Recommended Update: Punish Rage Quitters In Ra
Half of the fun in RA is watching some wamo rage.
Half of the fun in RA is watching some wamo rage.
Originally Posted by Dalimoor_Kalkire
Say your error 7, lose power, computer crashses, freezes, automatic updates for Windows kicks you, wireless connection has a hiccup, the phone rings, the doorbell rings, something starts to burn in the oven, soup on the stove bowls over, video card dies, motherboard fries, monitor goes out, dog wants out, pizza guy is at the door, police are at the door, your kids need your help, wife needs your help, husband needs your help, baby is crying, smoke alarm goes off, wireless mouse runs out of batteries, wireless keyboard runs out of batteries, power surge to your computer hits, you fall alseep at the helm, forgot about your dentist oppointment, doctors visit, have to pick up kids from school, from sports, from extra curricular activities, house starts to flood, tornado is coming, hurricane is rising, or a stampeed of chickens leveled your home...yeah...don't think punishing people for leaving is fair. It's not always their fault. We don't know the circumstances.
Effendi Westland
All above reasons to leave would not be hurt by a 30 minute cooldown period, except maybe err=7, but anet can check if such an error occured, so...
Originally Posted by shardfenix
There are only 2 reasons to rage RA.
1: At least 2 other people rage first (3v4 is still easy to win) 2: Your internet blows up. There are zero other reasons to leave. By clicking enter mission you accept that you will be playing with mending wammos and touch rangers. If you don't like that, go to TA or PvE. /signed |
/signed to punishing ragequiters somehow
max gladius
The only arguments i see that someone wouldnot want some type of punishment are very lame... oh, power went out!, well 5 mins from then, i wouldnt be back in worrying about RA, i would be fixing problem!..... and if you can read my initial posting, alot of the comments dont even apply.... like saying RA is useless... then in my opinion ur opinion doesnt matter.....
I have gotten many many Glad points from teams with no monks... i have had many non monk teams own teams with 2 monks.... the comments about oh, noone will die if 2 on 2 monks is wrong, yes, it happens, but how hard would it be to take 2 mins of fighting then quitting?
i am mainly talking about ppl who leave as they load.... if u wait 1 or 2 mins, it isnt going to kill u, and if it does, then guess what, u can reenter!
I have gotten many many Glad points from teams with no monks... i have had many non monk teams own teams with 2 monks.... the comments about oh, noone will die if 2 on 2 monks is wrong, yes, it happens, but how hard would it be to take 2 mins of fighting then quitting?
i am mainly talking about ppl who leave as they load.... if u wait 1 or 2 mins, it isnt going to kill u, and if it does, then guess what, u can reenter!
Former Ruling
/Laugh at the people that take RA seriously....RA is a place for newbies in the game to wet their feet in PvP or for an advanced player to have alittle fun.
If someone doesn't like the fact that they are on a team with a Hamstorm Warrior, a Ranger that brought only nature rituals, and a pure-smiting monk...Sure I don't mind if they leave.
You should never go into RA expecting to get Glad Points (or even to get a competent team) - just be happy when it happens.
I myself use RA:
1) Like Skuld, to get that last few hundred faction to unlock something.
2) When noone is on and I'm totally bored so I monk to get a glad point or something
3) When I want to have alittle fun, so I roll up any number of weird silly builds and see how much mayhem I can cause.
(I personally love the Ranger that just casts Spirits, I love setting Nature's Renewel when we have 1-2 Whammos
If someone doesn't like the fact that they are on a team with a Hamstorm Warrior, a Ranger that brought only nature rituals, and a pure-smiting monk...Sure I don't mind if they leave.
You should never go into RA expecting to get Glad Points (or even to get a competent team) - just be happy when it happens.
I myself use RA:
1) Like Skuld, to get that last few hundred faction to unlock something.
2) When noone is on and I'm totally bored so I monk to get a glad point or something
3) When I want to have alittle fun, so I roll up any number of weird silly builds and see how much mayhem I can cause.
