Originally Posted by HzzB
BTW, who need variable profession hero if you may easy switch heroes. What runes and armor this "variable hero" will have?
May be this hero would be useful at the starting area when you luck heroes, but not at the end game environment.
Accually, a variable hero will help at the end game enviroment, and any other enviroment for that matter.
Lets say you team up with one person. Both of you have every single hero and all of them are lvl 20. Lets also say you are both monks. You two decide to try to make a new build that no one has ever used. You come up with a build that requires 3 rangers, 2 warriors, 2 monks, and a mesmer. The problem is, since acolite jin is the only ranger hero, you can't do that build. Now if Razah was a variable hero, then you would be able to do that build.
Originally Posted by The Ernada
You have it backwards. Kiting is a PVP behaviour. Why do you think people hate the new A.I.?
But Thomas' comment was misdirected at this thread and obviously he didnt really read it.
No you have it wrong. People aren't complaining about the new A.I. because of the kiting. They are complaining because the enemies sometimes literally run away from their group (AKA "kite" away from their group), sometimes even off of the minimap, and heros and hencies sometimes accually chase them for a while, and then give up and come back with 3 new mobs chasing them. Now go to any endgame area in Nightfall and have that happen to you, and then say that you still like the AI "kiting" as much as it does. Oh, and in case your wondering, that did happen to me, in the endgame area, and at the very end of the second to last mission too.
Originally Posted by LifeInfusion
A Rit hero is nice, but when you finished all the "Above ground" stuff, it is kind of to late for it...
I think that they should've just made it obtainable via Kaineng City. It is not making sense that a Ritualist hero is ANYWHERE in the Nightfall campaign, since you can only make one in Factions. If anything, Razah should've been replaced by another Paragon or Dervish hero in Domain of Anguish seeing those are NF only.
I agree. Ritualist is a Factions only profession, therefore you should be able to get a Ritualsit hero in Cantha, not Elona.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
*Prophecies should give another mesmer.
*Factions should give the ritualist.
*Razah should be really variable
That's what I think it should probably. At least if Razah was a variable and there was another rit hero in Factions, then people wouldn't feel like they have to do the Elite mission just to get one of every profesion. Then it would be possible to get one of every single profession, so then the variable Razah would be the FOW armor version of heros, instead of a hero that isn't exactly where he should be.
Originally Posted by TheBaron82
There is another alternative, instead of making Razah easier to get, give us a new Rit hero in cantha.
If you haven't noticed, that is just about what many people here have been saying.
At first, I was just glad that I could get a Rit hero, but now that I think about it, I can't even get it for all my chars (assassin, which is one of my favorite classes), because I know that there are no henchies, so I can't do it with heros and henchies. That means I would have to join a group, but since by the time my assassin gets there, there will be cookie-cutter builds, and I doubt those builds will involve assassins, like usuall....