeed, I have more skills than I can fit on my bar, and I've only accepted the reward from the first quest for my Heal sig and Frenzy.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


i know u said min of 710 hours but a lot of that is afk isnt it?

So how long at the keyboard u controling character does it take?




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Autumn Dragonbane
Just hit 16...and cant seem to get the pulling to the shrine working. Anyone able to help?
From what i have heard from freinds:

You cant pull first standing group you have to kill them then get to patrol.

Now you cannot immediatly attack them and run all the way to the shrine.

You have to get them stuck behing walls and along cliffs and rocks, etc so they cant run away. You'll die a couple times in this process. Once they are relativly close to shrine you attack them and run to shrine. Then go afk while at school or work or w/e.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


for help on pulling found great way to get tons of char bunched up.

1 up and 2 down

1 up and 2 down

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2007


Nova, I am guessing that you don't know about the edit button.

Also has a forum with tons of people that will help you with your questions.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006

Passionate Kiss Of The Tiger [KISS]


anyone got tips on how to keep the striders at the shrine when trying to death level them?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by GWpenguin
anyone got tips on how to keep the striders at the shrine when trying to death level them?

keep going out to the shrine and wait for the spawn with a good 2-3 of em around the shrine. this way you wont have to pull them in from far away.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Hey guys, I'm looking for any information on relation of how long it takes to DL something X level to get to the next level and so forth. I am considering making a program to do so, but I don't want to waste my energy.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2007


[ROG] . Rebellen Oldy Gamer


Originally Posted by Ambuu
keep going out to the shrine and wait for the spawn with a good 2-3 of em around the shrine. this way you wont have to pull them in from far away.
And you don't have to hunt them down once they move away, because they won't move away. In order to get this setup working I reenter Barradin's Estate until their is at least one prey for me.

Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
Hey guys, I'm looking for any information on relation of how long it takes to DL something X level to get to the next level and so forth. I am considering making a program to do so, but I don't want to waste my energy.
At Barradin's Estate it just takes less than a dozen kills to get a strider from 1 to 2 or a spider from 2 to 3.
If you want full numbers look here at the experience page of guildwiki. They have some tables to let you see how much points you get when your level is x and the mobs level is y. As player and mobs have the same level-experience-combination you will see how many points are needed to go up and how many points are given for a kill.
I think that this will give you any needed information. Now you will only have to check out how much time is needed for one kill.
There is only one part that makes trouble because it is based on luck. The life points taken away by one mob hit (or your's) are not always the same. The life taken away increases with any level-up of the mob, thus the killspeed is going up. At the same time you have more life when YOU level-up and this makes it longer.

Do you really want to compute all this. It may take some time and in the end you can only say that the needed time is at minimum XXX and at maximum YYY. I don't think that you can come up with a reliable number. It all ends up with luck anyway.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

"Pre-nerf" is incorrect. It's pre-buff.

Requirement Begins With R [notQ]


Great guide, thanks for this huge effort.

I'm working on this title at the moment and the time and dedication required is truly colossal. I now have great respect for anybody who has it (which seems to be relatively few).

I'll post my summarized review of what to do just so people needn't sift through these pages:

1) Do any quests you can find but don't take rewards.

2) Grind up to level 8 or 9 by killing anything and everything that grants XP.

3) Either pay someone 50-100g to open the gate to access The Northlands or party with someone to hunt Charr for XP. You may or may not be able to handle the bosses and nearby patrols so level up until you can. A Party of two could probably take them down.

4) Once you reach levels 10-12 you should be ready to solo the bosses. You will learn the luring techniques and monster behaviour quite quickly which allows you to exploit it.

5) At level 14 and onwards you will recieve no XP from ordinary Charr but you will earn XP from the bosses so is time efficient to run to the bosses and ignore the low levels. You may need to kill some Charr surrounding the boss shrine for the sake of ease and convenience.

6) Gridning from levels 15-16 will take approximately 85 runs because killing those 4 bosses will only grant you about 1.2% XP. It is very long and tedious although it is faster than death leveling so I'd recommend it.

7) At level 16 you must begin death levelling for more XP points. As stated in the OP you gain most XP in the shortest time from luring Charr moving patrols. Striders and Moss Spiders are much slower. It is possible to lure up to 25 Charr to the resurrection shrine. This link is golden:

8) At lvl19 you can then accept the rewards from the multitude of quests you did and do quests you could not do before (i.e. quests that required the acceptance of a previous quest reward.) This should provide enough or nearly enough XP to push you up to lvl20. If not, death level to gain the remiander of the XP.


Grinding Charr is not completely fruitless because the Charr Salvage Kits sell for around 5k and the Charr Bags sell for between 800-1,000g. Minor runes are also in high demand and the bosses drop lots of those so you can expect to have enough cash to buy a 15k armour when you eventually leave pre.