(I personally love the Ranger that just casts Spirits, I love setting Nature's Renewel when we have 1-2 Whammos

Guardian of the Light
you see some people have these things called "lives" which are activities outside GW. Sometimes they have to deal with some of the things in their "lives" that come up suddenly (like an angry wife). So they have to quit GW.
Most of the time these people with lives will already have enough crap to deal with if they have to leave and the last thing they need is something else to deal with.
you see some people have these things called "lives" which are activities outside GW. Sometimes they have to deal with some of the things in their "lives" that come up suddenly (like an angry wife). So they have to quit GW.
Most of the time these people with lives will already have enough crap to deal with if they have to leave and the last thing they need is something else to deal with.
Originally Posted by Guardian of the Light
you see some people have these things called "lives" which are activities outside GW. Sometimes they have to deal with some of the things in their "lives" that come up suddenly (like an angry wife). So they have to quit GW. |
Not A Fifty Five
Hehe lets keep bumping this, get the record for unsigned

Maybe they could make it so it was impossible to quit an RA except through err7 or closing the window? That would totally piss ragequitters off.
S h e r r y
oh noes billy rage quiteded and im not good enuff to take on 4 peeps wit my team of fwee. slap a wuler acwoss biwy's hand!
translation: oh darn Bill quit this round, and I have not the skills for three versus four. punish Bill.
further translation: dude. deal with it. no one cares.
translation: oh darn Bill quit this round, and I have not the skills for three versus four. punish Bill.
further translation: dude. deal with it. no one cares.
max gladius
Notice, the people saying "oh RA isnt serious, there shouldnt be a punishment"
to me they r saying that they rage quit, also they r saying that if they leave, they want right back in...
I know atleast 8 names from american districts, that always rage quit with no monk, they dont even see what team is, they just leave....
MY PERSONAL PUNISHMENT FOR THEM... i get my monk and... NO HEALING FOR THEM... love when they tell me i suck and cus me out... i would bet that atleast 3 of them have replied on this forum....
I have earned 31 glad points all from RA, and love every minute of it....
To some ppl it is serious, some people enjoy the challenge of random teams, not random number of teams...
Notice, the people saying "oh RA isnt serious, there shouldnt be a punishment"
to me they r saying that they rage quit, also they r saying that if they leave, they want right back in...
I know atleast 8 names from american districts, that always rage quit with no monk, they dont even see what team is, they just leave....
MY PERSONAL PUNISHMENT FOR THEM... i get my monk and... NO HEALING FOR THEM... love when they tell me i suck and cus me out... i would bet that atleast 3 of them have replied on this forum....
I have earned 31 glad points all from RA, and love every minute of it....
To some ppl it is serious, some people enjoy the challenge of random teams, not random number of teams...
Diddy bow
you WILL play. you WILL NOT leave. and you WONT have a break i dont care if your cats on fire. Guild Wars may be a game but if you DARE to defy us and leave we WILL delete your account.
you WILL play. you WILL NOT leave. and you WONT have a break i dont care if your cats on fire. Guild Wars may be a game but if you DARE to defy us and leave we WILL delete your account.
Zeddicus Tam
To those of you that are saying RA is useless, only for noobs, only for advanced players to laugh at people, etc., that isn't the point of this thread. Try reading the topic before trying to derail the thread or discourage an idea simply to fulfill your own agendas/limited points of view. RA certainly isn't useless, pointless, or only for noobs. It's a great place to test out builds and to test out your ability to adapt to completely random groups/builds. And sometimes it's fun to just get some quick faction with a random group of people. RA is a part of the game whether you like it or not. It does matter, even if it doesn't matter to you.
Now, on to the issue at hand. Leavers are becoming a really big problem in RA. Naturally you're going to encounter people that suck or do stupid things in RA, and there will be times when you have no chance of winning. That's a given. But people that leave before they see the team, how people play, or before the door even opens should be punished somehow.
