How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''
You can now use your pet to speed up the deathlevel process, if you set it on 'heel' it wont attack, thus providing free xp for the charr.
Yunas Ele
Jaher Dal
Awesome, congratulations!
I just recently picked up Prophecies, and started a character there yesterday, I think I may try to get this title as well.
Ascalon is a very cool place.
I just recently picked up Prophecies, and started a character there yesterday, I think I may try to get this title as well.
Ascalon is a very cool place.
Congrats Yunas.
k, just did a major overhaul of corrections on the guide
Just for the record.... a few notes regarding the Strider (Moa) method of death-levelling.... for the exceptionally lazy....
Having a pet now makes it a LOT easier.
The method is quite simple: Attack a strider once... and set it as the pet's target for ONE attack, so it focuses on both of you... then set the pet to heel.
Repeat the process with all striders in the area (and heck, I even got one of the Skale Broodcallers in on the act)... and drag them all back to the shrine.
They should all pay favourable attention to the player character until said character is dead.... and then they will promptly start attacking the pet.
Provided the pet is Hearty... (and provided you don't have an ubermob of doom there), the pet should survive long enough for you to resurrect... and even regain its health back to full before the Striders and whatnot kill you... thus giving them NO reason to wander away.
Thus a perfect set-up is no longer needed any more. I mean occasionally one might wander off after a long time, or after inconveniently killing the pet... but it generally doesn't happen (the Skale Broodcaller was another matter though, as it left after about 12 kills).
That said... I'm a convert to the Charr way of doing things....
But just in case anyone else feels lazy.... pets are now the way to go.
Having a pet now makes it a LOT easier.
The method is quite simple: Attack a strider once... and set it as the pet's target for ONE attack, so it focuses on both of you... then set the pet to heel.
Repeat the process with all striders in the area (and heck, I even got one of the Skale Broodcallers in on the act)... and drag them all back to the shrine.
They should all pay favourable attention to the player character until said character is dead.... and then they will promptly start attacking the pet.
Provided the pet is Hearty... (and provided you don't have an ubermob of doom there), the pet should survive long enough for you to resurrect... and even regain its health back to full before the Striders and whatnot kill you... thus giving them NO reason to wander away.
Thus a perfect set-up is no longer needed any more. I mean occasionally one might wander off after a long time, or after inconveniently killing the pet... but it generally doesn't happen (the Skale Broodcaller was another matter though, as it left after about 12 kills).
That said... I'm a convert to the Charr way of doing things....
But just in case anyone else feels lazy.... pets are now the way to go.
Dont bother with the birds. You can level with 15 Charr at the res shrine all at once. I am level 18 now in the last leg.
to prevent the auto logout position your mouse cursor over the area where the charr are so that when you res the popup shows up for the charr names. This keeps you active. You dont need more than 24 hours to level the group up.
Pull as many of the 6 groups to the shrine as you can .
Get them all in your agg circle
Kill all the Shamans
Put your Pet on Heel
Remove your armor
wait 8 hours
kill any leveled Charr
Wait 8 hours and repeat.
I am getting around 500- 800xp each time I Death level. It takes many Days to complete this.
If you really cant get how to pull the charr and are level 16+ look for me online. character:Mylohria Of Ansador
to prevent the auto logout position your mouse cursor over the area where the charr are so that when you res the popup shows up for the charr names. This keeps you active. You dont need more than 24 hours to level the group up.
Pull as many of the 6 groups to the shrine as you can .
Get them all in your agg circle
Kill all the Shamans
Put your Pet on Heel
Remove your armor
wait 8 hours
kill any leveled Charr
Wait 8 hours and repeat.
I am getting around 500- 800xp each time I Death level. It takes many Days to complete this.
If you really cant get how to pull the charr and are level 16+ look for me online. character:Mylohria Of Ansador
Meh... I only toy with the birds if I absolutely can't get anyone to open the gate for me... which isn't often... but it does happen.
It is true though. The pet used to be a liability... but now it makes many things much easier.
Admittedly, trying to lure Charr with the pet in tow (even on heel) can be a real pain in the arse as he always lags a bit behind and brings the runners to a halt, which is why I usually send him to his doom first.....
But of course there are the following matters:
#1. More XP for the Charr.
#2. An extra entity alive for longer while trying to squish Charr together into one group for pancaking (helping them converge better).
#3. Distraction after death, keeping the Charr from regaining their health or running anywhere.
#4. Mark of Pain from the Ashen Claws... This makes a HUGE difference with a few melee Charr around.
I've got pretty good at it already.
I mean I've resorted to Death-Levelling already despite being only level 14. It is much less hassle this way than doing repetitive boss-runs all evening.
