130 HP Boss Farming Dervish
It wouldn't have made it there if it weren't for you, Etrik. Thanks to everyone that supports this build.
Originally Posted by Etrik
Quote: Originally Posted by Etrik And in 25 minutes in the Hidden City of Ahdashim I generally get 1 Vabbian key, 2k, 1 purp, 1 gold, alot of essences and purple/gold armors. Not to mention Jeweled Daggers that salvage to rubies/sapphires ^^. Damn...I will try this area again. Do you attack the Djini first or the Etherials? And it seems that when there is a Diamond Djini, it takes a long friggin time.
Sskai, Dragon's Birth. I'm not sure you can farm him with the mobs pounding on you, the ritualists use a spirit that does armor-ignoring damage [Destruction],....
Last time I ran this about 2 months ago, he was completely un-attached to the surrounding mobs. You hit him with a long-bow when he steps away from the main group. Sometimes you need to zone once or twice for him to be in the right position...but most of the time very easy to pull away.
Originally Posted by ogami_ito
Damn...I will try this area again. Do you attack the Djini first or the Etherials? And it seems that when there is a Diamond Djini, it takes a long friggin time.
Yeah, but this is a Dervish build. It's silly to compare it to Warrior solo farm builds. People who don't have a primary warrior can't run that warrior build, and people who don't have NF can't run this. Simple
Originally Posted by Etrik
The greens in Marga Coast aren't the best. But they're good, I guess. I'm gonna go farm Leilon some more for his hawt scythe. Me want..
That scythe i posted a pic of...awsome. Cool skin. And its the only green that does earth damage, so fairly valuable for Dervs who want to look cool while using Ebon Dust . I'm not selling mine though. Yesterday, I also got a green necro staff in Marga coast too. Thanks for this build!
Originally Posted by Oblivion117
I personally farm the crap out of the hekets in The Floodplain of Mahnkelon and a few of the bosses.
Boss list of the ones I have soloed in this area are: Terob Roundback Jerneh Nightbringer Robah Hardback Zelnehlun Fastfoot Buhon Icelord . Can you post a pic of your path and where the bosses are? justinbarnhill
i can't seem to get past those ^$*%&# mesmers on the way to kill fastfoot.... grrrrr
Originally Posted by ogami_ito
Quote: Originally Posted by ogami_ito Last time I ran this about 2 months ago, he was completely un-attached to the surrounding mobs. You hit him with a long-bow when he steps away from the main group. Sometimes you need to zone once or twice for him to be in the right position...but most of the time very easy to pull away. Nope, he wasn't, and I think still isn't. Btw, I know how to solo farm him, I've done it countless times with both my rit and my warrior. xD
Quote: Originally Posted by ogami_ito
That scythe i posted a pic of...awsome. Cool skin. And its the only green that does earth damage, so fairly valuable for Dervs who want to look cool while using Ebon Dust . I'm not selling mine though. Yesterday, I also got a green necro staff in Marga coast too. Thanks for this build!
Well it looks good. But it's not that useful. I want Leilon's Vow.. it's simply perfect.
That green (The Nightbringer) is the shiz tho.
That green (The Nightbringer) is the shiz tho.
Originally Posted by justinbarnhill
i can't seem to get past those ^$*%&# mesmers on the way to kill fastfoot.... grrrrr
What mesmers?? Quote:
Burning + 4 points of degen = 11 degen > you die with only 4 regen. Won't work. Slow and steady wins the race.