I've seen the same people repeatedly leave before the door opens or within a few seconds after joining. Or I've seen people join and immediately kill themselves before the door opens. People that do these things should be punished somehow. There's no way that real life is interfering in these cases or 10-20 times in a row.
I'm all for a 5 to 10 minute cool down period if you leave before the door opens or leave before the timer reaches a certain time (30 seconds would probably work). 5 to 10 minutes would be enough time to discourage people from leaving so quickly but it wouldn't be so long that people wouldn't be able to play. If real life does interfere (children are fighting, your stove explodes, etc.), by the time you get back you'll be able to play again. I don't think something like this is unreasonable or unnecessary. The number of leavers is becoming excessive and is really hurting RA.
Now, on to the issue at hand. Leavers are becoming a really big problem in RA. Naturally you're going to encounter people that suck or do stupid things in RA, and there will be times when you have no chance of winning. That's a given. But people that leave before they see the team, how people play, or before the door even opens should be punished somehow.
I've seen the same people repeatedly leave before the door opens or within a few seconds after joining. Or I've seen people join and immediately kill themselves before the door opens. People that do these things should be punished somehow. There's no way that real life is interfering in these cases or 10-20 times in a row.
I'm all for a 5 to 10 minute cool down period if you leave before the door opens or leave before the timer reaches a certain time (30 seconds would probably work). 5 to 10 minutes would be enough time to discourage people from leaving so quickly but it wouldn't be so long that people wouldn't be able to play. If real life does interfere (children are fighting, your stove explodes, etc.), by the time you get back you'll be able to play again. I don't think something like this is unreasonable or unnecessary. The number of leavers is becoming excessive and is really hurting RA.
Chewbacca Defense
Originally Posted by Effendi Westland
All above reasons to leave would not be hurt by a 30 minute cooldown period, except maybe err=7, but anet can check if such an error occured, so...
/signed |
Anyway, this is a game and fun should be had. Not punishment. If you want to preven rage quitters, get a bunch of friends together and go to TA. If you really enjoy playing the game, then win or lose, it shouldn't matter.
Zeddicus Tam
Originally Posted by Chewbacca Defense
Anyway, this is a game and fun should be had. Not punishment. If you want to preven rage quitters, get a bunch of friends together and go to TA. If you really enjoy playing the game, then win or lose, it shouldn't matter.
max gladius
Originally Posted by Chewbacca Defense
/notsigned Anyway, this is a game and fun should be had. Not punishment. If you want to preven rage quitters, get a bunch of friends together and go to TA. If you really enjoy playing the game, then win or lose, it shouldn't matter. |
You made a very good point "this is a game and fun should be had. Not punishment."
Thats like saying, I was drinking and driving, cops pulled me over and ruined my fun....
You shouldn't have to go to TA, why else would there be RA? do you think the point of RA is to just leave your team???
*** Read Forum before you post! and don't come here looking to troll around the topic. Topic is very easy and to the point. ***
Originally Posted by Chewbacca Defense
What prevents a rage quitter from just pulling their network plug to fake an err=7. Doesn't solve anything.
/notsigned Anyway, this is a game and fun should be had. Not punishment. If you want to preven rage quitters, get a bunch of friends together and go to TA. If you really enjoy playing the game, then win or lose, it shouldn't matter. |
If there is a punishment of 2 mins for a quitter... this quitter would rather pull the plug? They'd have to re-establish the connection/relog in, right? That takes mmmmm ... approximately 2 minutes.
Perhaps faced with 2 mins of no entering RA--one way or another--a potential quitter would think twice about quitting for no legitimate reason.
Sort of offtopic, I've read threads about folks who can't get into HA teams, they get called noob, go back to RA. Then you have threads about folks who make a hobby of RA, ie enjoy it and want to make it better... and those who won't let them on their leet HA teams in a milliion years, saying RA is for noobs, your opinion doesn't matter.
Chewbacca Defense
Originally Posted by max gladius
You made a very good point "this is a game and fun should be had. Not punishment."