Plus of course there is the little "Ctrl+Alt+Delete > End Process > Restart GW" trick to avoid the logout errors..... just to ensure that ALL the Charr get levelled right up. ^_^
It is true though. The pet used to be a liability... but now it makes many things much easier.
Admittedly, trying to lure Charr with the pet in tow (even on heel) can be a real pain in the arse as he always lags a bit behind and brings the runners to a halt, which is why I usually send him to his doom first.....
But of course there are the following matters:
#1. More XP for the Charr.
#2. An extra entity alive for longer while trying to squish Charr together into one group for pancaking (helping them converge better).
#3. Distraction after death, keeping the Charr from regaining their health or running anywhere.
#4. Mark of Pain from the Ashen Claws... This makes a HUGE difference with a few melee Charr around.
I've got pretty good at it already.
I mean I've resorted to Death-Levelling already despite being only level 14. It is much less hassle this way than doing repetitive boss-runs all evening.
Plus of course there is the little "Ctrl+Alt+Delete > End Process > Restart GW" trick to avoid the logout errors..... just to ensure that ALL the Charr get levelled right up. ^_^
Is it just me or did today's update make charr soloing harder?
No 'idle casters', I can't use the walls, they keep following me or kiting, and I keep constantly dying. It wasn't like this pre-update.
No 'idle casters', I can't use the walls, they keep following me or kiting, and I keep constantly dying. It wasn't like this pre-update.
Teh [prefession]-zorz
well yesterday i saw 3 LDoA, which i would think would be a rare siteing haha, but yeah, i gave up after lvl 13 props to those who stuck it through
Sir Vengence VI
Originally Posted by Dreikki
Is it just me or did today's update make charr soloing harder?
No 'idle casters', I can't use the walls, they keep following me or kiting, and I keep constantly dying. It wasn't like this pre-update. |
same has happened to me
amish lifeguard
stfu. you're obviously blind to how easy this is. RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing ignorant noob, I hate people like you.
Bruce Leeroy
Ive noticed the AI is acting a little different when pulling charr. I still can pull as many groups as needed. Also, I used to be able to turn my monitor off while sleeping. Now, it seems to log me off so I just leave my monitor on. Im at level 17.96% so Im almost there. Just a few weeks to go.
The initial killing has become easier since the shaman no longer run when I swing my hammer at them.
I have the impression the luring takes longer (they don't follow as far as before) but that just might be because I'm getting bored of it.
I have the impression the luring takes longer (they don't follow as far as before) but that just might be because I'm getting bored of it.
I had got totally used to drawing groups of Charr to the res-shrine.... and then last Thursday the last shaman I had to kill before the set-up was totally ready kited out the exit and ruined everything. I haven't even bothered since... it annoyed me that much.... (and I've had chronic lag since Friday and been unable to play without a ping average of 5000).
have to ask big favour...
My connection is the worst on planet... i can't endure in Dl if i don't watch the screen or i have the sound on and i listen charr attacking -_-
i need some help becous ei really love this title...
i need a liv 20/19 that will do Dl with me. or i will never have this title...
i can pay for every level i get and a present at lv 19. but please help me.
If u need feedback about this i can give u link to an aucntions about 585 ecto on an italian forum that i win and payed last week... plz contact me
IGN Oni Claire
My connection is the worst on planet... i can't endure in Dl if i don't watch the screen or i have the sound on and i listen charr attacking -_-
i need some help becous ei really love this title...
i need a liv 20/19 that will do Dl with me. or i will never have this title...
i can pay for every level i get and a present at lv 19. but please help me.
If u need feedback about this i can give u link to an aucntions about 585 ecto on an italian forum that i win and payed last week... plz contact me
IGN Oni Claire
Originally Posted by Oni-Claire
have to ask big favour...
My connection is the worst on planet... i can't endure in Dl if i don't watch the screen or i have the sound on and i listen charr attacking -_- i need some help becous ei really love this title... i need a liv 20/19 that will do Dl with me. or i will never have this title... i can pay for every level i get and a present at lv 19. but please help me. If u need feedback about this i can give u link to an aucntions about 585 ecto on an italian forum that i win and payed last week... plz contact me IGN Oni Claire |
Then again, I suppose you're after someone who'd be able to help you death-level them faster without taking any of the XP themselves.... right?
Yeah you are right. i did with a friend a DL he was lv 20 it takes 4 hour to make charr become lv 19 i was near the pc in that time.
I will need someone that help me makeing Dl faster and then leave when i need to kill and for this i will pay something like ?100k? every level and a present when i reach lv 19 ? gold cristalline? just tell me if u can help. or i will never get this title :|
I will need someone that help me makeing Dl faster and then leave when i need to kill and for this i will pay something like ?100k? every level and a present when i reach lv 19 ? gold cristalline? just tell me if u can help. or i will never get this title :|
Mm'hmm... the main issue is that I need to DL too.
