Originally Posted by Avarre
I've made about 80k this week selling inscriptions / weapon drops.

Originally Posted by Avarre
I've made about 80k this week selling inscriptions / weapon drops.
Zedd Kun
Originally Posted by Midnight Harmony
The only thing I do in Nightfall now that I've completed the story is chest hunt.
Originally Posted by reetkever
My henchies and heroes also attack the first target. I target priest, priest kites, I target elementalist, Koss first runs after the priest for 10 seconds, after that realizes that I clicked on the elementalist 10 times, and then comes back with 3 groups he aggroed.
Now you said it yourself. Wurm farm and UW isn't worth it. (Wurm farm gives about 6K per run, while 55HP monks only got 1K/500 gold per run, but I-monks were way faster). Team farming is not worth it. Even when solo-ing, the drops when using 55HP monk were rather lousy, now you only get 1/5th of these drops. Not to mention that IF you get lucky, you find a weapon with req 8 and 15^50, it's only worth 10K. (I used to be FRIGGIN happy with a gold 15^50. It was the best drop I could possibly imagine, it was just worth it to see 'Damage + 15% (While Health is Above 50%)' after Identifying the weapon. Now, it's nothing. There hasn't been 1 event yet where I could make good cash. -Double key drop/double chance on goldie from chest event came close, but that was back then, when chests were worth it and when actually enough monsters could be farmed to drop keys. For the rest, the events are ****. Triple green event. Wow, we now have a 0.0003% chance of getting a green instead of 0.0001%. But wait, there are 8 people in a party, so that percentage goes down... Ebaying gold is something I would never do, though. I don't farm for the gold only, I also farm for the farming. Farming itself is great fun in my opinion. The kicks of finding a good drop, and actually seeing the gold growing in your storage. Heck even games were made out of farming (Guild contests, first who gets *whatever* wins 10K or something like that.) But now all the stuff, chest running, farming, exploring, etc isn't fun anymore. The only thing left to do is doing the missions and quests.... 8 times. |
Originally Posted by keli
Isnt it better to see your own farming build works? I can farm almost all the bosses with ele... and can farm djinns.. Ye if you havent got luck or you dont do anything in the events its sure you wont get anything...
and yes i like farming too and the 3% drop rate means every 2nd killah give you a green the factions and prophecies 15 50 still worth more than the nightfall ones if you see a bot with wurm farm pls call me dont tell me the team farming in sorrows dont worth it... or the kaolin tea farming.. and i dont know why my heroes always attack that what i called |
Originally Posted by FireFox
Yay for killing the same thing over and over and over!
Originally Posted by FireFox
Hey farmers, its sounds like you want to play a repetitive game, WoW is always there. That entire game is based on farming.
Yay for killing the same thing over and over and over! |
Pudin Tame
Originally Posted by keli
I still play this game because of my friends, and guildies. (over one year)
And btw i still enjoy it. And i think who is bored that man hasnt got friends or something to play with, this game is not only for single play its for to play with other people. + Gw has got upgrades every months skill balances, new titles... And about the farm nerf, the 55 hp was too powerful and ebayers can run them in 50(000) computers to get real cash. And if you use your mind a little you can make another build to farm with. Yes its sadly that game where you have to think a little. If you dont want to think or play with friends go and play counterstrike or wow and these shit mmos... And yes there are many little bugs in that game too like the aggro. The key of this when a priest goes away is to change target and hit another npc. Is it really hard to think out or what? (sorry for the text mistakes, my english isnt perfect) |
Originally Posted by Hanharr
I dont know why you fan boys like to kiss Anets @$$. Admit that the game got boring and that's it...
Originally Posted by FireFox
Yay for killing the same thing over and over and over!
Gun Pierson
Originally Posted by FireFox
Hey farmers, its sounds like you want to play a repetitive game, WoW is always there. That entire game is based on farming.
Yay for killing the same thing over and over and over! |
Originally Posted by Gun Pierson
Hey wise guy, if I wanted to play WoW I would have started with it 2 years ago but I choose GW over it for many reasons. Also farming faction, sunspear and lightbringer points is not repetitive? Yay for another ignorant poster that comes in here with the WoW argument.
Zedd Kun
Originally Posted by Narutoscryed
The reason i want to hear if they are going to fix the ai or not is simple..
If they are not going to fix anything. then i will stop playing and give all my crap to some of my guildies that are going to keep going.. If they do say they are going to change some aspects of the ai.. i will stick around and see if the changes suit my fancy. I mean all i want to do is see if i should continue playing or not... I love this game.. but the ai is not changing then i am done.. and i need word of that before i make a decision Either way them saying somthing is better than them not saying anything at all.. i wish they would just say. no we wont change.. or yes we will change... Its not that hard to do.. and i feel its the least they could do seeings how some of the people here have purchased all three of the gw games. |
Omega X
Originally Posted by Zedd Kun
Ofcourse they took away farming, farming is fun! And Anet can't let anything be fun, cause thats unfair to ppl who dont farm...! -.-"
Originally Posted by Omega X
Guild Wars was never about farming. So the idea of farming was doomed from jump.
Amity and Truth
Omega X
Originally Posted by reetkever
So everything that Guild Wars isn't about is doomed from jump?
That means no farming, chest running, exploring, getting titles, having fun... Soon, everything that Guild Wars isn't about will be nerfed in the ground, cause we'll only be able to do quests and missions... and more quests and more missions... Wait... That just happened with the last update :O (btw what do you guys think, would the game improve again to less boring if the AI would be changed back to normal like it was before the update?) |
Shadowspawn X
Originally Posted by Amity and Truth
A bummer, it's a real bummer to see your desired update falling in priority and fading into nothingness.