Thats like saying, I was drinking and driving, cops pulled me over and ruined my fun.... |
Drinking and Driving is not a game. That's a big difference. You're oversimplifying my example, which is ok because you are entitled to oversimplifying if you want.
But let me repeat. Drinking and Driving is not a game.
Guildwars on the other hand is a game. The seriousness of this is that when you log off, you are returned to reality in which your decisions will affect life.
Punishment in a game, will only affect the general gaming population negatively. I say that because I've worked at a game company that has punished users for doing something and seen a drop in profits due to that.
Whereas the opposite works great which is to promote not doing something.
Reward for not doing something > Punishing people for doing something
This applies in general to a gaming community and can be applied to larger things in life such as running a country and raising a family. Examples, would be promoting tax deductions for taking public transit in Canada versus outlawing of driving SUV's.
For the sake of younger people that may read this:
Guild Wars is not equal to Drinking and driving.
/signed for a penalty for rage-quitting. 2 minutes seems to not be so drastic. RA is quite fun, but if it takes three attempts to get into a match where the noob, glad point farming whammo doesn't rage, that kind of kills it. I've always loved RA. The randomness of the builds is hilarious. I think it should be improved though. Some of those teams don't seem too random... I've seen teams all from the same Guild, or all Rt spikers... That's just strange. /endrant
max gladius
Originally Posted by Chewbacca Defense
Sorry, but that's taking it out of context. I'm trying to say punishing people will not solve anything.
Guildwars on the other hand is a game. The seriousness of this is that when you log off, you are returned to reality in which your decisions will affect life. Punishment in a game, will only affect the general gaming population negatively. I say that because I've worked at a game company that has punished users for doing something and seen a drop in profits due to that. Whereas the opposite works great which is to promote not doing something. Reward for not doing something > Punishing people for doing something This applies in general to a gaming community and can be applied to larger things in life such as running a country and raising a family. Examples, would be promoting tax deductions for taking public transit in Canada versus outlawing of driving SUV's. For the sake of younger people that may read this: Guild Wars is not equal to Drinking and driving. |
How can you reward someone for doing what is expected and not doing what is wrong? ya, new title, i didnt quit 50 games in a row!!! go me... like saying you haven't been arrested this year, here is a check for 100$.....
My view is punish them, anet punishes scammers, real money for gw gold traders, ppl for using inappropriate names, harsh threatening language.
They punish people who affect the game economy and the game play of other players... is people who quit at start of RA not effecting other players?
And what are you saying? If we punish people for rage quitting or leaving at very start of match, that anet is going to loose money? i feel the opposite if anything.... for 1. If someone doesn't buy the next expansion cause all they did was quit in the arenas, and now they cant just quit in arenas on a new class of charicter... that person has got bigger issues, and 2. if anything, more ppl will be doing RAs, so anet will make more moeny cause that is 1 more thing ppl can do, without hassle of all the quiters...
And that is my point, what applies in real life can apply in gaming community... better example, steal a candy from store... not a big deal? why punish shoplifters then.... it was just 50 cents of the store owners money.... i mean really... just like u guys say... were only dealing with 1 or 2 mins of someones game time for each team of 3 cause of rage quitter and all... who cares if 1/4 or more games have rage quiters, its expected right? how bout, if all the stores just give out candy bars for free, that would fix the problem of ppl stealing them right?!? wow, what a concept, lets not punish the ppl causeing problems, lets give them an easier path, and jack up all the other prices in store... just like not punish them, make everyone else deal with it by suffering in other ways for their wrong doings...
Let me be the Devil's Advocate here.
Leaving is always perfectly fine.
A computer game is a completele free choice, you are not bound to play, because other people want you to. Your entertainment is the only reason to play. Besides, do you know how frustrating it is to run after a runner for 5 mins?
I don't know about you, you may have different goals than me, but when I play RA, it is for the main reason of either gaining faction for an unlock, winning, getting a gladiator point or any combination of beforementioned. Losing is in no way fun. Which brings many of us to the conclussion, leave, get a new team, a new chance for at least half-brained people.
