How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005


The Suicide Bunnies [SB]


Ok.. Has there been a change to the death-leveling thing, or am I doing something wrong?
I've aggroed 2 Striders and 1 Moss Spider (all lvl 1 at start) and they've hacked me to death around 30 times..
The Moss Spider is now lvl 6, and the Striders are still lvl 1?!
They all maintain aggro, but only the Spider seems to get xp.. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? *cries*



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Jul 2005

The Eyes of Texas [BEVO]


Honestly, this thread has gotten WAY too big to become useful, other than the first page (or two) of posts. Is there any way we can lock this thread and create a new one with the relevant facts?

For example, I simply wanted to find where in this thread there were recommendations as to what combinations of primary professions and secondary professions were ideal, based on the minimum seven skills that will be taught.

I gave up on page 15 of 59.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by cazzure
i am curious about the death leveling with charr vs. death leveling with moas or other animals. Does anyone have a calculation for it? I am not that familiar with the difference.
The difference is quite significant. Charrs level in groups, so a group of 4 charrs will level at the same time, whilst with moas you'll have only one. Not to forget you can delevel several charr groups at once, while you can only delevel one moa/spider at the time (only one will level, even if 2-3 are killing you)

Also, a clarification. Everytime i wish to respawn monsters over the wall, i would need someone to open the gate for me? Every single time i re-run?
Yes, it's tiresome, I know.

Is anyone currently aiming for this title? Anyone i can ask trainee-ish questions from? (just in case, i usually try to do it myself first before asking anyway... that and seeing the same enemies again and again gets to you... you start looking for someone to chat with. XD) X_X;;
There is some people going for the title yes, you can find them, along with the answers to your questions on the link provided by River on the last page.


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2007

mmm. wow. open gates every run. >__< so it is a full-blown grind. so it will take a month or two. :/ oh well.

if anyone else trying for it is on, you can pm me. Anoielle Lunecoeur. XD

Beld the Savage

Beld the Savage

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Liars Cheats and Thieves [Liar]


I think most ppl underestimate the time and dedication that is involved!
Don't forget that once you start Death Leveling u will need to lure for around 30 min each day. And make sure u kill a group every 10 hours in order to get no disconnection.

And basicly it means u will do this every day for aproximately 3-4 months.
Ofcourse u could get it in 2 months but with events and other stuff ingame I doubt the majority is so fast.



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Avatars of Faith


Originally Posted by SinnersSeeker
Ok.. Has there been a change to the death-leveling thing, or am I doing something wrong?
I've aggroed 2 Striders and 1 Moss Spider (all lvl 1 at start) and they've hacked me to death around 30 times..
The Moss Spider is now lvl 6, and the Striders are still lvl 1?!
They all maintain aggro, but only the Spider seems to get xp.. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? *cries*
your doing nothing wrong...only one creature at a time will gain xp and level...i think it is your last aggro but not sure...could be first. The reason you want a spawn of 2 or more creatures is that they kill you faster and the one gaining xp gets it faster...once they max out or are at 5 levels above you, kill it and then the next one will start gaining xp....this is a much longer version of dl'ing than if you were to dl charr but a much easier set up. I dont know for sure but i believe the charr level in groups. say you lure 3 groups one group will level and then when that group is killed the next will level...once agian I am not sure about this but thats my this date i am only level 11 and am too low to dl charr so i am not an expert by anymeans. However I think it is explained in the op.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Press B noob

Small Gods[SmG]

The idea is that when you dl Charr Groups, one Charr from every one group you dl get levels (for one gruop - 1, for 2 - 2 and so on). So that`s the best way to do it



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Avatars of Faith


Originally Posted by kain_president
The idea is that when you dl Charr Groups, one Charr from every one group you dl get levels (for one gruop - 1, for 2 - 2 and so on). So that`s the best way to do it
I see. Thank you for clarifying. That makes more sense to me now.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


When Dlvling charr, they all lvl. Thats why people pick them over the moas or spiders.

Pure Disasta

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006

Originally Posted by kain_president
The idea is that when you dl Charr Groups, one Charr from every one group you dl get levels (for one gruop - 1, for 2 - 2 and so on). So that`s the best way to do it
Umm yeah no actually they lvl as a group the group that deals most damage will level.

David Lupin

David Lupin

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2007

The Getaway Special


Originally Posted by Jetdoc
Honestly, this thread has gotten WAY too big to become useful, other than the first page (or two) of posts. Is there any way we can lock this thread and create a new one with the relevant facts?

For example, I simply wanted to find where in this thread there were recommendations as to what combinations of primary professions and secondary professions were ideal, based on the minimum seven skills that will be taught.