Sorry for reiterating lots of the OP. I just wanted to provide an abridged version - not hijack.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Kemi, Finland.

Pirates of the Searing [YoHo]


Moving charr patrols, but not running ones. They have to walk in order to get proper aggro.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2007


Originally Posted by holyjew888
there is, but are you willing to add on another 100+hours w/o being afk?

here is what you do:
instead of letting the moa death lvl off of you ''test'' the secondary ranger for skills to get charm animal, go charm an animal and make sure it is also lvl 16 when you try this. Instead of haveing the moa kill you get it to kill your animal, you cannot afk for this as you have to keep ressing the pet yourself.

GL WITH THIS...i would recomend going for LDoA and survivor, but if you do i will bow in your honor

you dont get xp from pets ftl, nice try tho :/



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


some dumb questions:

Do you get exp from choosing a secondary proffession?

And if so- is it worth it to choose the secondary proff for beter skills/dmg from pet?



WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

mm There was Way to get surv + Ldoa but not anymore.. Gaile confirmed that...

Lady Lozza

Lady Lozza

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005


Angel Sharks


A long time ago you used to res at the shrine even if your partner was still alive. I don't know when this changed though.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2007


i was thinking
how about death leveling with two ppl
the other one gets killed over and over
and when the pet is lvl 20 the other guy comes up and kills the pet
could be for survivor

Magical Samurai

Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Guards of the Gate


Originally Posted by N1ghtstalker
i was thinking
how about death leveling with two ppl
the other one gets killed over and over
and when the pet is lvl 20 the other guy comes up and kills the pet
could be for survivor
Both would need to be dead for either to res at a shrine, and the only res in Pre is Res Signet.

-Magical Samurai



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2007


Originally Posted by Magical Samurai
Both would need to be dead for either to res at a shrine, and the only res in Pre is Res Signet.

-Magical Samurai
even for a monk you cant have resurrect?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

Rebel Rising [rawr]


Originally Posted by N1ghtstalker
even for a monk you cant have resurrect?

12 chars.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2007


Children of Bayushi


Question for the masses -- inside the Catacombs just outside the Barradin Estate there are several Gargoyles standing very near the resurrection shrine. Wouldn't it make more sense to death-level a few of those instead of just one or maybe two Striders at a time in Lakeside County?

Sorry if this has been asked before, this is a long thread!

Edit: Bah, that's not a res shrine. I wonder how close you would spawn to the Gargoyles though ...



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007


nice thread, thanks for the tips, I just started a LDOA char -

Bear Strangler Mgee

cya in Ascalon



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2007



I won't read through all these posts cause i see a 51 so yea. However I just started this for the 2nd time(deleted my perma pre to remake it). If you do ur primary get ur skills then go over to lady althea and get the rogue bull to kill. That is easy way to get a good amount of exp at level one you get 168 kill bull zone abandon untill u get bored/stop getting exp


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2008

in a house

The Knitters Guild


WOW what a thread. I think that I will try and dl the birds cause I only need 1000 more xp for my lvl 17. I fyou say that you can do it in as little as 3 hours then kewl.

Villnar Shadowbane

Villnar Shadowbane

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2007


Ascalon Is That Way


Originally Posted by Pleikki
mm There was Way to get surv + Ldoa but not anymore.. Gaile confirmed that...
Yah there was 2 people who did it recently.. They used a monk tome and got hard res and used their secondary account to hard res them everytime from a safe distance.. It was confirmed by several pre-searing players..
But yet they will never be banned..
And yes the tomes were part of a guild hall glitch where players could travel from pre to the guild hall to obtain post items from the storage and then travel back.. (illegal and has been fixed**)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2008


I have a question about death-leveling...

Once the Charr hit your level, how do you fend off a super-group of equal-leveled Charr?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2007


After being ressurected at the shrine you are invulnarable for a few seconds - enough to kill at least one Charr.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Uk, Nr Earth

Alternate Evil Gamers [aeg]


Also because they can not do any damage to you for a few seconds it enables you to run behind the shrine and hide near the wall and kill them from there (if you are a caster)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2007


Three Syndicates [SOLO]


i thinks a ranger would look cool with this title but then again i think it will be hard for a ranger to get the title . BUT I WILL TRY!


kk when i get home i thinks ima make a ranger called . Bowz Are Leet Or summin along them lines



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2007

New England

Lunatic Legion


I have been lookin everywhere and can't find the answer for this.. so.. I've been trying out deathleveling on the moas outside Barradin Estate and the problem I'm finding is, only 1 moa will gain the exp from killing me. I've had up to 3 Moa and 1 Spider killing me but only 1 of them will lvl. .

Is this normal?