- Double the rate of drops of gemstones throughout all four regions of the Domain of Anguish. This is beyond the upcoming special weekend drop rate increase. The rate of gemstone drop will double on a permanent basis.
- Improve the quantity of some of the items obtained from the Coffer of Whispers. Now, it's important to note that the Coffer of Whispers is a bit of a game of chance, much like the locked chests throughout the game world. Therefore, there will be a wide variance in the items that you receive. Sometimes you'll feel like you've hit the jackpot; other times you'll find you have gotten a good item, but not a great one. We want to assure that you receive those occasional "jackpots" and that you get decent quantities of the good items in other occasions, so that you are properly rewarded for your interactions with the CoW. (Gotta love the new acronyms: I thought DoA was good, but CoW? Tasty!
- Adjust the cost of the Armbrace of Truth to be more reasonable. Instead of 25 gems of each type, the cost will be 15 gems of each type.
We are going to continue to monitor the Domain of Anguish. We want this to be the high-end are of the game, of course, and to retain its specialness and its challenge. It's an Elite area, obviously, and in truth we cannot say that it's intended even for the majority of players. But we certainly intend for it, while challenging, to also be a lot of fun! Please continue to share your thoughts and we'll be reading!