"Yes, there will be an auction house coming with factions!" "Yes, there will be an auction house after factions!" Yes, there will be an auction house before nightfall! "Auction house? What auction house?" These sentences are not actual quotes. They're substitutes for all the promies and assurances we have got that faded into nothingness. Maybe one day someone important will realize that giving someone something makes him happier than taking things away. |
Originally Posted by reetkever
(btw what do you guys think, would the game improve again to less boring if the AI would be changed back to normal like it was before the update?)
Originally Posted by Amity and Truth
Well... in all honesty Guildwars is sort of like Communism with all it's strengthes and especially flaws. The fundamental flaw is that not everyone is the same but we're forced to be.
I wouldn't mind if it were just the skills to set them into a balance (for the sake of PVP), there is allways another skillset anyways. However the changes to other aspects of the game are killing my motivation especially as they give a somewhat random impression. One day you're playing fine and the next day everything is different - for the worse. But what really gets to me is total and utter failure to accept the existance of flaws. |
DL Lorre
Originally Posted by reetkever
(btw what do you guys think, would the game improve again to less boring if the AI would be changed back to normal like it was before the update?)
DL Lorre
Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
You will never see that update because Anet has never said there will be an acution house and in fact said they will not ever have one. They said there will be trade improvements but never an aution house. They said they dont work and they wont be adding one.
Originally Posted by DL Lorre
Odd since anet is related to bnet, An auction house type of thing seems to work very well in WoW (yeah my friend plays WoW)
Who is ArenaNet? ArenaNet is a wholly owned subsidiary of NCsoft Corporation, and was founded in March 2000 |
Gun Pierson
Originally Posted by lacasner
Just out of curiousity, and for the sake of the thread try to answer 100% honestly, was the no monthly fee the deciding factor?
Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
You will never see that update because Anet has never said there will be an acution house and in fact said they will not ever have one. They said there will be trade improvements but never an aution house. They said they dont work and they wont be adding one.
Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
(ANET) said (auction houses) dont work and they wont be adding one.
The Ernada
Originally Posted by The Ernada
C) A lot of you are asking the game to be something that it isn't. For instance, adding fishing and mining. Don't get me wrong, I think those are fun and cool, but that isn't GW and it just doesnt fit the game at all. It's like asking to add gold and economy into Starcraft.
Originally Posted by The Ernada
Please shoot me someone because I actually read through most of this thread. The impression I got was that the majority are farmers and tycoon type of people
Originally Posted by The Ernada
I won't make any judgements about that but seriously this is a game where equality and balance is a high priority. You knew that when you bought the game so I dont understand the anger I'm seeing.
Originally Posted by lacasner
Yes, but this would only be a temporary thing, at least for me. When I posted in this thread, and while posting it, I never said that the AI was the real reason what was boring me. To me, it is kinda the overall game in general. The fact that it is close ended beyond belief, that after I get FoW and collect my weapons the game is over. Ya, in other games it may be lvling to lvl infinity, or collecting the "uber" item, but at least it is something. Some insentive to continue. Here, it truly is like communism:
Existance of flaws, hmm.. I can't be sure to say that Guild Wars has flaws. No, one could argue it is fine, but it can be improved. Basically, I am asking for more endgame. Like maybe some life skills, yes FISHING AND MINING or something like that. Maybe something which didn't revolove around combat 110% all the time. For all you wannabe fanboys out here, and with your dumb remark "Go Play WoW!! GEEZ STFU U AR TEH DUMEST ARSEHOLE GET THE F UOT OF HEERE!! Tell me why. Why when Anet can simply add more concepts like these, without altering the basis of the game. Hell, I don't even care if these things have 0 money making potential. JUST SOME ENDGAME, please. Also, perhaps add a noninstanced area, one where people could come together to do these life skills. Then, if people got bored of that they could do a mission. Or a quest. Or train there heroes. Just some variety, that is all I ask. To me these Guild Wars chapters are like a car, they both have the same horsepower and brakeing ability but just have a different interior. Again, I am not asking to turn Guild Wars into something it isn't, all I want is for them to add some endgame stuff. Anet even acknoweledged themselves they are considering this idea, but I don't know what the hold up is. Simply, there is no negative aspect to this, so I don't see why they won't implament it. |
Originally Posted by The Ernada
this is a game where equality and balance is a high priority.
Originally Posted by lacasner
I didn't know Anet wanted to create a communist type game, did anyone else?
Originally Posted by The Ernada
this is a game where equality and balance is a high priority.
Originally Posted by lacasner
I didn't know Anet wanted to create a communist type game, did anyone else?
Originally Posted by Ninna
I dont call it "communist" but what Ernada posted is GW *biggest* appeal to me
as I posted before in this thread, plenty of in inequality in EverQuest and WoW - 2 games I quit in favor of GW |
Originally Posted by Deleet
Because the AIM of the game revoles around combat and the like, not around real-life skills. These skills are in the more stadized MMOs.
Anet could introduze them, but it would require time and effort, which indeed could be used on something far more useful. Like the Elite mission, balances, fixing bugs, etc. They are not going to implent stuff which requires a lot of time to do, if it doesn't fit the idealogy of the game to start with. All this leads us to, go play another game if you want reallife skills. |
Originally Posted by Ninna
I dont call it "communist" but what Ernada posted is GW *biggest* appeal to me
as I posted before in this thread, plenty of in inequality in EverQuest and WoW - 2 games I quit in favor of GW |