However... if I reach LDoA before you, I'll let you know and come help you out.
However... if I reach LDoA before you, I'll let you know and come help you out.
Exterminate all
OMG THANK YOU FOR THIS GUIDE! I have been wanting to get this title and needed a great guide... now i know!!! Thanks man you must of spent a long time. Im going for the title on my spare spare time... on my spare time vanquisher here i come baby!
if someone lv 20/19 wanna help em contact me i will pay 100k every lv until 19 and at lv 19 a gold perfect cristalline sword perfect doesn't mean 15^50 but maxed % but still perfect is if interested pm Oni Claire.
no one can help Me?
It ain't that easy.
play nice children
Well, This is a pain, Moa Birds just don't hang around the shrine. I can get one to stay at the shrine. Basically wha tI do is sic my pet on all of them. This gets tehm pissed at pet too so they attack teh pet while ur dead, keping them in your aggro bubble. But I am having 1 proble. The birds run away when you rez, cept one, because its too far out of their aggro range. Ne ideas on this.
amish lifeguard
Then don't use moas, use Charr.
Icy DS
I know someone who got this title in a week.
I know someone who wants you to get him here and tell us how it's done.
I also know another person who thinks you're lying.
I also know another person who thinks you're lying.
Bruce Leeroy
Originally Posted by Icy DS
I know someone who got this title in a week.
proof? screenshot with /age maybe.
I know someone who thinks that is pure BS.

Teh [prefession]-zorz
Originally Posted by Icy DS
I know someone who got this title in a week.
Gildor Took
sorry if its been posted early but is their a guide to charr death lvling?
im going to give this a try my IGN is Ghost is Leet
im going for this title with my necro hes now lvl 8 with max armour .. thanks for the guide but im afraid i have not kept the leet tradition going cause i have to keep my own tradition of having "i dare you to (a word that refers to the character proffesion)" sorry.
amish lifeguard
Gildor, go to and look at their guides, they've got one there.
Well this guide worked for me for the most part. I am guessing that the EXP amounts from quests has changed or that exp needed for levels has changed. The reason is that I save all quests for last except as noted in this guide and I ended up with 3500 exp still needed. I am curently level 19/70%.
Back to death leaveling. I will be back in about 2-3 days with a screen of my success. Overall this guide has been VERY helpful.
I started out going for this title with about 6 other guildies. I am the only survivor still doing it.
That is the way it should be I guess. As far as I can tell this is the rarest title in the game. I have NEVER seen someone wearing this title in Post. In my opinion it is the hardest due to the "boring factor" as well as the error 059 let downs that can be very discouraging.
You pretty much stop playing the game for a few months. Yet you have to keep an eye on it often. And once you get the one gives you a free cookie.
You just get a title.
My IGN is Legendary Faz Man
And ya to whoever said it can be done in 2 weeks.....pfft!
Back to death leaveling. I will be back in about 2-3 days with a screen of my success. Overall this guide has been VERY helpful.
I started out going for this title with about 6 other guildies. I am the only survivor still doing it.

My IGN is Legendary Faz Man
And ya to whoever said it can be done in 2 weeks.....pfft!
Bruce Leeroy
@ Belbadon - grats you are almost there.
I almost posted the same question. Is 19+250xp valid? I am at 19.66% with a few more quests left. It seems I will be about 3k short as well. No biggie, its just a few more nights of DL'ing anyhow.
Good guide. Worked like a charm.
I almost posted the same question. Is 19+250xp valid? I am at 19.66% with a few more quests left. It seems I will be about 3k short as well. No biggie, its just a few more nights of DL'ing anyhow.
Good guide. Worked like a charm.
Originally Posted by Bruce Leeroy
@ Belbadon - grats you are almost there.
I almost posted the same question. Is 19+250xp valid? I am at 19.66% with a few more quests left. It seems I will be about 3k short as well. No biggie, its just a few more nights of DL'ing anyhow. Good guide. Worked like a charm. |
I'm still loking for some help. if someone at lv 20 can dl with me then exit so i can get exp would be great bexouse my conn is so bad
alone i can make only small Dl of about 300/500 exp :| i someone can help me my ign is Oni Claire i can pay lot of k every lv i gain and something special if i can reach the title. pm for more info on the k and the special

Originally Posted by Belbadon
Grats back atcha Bruce. Well now I know it is not just me. I think this goes to confirm that the exp needed is a bit outdated. It would seem that you need more along the lines of 19+3500exp before doing quests.
ty for the info guys