I gave up on page 15 of 59.
I agree, It'd be nice to see a list of what professions and secondary professions are ideal + builds to run with them .



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005


The Suicide Bunnies [SB]


So.. I just need to figure out how I'm gonna kill lvl 20 Charr when it comes down to DL:ing seriously.. Wow.
I take it I'm supposed to kill the Shamans at lvl 7?

The Lightbringerer

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2007


thats one tough title :P everytime i hear ppl try to get it they quit before they even hit lvl 10 rofl


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


Just remade my char. Talbot Fenton lvl 11 Warrior Pm me anytime to go kill charr or open the gate


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Guardians Alliance [ALLY] now recruiting


seems as all you are doing good

i lead the guide off with how long it takes for a reason(btw, as a clarification even with cahrr d/l it takes a good 600 hours to achieve) and my lone request is that if you do not intend to devote endless amount of time to this title do not start, its cool to go to pre and have fun but there are limits, we are not ther to scam the noobs EVER, and i call out every person i see doing this, you are not there to scam period so dont, im shamed by some people that put leet in their name then go and screw around screwing over the fun that others are trying to achieve

Alterlvian Zanifaf

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Meek At The Tone

cant ya just go guild hall and alliance battle to level 20?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


GH glitch was fixed like 8 months ago.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2007

Bond of the Wolves Rebonded


u actually cant get survivor and ldoa, after ur pet is killed once, enemies stop getting exp from it


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006


Originally Posted by Gavvain
u actually cant get survivor and ldoa, after ur pet is killed once, enemies stop getting exp from it
Actually, I think it might be possible to get survivor and ldoa, by exploiting the session resume feature:

- a party of 2.
- one guy dlevels
- other guy (survivor) disconnects and reconnects shortly after that, rince repeat.

However this would be highly impractical, as well as dependant on a lot of facturs. Even if you re-join the game, the charr army could wipe you out in an instant probably.

Alternatively, this can be tried with 1 enemy at a time; safer as it would be, it would require even a more insane bunch of time.

Also, this is assuming that whenever one loses connection with the server, the dead party member will be resurrected as there's no active player in the world. If this doesn't happen, then screw this whole idea lol.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Netherlands, The

Bambis Dont Say [Meow]


Originally Posted by bouvrie
Actually, I think it might be possible to get survivor and ldoa, by exploiting the session resume feature:

- a party of 2.
- one guy dlevels
- other guy (survivor) disconnects and reconnects shortly after that, rince repeat.

However this would be highly impractical, as well as dependant on a lot of facturs. Even if you re-join the game, the charr army could wipe you out in an instant probably.

Alternatively, this can be tried with 1 enemy at a time; safer as it would be, it would require even a more insane bunch of time.

Also, this is assuming that whenever one loses connection with the server, the dead party member will be resurrected as there's no active player in the world. If this doesn't happen, then screw this whole idea lol.
This isn't possible, because when you lose connection to the server you're character still stays there, so your party member won't res, it's like you're just standing there AFK.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by bouvrie
Actually, I think it might be possible to get survivor and ldoa, by exploiting the session resume feature:

- a party of 2.
- one guy dlevels
- other guy (survivor) disconnects and reconnects shortly after that, rince repeat.

However this would be highly impractical, as well as dependant on a lot of facturs. Even if you re-join the game, the charr army could wipe you out in an instant probably.

Alternatively, this can be tried with 1 enemy at a time; safer as it would be, it would require even a more insane bunch of time.

Also, this is assuming that whenever one loses connection with the server, the dead party member will be resurrected as there's no active player in the world. If this doesn't happen, then screw this whole idea lol.
When you get disconnected, your character stays into the game for 10 minutes, without moving. So you can get killed during this period of time.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006


Originally Posted by KitsunE81
This isn't possible, because when you lose connection to the server you're character still stays there, so your party member won't res, it's like you're just standing there AFK.
I just witnessed this with a party member, and this is indeed the case. Too bad it won't work then.

Btw, if you lose communication with the server, can you still die during the disconnected time? That would suck for people going for Survivor: one glitch in your ISP's connection and the title would be ruined.

The Professor

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006


Gra Dilseacht Cairdeas [Gra]


Celtic Is Leet is my Ign im trying it on a warrior


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Sunny ol' Manchester

The Trumpet Blowers


Oh dear, I've started a trend - 6 of my guildies are trying for this title


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2007


Hi guys.