Besides, if you're not playing to win, you shouldn't care whether I leave or not.
Leaving is always perfectly fine.
A computer game is a completele free choice, you are not bound to play, because other people want you to. Your entertainment is the only reason to play. Besides, do you know how frustrating it is to run after a runner for 5 mins?
I don't know about you, you may have different goals than me, but when I play RA, it is for the main reason of either gaining faction for an unlock, winning, getting a gladiator point or any combination of beforementioned. Losing is in no way fun. Which brings many of us to the conclussion, leave, get a new team, a new chance for at least half-brained people.
Besides, if you're not playing to win, you shouldn't care whether I leave or not.
How about you punish the Heal Party bots instead.
max gladius
^^ heal party bots do usually get punished in the long run when their account get locked or such
Simple... make it so they can't map out? So instead of raging, they might as well attempt. Otherwise they need to restart GW entirely. The people who wanna leave, leave. The people who rage... get pwned.
How about this suggestion, stop awarding gladiator points in RA. You can win many battles without a monk, even against a team with a monk, as well as having stuff like a mending wammo on your side, but a 10-point streak that way is unlikely. So when people farming glad points see that, they ragequit. The 10-point streaks in RA are largely the luck of getting a good build together anyway, doing that in TA is a better test of actual skill.
i hate the idea, it annoys the hell out of me when they leave but theres also many legitimate reasons to leave, and i dont see why i should be punished because one person on my team wants to run about the map for 15mins - 3 hours (yes.. 3 hours, i know someone who was that stubborn when met with a runner)
yea a lot of the reasons for leaving mean u wouldnt be playing for a while anyway but, say your in a match, no one has rez left and its blatently gonna end in a loss, why should u be stuck into watchin the whole thing instead of leaving?
yea a lot of the reasons for leaving mean u wouldnt be playing for a while anyway but, say your in a match, no one has rez left and its blatently gonna end in a loss, why should u be stuck into watchin the whole thing instead of leaving?
I dont see whats the problem in punshing for 5 minutes someone who left before gates open. wouldnt hurt anyone.
/not signed - freedom of choice, nuff said.
Punishing quiters has been suggested many times. Its not going to happen.....
max gladius
updated with poll.... plz read posting comment before replying
Jecht Scye
This morning I had not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4,.../catchbreath....but 5 groups in a row START with 3 people in it because some jerk decided that we:
A.) Didn't have a monk, therefore it's impossible to win right?(most of my glad points came from groups without monks in them btw.)
B.) Was trying to sync with one of their friends.
I enjoy playing RA for fun. I take it serious enough to want to win. What RA becomes when you're shorthanded for 5 GAMES IN A ROW, is not fun. You go to RA because it's known as RANDOM arenas. Don't go there if you're going to leave because the random team you've been dealt may potentially suck. Try them ffs. If you want an organized team, go to TA. That's what it's there for.
This morning I had not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4,.../catchbreath....but 5 groups in a row START with 3 people in it because some jerk decided that we:
A.) Didn't have a monk, therefore it's impossible to win right?(most of my glad points came from groups without monks in them btw.)
B.) Was trying to sync with one of their friends.
I enjoy playing RA for fun. I take it serious enough to want to win. What RA becomes when you're shorthanded for 5 GAMES IN A ROW, is not fun. You go to RA because it's known as RANDOM arenas. Don't go there if you're going to leave because the random team you've been dealt may potentially suck. Try them ffs. If you want an organized team, go to TA. That's what it's there for.
Cherng Butter
Originally Posted by Jecht Scye
This morning I had not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4,.../catchbreath....but 5 groups in a row START with 3 people in it because some jerk decided that we: A.) Didn't have a monk, therefore it's impossible to win right?(most of my glad points came from groups without monks in them btw.) B.) Was trying to sync with one of their friends. |
Realistically speaking, though, there is no viable way to punish leaving because, well sometimes, leaving is the right choice. I don't do it, I leave after the 1st round is over, but sometimes you have to. Except when there is a leaver before me, I just follow and start over when that happens.
