How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''
*updated* check the updates section at the bottom of the guide to see more specifically what was done
Ok, I am currently trying for this title atm, and I just can't seem to get it. Once I get over to the northlands, I CANNOT kill the charr on the other side, and they won't be pulled. I even tried to kill them after luring them away a little bit. I am a lvl 9 monk atm, and have most of my pts in smiting/healing. I'm guessing this is due to the update, so I am wondering if this title can still be accomplished?
amish lifeguard
Level up to around 12-14 doing the Charr at the Gate quest. Then go after the charr solo.
Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
Level up to around 12-14 doing the Charr at the Gate quest. Then go after the charr solo.

I'm level 13 and I'm sick and tired of soloing charr. Is it possible to start death leveling at 13 and is it profitable enough instead of just soloing them?
edit: nearly 14 now and getting there wasn't that bad. But is it possible to start death leveling at level 14 or is it too slow?
edit: nearly 14 now and getting there wasn't that bad. But is it possible to start death leveling at level 14 or is it too slow?
Bruce Leeroy
Id say it would be too slow to just DL at level 14. You should do the boss run then when you are ready to sleep/work go ahead and DL. It is way faster to get XP from the bosses to get to level 16 than wait 10 hours for 300-600xp.
Icy DS
It is impossible to solo with a monk at level 14.
Someone give me a bar and attributes.
Someone give me a bar and attributes.
a bar? hmm, add ALL the monk skills and fire storm.
Originally Posted by Icy DS
It is impossible to solo with a monk at level 14.
Someone give me a bar and attributes. |
either way if you arae having trouble soloing, chances are you wont have any better luck pulling, as you really gotta be able to take a few hits. just look back to the guide and use some of that commen sense inside that there noggin of yours. im sure its in there somewhere!
but on the topic of deathlvling/boss run combo
what i like to do i
A) Put together a d/l then finish off the bosses
or the opposite which is
B) take out a few groups(i usually only take 2 or 3 groups to d/l anyways) and finish the boss run and if i still have enough time before i run off to do w/e i will pull one group, still got more time? pull another group...etc
and for those that just dont ahve time to set up a complete charr d/l
pull 1 group, d/l it then kill it
repeat as time permits
force quit to reset your 12/24 hour timer
Icy DS
actually there are more than 8 skills in pre, and there are multiple secondarys, so yes there is such thing as a bar.
not really
its pretty basic common sense if it requires any at all
very few situations have more then 8 and if they do its like axe, hammer or swrod kind of thing
but on topic with the monk situation
just ask your self
do i need more heals to survive
or do i need to kill faster to survie?
its pretty basic common sense if it requires any at all
very few situations have more then 8 and if they do its like axe, hammer or swrod kind of thing
but on topic with the monk situation
just ask your self
do i need more heals to survive
or do i need to kill faster to survie?
Soloing with a monk? That's easy.
I've been soloing charr since level 10 on my monk.
Take a pet, that will make shamans unable to cast heal area in some occasions. Soloing with a monk is slow, except against melee creatures. You can symbol of wrath them in five seconds.
Just use the walls, get melees first, then shaman, chaot, ashen claw, hunters.
If you are facing just one or two enemies, just run in the middle of them and symbol or wrath them to death. Unless they are hunters, because they have huge dps against them.
My bar is:
Banish - Bane Signet - Symbol or Wrath - Orison of healing - Healing breeze - Comfort Animal - Charm animal.
Put all your points to Smiting, rest in healing.
I've been soloing charr since level 10 on my monk.
Take a pet, that will make shamans unable to cast heal area in some occasions. Soloing with a monk is slow, except against melee creatures. You can symbol of wrath them in five seconds.
Just use the walls, get melees first, then shaman, chaot, ashen claw, hunters.
If you are facing just one or two enemies, just run in the middle of them and symbol or wrath them to death. Unless they are hunters, because they have huge dps against them.
My bar is:
Banish - Bane Signet - Symbol or Wrath - Orison of healing - Healing breeze - Comfort Animal - Charm animal.
Put all your points to Smiting, rest in healing.
Icy DS
Actually there are more ways than one to set up a character in pre. Not to mention the 5 different secondarys you can choose from. Some things have worked for some people, others have worked for others.
So yes, there is room for change. Keep trying though, i'm sure soon you will come up with a statement that makes sense and has some truth.
So yes, there is room for change. Keep trying though, i'm sure soon you will come up with a statement that makes sense and has some truth.
Bruce Leeroy
As a monk, I would probably use a pet and Ben.
I know this has been answered before, but up to where i read on this forum (page 11) nothing has helped me, so here it goes: so i have tried to test death lvl,( i'm lvl 8) but when ever i die the striders/ spiders always walk away from the rez shrine, so im really confused as to how i am supposed to death lvl while i sleep or something, because i dont want to have to re-agro the animals EVERY TIME!----im sorry if this is a repost- but i dont want to got through 50 pages on posts to find the answer. (sorry if for some reason you think that is selfish of me)
Vagrant Is Leet
Vagrant Is Leet
well since you are Dlvling on the striders.....
keep rezoning into barradin until you see at least 3 red dots close enough to the shrine that if you stand on the shrine they will all be in your aggro bubble. When you make them all hostile and they kill you they will stay in your aggro bubble so when you res they come right back.
To sum it up. They have to stay in your aggro bubble to re-aggro or be very close to it.
keep rezoning into barradin until you see at least 3 red dots close enough to the shrine that if you stand on the shrine they will all be in your aggro bubble. When you make them all hostile and they kill you they will stay in your aggro bubble so when you res they come right back.
To sum it up. They have to stay in your aggro bubble to re-aggro or be very close to it.
In addition to what Covah said about dl'ing outside Barradin's I would add that if you bring a pet you can aggro one more a little further away. Just attack that one first and after the pet gets a swing or two in set the pet to heel mode. After you attack the others and are setup at the shrine when you die that enemy will attack the pet rather than run away.
Excellent Guide!
I am taking the plunge, IGN: Draceena Is Leet (Mesmer)
Now at Level 8 and running with Rurick. I found I spent more time than suggested with the Elementalist (at the big tower) nuking the Icy dudes just for the drops.
I am taking the plunge, IGN: Draceena Is Leet (Mesmer)
Now at Level 8 and running with Rurick. I found I spent more time than suggested with the Elementalist (at the big tower) nuking the Icy dudes just for the drops.
Bill Ravenwood
OMFG i like this guide alot
im goin to try it
GG dude
im goin to try it
GG dude
The Legg
omg I'm so excited, only 1.5k more exp to go. Should have it by the end of the week.
so far:
E/Mo lvl 8
not sure if picking my secondary this early was bad or not, but I can almost solo the charr.
E/Mo lvl 8
not sure if picking my secondary this early was bad or not, but I can almost solo the charr.
Sorry for barging into the topic at this later stage...
was just wondering if there's any class/class combo more suited to reach this title?
Thanks in advance!