Started this title like 1 months ago and stop for one week. I am now level 13 with 60 % to lvl 14. I plan to hit lvl 16 by both killing lvl10 bosses while I'll be there and death leveling while at work or sleeping. When I was level 9 I used to go charr hunting with a level 15 friend so I can get xp very fast with charrs while he was only taking xp from bosses (I was staying far away when he was killing charr bosses so he could get 32xp). I can easily solo every charrs groups but it's really faster to kill charrs with 2 player so if any low level wants to come with me, I'd be glad. I just ask for not taking bosses xp.

Just pm me IG: Destiny of Kathy M13


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006


This is something that i havent tried yet but i think may work. Near ashford abbey there is a guy who gives a quest called the worm queen. he tells you to go to fadden something and get an egg. you get a quest from fadden to help him get eggs. now if you destroy the newly gotten eggs it says go to him to get the eggs. you get 250xp form the quest to get the eggs so you *may* be able to repeat it to fulfill the requiremant to get the eggs. I'm not quite sure yet si I'll have to test it.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Kemi, Finland.

Pirates of the Searing [YoHo]


Nah, some creeps drop those eggs too.

Peter Panic

Peter Panic

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007


Scars Meadows [SMS]


hey,im goin for the titletoo, give me a pm if ne1 wants to help out/kill stuff
IGN: Andrew Is Leet


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2007


Talking about pre searing, does anyone here have an expert salvage kit in Pre. I know that a bug (fixed now) allowed some players to get one in the past and I'm looking for someone that still have got one.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Kathy_DEBS
Talking about pre searing, does anyone here have an expert salvage kit in Pre. I know that a bug (fixed now) allowed some players to get one in the past and I'm looking for someone that still have got one.
My warrior just got a minor strength rune... still in armor of course... if only there was a legit way to use it...


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


Originally Posted by Kathy_DEBS
Talking about pre searing, does anyone here have an expert salvage kit in Pre. I know that a bug (fixed now) allowed some players to get one in the past and I'm looking for someone that still have got one.

If you are willing to pay 85k in pre or 350k post just for ONE salvage. There are a few people in pre with some uses left.


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2007

Marshlands of 'The Wilds'

Chese Eaters of America

hey would anyone be able to answer my question on death levelling.

At level 16 you need like 10k to level? or around that (off the top of my head)
so you waiting for hours to level up a pack of charr/moa birds to level 20, then you kill all three of them, doesnt that equate to like 600xp? I think theres something im not understanding, for instance, do the moa birds re-spawn after a bit (and are still level 20), or is there another way to get more exp from them.

Cheers anyone who can help


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006


Originally Posted by asp1988
you kill all three of them, doesnt that equate to like 600xp? I think theres something im not understanding, for instance, do the moa birds re-spawn after a bit (and are still level 20), or is there another way to get more exp from them.
Nope, you pretty much hit the nail right on it's head: deathleveling is tedious:

-Leveled enemies do not respawn when killed.
-You can't rezone and get the leveled enemies back instantly.
-Multiple groups of enemies do not gain the same amount of xp simultaneously.
-Leveling moa's/spiders/striders will only cause one of them to get leveled up, the others won't share xp.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Is there a new link for the Pre Searing forums? The old ones are down now.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Hell Lambs [HL]




Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2006

The Overacheivers [Club]


i let my mesma out of pre searing a couple of months ago even though he was my special character; that would of been perfect to use.
I decided to use a warrior instead as i dont have one yet, either that or ellimentalist. (only warrior i ever had was my pvp wammo which doesn't exist because of kick ass dervishes)

Nennius Excaliblade is currently lvl 8 or 9 i think, bloody boring title. I might go for drunkard aswell lol got 15 hunters ales so far.
just out of interest was it possible to get LDOA and survivor during that guild hall exploit? could u scimmage lvl back then


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2007

Marshlands of 'The Wilds'

Chese Eaters of America

Originally Posted by SmithyBen
I might go for drunkard aswell lol got 15 hunters ales so far.
nice, only 2985 ales to go!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2007



just made a new account special for this, i've tried DL on strider and it worked.
just need to get some more lvl's
got black dye drop to


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007



Originally Posted by holyjew888
there is, but are you willing to add on another 100+hours w/o being afk?

here is what you do:
instead of letting the moa death lvl off of you ''test'' the secondary ranger for skills to get charm animal, go charm an animal and make sure it is also lvl 16 when you try this. Instead of haveing the moa kill you get it to kill your animal, you cannot afk for this as you have to keep ressing the pet yourself.

GL WITH THIS...i would recomend going for LDoA and survivor, but if you do i will bow in your honor
actually not possible. the enemy will get the xp for only the first kill of the pet.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


Originally Posted by asp1988
nice, only 2985 ales to go!
Its 1000 ales for drunkard and 10000 for ale hound, where did you get 3000 from?