On another note, I'm not entirely sure why RA is regarded as complete trash. I understand that 75% of the players are just bad, but there is a substantial number of good players that pose quite a challenge. Monking, playing warrior, never know what crazy stuff the other team is going to throw at you, and have to be ready for anything, which constitutes skill in my opinion.
EDIT: My opinion might be just because the 5 minute + battles are much more memorable, exciting, and worthwhile than plowing in 30 seconds.
Lady Kaz
I don't do much pvp, but I do understand how this could be a problem.
Ser Jaremy Ryker
I think that maybe we should be looking at this from another perspective – Motivation. Why do people play RA?
1) TA is empty and they want to pvp / They are having trouble getting into a group in TA / They just want to jump into battle quick
2) They are new players and just learning about pvp
3) They want to test out a build
4) They are farming ‘scrubs’ to unlock faction or farm glad-points
5) They are farming ‘scrubs’ to win to feel superior
6) They want to play and have fun (and unlock faction and get glads in the way intended)
There’s quit a few competing issues here, and I don’t think something as simple as imposing a penalty will work effectively for the reasons people have mentioned above. It might be that the best way to remove the problems in RA is, effectively, to remove RA.
Maybe there could be a way to combine TA and RA into just one arena. If you wanted to spend the time setting up your group you could use the party search or chat functions. If you just want to jump into battle, you hit a ‘Find a party for me’ button and enter battle with a random group (same as RA works). This could help solve issue #1.
To solve the other issues, perhaps, we could have three different ‘districts’, one for beginner (1), intermediate (2), and expert (3) level players. Each player would be assigned a proficiency score (based on faction, rank, glad-points or something). Any player could play in any district, however, a level 3 competing in the level 1 district would get less faction and no glad-points. Similarly, a level 1 competing in the level 2 district would get more faction (and be able to get glads).
I’m thinking the scoring for faction could be something to the effect of adding up the levels for your team vs. the other team, inverting the ratio and raising it to the power of 1.5 as a multiplier for faction gain (or something similar in principle). So for example, if we had two teams competing:
Team 1: L1, L1, L2, L2 T = 6
Team 2: L2, L2, L2, L2 T = 8
The multiplier for faction if Team 1 would be (8/6)^1.5 and for Team 2 would be (6/8)^1.5 (i.e. Team 1 would get ~150% and Team 2 would get ~65% of the faction they would have been entitled to). Additionally, you would be able to see the skill level of your team-mates (before and during a match) and of your opponents (maybe just the cumulative total so as not to point out a weak-link) during a match.
This would still make farming available if you want to compete with the ‘scrubs’ in lower level arenas, but, at the same time would promote players who try to challenge themselves by competing at higher levels (and improve their play). This could help solve the other issues in that new players would still have a place to begin, you could still field test builds, and farming ‘easy prey’ would not pay off as much.
Soemthing like this might be more effective...
1) TA is empty and they want to pvp / They are having trouble getting into a group in TA / They just want to jump into battle quick
2) They are new players and just learning about pvp
3) They want to test out a build
4) They are farming ‘scrubs’ to unlock faction or farm glad-points
5) They are farming ‘scrubs’ to win to feel superior
6) They want to play and have fun (and unlock faction and get glads in the way intended)
There’s quit a few competing issues here, and I don’t think something as simple as imposing a penalty will work effectively for the reasons people have mentioned above. It might be that the best way to remove the problems in RA is, effectively, to remove RA.
Maybe there could be a way to combine TA and RA into just one arena. If you wanted to spend the time setting up your group you could use the party search or chat functions. If you just want to jump into battle, you hit a ‘Find a party for me’ button and enter battle with a random group (same as RA works). This could help solve issue #1.
To solve the other issues, perhaps, we could have three different ‘districts’, one for beginner (1), intermediate (2), and expert (3) level players. Each player would be assigned a proficiency score (based on faction, rank, glad-points or something). Any player could play in any district, however, a level 3 competing in the level 1 district would get less faction and no glad-points. Similarly, a level 1 competing in the level 2 district would get more faction (and be able to get glads).