Thanks in advance!
Level 15 and started deathleveling...omg sigh
God Apprentice
Originally Posted by Icy DS
It is impossible to solo with a monk at level 14.
Someone give me a bar and attributes. |
That and I pretty much solo'd Charr quite a bit with my monk. (Level 16 current)
The Legg
Woot, got it done in 755 hours.
Great guide, thanks so much. Now to finish the mesmser off lol
Great guide, thanks so much. Now to finish the mesmser off lol
Originally Posted by The Legg
Woot, got it done in 755 hours.
Great guide, thanks so much. Now to finish the mesmser off lol |
Originally Posted by The Legg
Woot, got it done in 755 hours.
Great guide, thanks so much. Now to finish the mesmser off lol |
you gonna stick around in pre or head on out?
The Legg
No man, already done nightfall campaign, two more to go, then will hit hard mode
My thanks also to the great guides on the forums, I made Defender yesterday.

Just curious, how am I a defender if I deathlevel at the Charrs. And this can only be done by luring enough Charrs to kill the Ascalon Guards and Monk... What kind of a "defender" of Ascalon am I?
Aw well I have no regrets

Just curious, how am I a defender if I deathlevel at the Charrs. And this can only be done by luring enough Charrs to kill the Ascalon Guards and Monk... What kind of a "defender" of Ascalon am I?

Aw well I have no regrets

Originally Posted by NexceveN
My thanks also to the great guides on the forums, I made Defender yesterday.
![]() Just curious, how am I a defender if I deathlevel at the Charrs. And this can only be done by luring enough Charrs to kill the Ascalon Guards and Monk... What kind of a "defender" of Ascalon am I? ![]() Aw well I have no regrets ![]() |
knowing my guide has inspired so many, it makes me happy...if only it could inspire me! (still lvl 16 lol), i drifted off and am working on drunkard old school way(no zoneing) in post on my new character(also a male mesmer) Drunken Leprechaun
fun stuff
started today and am at 48 MINUTES lol
p.s. i do accept donations of ale, firewater, or any other alcoholic beverage, but i will BEG for some free donations of spiked eggnog(makes things so much easier...
Soon to be joing in and starting a perma pre-searing character of my own and hoping to go for legendary defender of ascalon... Keep you posted...
Congrats to all who have had the patience and succeeded...
Congrats to all who have had the patience and succeeded...
E/- (Mo temp so far) Level 5 - Legendary Midnight - Will bring him out eventually if there is a "Hall of Monuments" bonus for the title =)
I have a warrior that I'm trying to bring up. Now that I can have a max damage sword fron the GW:EN pre-pack it should go better.
people actually do this, feel free to step out of your moms basement and see the sun again seriously.
Originally Posted by populationcontrol
people actually do this, feel free to step out of your moms basement and see the sun again seriously.
Originally Posted by populationcontrol
people actually do this, feel free to step out of your moms basement and see the sun again seriously.
Originally Posted by T1Cybernetic
Soon to be joing in and starting a perma pre-searing character of my own and hoping to go for legendary defender of ascalon... Keep you posted...
"EDIT" Congrats to all who have had the patience and succeeded... |
I've been thinking of making a seperate thread to get some people together who need help kind of a LDoA pug thread

amish lifeguard
Or go to
Originally Posted by populationcontrol
people actually do this, feel free to step out of your moms basement and see the sun again seriously.