I’m thinking the scoring for faction could be something to the effect of adding up the levels for your team vs. the other team, inverting the ratio and raising it to the power of 1.5 as a multiplier for faction gain (or something similar in principle). So for example, if we had two teams competing:
Team 1: L1, L1, L2, L2 T = 6
Team 2: L2, L2, L2, L2 T = 8
The multiplier for faction if Team 1 would be (8/6)^1.5 and for Team 2 would be (6/8)^1.5 (i.e. Team 1 would get ~150% and Team 2 would get ~65% of the faction they would have been entitled to). Additionally, you would be able to see the skill level of your team-mates (before and during a match) and of your opponents (maybe just the cumulative total so as not to point out a weak-link) during a match.
This would still make farming available if you want to compete with the ‘scrubs’ in lower level arenas, but, at the same time would promote players who try to challenge themselves by competing at higher levels (and improve their play). This could help solve the other issues in that new players would still have a place to begin, you could still field test builds, and farming ‘easy prey’ would not pay off as much.
Soemthing like this might be more effective...
Jecht Scye
All I know is they have to think of something, because it's not fair to the people that actually want to play. 85% of the time I don't care if there are bad people on my team as long as they try to win. If I see a wammo with mending I get a chuckle, but I don't want him to leave before the match.
Maybe turning off the map option until 1 minute in the match would work. Whatever way you do it, I want to be able to play with a full team ffs.
Maybe turning off the map option until 1 minute in the match would work. Whatever way you do it, I want to be able to play with a full team ffs.
Imo RA is very big part of GW overall and has many regular players (made many friends there) but atm it needs somekinda way to prevent ragers from quitting before the fight starts, its not funny to load up the game only to see 3 grayed out names on your team, and if your whole team agrees that you have no chance you could simply /resign anyway (thats what I do when the team looks hopeless, but noone leaves).
I think if you leave before 30-60s has passed you hit a 2-5min cooling period before you can enter again.
This way if you do gotta leave to answer the door, put out the fire in kitchen, or go pick up ye kids from school, or answer that GvG call that never happens, it doest 'punish' you since the time it takes to finish all those takes more then the few minutes of 'Rage cooldown' you got when you left the game.
/Signed for somekinda punishment, altho taking away earned faction or glad points etc. aint a good way to do it, since it might hurt ppl with legimate reasons to leave.
I think if you leave before 30-60s has passed you hit a 2-5min cooling period before you can enter again.
This way if you do gotta leave to answer the door, put out the fire in kitchen, or go pick up ye kids from school, or answer that GvG call that never happens, it doest 'punish' you since the time it takes to finish all those takes more then the few minutes of 'Rage cooldown' you got when you left the game.
/Signed for somekinda punishment, altho taking away earned faction or glad points etc. aint a good way to do it, since it might hurt ppl with legimate reasons to leave.
I are areas that are...RANDOM!!!
I are areas that are...RANDOM!!!
Biggady Smalls
I find it funny, how lower lvl arenas don't have this problem, very few rage quitters there... yet the lvl 20 arenas do...
I had a guildy go 31 wins in a row from RA, and so many people say you never get gladiator points there, maybe they need to consider their builds...
I find it funny, how lower lvl arenas don't have this problem, very few rage quitters there... yet the lvl 20 arenas do...
I had a guildy go 31 wins in a row from RA, and so many people say you never get gladiator points there, maybe they need to consider their builds...
/Not signed rune of superior thisideasucks
The chance of people quitting is the chance you take when you play Random Arena. There are a helluva lot of reasons to quit in RA other than err7 - wouldn't you quit if you ended up on a team with three tanking A/Ws?
The chance of people quitting is the chance you take when you play Random Arena. There are a helluva lot of reasons to quit in RA other than err7 - wouldn't you quit if you ended up on a team with three tanking A/Ws?